PAGE EIGIIT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Wesifiohne Theatre WEDNESDAY AND TIIUIISDAY 7 &9 P. M. LEATRICE JOY "The waste IN paccan Sold cvetywher 1 e uanuoe With NILS ASTIIER arid STKONGCAST. 'S COMEDY "HOP OFF." 'SPORTLIGIIT." TOPICS OF THE DAY. 35c and 10c. Coming Friday and SaturdewCHARI ES FARRELL IN "FAZIL," with Greta Niswen. FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 4th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED J MUlnis irom rrlnt-r Kupn ' r V,X(I VKH. VICTORIA, Sir amort IU). IkitMJie. Alerl tu), tt Tuesday, SJO p.m. tnt VANCOt VHU VICTORIA. Uut'dalr. Alert lu, rl.. Frl-lajr mldnUhL Ik ALlri; ASM. AN VOX. .4TtV'AKt. WAUi IM-M, I-HT KI.MI'MIN NAAH KtVtlt, Sandaj S pm. IU tu4 iiMH. U. M..h.MiTII. Att.nt- miM KuifrU TUN! Ilfctt d .a VlcUrU it jntMlt. loo , t3lf tfirrkZt itfOi(ii to tMtlBUor 'I nk n, i2 wrt V, kir.Lf B.C. Coast Steamship Services nrr f rum PrlnrA R imoi-I To 'Ftrliikaii, IVraneell aud Skawar Januarjr tt. 36. ' . ' To .'auoietcf. and Mattlf Januarj' t, II. M. 1'KlVtErtS KOVAL lot ttiitcdaJ. It Itrila llla. Or rail i'alla. Narnu. Altrt IU, Campbell Klvrr. Vawroutrr and Victoria, firry IHdajf, in p.m. tm lor all Mpamhlp Unra. f nil Information front . C. ORCII RI, (iKNKKAI. AI1ENT ft rnrr 4lb Mrr and 3rd Avrnur. rrlncr Kuirtt, !.'. Thone SI. F, AN AD IAN NATiONAL CTht Large ft Ikailway SyJlem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE sailing '"' I'lusn: uvn:itT for vantohfu. victoiiia, skattle. and Intrrinrdlate points, rach IKIHAY. 3i00 a.m. Fr STEW VUT and ANVUX, tth HtliNESIUY. I9. pjo. ler NOKTIl AND SOUTH qCEBN CIIAr.I OTli; jlMMl, lortnllitl. " TASSKNOEK TKA1V1 I.EAVB PHISTK KlIPEKT Katii MIIMIAV. U i;i.EllAV and HATUWIAV at 1140 4m. fr I'ltlNCE OKOHli:. EOJIO.MON, WIVMII-SO. all paintf tkutrrn Canada, I'nltnl MAtra. AOKNCV ALL OCEAN RlEAMglllf LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Frince Kupert I'hone 260 W 9 sL . Daily News' Ads. Bring Results BLUE DANUBE BIG ROMANCE Romance, spelled tn capitals that ij Lcatrice Joy's' new De Mille star studio production, "The Blue Danube." It is a tremendous throbbing love theme dominating in a plot blending tense dramatic action yith delic ious comedy, It is a Paul Sioane production of the finest grade. ' The story is extremely human, with a background as colorful as any ever seen on the screen, j Though not a war picture, the undercurrent of the World War iis felt in several sequences' an ! 'it stresses the tragedy of a proud nation, suffering the pangs of galling defeat. J Joseph Schildkraut and Nils Asther. featured players in sup-i ; port of Miss Joy, are ideally cast. They stand at the apex of their profession. In the suppor power. They are May Robson, former stage star and Seena Owen; for many years a popular screen star. Then there is Al bert Gran, who won fame by his impersonation of the cab driver Week-end Specials Here we offer you for this weak-end, only the Jsest vegetables in 6-tin Jqts. . Compare these prices with those you pay for same by the tin and you will find that there is a big saving by buying in 6-tin lots at the prices quoted below: Nabob Tomatoes 2s, 6 tins .70c Royai City Peas Size 5, 6 tins 83c Koyaj City Green Beans 6 tins. .,: !jc Aylraer Sweet Gorn 6 tins . .93c Nabob. Red,, Pitted .CherriM 2s. 6 Una $1.60 Nabob loganberries 2a, N.YpSteerTietrU0 6 tins $1.45 Royal City Raspberries 2s, 6 tins , $1.63 Royal City Strawberries 2a, 6 tins $1.65 Royal City Apricots 2, 6 tins $1.13 Libby's Pears 2. G tins ..$1.35 Nabob Sliced Peaches 2 Vis, 6 tins $1.70 Nabob Red Plums 2V, 6 tins $1.25 Llhby'a Asparagus Tip Plcnk size, 6 tins ,$1.30 Royal City Spinach 2sr 6 tins 93c Heinz Spaghettl-Small size, 6 tins 70c Use Union Ethy! Gasoline For Your Car Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Pioprietor Fifth Street, WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dresi-ed: OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter; Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 I TOE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, J;mu,i WEEK AT THEATRES Wednesday nnd Thursday Cr.nitol- "The Michigan ' V Kid" with Hence Adnree and Etremely Human Picture at the Conrad Nagel Wwtholme Tonight Fcalur- :t Vfl8tbrf ne: Iatrlce Joy in j .-nlng Beatrice Joy "The iftenuK ! . Friday mul Saturday Ci.piol; "Excess Hag gnge." . Ser'-t' 'Tar an Number 3." 4 f District News PRtUCE GEORGE Whitmore and Wieland. . ' Wethotrae Charles Far- rH nnd Grrtn Nissen In "" 4- I John T. Cowart, Ivor Smaaslet ..nj two other i.rappers started : out from here last week on a three hundred mile hike into the UnTcQ Smmit ao s of ceptional reputation and drawing Two local rinks of curlers have been visiting JIcBride and Jasper for a series, of game. One of the rlijke consists of W. G. D! Harper ..Bert Harper, Lloyd ..Harper and William Bexbn, while in "Seventh Heaven." and Frank other J of n.j.t. - .. JPidgeon. Edward Opie, Frank """"" . oiBe aim , Paul , screen, rew pictures produced in recent months exhibit better casts. William Bunday has been committed for trial by Magistrate J. P. Moran on a charge of assaulting Mrs. DeGrosse in het place on Dominion Street. Allan Lemonte of Valemont has ben found guilty. and fined $300 by Justices of the Peace T. ! R. Lloyd and David Hay at Mc- Bride on a charge of keeping liquor for sale. The total revenue of St. Mich ael's AnxUcan. Church hre dur- ing 1923 was $2,300. The church is in a good, financial position, having paid all accvunU in connection with enlargement undertaken during the past year. I x uk tibj cuiujuii nam ukiucu iu purchase at a :cost of $265 an oil I purifier for he Ileal power ; house. It . wijl bring about ec-I onomies in the saving of oil. 1 ' The mill of the Longworth Lumber Co. near Priace George is now working a double shift, having found a good market in the United States for its production. The payroll of the company for the past month amounted to $16,00. STEWART ! Hugh McDonald, provincial .government road foreman here, returned last week with his bride who was formerly Mrs. Gertrude Pettfplece, their wedding having occurred recently in 1 Chilliwack. They have taken up , residence in the Kelly home on hSixta and Brlghtwell Streets , which Mr. M Donald has pur-j eatsed. ,. , ,. Kenneth McLeod returned last week from a trip to,, Vancouver. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Arnold arrived here last week from Van- Phone 20S,couvr- reti McDonald, well known lo- ,cal prospector and one of the owners of the Troy group, left last week for A visit in Vancouver. C. A. Banks, managing of the B. C. Silver and Se- 'bakwe properties, left last week. for the south after having spent a few days here. Mrs. S. G. Lawrence and her sister, Miss E. McGregor of the nursing staff of the Stewart Hospital, left last week for Vancouver on a vacation trip . The Stewart Bjtyrd of Traders continuing to press for the construction of a road from here to Telegraph ( reek. Ilecent important mineral dlscoverie which have been made, .on the Stlklne and Iskut Rivers should prove an incentive for the Immediate construction of the road, it is felt. A Dally New want-ad bring result. . will EXCITING FILM AT CAPITOL Rex Reach Story Slurring Rence Adorcc of "Rig Parade" Fame ' Is Fuji of thrills and Romance t Rex Beach never wrote a more romantic, excit ng novel of -Al- ka In gold rush days than "Ths Michigan Kid." the film ."reion of which will open at tW'Cnpitol Theatre tonight, with Corrid Nnrel and Renee Adoree co-starring. Universal haa turned out a t' r'llinu photoplay from the story set in the colorful times of gambling houses, dance hall end rough men when the gola fever gripped the country. The film is a combination of the highest cinematic beauty ot locale and Rex Beach's most powerful drama of the northern wilderness . Husband Was Af raid , She Was Getting , Pneumonia' . Mrs. Chafes Edwartfe, R. It. No. 2, Wheatley, Ont., writea: "LJ it-inter I was bothered with a very bad cold, and my husband was afraid I wag getting pneumonia. "One day one of my neighbors came in and she suggrted that I try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine . Syrup I took a few doses and I was greatly relieved. . "It also relieved my son, aged nice, of the croup. "I will never be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood V in the house, sad I cannot recommend it too highly.? . Price 3.V. a tjottle; larze family sue' 60c. at all drtiggurt sod daaJets. ' Put up oply by Th T. Milburn Co, ;Ltd., TorojjJto, Oa. BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiar a little differentf Harder to test than many? That Is the kind we take a special interest in and usually satisfy our customers. In fact, if the eye is not diseased, and glasses are reslly what is needed, we are sure we can suit you. Lenses ground specially for eaeh eye when necessary. Many pleased customers in Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd. 85c. Dessert Specials For Your Convenience We Offer These Heal liargnin PINEAPPLE Libby's or Malkins. 8 tins gjc P.ASPUBRltlES Regular -10c. 3 tins 86t CHERRIES Regular 38c. & tins 85c LOGANIIEKRIE8 Regular 85c. 8 tins 86c PEARS Regular 85c. 3 tins 86c APRICOTS Regular 88c . 3 tins 86c Your Order May lie Assorted PRIDE OF ONTARIO HONEY 8s, regular. $1.09. Tin ....85c ONTARIO llONEY-GIass Is. t bottles 86c Mussallem Grocery Co. Wmted 1 617-423 Cth Ave. E. Phones 18&84 I 1 ft t. -i rwmvi 'THE MICHIGAN APITOL KID" MY REX REACH Starring RENEE ADOREE and CONRAD N .GEL A story of action and fomdnWfn the gefrd camps ,i w.i'.h a no orious gambler nndu crooked mine auperw ., , ,, tHng for the heart of a wonderful girl, t ho' toss of a i , ', a laugh on his lips, and the Michigan Kid was ready : thing. 35c. f 05c. L COMEDY AND NEWS TONIGHT AT THE coming Friday and Saturday WW. HAINES IN "EXCESS RAGGAGi,. 35a 05i. THE LABEL IS RED AND WlilT7 aiBaiBia anaaaaaaaaBiaaaaiBBwaawaaaaawaamiaaaaa BETTER COWS BETTER MILK IN order to bring to you, under the red and white Carnation label, as fine milk as the world produces, we are constantly introducing the high milk producing strain of our blue ribbon "Contented Cows" into the herds that daily supply milk '(to the Carnation Condcn- series. In fief, one of the most famous IlUt fin, herd.- in all the wofld is owned by the Carnation Nlk Farms. In this, as in many other ways, we insure the quality of Carnation Milk. Insure that it really will add rich It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy ness and flavor whenever you use it For Carnation is jif r. fresh milk evaporated to, double richness, "homogenised' every drop has its full share of cream. Diluted, it is used in . to give greater smoothness and richness. Undiluted it tv place of cream at one-third the cost of cream, Order, ' grocer severs! tins or a case of 43 tins. Stnd fr a free copy 0 Uary BUke'i Cook Pk. AM'Ui Cam:: .1 ' Products Company, UmM, Aytmer, OiUric CARXATIOX CRRAU CARAUELS-Tvo cut aur, 1 cups com -rap butter, 2 cups Carnation MOt, for (rajm salt, t teaspoon vam!i . sane pan owr tireJmar. typiff, aah and Vuttw. $Ur nul man I 'I w!? w,tBcy; H" M gradually' at not U Mop boiling th, 1 Milk. Coofc to Urdctttth F. or to firm ball Hare, irlninc toni.(l 1 Uaspooa viniUa, pour into buttered pant and mark in squares. ' - Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" H Produced in Cur ii Move Bedell Mt&hvcacl FLOUR flakes ur Good cIm "Belter j