$ - -Vv, January 30, 1929 THE DAILY NET73 PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Most things when boiled soft. Only man is supposed THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. become to become "hard boiled." Jt matters not, what ,1 become Nor if my rarnant's., soiled. for none of these I care a fig Long as I'm not hard boiled. Home of those English mining1 .... is. ,! i a. V 1 V IJ t UIC 14IJ VUh X4UJ 14 W 1 deen. . FOR Vancouver has had a dep,jnesLyalker Music Store. j snowfall and glories in the fact 5I kit was rather countrified I thought I would improve her And so I pulled up stakes and went To dwell in Great Vancouver tut there the winter was so cold The fogs were thick and often I t.-lf that if 1 lived there long I'd surely reach a coffin. I wrote the Rupert Board of Trade To find out'bout the weather, I ramo and after living here My hide is tough as leather. "I wish you'd ay 'our' occasionally." t6rfiHa MV.' Jcm. "I i.m tired of hearing you say 'my car.' 'my house.' You knOw ev- cnthing doesn't belong to you ' alone." ; The next morning Mr. Jonas ' h js i uinumsiiiK uruunu me rwim,iagniMa lanaa r scaring as usual. . un "What's the matter now,? asked erlv Mrs. Jones. "I'm looking for our trousers," to replied Mr. Jones. tlen eriv 'Kb Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert 1 January 30, 1919 Prince Rupert mutt look. the fishing industry as h hief source of wealth, declares J. P. Babcock, provincial commissioner of .fisheries,, who Is a xiaitnr here. There is a grenlMJ1' - ure for ... the trawling .... business J I it will be bigger than those new in the the Uiainets- btasinr.., expect, expect. h he ' ' :-.) This b the natural-: pert .... II. - . .1-1 r me iisnintf otuiaenfl afiu ine j . u. i...;u ,.n i Rough weather still continues , the fishing grounds and the'IDDi of i I . ,1ir.nt uout iouU esseis are , l.nHinir lanaing vrv rrj i ! ' Tv-.1I ..nfoliA. TVi. IjkAnun la with 3.000 pounds; the Saturn. 1 v ith 400 and the Advance with 00- The Prince Repert Trades & Labor Council has elected o-n:eix as follows: president, W. L Thompson vice-president, S. V. fx: secretary, George Rudder-ham; treasurer; W. Reld; statis-i' ian. John Rank; sergeant-at-ums. John Watson. 1 1 the service of industry Saaa Supplies and Equipment Adequate ttocki, high (rade tooli and tuppliet, and cour-teoui tervice arc what we offer at each cf our branches. Here are jutt few of the lints that we can aupply t Oraton & Knight Leather Belting. Dick 1 Batata Belting. Vale Chain Holtta! Norton Grinding Wheeli. Strong Steam Trap. Hyatt Roller Bearings. Oneida Steel Pulley. Wettlaufer Concrete Mixer. When you are In the market for ihop lupplie of tool of any kind, refer to our general catalogue, or, better (till, visit our warehouse. 0i CANADIAN raitij amks -Mors e COMPANYUtmlba FOR RENT FOR RENT furnished house- IrtZTA or month. Phone Red C07. tf RENT Automobiles, piano' pnonograpns and sewing mach- F0R HENT Modern house. near Presbyterian church. Apply; zip fourth Avenue E. tfi FOR RENT Four and Five room, heated suites, "Summit Apartments" now ready. Phone 96, H. G. Helgerson, Ltd., or Blue 845, for information. 25 FOR RENT Furnished four roomed flat with bath. Phone HT- ' tf FOR REN T Three rooms on Serenth Avenue East. Will reduce rent for little vice. Apply Box 172, Dally News, 24 LA Nil- AC! N'otli-e if Intention to Apftlf3 to tMr Land ' ,l p,rlgf Rupert Land Reeentlu- Dl. trlct Ict of ' Prince Prince Rupert Rupert. and !tiit n th. auuiu outh end ran OI of 1U Kalen laland. adjacent to Lot 6836. Range 8 Take notlw rhat Rllllrwvr i,n. Will. Limited o! Vancouver. Bililsh Culumblai oocu nation. - manufacturer, . . . intend . . ... to nnlw fn. a W.. a I 1 OomnMneliw at .the nprtheaat comer of one, nan o. i; u.. tni n aouth. M daateca 10 mlnutca iut aoA.fMC a point Que eaat on trie most eMWrlT noun 01 an unnamed laund: tfttnee wwnn numini ON uie ainuoaitm 01 mt .k "I."11 LlSL1 to toe northMMerl Mint of an un- ..wth-?.T?!!2L J dlreetufaloiu fcU alat maSTto O T P. Rallwae rtSht-of-way; tience atrlv alone tn aoathern bcundarr of .IT: IIIIVTII'WK, IV blrV tlmVB. MnuOaltlM ea af 01 the vne 1 mud wi hi me puni ui Dated December ad. ISM. Mismiiacr , fHwrnf); (SrrtWn ST d) NOTICE OP A PPLI CATION FOR CEftTI nc ATB Or UfPROVXUBMTB BC wamm rnAi g - "1 "m- v"" f"-"'" .rrr. askaal BIlnaM-al I at TrTi ai I illl arm VJT'rie'isScutaiof VnJ'ctLmv Mlr"rl?c.flm. and tnewann FrafcrCSal "rtnHoV "'.aL?," TanT-filS r -S!' 'liS' t .Kffl.t j.i j.ro muiks ' ' ( ltull mlMir boUlW' free Mintr t I oartltieat. urn! oeruficai truncate Wo. mn. Intend at the end amy daM from the date hereof to te the .Mlnln fteeorder ior a Certlfleate Oertineate latproeeaoenu improeeanenui for ior um tne our- our- of gungi., crown Orenu of the above elalnJ. unde? SStfm St iUnciB SStS patod this Ut dar of Januanr, 1M, rjtaiNMR OOLD MINIS. LTD . INC. H McN. rmer. Aieat. njc for iVIULUKtrti Coughs : - .11 ' . ' 1 COAL Your choice I EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Rulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 ' Prince Rupert Feed Co. I. BRINGING UP ( 1AcfilE WON'TUT mw f1? Vh'rS.Lv.ikJoow.i nopaHB PUT w M& WnEKt TO MEET MIM FOR SALE WRAPPING PAPER for sale cheap. Roll of Newsprint. ; zood, clean paper for only a tent a pound. Daily News, tf FOR SALE House on Atlin'Av. enue, Ree Dave Rom or phone - 62. tf FOR SALE Radio poles, from SO to GO feet lorn;. Apply Kalen Hardware. Phone 3. 24 - ! STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS lor v.w.urn- Tueadayni, catai. 140 pm FrlSey Prince Ruixrt .. .9 ajn. Frtay. - Prlitce Royal . 10 DJIt. rriuaya n. caioena IS midnight Jan is a, princes tun . ..p.m. Jin ., Mtias. l'Pvtitema,Mrr, . .D.Ml. V-twtf- I Sonde yr- I CftUla. rTKy rnnofni loopi . . . . m. i . rTTnmy 'uvwn pja S lSfSfS; St2 - SSS'ROWE'S SHEET METAL mmmH j Sunda-- a Catala i . . 8 pm rum H.,r. Wm,,n and Nm. Rlvrr- TuMdfty-m. 04tt lino n Arm Sunday - Catala S pm. Wednle i. Prtnre Buptrt 10 pjn. I'rnm Strmart. Prrmirr. Amol and Allre Arm 1140 ajn maais . rnaot cw.wr" . ajn. "r ieen mrmif Nil ml 13 H Prince John . . .10 cm. Jfe.3a-. Prinee JHn .10 p.m. ""Q WUreQ ,rrtarloli lilmd ' Pree John . TJat. jmnce JQBn ,or .l-3 Jan. IS M lUnnia Mar. ..Noo: Noni Jan Til M TPH -- - - - U AM Jan. 10 h maitu Mart a D.m Jan. SO Prlneeaa Uar .t n.m H ATER NOTICE niTmln and I'oe' Taka notlaa th&t nUlouw ubim uitta LUnltad. whoaa adalraaaia Si BoaSa VitlMlaw lJn A.. . sa - - I S"ST,b Vn"-",. J.'SCSi UM 100X100 of water out of an. unnamed ! SSporTnSS of LoTSSsT MSSs o$: im-iw itta- -mii fmti . b . nivstr T i V 'I I : ,u trm at ,a paint about nail RMM nauth and will trial DurnoM upon thf ' land de- T"9W',","4 nao. nun a. poa lhb- inn s Mttrr aa nosted on Und . w m UX . i JI ii aiH1IVI MW 1 11 1 ll.r H Ml UUMIUB" tlnn.Duraupt, th'if.i a.id to Bui "Wt fl l'r4'fiied ln lh' offrtioi the waier wecoraer at mni-rRuam c. uitlt with ike aaid 'h 1.0 Waver TaTSl mCOroer 5! or with, the comotroller of Water RichU. Farnamar.t Buucir.ea. vxtotia. s c .' withlti witnin iut thitw data ati f Ptter iter tbc tnt rir- nr: apoear- acoetr- ai.ee of thu notice m a local newaoaner. BILUJOR SPRUCE M1LL8. LIMITED. Aonllcant. BY B E. MORGAN Arant. TS. Am nt th. firat nublleatlon of thla -notice la Januanr Sth. 1M9. . . ! -VtVIHAIUJ: WATERS PROTECTION' ACT" It. 8 C. Chapter HO I HOME OIL DISTIBUTORS, LIMITED, whose principal place of budn m u at 57 Burrard Blreet. Vanoouwr. Brttfab OoJuo hereby Elves notBe that It naa .eb section 7 of the id Act oe- ipo6itd jrlth the MUilater of Public Wotta at Oltirwa. 'arid In the offieoa of the District Reltrar of the Lefd Raclatry irawlr i Prince Ruprt. uriaan uoiurn- I bla. it Prince Rupert leriW. a de- a I site and w plan of miufitrui I and wnarvea propaaeo to pe mn ll Hi'thK harbour of Prince Rupert In . 1 ... a nf W.tMfMinniAlk "rt1 Hiitm r -i.Kn.TAKl NOTICE that afiver the ex- Smrtlon'of one month from 1m date of 1 the ftMt pubtteatlon of thla ngtlee Home Oil Dlatributort. Limited, will under Section 1 of the said Act apply to the Minuter of Public Work at hla office In the 'City df Ottawa tor approval of the aatd altt snd plana for leave to cohatruct the aajcl wnarr oa aioreaaia . DATED at Vancouver. British Oorum K the ISth day of January. 1929. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS. LIMITED. By lta Solicitor. ROBERTSON DODOLA8 A SMYBB. FATHER ME OWTHE I HOPE I 1 I J II II rt 111 KlKj "THROW 5TRA1 CHT-TO MATU TO BREAK A WIK1DOW WITH J A ' 1 "THIS m . 11 1 ' i. i yrx x FCJl III I I II I 'Til 1 V M (y-VrfT.'W, V 1 I 1 ssswsswswawasssw4WjswA-- .Vrja4jktwiti WANTED WANTED Bricklayers at the Alert Bay Indian School, Ap- ply Foreman on Job. 20 - SALVAGE AND TOWING I jf fg nn or under the waler we .Jo It. PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped, for Divin and General Salvage Work. Boiitjs and Scowa of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoe? for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck. Basthope. Hicks k Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributor oolidce Propellers Phone, Day or Night. 56 I P. O. Box 1561 works Vi. " ha f "r. snowriWiTi 10 iniru iivenae, uf nu.n fltti o.H fM,. naee8 Phone 340. Box 467. Third Avenue J19 ! AUTOMOBILES used'cars 1 Ford ton truck chassis 1925, . . $100)0 1 Ford Roadster Delivery 192B, ... $10.00 I Ford Tudor Sedan-1927, J875.00 Terms can be arranged KAIEN GARAGE WRECKING SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT . 14 Try a Dally News WANT-AD. " w, 8 I rORPOKATlOV OK Tilt CITV OF " PKI.VCE Hl'l'EKT 'TAkB NOTICE THAT: I Ttu Vu.maII .. .f . k. rVnwiMftnn .f " v v. n wikwvu the City of Prmoe Kupert latendi to oonatruct a MTemer.i alx.ean teat lde on Vaaandol Street, commeaclna at th i IntefMctten of Vaiiaiedol Street and! nhn Amtiiu .nil MfcMulIn lniw ivanaraaol street to tae interweuon oi j mm mm "y- . 1-cal ImproTement. and Intends to ape-. cuuijr aaaaaa we coat upon ne ian w tint directly on the work, eseept auch portion portion of or the the coat coat aa aa la Incurred at 1 atreat lntaneetlona. ' I - The ratlmatad cost of the work la I7M0.0O. of which IStW.SS U to be paid , by the Corporation, and the eat lm. ted annual apwclal rate par loot trontaee la la.Tara. xna apaetai aaameni u to oe , nam in iu annual uuwonuw 1 8 Peraona deslrlna; to Detrtloa , asalnst uadortajtliui the work muat 4 ' ao on or before the S9th day of febr , ruary. less. i E. P. JOKBS. Olty Oterx. 1 BMtc tni w oay 01 4nafy. in. j ! Dr. Alexander rilONE 373 BESEU BLOCK DENTIST ROCK BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern method in all lines of beauty .culture and hair dressing. Mfike anointment bv Dhoninir Red 339. i CIIIROPKACriC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is: very prevalent at this time of the year, and as a rule is a : nytnptom of a deeper trouble, such as affections of the eyes. liver, kidneys, stomucn, etc. It may be also due to the after ef fects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Jteiief guaranteed. - . Consult f i DR. W. G ASPWALM 6 and 7 Exchange' Block ' Green? 211 Phoney Blacks 28.1 wpen rweninjrs ,, RESULTS COUNT Pain in the side, Indigestion, , -Vina on stoinucii, iirauacue., iner- ivousness. Insomnia, Catarrh and; Rheumatism are completely re-' it u.. .... j; r. . ui "'"""i , ic and spinal treatment iteau our nauonai tu a, -in; the Liberty Magailne every, week, then consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Rlue 85, on Red 589 Open Evenings CH1MNETI SWEEP - -II. J. Zuroifchr, General i Handy ; Man. t Furnaces and Stoves Qleanld and Repaired ' Phone 3 PrkeeurjertB. Cij MAIL SCHEDULE. For tht Eait UoiMtaja, WtJneadija, Saturday, maU ekue 10:30 ajn Inn tfie Cast Sundajra. Tueaday and Tlruxadaya,. maU dve S.jn p Via tntin Wtdneedayi and 8itur- Mja 1030 SJn . imui ym 4.19 pju. Friday 8:1& am. Pridaye 11 pm. C.P.R. Jn 16 aod SO P.m. ,...,, ,AMnih Snndays 4 pjn Watlneaday 10J0 axo Friday pm O.P.R. Jan. 12 and 28 ,,i.m, fnf WVinirrT Anj:i!. aW Alk-e Arm Sunday 7 pj Wednesdaya 9:13 pxi from Stewart and rtemfcr Tuetava 1130 am Frtttafr ..6 ajn ! Vi ltlT tilii! Sundayt 7 pat 1 in w Kiver roiata m . A umiifi ijv in To C)uren Charaifin ,f Jan. 18 Mat 2fl ......,..,L p.m. I'rom tJiicfffCharlulte"-- v ' . H MjNb'.'isY. .!..a'.m. , r Ala-ka rwnt 1 t Jan. ikmt . . Frnm ALMkft I Vint I Jan. IS BMaj SO ..P.m C.N.R. 1-RAlNS for the Eat MojsdajH. Wedneadawi and Saturday at 1 1 :30 am. Is-IYm' the KM Sunday, Tacdaya tnd Tnuradays at 3:90 pm. ip 1 p , , " ri i-.r Your Grocer Recommends It G u JtsriWtfic :1 l . ere tv.o Vere but their i ijMereJ a matter of i a spen IK1S iPi risas 1 Now tbeiffctlthcLcv.SJ dTercrlt,'.hc!iu.. prosperous. His store looked neat and clean, fpruce, tidy and colorful, witif e front that bespoke quality and cervire Mnw tLi ikwkMMr nni 1 nm jf fmniwiiniflf p 1- T aV.cwtov.ers'lfe noBucw'oT hi local industries first. He chimed that the mductries fn bis locality exoployed men vtbo earned vragjes, who spent wafces, tod kept otherl employed. Hit pet theory was, the store of Pat's mouse traps he sold the more Pit must make, and the more Pat would earn to buy good from him, the wise shopkeeper. And so be succeeded and became prosperous and popular, and bis philosophy and wise counsel spread rapidly. joty, there's a moral to this story: Every dollar paid for foreign made sends departs frcm T men-who kect shoo. Both urhe same incite of business. wdeJln Ucf it waa only timer Dejort one pujt cicse. HMiHicturari ef PRODUaS George McManus your hoaadand never to return; but, each dottar exchanged for a B C. Poduct remains in' -British" (krumbia and cufckly grovw m Value. It enckhet uiduatry, ensures emplcTroerit and introduce f6iperity !d toe hotr'ej , T aVTsM ssVfThtnnit ( 4 srnci minmti of Trad m nW mWfi BEPROUDTOBifV; Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By "TICK.W.T OONCEO OUTTMC W1MOOVN' OOT aV64 IF I HAD IT- 1 COUUOT ao MOW v y 1' . , f 1 . I I , 1 ' L 111 II O IMS, Ull rtw SWiMTla, OtMl Britda rtCk, k inr4.