page as HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 DRY BIRCH- - CEDAR -JACKEINE-AND - - - Single load $31) Double load , $6.50 Larfee swek 50c Box Wood Cwttfngs. Lwge Load COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerfess Bgg $12.90 Mggw Washed Niks $11.25 TOeWSooUess Large Egg . ........ . S12J& Alberta Sootfess Egg . . $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes ef coaL Piano and Fnraitare Moving. Express and Bat Mr n NTfcM Serce 139 Second Arrntif DRMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers nUK DAINTIEST BKEAKFAST HH1D." Saiskrd l)Uj by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage -Co., Lti Kriacv Mipert. BOi Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Uoiafciit aVUr nsuMHt" fm tVuntiq. j-aaemataK SiiAtcnaaesv uiUsv fsontfiVw VMrwraacsk lc njxsmc xsem crrna: P?OVE O sni 3 "CATERPILLARS , Tractors THAN TUB WaTHBR! A 3 be fcc- Dftrr Dm A Hoadrvd Dse fee Sery Sfa 2 TON. TWBJfTT. THIRTY, SiXTT QilCKiat CHKAPBR so "IHM stmt v.txreciu. n. c. HOLT ami Prices on Sale Iawtribaa far B. C MORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED wnmw BEST SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET Srti AvertHe Phwe 71 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAqES Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. : VANCOUVER. Jaa. -TO. R. ill. Hornc-Payne, founder of the - THE NHWS STEEL BOUNTY (COLDEST YET C.N.R. MAKES BILL IN HOUSE IN INTERIOR TAX APPEALS VICTORIA. Jan. SO. A bill tme Taint Mows a Below Zero f jMHidiag batintie for lae prod tic- rbot Jwmwan Only il tioa of iron and steel in British Balew Cotmabia has bea introdoced by Endst to oe the coldest 'British Columbia SI.: ic. died a:? Endai,. I hi home at BrviUrw-!. tear !v-f Tm don. England, todaj. accurdie ::abbv. .ible advices. COUNCIL OF WOMEN 4 REFUSE TO ENDORSE i BDMOXTON. Jan. Feeling that the e was a possibility i being "traaieJ for a good: nanny months of the year w.thoa; frah, the local coancil of win in annnal naaating refascd to env a ranolntioa from the na-iwtmt il aafcina; the govern-to omart legislation to pre sent inmpint of Aaaericaa frni cn the Cnntian market. Ahhongh the sitvation was caav iaand nrgunt in the frait-giow inn; dnatihta of Canada owing to Bnras '. - ar. oahnv 42 he- AJyaai c'oady, calm, 2 tifaa. U h- AHta.A ai Part ciawijr. ennt wind 1? a bore. ' Javnx Ctear. north wind. 14. Stawar Cfear. north wind, ahord. Atlia ;!vudy. cahn. mo. White Horse Ooodj. light -irrh wr-L 11 below. Stewar r.;er -Part doady. light nor- wind. 35 below. Dwwbob Clear, calm. 34 below. HERETODAY rtJ! importation of American f nit Cni nid-r Sie Daaange Done To tfdota:JfNafinkeeptbe Anvrf-' RadHrz aw First Amw ran naarbrt kh). the members Ownew by fawt -liid4! -wial to Lake any action tenmana - nnnSnms Advertise in rThe Daily News' anther Marnaatioa had Ff recetord. f tU lg CAUSE i WfiTXfF fbV DrailN cdd IS ALTERED BY JDGE f Ionia i Tift. Por Sayaan lav Sana, appeaW is Toaaty cavt be-fbee J Jndg Towng'yesterday after- nnn agansz a secTroce aaposew hmvlht. R, G.lArg. jnnticeef the tanac x rw- ma, .rr- tar rucm.i 1: on WUt -Jt Kelly, on To k. it t as I W7Tfm n Over n fimtj ckfos I drana mwsrt designers ire aiTo , rating lace roeaing wraps to pre-I jaiaa fh :'act ?i t- rrac. And while chiffon vea-hag wrnan will be for ws mer wear, lace is to be ta far- ? ; orite. The mndel wi i Mack, wttjn n tary ? a at the neck, with eed. tha. in fr. The lbo rred and 1 to Bee ad. aad this effect u rv.atr2 cffev'tively at the hem nvm rassan ie ii to be cahd Mat no ha maa wf-hie three At l o'cl bowrs todnf. loch this mornimr. thawing of pipen eanoad dty bmh :r beccase ignited behind sonar hewse naax the earner af 9rra4h A.c-tv asi Taylor Street. HnK u lonr later there waa another amah fir at the jrtinn af three moask f or- Graham aao Atlia Aaas la ag.-attfca.ted :s as laciian re- Westriew and ax 11 a.m. a grass the aenxeoces to ran con- ; ua wats front near the nrwdrey Kb Honor altrred rhnrator caBed the brigade oat far - acwhaana two mon-hs for . -4 time within an lis-' ami two months for drank- y ilimngg was daw in any rf anmtaa aa -h rt--tt. lis rm e.. w he snrccw roararres-1? C- iiierahle dnmnnn was W 9 r.-.a ar?aree -sm. a ti- intarior of a wgf cf "he iTpt'-'ML w!?s W- -lid -e on First Arcwnt near th C. Fishier acted f?r tie trows. :ra- f Mc Bride Straat at Fasii . t ! o'clock this aftamooa. An v!- 'tad store pipe was t :aas- f this fit which gwthbi '' i the aDstnirs rooma anal Tf wavr Tii kmm war in tt or! (vie arrrred. the feawhwa j , .! roonwwas ifmnssi. 1 ;W bsatfilnvf abft W ta at - r r-- taW llnati 4kt baih edr mT Camv-Alfrai Swak- j,., Otherwbe, , Monldpal VbhMmI Coart Coart ' Rexkioa VCm HTe Llrht ! WA.TW Year Um minister of names. point rep. eorthern Brit-; It repeats the former art pro- ten Colnfc 5 below being ree- Apart from the pereaawl ap- idinr. a h tg of S a ton on o ded ther this morning. BwaaipmJ f the Canadma National pig iron prodoced from area Lak ran- ' close with 42 below Railway a ad the Ciand Trus mined hi the proriare and re- and sero eat" still continues ; Pacific Fni laam nt On, there is ta ins a. ejoutcnexs sjl r is avtia jama am. ...... aha us fat an am at. as xu .ia t, Maa aa. S x aa a a innwaans aa .. f J Its nu tit. a amwvnme S " XS h nM u a ana. J a. . ant tat m t. c cat SSS ISA . a ookc at taa t am av ;aaa. ssa ua - ftmasta ... ta tju mJ - tt taa c ? wnaff mob L ? (ma anas - 0-23 i-:: af nv ... mat a 1- t fur SS WW tW - - h . .ant CORPIALl bsJhMng has bean erected. Otaw anaeals. toretbtr Uhe sections in which prpert i m rnv below f?1TOv b ,4. t-, T Fer ner. Sortion f; JC Hanson. Phirpatt. section 7; H R. Pott. E- B. fahth a Black. Jamea Ramsay P. R. White, all in section L YOUNG FISHERMAN ! paws umnFNi.Y! Death Occ acred La.4 NbjM inj Print Rnaert General He, petal of Jhh Palgate Bcearws e titv tfc: a ft- .0 attr.J ".hr rnrat fr whi KutHt-r irrived fi! .rr.-.n--'.- h :re in the ' . . . . -ection 1; George K. Brooks, tec- of the B- t 2. -ansed's father, j? a . a- i w rt oa W. de Monilpled. section : J nnd C. Pedertoa. Mctiaa 6 H A COLD WEATHERS rS mOTRinr meter still -rrjjee Rape continuing tv dial prosprc- Following a brM :llnesn, taw hour the - occurred CCOrTTU uudt!!y "'". last ixt MSI night nigni .n mm, mmmtmd vith all V.n. Ikma i !.. U.V. lu for tW IMUI Wer. .ht fnrthnr ciaae Pm to little warmer, only 34 below be-;eowt , rWon a the nwnk-ipal th Pr'c,ce !'7f! Uw r ant awantiea of XI. 5c a tan on ing recnr i, d. Following is ts uuaMt rail whieh will sit tral Hosnul of Jsbm ith 14 degre shapes ananfartared nrlAin goremaatr: Ie?raph report at 8 M Pehraary . The dmlinmil aged U. weU knowa local haMhot 'rpert yet the province. Pnrpo.- of the a.m. today: !conspa is appealing agninat al- fshemian. He i suwiwd by a ; into tk, a.-w cfawse is to cover the steel. Prince xUpert Clear, light egiy tittui TalwatiaM of widow. fcaviB en ma med only aving nu.n manifaentred from scran iron. est wind. irinDeratnre. 19. ' - uk. af the a war ago. Deceased nd Ils4 rle in the ho-. HORNE-PAYNE DIES, LONDON! Port S.:r.:son Part ralnv 8 ave. ' ' 14 Bayapc -Clear. (light wis lea UnzetU" Clear, cahn. Starts :r. calnu 32 be- j-n .a. aa. .11 tw in the 0-b4ock. Ei East. He was bom in Whitby. . r-robabljr an r - waterfmnt knd as ZTLZ20X. EgUi. and hadU Uking a , be-!;. u-- tv, I11M n in Vanewnrer before comimr bar, of skating, ar. . 1 a- -- - j i.r i-'tti PaiiC tuntinaas. wi M Hum j nu .fan kit Donald Kitcnic on tae i ! STUL FELT HS Wind Fn East and I J ik ie .. C N R. -te-.r art flarr; V irt at 1 otirer. 1 Ocan Fall- -o'clock tonivh-Arox. reu rraJ brth-m and i--tcr raside in f clock Prida Vanco-jrr. sooth at P ADOTe istyK?rynr?-ani . inawii n DAILY NEWS' SHOPPING SERVICE for Out-of Town Subscribers To serve its women readers, and particularly those who lire at a distance from a retail centre, The Dairy News has instituted a Shopping Service. The Daily News k read by h sad reds oi women living far from any urban faeiliti6 fr stopping and it is for these that this shopping service k primarily imewkti. Of course, The Daily News Skftpper wiH attend to the man aLo, although he can bay a pair af brace anywhere. Bat not evir-where can a woman get a bit of lace Rtatched or a piece of embroidery thread or the thousand and one things that make p the difference between a woman's wants and a man's. The Prince Rupert Merchants Carry between them Stocks running up to $2,000,000 and while it is net possible to purchase everything in this world in Prince Rupert, most things are available by return mail None ef the Prince Rupert merchant can possibly advert i-e everything they carry in stock, bat if the thing wanted is to be got in this city, our out-of-town readers may be sure that The ' Daily News Shopper will gef it when asked for. If any of our women readers cannot get what they w ant in their nearest store, all there is to da is to write to The Daily Ncft Shopper, stating what is requir e ith whatever details there may be, enclosing the cost, and if .1 is m Prince Ktipert, The Daiiv News hopper makes your purchase. This Service Free to our women readers and k the outcome of many individnal requests made to oar staff on their travel through the district m seasons past. This service ha been appreciated in these individual cases and is now extended to all with the hope of the same appreciation. So Do Not Hesitate Do not think yo are imposing ap n The Daily News. Our shopper is awaiting your requests. THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT B. C. ' '1- k r,i v 'ra'-i'l, ' "ill "mp.v it