Pi irmi III Klhrou h" mm a L, iuy, January 20, 1029 FLU CAUSES POSTPONEMENT OF OPENING OF ALBERTA LEGISLATURE e !l 1 . ti. illr.cn of seveial membern 1 ..rta Assembly, the opening of the Legis- i ! Wxjned to January SI. Above is a photograph of the magnificent parliament i'A.r.iouien, while inaet Cleft), i Hon. J. E. tfrownlee, Premier of the Province, and M inor Dr. Egbert, Lieutenant-(icvei n-r of Alberta. News ews or of tli me Mines " ABOUND PRINCE RUPERT 'rcmitr faking (Jood Progress on Prosperity; Independence to Double Crew: Proving Up Marmot Engineer in on the Prosperity group at Stewart by the r iniid Mining Co. ie reported to be of a very satig- c rew has Dn en- jp-v jroing ito reah the suggestion , pi.isible spM. On prewure in mo raairer mat ios of oil was taken V a To'mie gov- at the first of ernraent, wys the Prnce George v v vuM Cltlien. The Consolidated Com- perty at Stew head a 4 Jiy which h . .. U kfns on erett a copper A rennery on - wm ho first Bf if.:??l.l?.!!l-S!K Z Imh..! knt Mt thp refine ! . . rg f c;aicopyrp ''r." T.-w .II.T.k. . ..bh r, was was pr-" pror - .. C.N.U. MAY TAKE PART OF COAL OUTPUT FROM COPPER RIVER MINES (Continued from page one) the present session of the Legislature. A liberal land grant, in- eluding valuable timber areas, mainly apruce, will be required. As a matter of Tact, when the route of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway was originally laid nut it was a question whether the Copper Valley route should not ,;,: ;ic . The long tunnel has crosS-CUt three Veins j be adopted In preference to that i hi d of these, which Was the objective of the tun-! long the Skeena and Bulkley ' i a' king drifted on both ways by the two ma-i Valleya. it Is certainly much at have Wen in continual operation from few inches to th Thn riIth I nuner ueiwcen amunera or ... i"iitw.d 4 v.-i v rt 4 .ii, intliiu Tn T rt a nil 1 11 r 4 1 ii 1 A.inea uica uuni a a, iw-w 1111.1:1:0 me iuu Jrtc wi ; lower Skfna River (he upper tunnel on the property hastjiail to! Th CofoU Wr coal field ihaiidm i on ac- covers an area or twenty square '..slides. There are fiv months ara on the ground and' miles and is estimated to eon- .. H atue i'rope.iy tve property . Fellently , tain 400.00,000 ton. of bitum-,u-ed in HfrfpW. Thr' jsopU. whioh coal high class. , It. was a;: .urnm-afta ""T Z..!lT v Jorlgleally taken up by the Nat- M?"r L7n neoraw lead Vhei i weTJStatotton of $160,000 and George1 ert who was mining wer prMSM mm . " t engineer in charge of the com- -.k to US - -M-B.sr I -U,)PM Mn v.. OMratlon. lnfOPmwl snow came I M r cier 01 ine company, expects ifarget the Mlock lifted soon on the 'atfoqtT exchange , fr--, 1 f r i t be started !htely m the W V T. i Werren of the . . m ... i lAAn ;t onwiaaraq gnns ijmei;ing meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy at V.- ncnuve at the time when the property was under develop-meat that investigations had shown It to be the best coal tribu tary to the coast for tlte produc- i hi- l.' p.nt p.in: fw IIW weeks. WNU. "'7 " " rr u f metallurgical coke that raid 'who I. rMng lZS Tl T tLTool .... for tn t eatment of B. C. copoer .in i i nniUr unoer contract, contract, . . . 7u-4i sulphur add low in ash as to be lets fall tha that -dapted to the manufacture ofjectric power iron and steel, which demand the highest grade of coke. Brit-1 ish Pacific Industries Ltd. has1 ni .n4.. k. reiainea an eminent nruisn iirm large produce- wtthif' 1in'n engineers. Messrs, Fos-.. of the Mar- M conper -VoV ii-, nn Van-ouver Island and Urown & Ree- engineers '; 1 aKT?!! PreHdent Warren says It will Jha.1 ' knre the f.,el,d we"' h navintf iavoraoiy renoriea on u for the National Finance Co. Ltd. about eighteen years ago. Initial Market mduead Copper River Coal was the best 'ZUZ3FZ toTnd thirorm. British Co- W of National Finance Com-;V . f wJf V-aeS "umbia refinery In preference to P-ny whan it went into hquidat-X I" h UnitUon. and the trustees. Yorkshire ' !? ,0 JiE StHtes It may be that the Con- and Canadian. Trust Co., have t 1 ui whJhi'i Uted will be abb- to t eat n- worked hard to find k purchaser ' " h!i Per ore as cheaply as it Is treated for the property so that the as- K ulTcs E tnUniUd States. If it fall.- might be reaped to advan- thUe of ,,- i 1 This taJaS fwil " th's the rugge.tlon is that some tage. i , f J 4i twin form of " ....... coercion should be ap-, the . promoters appear to have up two wo i' in k iit. ft., oxtand- olied ta the copper prolucer or, made an arrangement with the silver suvcr veins veins f" . , - ' , ,. . to . British n-in.u -ii.k, c..ir. National v-tun-i Railway i'o(i,a,. to ...... Li.-1 notne bonus be given sue . lrjT., . for the t aat- . HMICUII 10 ; H wnuld ml run only M wort- v. vw-.--!, worth dM' to Br,U"h r-r,.un.l A little . 'lone last summer on "IVLi " ' d f,ned Wlth,n iw the the . w ins and Dr. H. T -i-lnit mining engineer, Province. in in if interested in thai " " " ami -romm-ii.lH thit yRt' lJRUNSWH'K MINKUAIS 1 1 ! -d out at this apst. i . -1 iDi-nt tunnel wa cynaum. coal, oil-shale, abras- ...1.:.. 1 i-4 u'. . . iv,r" , H, Wo,. " limestone ana iron. "'" -jwhen Ives, Jt through . p&ase a coun- l;''' ;';'r.Bri m wd tun8ten "8 theUry so In coal as that be-...d jli.Hkindof mn n,, minpra, of New Bruna-i J TeIkwa an. r .0 a. ,-m-l..y,d atth wck development of coal mines v.h.iv, in ordtrr to ob-. -- ,u i..i L . Mi., lunnaj was.d: t " land.lJvW I 1 riiation ft c vi riL'ht nugles. ini 1 la-'-i -cr tunni'l is pen-' c ir one ntirl has gone id- norphyi y princlp- n ii.-n -t rating .'.0 feet of. Sffl 'Allien is heavily min-j Iuej vit.h pyrite iron. Tim ing in th,. tunnel ha.s delayed1 BfC ..nil.U'hnt If K,.in, nooaa.l t i timlicrs for 76 feet of 1 All supplies for min- hlii'iisc nnronsi'M In lust - - . r v - - 'LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service - Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. use Copper River coal for steaming their engines on the division west of Jasper. If ao that will provide a market, as it .in estimated the railway ojteration between Prince Rupert and Jasper can consume around 1000 tons a day. It has long been a cause of complaint that this' rail way should use fuel oil of foreign extraction for its engines Ill iiiai. am nvum 'mm IU llic railway nn immense revenue, now lost, as ell uafrowte the general progressof the Country. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVB ii . - - ness respectively. Several other seams were located In the process of diamond drilling anu develop-1 ment, j I Plants For Ry-Products j It .a propose- to establish byproduct plants, in which g;is is a) parently reckoned is an asset, as thi- coal is stated to be iap-abie of producing 11,080 cubic feut of gas per ton. Oth r by 110 'icts ivo. r-tr.te'' to be 12 lbs. aiilph-itfi of ammoi.ru, 2-7 gallons benzol for motor fuel and 8 gallons t; r. Tt is proposed to take t t!.e asSisiaii -t- given V 1 ; ' -n rovernri-.it for tho cKt.'ibliabment iot coking plants. V !. i the market or eo!-e on the "is: pniserjt sm::ll, it if 1'Jtely to -how a Urge increase t' ' - f next few years, (Jran-by's by-product coking piant at iiiy-ix is ;n thp market, and that j company would be a purchaser of ;co,i-''rlIe tonnage for the, i smelter. The proposed smelters I 1 1 .1 -ii. rr:i - c,ii ' uj. kjauy mm 111 iiucnuici oiiirikcis Ltd. and Consolidated Mining & Smelting on the coast will be additional consumers, and then there are the large chemical plants .projected, oji the coast by British-American interests. The town of Prince Rupert offers the opportunity for. a gas plant, and this the company may establish. Iron and Steel The development of an iron and steel industry, based on the II-monite deposits on- Copper River near the coal field, is proposed. These contain a large tonnage of iron ore of good quality and the feasibility of an iron and steel industry based on the deposits has long been recognized. It is, of course, dependent on railway transportation being provided, but with good metallur gical coke and fluxes practically on the ground and a suitable ore in sufficient quantifies in proximity to the coal mines the conditions wonfd appear favorable ail'd opportune for the establishment of such an industry. If the company's plans are carried out is outlined this will be the first Application of (he modern 'scientific methols of handling coal a no coke Hi this tardvnice. .and aaofetitm by other coal companies to their own and the public advantage. Smoke-ess, sootieBs and ashless coal is what the ronsutner'fs looking for and will hav . to float wwn'eV or later., It. will meanjthei'mWe economic utftiation of the eoal re- atircea of the prorihee, wftn bet- tart "demand and greater prosper ity for coal operators, who have now had eighteen years of adversity through the inroads on their markets of fuel ol and el- HOSPITAL W. A. IS DISBANDING Disgruiijjcment Expressed at Never Dejng Consulted by Hoard or uperln' tendent 1 Having never been Wnsulted by the board or the lady superintendent v'th regard to work of the inat tution, the Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Rupert General Hospital, in its report to the annual meeting of the hospital association last night, announced that, as it had apparently outlived its usefulness, it had been decided to disband tho auxiliary. The report was signal by the secret,-ry of the Auxiliary, Mrs. F. G. Pyla, Dur-'ng the yar, membership of the Auxiliary had dwindled as had slso tho activities of the group. New linoleums had bi-sn purchased for the wards and the usual Chrtatuiae gifts hd been supplied to the patients. The Auxiliary hud just deelchfl to spend $250 in purchasing men's dressing gowns and providing chairs for the public wards. Presldont J. H. Thompson ex-ressd rprct at the .dcTEUIon of thoi Auxiliary.- which4 hl ilnno muth usflful work. Activities of The high quality of Copper; the Auxiliary had alwata been River coal is best shown by the j welcomed and he pointed out that analysis, an average of which Is:: the o-wanlsation had its repres- Moisture 3.3 entativw on the board. Volatile Combustible Matter 34.5' On motion of G. P. Tinker. sec-Fixed Carbon 5G.l'onded by Aid. W. M. Brown, the Ash 6.1 report of the Auxiliary Was re- Sulphur 0.5xi reived, disappointment being ex- II. T. U l-'.OOO to i:i,000 .pressed at its decision to disband The two main seams of coal ,ue '.' . iind C fpet feet In thick 11 nd" good work that had been done beinjr acknowledged. r ENVOY TO JAPAN flon. Herbert M. Marler of Montreal, who has just been appointed as En'-oy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Dominion of Canada to Japan. NEW HOSPITAL WILL HAVE TO HE IiUILT BEFORE LONG IN THE CITY STATES J. II. THOMPSCON IN REPORT j " (Continued from page one.) son, lady superintendent, gave a general resume of hospital work or the year. A total of 948 pa tients had been treated during the; year, the ave age stay in the hospital- for each patient being 20 j days. There had been 18,082 hos-1 pital days, or an increase of 5086! days over the previous year. There' had been 51 deaths during the! year. Three student nurses had' graduated and five new students had been accepted. Mfes Harrison thanked the board and man-' aging secretary for splendid support given during the year. i Aid. W. M. Brown presented the annual report of the house committee, of which he was chairman. Improvements that had been made during the year were referred to. These included the putting in of new lights outside the building, renovating of . the :tw room, repairing of the wards, reopening of the old ward in the basement and improvement of fire mains, giving the hospital a more adequate water supply. The new board, Aid. Brown stated, would be faced immediately with expenditure in Installing a new sterilizer in the operating room Tla the AFTER effect! of FLU more dangerous than Flu itself Physicians advise that the chief danger in this epidemic is AFTER Influenza. Then, more! than ever, colds attacking the weakened system maj lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus t- ouble, abscess 'oV Ihe ear.'mastoiditis, or even the dread meningitis. This.'is especially true.of children or old folks. - . AT FIRST SIGN OF A COLD Put some Vicks up each nostril and snuff well back. At bedtime, apply hot wet towels over throat and chest until the skirt is thoroughly reddened. Then rub vigorously with Vicks.. Spreud it on thickly and cover with' warm flannel '. Vicks acts 2 ways at once (absorbed and' ifth&Ied) and often checks a cold overnight.; If, by -morning the cold still lingers, stay in bed a'nd repeat" the treatment every 4 hours. ' ' ... ,S . AVOID TOO MUCH .DOSlNGA'pecuilaritj; of influenza is that its toxins leave the digestive system upset. Constant "dosing," especially .in the case of children, still further disturbs the digestion and lessens. the appetite, just when the bodynceds nourishment' more than ever. ', , . Vicks VapoRub is especially valuable here because It is applied exte nally. and so can be dsed freely at the first sign of every cold, without upsetting the most delicate digestion. WICKS v and repairs to the foundation underneath the nurses' dining room. Work On Grounds In presenting, the report of the grounds committee, M. M. Stephens stated that all the ground on the Fifth Avenue side of the VAPORUB hospital had been turned over, drained and put in a crop of potatoes which had been used in the hospital. Further draining had beea undertaken in the fall. Mr. Stephens, recommended that the grounds be fenced this year. 3 m to OuiC thry come, pell-mell to breakfast, for they know DOWN that Quirk Quaker is ready. It takes only 4 to 5 minutes to cook. It tastes so good they want it every morning. Quick Quaker is the cure for the wrong breakfast which so many people eat. Its nut-llkc flavour is a relish and the digestive organs respond to its warm, creamy texture. No other cereal has such, a perfect food balance. Protein, 18. the growth element which fosters mental activity as well as bodily stamina; carbohydrates, 65, the energy food. Your children need Quick Quaker to sustain them through out the busy forenoon the hours that make the greatest strain on their physical and nervous energy. Here is the breakfast that tastes good and feeds you welL Quaker. Figure on every package B itir 1 ji ta uk for Quirk Quikrr. You H1 know it by tie figure of the Qukrr on the bif. full riftit, firaily pacfcigr, vrtppni tad irtlrd. Ecb prUf rooUin a coupon with chirk too ran trron BitiT hon-hoM and ptf ens srtHes of frauint value. In XlA to 5 sainatas KCaaks The world's fastest cm king careal ker Oats The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough and Saskatoon 170