n (I J. J PACE TWO WJn4ay, Juim. THE D.-vILt NtvTS i2j New s and Views In The World of Sport Jack Stratbdee, the very able. -wlnUr (porta director -at' tieCba-tsau Fronteaae, Ws friends will b pleased to learn, lc loslnr weight Jack run a inmntr camp at French Hirer ' In the fishing season and be took his present job for tbe reason that be wasted: 'to .rest and draw a salaxr atilba same time. When e te'tiaeto7refiet, and this la sUoni, he toryes for the easr Job of opertllne'a aip and bandits a. mwd of Indian cuioe. ?Hf fjnde no rest, for darter ere7 darUab bour there la sonetbujc Aoing on' the aW-bill, on the rink, on tbe slide and ft hundred people to provide with spora equipment and direction. Bet be keeps fit as they all da The air Is bracing and Inrtjorailng and there is lota of fun, ssssssssss SSSSSSSV H DISTILLED DISTILLED Ste. IPetronille In the group tabore one sees the director assisting Their' Ttx-callendes Lord .and I.ady Will-ingdon who haretjust come down the slide for tbe 'third tine. Tbe other group perhaps explains why he finds so much pleasure in his. work and why be has taken up skiing again. There is also a picture of his rink which shows how flu slide in the background drops down steely from tbe citadel. But take the other plrtnre. This will show you .Tark Strmth-df-e's most recrnt discovery. Bt- yend tbe dogs a&d -the terrace is a Htd of f. ice. Beyond that the Isle of OrVsas is a shadowy form. Mow to the left of the Island, Just above the laaip standard, great slabs-and chunks of crystal and op.io,; lt hurled themselves in a mass. cast- reefs of. glistening pinnacles to tbe tky In one gtorhms chaos sad screechingljr, groaning! y set tied down. Then tbe mayor of St Oregoire andthe mayor of Ste-Petronlle set" out. each armed with a small spruce cutting. They met somewhere la the centre of tbe river, solemnly shook hands, and the ice bridge was declared open. It was after that; that the carports director droTe over and, covered Ste- Petraoile lth Its. ski slopes and toboggan and showsboe prospects, and also the- Catale-m". TVs "Catalogue" 'hat a robbte stone fire place of catalogue about tbe floor and. as window drapes, the oddest old furnltare and eofcint bed-roonis and, a bote ail jsflendJd cuisine, f It Is less than one bovf trim Quebec and Is hatted as a treat discovery. ssssssH WHiTE " I I i VHAl AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND BLACK & WHITE" SCOTCH WHISKY James Buchanan & Co.. Ltd.. Glasgow & London Tina advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Canadiens of Montreal Defeat New York Americans ajxd Take Lead'in National Hockey League TORONTO, Jan. 30. The New York Americans! were out of first place in the international section of the National Hockey League today for the first time since December 13. The Canadiens defeated them last night; and went one point in the lead . i Since December 22 the Frenchmen have lost only one . game in 16. The Canadiens still had enough speed to' outskate the Americans and stop every attack after Joliat pat theni ahead with flasny - - j dividual play in the first period Boston cut the N. V. Rangers' lead to two points by defeating Chicago. With only three minutes to go Ottawa held a two-nil lead over Toronto. Toronto shot in two successive goal to even the game, but Ottawa regained tneir margin in overtime. The.e were 27 pea- allies. The-following were the seores: Toronto 2, Ottawa 4. , - n i vt V 4 ! cans 0. Chicago 1, Boston 4. PORTLANDTJED WITH VICTORIA HOCKEY GAME VICTORIA, Jan. 30. Portland supplied to whet the youthful ap-tied up the score with the Victoria petltea and four big bonfire; Cubs in a coast hockey fixture iparkled into the frigid air. here last night just before the . Handier to town, the Gyro close of the third period and the Club's sheet of Ice on Morse Creek; contest .went over and ended in is also being well patronized these a deadlock of two goals each. The days in the afternoon J by "the. Cubs tallied almost immediately childen and in the evening tiy' aftfr the game opened. The many grown-ups. f Bucks evened up in the second and . the Cubs a few minutes later went into the lead again. In the third period the visitors evened ip. The Cubs had the edge on he pfay HIGHSCORES IN CRIBBAGE This list contains all players -ving a score of W or over, up o and including January 28. iavers Name Team Score i. West. P. R. Hotel 81 E. James. C. N. Oner. ... 80 ' Delo-me. Cold Storage . . 79 . Ilrown. New Empress .... 76 ' WatKon. P. Pk. Hotel 76 W Ranee. Can. Legion 75 K E Wermig. C. N. Opr. ..751 II ('farce, New Empress . 75 ). ( lark, P. R. Hotel 74 II Smith. Orange Lodpt .. 72 lluuftdii, Orange Iod H. ltour-ieau, K. of C". . . 72 II AnderKui, Cold Sprage 71 T. M. J. Kortuhe, K. fX 71 Rnthwell. Orange iWge A A. MeF.wenflald Storage I . H. Moran. New BmpreM, . A M.Ii.to h, C. N.'Oper. ... 60 (T. liouaay. Ragle . ,v 68 D. Smith. P. R. Hotel 68 H R. Hill. C. N. Oper G8 M M. Lamb. Can Legion .... C8' A Harvey, p. R. Hdtel 67 J L nkles. an. Legion 67 ;N. Hugh. H. C. K. Meafianlca . 67. W DavieH. Can, Ugten .... 67 1 jj Wynne. Orange I-fldge .... 66 4 Andrews. Grotto 66 II Antoria. K. of C 63 1 !. Watt. P. R. Hotel 65! ; II Skattcbol, C. N. Oper. .... 64 ;A. King. f. N, Opr 63 jW. Dailey, Orange Lodge .... 62 ID. Kennedy. Cold Storage 61 F Piiffou. K. of C 611 l .Skjellum, New Empress .. 61, B Barrie, Grotto 59 M. Murray. Nat Sons of C. . 59 F. Barber. C, N. Mechanics . . 59 H. Arney. Moose 58 I Aittoria, K. of C 58 F Aldrfdge, Qrnn?e Iodge . . 57 A. French, Newr Empress ... 67 A. Astoria, K. of C. 67 R. T. J. Rose, C. N. Mechr.nlca 57 J. Lnwrenson, Can. Legion ... 56 R. Vieriek, Eagles 56 W. Reld, Eagles v... 66 J. Preece. Moose , 54 F. A. Rogers, C. N. Mech. 54 B, Horn. C. N. Mechanics .. 53 J L. Hickey, Grotto 52 J Morrison. Nat. Sons of C. . 51 II. Killcn, Eagles 50 SKATING HERE LarKl. artes visited Island Lake XIght. JIonie eek Well Patronized1 :,) . , ': ' .The lke near the end of-the ifjtten island Mirhtooir mwul s popular rendezvous frr local 'skaters last night. There were 'well over 100 on the ic there, which was in splendid shape .'Two i I of the larger parties were those of the Fiist Baptiat Church Pire-' fide Club and the United Church Young People's Society, as well ai smaller groups. From 8 o'clock until midnight, skating was in full swing and the air rang with ine joyiui snouu ox ue young people. Hot dogs and toffee were ri IM ID I IMr W A V VwHLlllU 11 tJ MUCHENJOYEDL..J Two Rinks Played tiere Yesterday Afternoon and Evening The knights of the broom were cut in force yesterday enjoying curling on the ice In the Old Orand Trunk Pacific Hotel excavation. Two rinks were Used. The local curling elub has nlirkl fialrc nf arrtriAa wHfoh arii Wrought up from the basement for an occasion like this. Both Mon- day and yesterday tbe curlers' were out and doubtless they arej at It again this afternoon and eve nlng. . Among the player were R. L. Ulnteh. J. B. Mellish, J. W. fceU, Ralph Lapine. W. II. Tobey, Hey McNaughton. W. J Kelson. 72Thoma JlcClymonL J. II. Tbomp- Mn, Fred Stork. William Millar. I 9. E. Purker and F. E: Robert- on. j : OR ANGE LADIES LEADING WHISTi 't . . eecb,nd ""If.of Men a DIvMon to . ,lle Commenced Tomorrow 'lh 1. Canadian Natlonfll Ladies won 6 to 4 over Orange Ladies in last night's game In the ladies' seo- tlon of the Fraternal Whist League and the Mooae Ladies de- feated St. George' Ladies by 6 to 3. The league standings are ai fol- Iowa: W. L. P. C. N. R 4 4 4 Orange 5 S 5 Mooe 4 4 4 St. George's 3 5 3 Men'H Section' Play In the men's section will be resumed tomorrow night following the Christmas and New-Year intermission. Games will be: Seal Cove vs. Lief Erlkson So. ciety'and Knights of Pythias vs. St. George's Society with New. Lmpress Athletic Club receiving a bye. The fixture between Grotto and Moose will be played at the week-end. j nee Wf me Acm e Fifth TEMPT Ends This Week ! OVERCOATS FOR MEN MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Ten only in this lot All offered at Special Temptation Sale Price JQ qq SUITS FOR MEN MEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS Gemiin in iieo blue, single or double-breasted . Get one of t i , . ;.,JW before this great sale ends. The very low seili;w of this lot will not permit Temptation Sale Price. MEN'S BOOTS illctiv o UArUiv u s Black and brown, Good year welted. Sizes 6 to 10. Temptation Sale Price .95 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S HEMSTITCHED WHITE HANDKER- CHIEFS Tempta-tion Sale Price, per loz 95c The. Acme Importers Third Avenue Terms. Strictly Cash. mini ifni mm KtrLAiD lUMi LONDON, Jan. 30: Fourth round of the Knglitsh Cup replays took nlnce today as follows: Clapton Orient 0, Aston Villa 8. Crystal Palace ft, Miliwall S. Swindon 3, Burnley 2. Derby County 0, Blackburn 3. Bolton 6, Liverpool 2, after trm time OLD COUNTRY FOOTIIALL English League, I) I v Won 1 Manchester City 6, Bury 4. Englfeh League, DivHon 2 Barnsley 0, Chelsea 1. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy f 8. D. Johnson Co.. Ltd.) The following quotation; were bid and naked: Bayview, 44, 4. Big Missouri. 1.56. 1.57. Cork Province. 22, Nil. Cotton Belt. 93, 69. George Copper, Nil. $.15. Georgia River. S6, 87 a. Gladstone. 18. 14. Golconda. 98, 1.00. Seagram's Tkc oldest stocKs ot "WhtsUey ix GovernmervV ifflooners Annual ATM SAO of any alterations. $25.00 MEN'S SOCKS MEN'S SOCKS - Stan- 'ML V iiems, neavv. pur Vvool. Temptation Sale Price, per pair gfj MEN'S SOCKS - St Margaret's Brand, pure wool, ribbed Dont overlook these Tempt lion aaie rrice. per Pair 55C Grand view. 71' t, T2. !titiepettdenc, 10 V Indian, 7. Nil. Inter. Coal & Coke. Kootenay Florence, L. & L.. Nil. 5. Lftkeview, l'i. 2. Lucky Jim, SO, 21. HmrmU Meials, 7' . K Hams Gold. 8. H1. Mohawk. 8V4. 8V National Silver. 19. 2i Noble Five. 70. 71. Pend Oreille. 12.30. 12 .SO. Porter Idaho, 07. 70. Premier. 2.14. 2.15. Reeves McDonald, : :. " Rnfus Argents. 3.V.. Ruth Hope. 56. 66. Silver Crest. 9'j. 10. Silver Cup, 47, 48. Silverado. 1.12. 11 9ilveramith. 12'-. Nil Sfeean King, 6, 8 aWftWth, Kit. '4M. Toiilay r.ichfi.'ld, 60. Torlc, 2.25, 2.40. Whitewater. 1.18. 1.2". Woodbine, 8Vt. , Eastern Slock Nfrtrnda, aeilinir tt -Sherrltt Gordeo, selling at T Owen Fisher, who ba- be.n vlalt to hta native hw m Prince ftuoert this H 'travelled weet via lb" wl "83" RYE WHISKEY JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM & SONS, LIMITED WATERLOO, CANADA 74 Distillers Since 1857 m This advertisement Is not publlshqd or displayed by the Lljur Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia