r.... f V, It to : PA JE TWO THE DAILY NEWS , News and Views in The World of Bcston, Bruins Beat Canadiens TRAIL WINS """for Second Time in the Playoffs THEN FOUND for Right Enter Hockey Finals DISQUALIFIED BURNETT'S 13 oz. 1.90-26.6 oz. 3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 EIGHTY DdrjDARS A TOX Coal hi biagsold for S0 a ton aad flour coats $25 a hundredweight at Fort Churchill, according to J. C. Franklin, lineman . .1 f I - A This advertisement is not published or displayed y m. Liquor Control Beard or by the Covemment of British Columbia ' ADIEU WINNER OFSPRINGCUP LIVERPOOL, March 22. Hor- fre-yer-oid Ask;, wya the Liverpool spring cup oer a -mile coarse yesterday. The. Mohawk I and Quickstep third GREGALACHWON STEEPLECHASE AINTREE TODAY m i wm anaiiia. rm mi mitib i wmt . ... ! TORONTO. March 22. The perfect defensive game of 'Bosten.gave thera anqther one to nil victory over the Oa-amens at Boston mi night. Tfce Bruins Reed onry ene more win to enter the Stanley cup f inak Cooney Weiland ; repeated his hero stunt of the first game and caged the only score in the first period. The Bruins then went back on the defensive. The score enraged the visitors' and during the rest of the period their checking was vicious and ( GAMES PLAYED ' Seml-Pinal j Allan Cross and Robert Stuart' zranbers. who has hsi, workine Pfr today, taster Hero, Dorothy Creech beat Mrs. C. V. T. ' . owned by J. M. Whitatey came sec- grit alhH Vr s. P. MeMnrdi along lot Hadaea Bay line now pushing north to the Bay. AUGER RESIGNS OTTAWA, March 2t: L. Auaer, lUharal. jnember of Prescott County, who was A 1 r tiered on Wednesday oa. a serious charge against a girl, ha re signed his seat in ParUameBU LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 69 Cartige, Warehousing, ana Diitributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. ond, and Richmond, owned by K. ijat lfcS. Me Alpine was third. rapidly with only seven finishing. ST. ANDREW'S BOWLING Jack Watson and Jack RinU Played to 12 All Draw lt Xight Rinks of Jack Watson and Jack Frew played to a 12-12 draw last deadly. Their continued ita stung forward attack however, was unable to score. Th third came will he played IN 111 yaiJ.nmuil BADMINTON - - - Rangers.will play off for the 'right t asset the winners of the PInt Round of Cathedral Club's Bo4oaVCanadien serf. Toronto CJty Open Competition Has ovw-vaaekttf Detroit 4 to 1 and Been Completed. tk tie 'idbnd 7 to 1 ; j The :NW York teams after a The Badminton Club of St. Apr- scorcseeft.gaW on Tuesday played drew's AnjriicaB Cathedral is hoi- i -ft! regaiar tine last night and dbg a city open tournament. atairy '36 tnmMea of sudden aVents are mea's, ladies' and death overtime before Butch mixed doubles, and H first rooad : Keelis scored on a pass from I games have been completed. See- IThKHspton for the Rangers, load round matches will he played , The Toronto-Rangers series i tomorrow Bight and the fhtats . will open in New York on Sunday are scheduled for Monday. Plat jr night , has been very interesting. The following were last night's roiiowing ate scores u aaic. 'scores: Men's Doubles First Round (Detroit 1. Toronto 4. C. J. Norriagton and Shelford Darton beat H. T. Cross and Col. J. W, Xieholla, 14-15. 15-2, 15-7. S. D. Johnston and C. L. Young- man beat H. L. Shadwell and A. i Young. 154. 16-1 Allan cross and Robert Stuart 'beat Ernest Wilding and Stan Smith. 15-11. 15-4. i Frank Bussell and Wilt LaraWe 'beat Robert Gartlett and Alex tRi. flft, JM. im. N.Y. Ranger 1. American 0. Canadienff Boston 1. COLD STORAGE WINNING TEAM Capture City Second Division Ililliard Title by Taking Both First and Second 1 . Halfs ' " beat Frank Russell and Will -'lataibte '&tS. '$-1t. 15-14. TkM .By viiig the last two fixtures iff ife". in the outstanding game of the schedule, both of which the tournament mi were ' completed with the storing was keenly and well played. of ouUtandiag games Ust night, LadieV, DoobIes-First Round Co I1 Storage came up from be-,. Miss 'Prances! Cross and Miss hind and woo the second half of Only Seven Out of 66 Horses Xlnt .Mitchell beat Mrs. C. C. Soeoad division billiards. The i Fiafahed Grand Xational ' Mills and Mrs. M. H. Wott, 15-5. 9rtto had been leading up to the .1G-8. start of these two fixtures. Cold Miss Molly Cross and Mias Storage, having won the first half. AINTREE. March 22: Greg- Lavra Pritzell beat Miss Gert- takes the second division title alaeh by My Prince from Saint n,ie McKemie and Miss Xancy without playoff. ;ermaine owned by Mrs. M. A. Rorie. 15-4, 15-S. Last week's tournament wa- (lemmell won the Grand National itu K M Rltt and Mi completed last night when Charles night in the 9t. Andrev,'. Soicety " " E. Feneloa, Grand Terminals. carpet bewliag competition. The ,",r, 186; W. Bailey, Cold Storage, 200 . next game will ill he he might between Bert Cameron and Ben Dalgarno rinks TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE B0TTUD.4 fiUaHANTttl MOfrUt Of fisMLAMO i Mrs. J. W. Niebotts and Mrs. J. S. WHsea beat Miss Alice Pills-berf ad Miss Thevstelasson, 16-11, 6-16, 16-7. Mixed Doubles Robert Stuart aad Mrs. Long beat Allan Cress and Miss Frew Molly Cross 16-13. 16-5. i Frank . Russell and Mias Caroline MHchelt beat W. H. Tobey end Mrs. J. Ilortoa, 15-9, 16-7. K. Wihthig and Miss Thor- steinsson. bye. Bantte. Cold Storage, won 200 t 126 over Aid. S. D. MncdonaM, Grotto. This gave the Cold Sior- Mrs. II. 'h. Shadwell. sd Miss fe "rfl?le Scores "core of,982 of " The Mttlnr wa loo ii I. 1 ta i . t t.i-. w. u the Grotto's 126. ganv- 1 d 40 to 1. Uag d Mrc SMMord Darton, . 'TSLSmI Hillmaa, Cold fl - a m aW av Va a vOi lne i were no bad accidents although COD the record field of 66 dwindled next Monday .V'- " , ... Mink Williams 116, J. Hill- tp oHt antics' aUtvltwf -ilsi-4 rv0 t-afrftse Tk Oritin.I Label laok for It l th Vtnderl and iniitt oa GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or dltplsyed by tho Liquor Control Board or by the Governmont of British Columbia vivos J o"sw a es irv yv Ttk&TX sSvU Cross beat Col and Mrs. J. W., w. ; jRrman 17gf c. B,ptie .icnwiis, ioi, ioi. ' Will Lambie and Mrs. II. L.' 200. I Shadwell beat Robert Bartlett 'ton Storage, 200 ; M. M. McLachlan, Grotto. 175 W. Bailey 200, J. Bessley 110 A. MacdonaM 182. V. E. WU liscroft 200. J, Campbell 290, George Howe 186. This Week's Games In this week's fixture the Cold Storage made a clean - sweep of 1000 to 669 over the Grand Terminals. The final game last nighr resulted in S score of 200 to 88 for A. Macdonald, Cold Storage, over C. L. Youngman, Grand John Bulger 182, J. Campbtll land Miss E. M. Eilett, 16-4, 16-12. i F,. Division Second Round Tne ffnal ftxtare etf the first di ll. T. Cross and Miss Frances vision schedule" between Grand Cross beat E. Wilding and Miss Terminals ami Canadian Leirion Thorttelnsson, 15-7, 15-2. INDIVIDUAL CARPET jxi Xlght Hy Score of 15 to 1.1 ' The first game of the single handed elimination enrpet bowling tournament which Is lelng held by the St Andrew's Society was played last nlghL George was to have been played last night but will not get started until tonight. The Canadian Legion having won the first half, are le.id- RftWl QPRIPQ QTABTSt '"8 by 55 points in the second half . DUllL OLulLO u 1 nil lo landing over the Grand Tenni- j jnals, who are still hopeful of Geddes Beat George Scott 'erging on top. LIONS DEFEATED i BY THE BUCKAROOS PORTLAND, March 22: The Portland Buekaroos handed out; Geldes beating George Scott by a three to one defeat to the Pac-1 a score of 16 to 13. There are I He Coast Hotkey League leaders ' a large number of entries, the the Vancouver Lions in the last list having been published last t 'game here of the regular playing week, I schedule last "hlght. Sadden Death Game Saturday Night Will Deride Allan Cup Play-Off WINNIPEG. March 22: In the first game of the Western Canada championship and the right to meet the champions of Eastern Canada in the Allan Cup' senior amateur hockey finals, the Trail Smoke-Eaters defeated Port Arthur here lat night 6 to 1 but the gams was thrown out by the hockey officials when it was disclosed that Anderson of the Trail defence players was an unregistered player. It was disclosed after the game that the game had been played under protect and that the Trail manager had been ordered not to play An-dereen. As a result the series will be decided by a sudden death game here on Saturday night. Anderson was captain of the team last year and had been pressed into the service for the series when two other players were disqualified. JACK DEMPSEY AS PROMOTER Takes Position in Opposition to Madison Square Garden XBVr YORK, orch 2:-Jk, Dempssy today entered into a two year agreement with Hubert J. Pugaxy. metropolitan rival of Madison Square Garden, for the premotkm of boxing matches here i and in other sections of the ountrv. ii w Quickly soothing and healing Zam-Buk I splendid for skin troubles of all kinds. It heals with the aid of Natura's herbs, in Nature's own way. Foil-wrapped and protected 'Here's a little drama my friend Car- f L :-J .1 t tir i ru wilts return me uincr uay. x usea to buy 3 or 4 cigiri at a time. I'd tmoke one ij right oa one uur lunch. By fare o clock. I'd want another, to I'd go into my pocket, fif ina rcriups una ooc cracaeo. ine otner. totally wrecked. I taid to mvsrif , Bill, ..that i wrong! So when I taw Tucketts : ' JFL T I T r m crc puiung up ivcaet racks ot Marguerites, foil wrapped and pro tected, I was converted to a '5-at a-timrr. 1 I I I TUCKETTS MARGUERITE Now Foil-wrappcd-IInt Still 10 Cents -r.aw. avan "BLACK & WHITE " ALWAYS RIGHT DISTILLED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND BLACK & WHITE" SCOTCH WHISKY Jamcs Buchanan & Co.. Ltd.. Glasgow & London , udverUaement la not published or displayed by tho Lnjuor t'ontrul tt'.ard or by tti. of British Columbia o-n I y.r.h H Sport I