gwgK for the Cold Weather FOR LADIES CHILDREN AND INFANTS In pure wool and silk-find-'J wool : combinations and two piece suits. AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES Jabour Bros. Ltd. Third Avenue RED'S Transfer Fift-n years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We Hell 8 ktnds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right Sojls purrvlce Phone us and '.Save Monr j and Tjmc DAY & NIGHT. SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317 Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. Local s Now r-HMth is Often Only at the End of a Telephone Wire Someone ydu love lies sickthe doctor has called and has ofajqrtil, medicine wants it right away I He irhbrfes 82 or 200. Many experiences in the past have taught him that Ormes will fill his prescription as he wants it to be filled (from full strength drugs of the highest quality), and that the dispensing will be accurate and the delivery speedy. BRING YOU PRESCRIPTIONS TO PRINCE RUPERT'S PIONEER DRUGGISTS Qraies UL Jfic Pioneer Drttejrjists THIRD AVt.O SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8f,20C H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 9 3RD AVE. & FULTON STREET. inderwear MINING Stock Noon and afternoon clos ing- prices -'on Vancouver, Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We ean give Instant service in buying and jelling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order ou Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Awnue Prince Rupert, B.C. Intelligent Battery Service a a Let Uf take c.ire of your battery problem- Ihis winter and you'll find n nd of "cussing" at the car that won't start when the weather is cold. We repair and service old balterlcs. and can hell you the finest new ones made. S. E. Parker LIMITED Ford Dealers DOMINION TIRES 3rd AvenuePhone 83. and Personal News In Brief funeral Notices SI. name. Ewart Lyne , (.Pianist, Capitol Theatre)', teacher oif . pianoforte, , Studio 10 , Federal lock, Phone . Red .701 . tf .1, ; James McAleenan, well,)tnown 'Stewart hotel man, is a passenger aboard 'tH$ lPihjsMnuprt this Hiternoq!trityffligy$rth follow-Jnr, a. hPly, to Vancouver. ' Dori't forget Moose Smoker next Thursday Moose JIalJ, Refresh ments, ots of fun, en tertainment ing. The United Church Ladles exiles Aid Aid will hold a tea awl ale e of of home home i George Wilson, 328 Fourth Ave. W. Thursday afternoon, from 3 'to C. Everybody cordially invited. ' 88 ! t ! Duncan D. Munro, who Is at nrount nn n businass trin to minated his service with the Land Settlement Board of the provincial government at Smlth- trs. Ills duties have neen turneu over to Mr. Phillips of Smithers. Guy R. Balloch, who has been district engineer for the provin i Conquers Colds at High Speed A ilnflt ilp of Buckltjr'i turt briop a turprUhf Kue ol rt-lirl (lorn cM(htn md wtrnru. Drlinhu tkt twUlt and clean (ka throat and tubrt. Wanlt oS la. mania, "Flu" and Mrr danimua drvdopnunta Irom "a cold". Ncvrr bt without a bqttla. All druubU acll "BucklcrT. For ""t coldi accompanltd bf Itver, htadaiha or DturalfU, lata LAXPYRiN and BuciUy'l MU-turt and quick did IU loUaw. BUCKLEY ActilHataH Jf tlagU alp proves U 75c and I0c. f a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 TaxL tf SCALE OF CHARGES Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone The following is the scale o charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. 12. 68G. T?.... nn 1 .1 ... . . uuj tviu weauier coal, nanai- mo-Welllngton. It produces heat jand lasts. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 110 and 117. tf. Funeral Flnwera . 10f Tier nf- r n....i. .-m.j i I tf ""WHier tutiieu yesit-T-i TiflftV nffprnnnn Jiw tin P.o1 n ' Marriage and Engagement !a business trip to Vancouver and announcements other points In the south. - Eagles', Whist Drive and Dance Elks Home, January 31. Good' . I music, ... Prizes, Refreshments. ; ' 1 Everybody welcome. Admission'' ANNOUNCEMENTS COc. ' 24' C.P.H. steamer Princess Mary, 'Eagles Whist Drive and Dance, i CaI't. Thomas Cliff, is due in January 31.. I . j port at 3 :3 o'clock this afternoon t ;., ,. i (jrora AiasKa ana will sail an PrinA -p.nhVrt Ra.VPili1l A.'ihou'" Ioter fr Vancouver and sociation dance February 1. CN.R. Employees th Annual illall. Mocjse.Hal,, February 8. Presbyterians Valentine February 14. Tea. 4 , Moose Whist Drive and Dance February 22. Victoria. i Railway offices this morning reported only twenty carloads' of grain on the territory west of Jasper Park bound for the local elevator with no arrivals during the pait .twenty-four hours. Mr. aim Mrs. U. Suga returned to theHy on the Prince Rupert S "Green StocklnM." I.O.D.E. "18 iwrnwHi auer an absence play, Capitol Theatre, February j "f ver' months on a trip to 25, ipnH. .. iiiKj aiienuea me recent ! corona.tfojj' df the new emperor For range, use Deacon Hardof the owery Kingdom. Alberta Sootlets.. Quick fire, no: "" soot. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ainer f'"- 01 &tew- Phone 116 and 117. tf.;a" ar"ve? ,n.e V on yester Dresses! Dresses! Dresses! EVERY DRESS IN OUR STORE TO GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! ' re EVENING DRESSES Bouffant styles, lace and tulle flounces. Dainty shades Maize, Lily, Green, Blue, Mauve, Black, etc. EVERYONE A SPLENDID BARGAIN! AFTERNOON DRESSES Celanese, crepes, satins, velvets and georgettes, snappy styles, light and dark colors. YOUR OPPORTUNITY NOW TO GET A REAL BUY! Mrs. E. R. Cox of Hazeiton ar- Angus Macdonald, who is id-rivod nn th Prlnn Runert this ' entitled with the Esnerania Min- afternoons train from Ter-,ttfternoon from Vancouver and ing Co., is a passenger aboard race where he conducted ser- poceeded to the interior by train, j the Prince Rupert today bound Vices oh Sunday and will pro-! iTom Vancouver to Alice Arm. ceea uy the 1'rince Rupert to-1 Norwegian Dance In Metropolel night on his return 16 his post HoU Thlrd AveiiUe. Wednesday iu uic norm. evening at 8:30 o'clock. Norsk V .... .. 'Accordlan JiustK. Aamission, , 7i VT "ai,n . anQ IamU,r Gentlemen 75c. Ladies 26c. left on this morning's train for . Tfffbnto to' attend the funeral of a Ai Woodland, local agent of IrV.,LIalJ& iather who e- the Imperial Oil Co, returned to cumbed to infection resulting the citv on the prfnee fiupert William Martin, purchasing i agent for the B. C. Packers Ltd., is a visitor in the city on company business having arrived this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver. John McMahon, master mech irom the breaking of his jaw tt,la ttnm a hniiineRs anic for P. Burns Co. Ltd.. ar while a tooth was being extrac- trJp to 0cean Falls. rived in the city on the Prince tea i v i ' . James If. Blake of George where he visited with p nin.(.v returned tn the1Revenue Exceeded Expenditure Ws sens. Jack and- William Cluiv ,. ftn ,B Prfn nnnprt this I ' y $3,410.71 During uiiry ai me imenor centra. ho attended the recent convent-Doc says. The thermometer ,on of the Brlt,8h Columbia Lib-dropped at the end of last week eral A8SOCiatiori, to 40 below tero and there "were . tout ftf nmi. ' ' Passengers sailing yesterday this afternoon to join her hus- afternoon from here on the Cat- band, Corporal Barber, who is ,-inl lMwrtment of nubl c works ior Vancouver incjuaea;cu. port. Mr. Hanson will be joined at Edmonton by Mrs. Hanson who will make the trip east with him. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. Macdonald, A. MacAulay Mrs. C, G. Barber arrived in jon 0f the Prtnej ..u-wrt General the city 6n the Prince Rupert n0,pital during the year 1928, now a member of the city de- h-i-i fur the Dast year and' vh,bJiKlJ Jamei H. Blake, T. Pq&i, tachmentf the. provincial &rM '-in hAftJniinrters" In'W. Clark. A: ' Oi, Atchison, 'airs. ! ': r 1ebr for. trWvifen will sail 'ifcwtlier. 'MriVnd Mrs. J.i.0. 1 , Fred CKramVwEa Was thla aftarnnnn ' on the Prince ! Forseth, Mtt W.t Mj BarbeauTJl. employed regularly on the UfJ!rAihaJJfiirth.aiocomnanieHn..;Newton, W. B. Dornbergf 5Us.vthy's rtiastrtV'bbit'i' and police. formerly com- for the lv Mrs! fialloch.' Mr. Balloch's James R. Mitchell and Mr. and dast few years has been with successor. W. K. Kwyer. has ar rived here from Pentlcton and is taking up resilience in tho house on Graham Avenue, Westview. which has been occupied by Dr. H. T. James, resident mining en-alneer. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Eas- so n will take the house on Mc- Mrs. Frank Salter and child. iftie C. N. R. freight department 1 W Vancouver, is Baking the trip Olof Hanson left on this 'forth this weetfAttyard the steam-afternoon's train for a business rif Prince Ru'petl "relieving one trip to Ottawa, Montreal and J the freight t clerks. course of which he will take un H'otes of thanks were passed matters at federal government last niffht at AM .annual meeting liriH. RtPAPt which has been oc- tnd railway headquarters re- of the Prince--' Rupert General cuDled by Mr. and Mrs. Balloth. Igarding the development of this Hospital to various organizations that had assisted the institution during the year, also to the man aging secretary, lady superinten-j dent and the press. On motion of D. C. Stuart, seconded by C. V. Evitt, the retiring board of directors was thanked for its splendid work during 1928. Frank Glass, George Dyer, Wll- ianl u. n. wacbean. rremier; , n, iu,T,,aw aA William N&s- I Mr. and Mrs. Pike, Smithers; , biU( mf'mber8 0f ,the local unit , f und' b"' Mr. R. JL Hehnessv. Shnmd i.n- n...i r...;uv. Vi. i upon .the i - i,no- Po.orvp rptumed tn the Dr lne i . I UIHVCI ' " Hoyal '.itv ), Prince Ru;rt this R. M. Olson, Stanley, Wis.; E. afternoon from Esquimau where 'Aaserude, Shames; S. Mo.un, they have' been taking courses Haielton; Harry Scott, city. Savoy Thomas Savage, Smithers. , Centrnl Weis, C.N.R. of training. Norman McGlashin Year 1928 A surplus of c:..lusive of" depreciation amounting to $2,945, resulted from the operat according to the financial statement which was presented at the annual meeting of the Association lastnlght Revenue for the. Revenue included $13,398.95 In government grants, $10,849.20 city grant, and $49,529.40, from hospital fees charged. Accounts recovered amounted to $1,6). The ehief expenditure was $20,-127.81 in salaries and .wages while house supplies accounted for $14,991.23. The sum of $19,-234.20 was charged to bad and loubtful debts. The statement was presented y G. P. Tinker, chairman of the finance committee, who stated that the hospital had had a very busy year as evidenced by an increased number of patients treated and hospital days. One of the notable items of expenditure was the Increase in cost of laundry for the year from. $2,500 in 19S7 to $4,665. The board had been unable to set aside any money for the building extension had not had to call provincial government city for any additional grants. The report was accepted without discussion. Isaac Can you beat it? 1 say, Is making a two months' trip to lean you beat it? I insured my (Mexican uorts on H. M. C. S. house on Tuesday, set fire to it on destroyer Vancouver and Henry . Sunday, and now when I call to Duor ia taking an extra two 'collect the insurance money I wetks' training at Esquimau find those swindlers have gone into liquidation! Rags St Bones. it.- Neat SPECIALS THIS WEEK Picnic Hams Extra special. Per lb 2" - Fresh Shipment Evap. Prunes 4 -lb. boxes 75c For Your Sandwiches or Salad i Rupert this afternoon from Van-'Lobster Paste Per tin 20c II W Kennedy. Stewart lawver. couver. beine here in connection Avlmer Assorted Souna Extra the mechan- mechan- js js a a pa8genger pa8genger aboard aboard the the Prince Prince with with improvements improvements that that are are beii being! big value. 5 tins 49c IrtJwiEr8 rk- 1itiHKli,,'t!ir?t '. 1j FURupert .tWsv afternoon .returning j mde tojth eompany'a i$U lOnQmmV Wted yesterday gth ifWaVTfifeht a hpH- ttore- iri' h city. : noon by the Catala on his rfetirp: U ivahouVei 1 . . U Victoria after having spent . . llAHmrn 1 Y II 1 T booking at the home of Mrs. the past couple of weeks in the city and district on official dut ies. Jack Crawford Unci Norman McLean are now making alternate trips north ns purser aboard the eteamer Prince Rupert. It 1 is Alex Clapperton Is back from pur8er McLean'8 turn this week, a two weeks holiday to Prince Vancouver and Victoria, has ter-jperton. Weather was excessively afternoon fromsVancouver where HOSPITAL HAD GOOD SURPLUS. y EaTkA SPECIAL Combination Soap Special 8 cakes Classic Laundry Soap $ .60 2 cans Classic Cleanser .20 1 pkg. Naptha Chips ... .25 1 large bar Wool Soap ... .50 Soap $ .50 . Table Clothes 1.25 Total $2.30 All abov? special this week. Order early. I Tect Afro- SodasJ'pkgs. . . .25c Fresh Crisp . i..ger Snaps 25c 'Alkln's Seedless Grapes .lb. tins 35c Klocdyke Soap Large bars . .25c Just Arrived: Shipment Imported sihdfanCirry Povfder Per tin . '; 60c Last Week For lleinr Cream Tomato Soup Large tins, 2 for 5' Arriving Today: Kin Haddie Fillets Per lb 2rc Holland Herring in Kegs . . .$1.50 Hothouse Rhubarb-rPer lb. 20c Florida Grape F ult Special 8 for 2r,c Head Lettuce, Celery. Sprout;, Tomatoes, Leeks, etc.. market prices. SUGGESTIONS We carry Cooibd Ham. Bnked Hara. Bologna, Bd Meat Loaf, Jell ed Venl, Pic-a-nic Lunch and Brookfield Sausage. Watts' Grocery I qualily RightPrices Right tJliOE 55 ? PHONE 5G PAIN in BLADDER rromplly Eafd bi SANTAL MIDY IK nr to (rt the Ornuliia lAMk. tut iht rurs Mill '