I'M Transient Advertising on F; DAILY EDITION ft WW their lives. Whether, the cou of a revolution orgr3ilually seem clear here.. Eve: set themselves and refise tollwi', simillro City Delivery, by mail pr carrtit, yearly jkpir!o& pad in advanrr S6.0t For lesser period, paid in ani.. ge: month v. 6V By mail to ail parts of Northern nndC?eniral British Columbia. paid in advante for yearly period i'A.Ot- Transient Display Advertisi in. oe tfie scene bticpedpt 'uussiawiiKs- oteriefflFule tlieim British peoploCtHUO3.oV36d:pVit and R Will be sure to resent it sooner or later. uians IMPRESSIVE NERAl. OF A(,EI) LORD LAMDOUKNE M . , " 1 - I' t'nrtrge on its way to I. mbo urfie church ioi the service. The lord-lieutenant of Essex, presiden t of the Horticultural Society, passed away in his 82nd year fr m LiomlmiK. 1 UNITED STATES . routing routing 01 of our our 01 lG4$WfLi2fe,6M -..;.V$:-. OX1 4' trade through ou our fHWMt- Senator Walsh, of Classified Advertising, per !nser6n7?ptx W'wS '. fi 'f?. Legal Notices, each insertion per atrate line Or four month for . . , By mail to all other parti 01 'British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year . . . By mail to all otiier countries, per yes , Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 ? ember of Audit Buiceu of Circulation 7f I $1 1 $: $7S- e'Sriesday,' Jan. 30, 1929 ,llC(;n-i'1r -r' ci;Ass;jmR:qi??Jbxij3t) Movement to Secure Use of Own Ports by Government of j This Country j (Winnipeg Free Press) I A Movement has been started ftTthe Atlantic ports of the United States to offset the measures taken by Canada to secure the export and import The high tariff policy of the United States has compelled Canada to seek trade with other countries, and it might be interesting to the people of the ,lftt ltd Stales to know jtytefawv jfe. ergetieally Canada has taken (o ! thi.t alternative. She 1 doing j everythttr!? BuriS j Fishing Opens ! Soon I IJE PREPARED AND PKOPKKI.Y j CLOTHED I We have a splendid line of goods in ' MASTER MECHANIC IIRANI) i which Wi' can sell for 25 to o0 per cent les 1. 1 ALSO MEN S Hill OVEBALI.Sv I The Mogul, in black only. Reg-I ular $2.25. Special, $1.36. Monlreal Importers THIRD AVENUE MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. Telephone 657. A SUNSHINY MORNING TURNOUT IN HYDE PARK I Wednesday, January SO, 1929 fAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEVIS The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBli Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday', by Prince Rupert Dally New, Limited, Third Avenue. , II. F. PULLEN - (MjumiudsMtoMMNW CANADA AND own ports. Massachusetts, has been telling the United States Senate about it, and quoting the protest of the Boston Chamber of Commerce which mentioned particularly the tun ft preference of 60 cents a bunch on bananas imporU'd into (Jan-ada from the British Weat InJies, provided that they enter iX a, Canadian port. It is said that 100,-000 bunches of b;.nanus were handled at Boston lawt yt,r on their way to Canada, and Boston doc 3 not like to lose the business, j Canada, however, will not de part from the policy she has ad opted of encouraging the maxira- jum use of Canadian ports. She first granted an additional prefer ring nilp is nhnnvinna ,ft ; 4. 'ence on British goods that came Zhinh aZL iCL 'T 'umrvur ,n b Canadian porta, then she wW rfaoB VI hat Class Which does the o ruling. People have fpihjt deelded that the preference would against an aristocracy of birtr) mrd also against ah amto- be given only if the imports were viayy ui weaun rung a.CQU,niry. me latest Class, rule so routed. Preference given to which does not' seem lio be proving a success is that in otner part8 of the Briti8n Con Russia; where only the labor class or a part of it is allowed n?onweaIth arfu,now "W" to take part in affairs. !the Mme condlt!on- And la . the government railway system It is prophesied that the Soviet government will fall in made an arrangement with the the near future to be replaced by a democracy That mav Cunard and White star ,lne8 for be correct . At any rate, the Soviet has served its purpose IZTl 'ulutZl teanh,p m bringing about the permanent downfall of the rule of the aristocracy. It hasJbeen a uainful me men iormeny prominent in uie country having lost like the result of this policy,) whicn are now evidently being j felt. But it might be pointed out that the United States itself is largely responsible for the adoption of the policy. It was the adoption of an exclusive tariff that did as much or more than anything else to cause the serious condition in the Mar- UNEMPLOYED -SfTHATOfW - iitim Provinces, and brought the i TsAmininn r.nvornmont in thai na There are a number ;of rii9elQeix. theJ katy 'Jtist ''srfWuiiic, it was as one of the now, a gooa many naving anneq in ifom outside, and W1 or aillltnce and -others being idjte oyfifcffjfisiil the l61, r the dtle' mill, the closed season, fflr.ftng,and-,the slowness of !&1?i frmin aliinnmn fromhis m ilia linf j r ,. i government decided on the meas- grain shipping -v. poi-ti. iureg cilcuUted t0 buiId up tho9e While Prince TluM ishei reWresnonsilHe for anv Vrt8 increasing thf trade but the residaim. It 111USL Ufl rmsmmul ,frrnf.f hp nJf-" thrpoh- them. If Mam efits from all who work within a wide radius of the dtviX b? & Iuin and for that reason mapfaaiield morally responsible for ' lit It 5Jf2JL from In. the men when they are not employed and are without United states market, and if the funds. ; Maritime farmers had not suf- If the city council can cb anything by pushing ahead '(5 5-the sewer construction work, it will alleviate the present ucts. those provinces would not situation. Also a beginning might be made on the pro-1 hv become so depressed, and posed game ground adjoining McClymont Park. In any 'the ixUc' now complained of by event, it would be a good thing to try to keen as many as ' thf vUnited su'e8 ,orts mih possible of the men employed . They must live. 1 ?h! h"mejT.n adopUid a8 0M of The string of riders in the row may be seen any day h ' ' , equestrian visitors. ..'.her ulfci suifu-iu t trade witlj Great Britain and are studying the Canadian-market rWenhall also import more from other parts of the Commonwealth, ! more carefully and making more the countries that take our uc- and she has made treatfos with effort, to cater to It. We shajn ports. a great many other countries in which rautual tariff concessions arc granted., British industries IIV St have increasing imports from ' The United States may ftin Britain, and, doubtless, many time find it to its advwtas fci branches, of British industries., adopt a less, exclusive. tar ffpil- NUW A h "wH REMOTE settlement in Northern New AvJ Brunswick. A famous orthopaedist explaining to a group of doctors and nurses the newest treatment for crippled children In the middle of the story of a remarkable healing, an excited interruption. A frontier doctor springs to his feet with the exclamation: "Now I know how to save that baby's armr This physician one of hundreds like the beloved Dr. Maclure of Ian Madaren's tale-could not afford the time nor the money for a post-graduate course. Neither could the community spare him. tacouragement to ie. In the meantime, Canada is capable of looking out for her. .self. She it pushing her trade to every corner of the world, and the total voUime f that trade is growing it remarkable rate. ow to Save thai Ruby's Arm Help has come to thetc men for the past three years through the visits of eminent doctors sent by the Canadian Medical Association to isolated districts. Last year over 300 such lecturers travelled Canada and Newfoundland, and conducted over 800 clinics, with an aggregate attendance of 25,000 people. Besides bringing relief to hundreds of patients with other ailments, they cither helped or cured over 100 deformed children. The entire cost of this service is annually borne by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. It is one of several similar services, maintained or assisted by this Company to relieve suffering and prolong life. SUN- LIFE- ASSURANCE-COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL'