iliwh 22, 1C2D '"BBMSBeMBBBaiaMajjjSjajaHBBMB ' " - . Local and, Personal .News Jo Brief " Come in for $30 ,000 Prize Picture Contest Let u tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prise in this big Eastman Contest the greatest In the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete content information are arallable at the Kodak counter now. Tome to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the moat of every roll of film. yfia Piortc.ur THIfiD AVE. It SIXTH ST SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET ; 4Jrd Avenue Phone 705 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES 1 !( Specialty: 1 ' "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAfiES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. ,' ' "Rupert "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST, FOOjgl ; SnioUed Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. t'rinre Kuptrt, B.U GLASSES that Satisfy PERSONAL PRIDE It Is so longer neceaaary to wear glaaaes that detract from iwraonal appenrnce Craftsmanship ha com- iluf.tylwBtRat r We ia and distinctive. Iit u show you aome of the latest. Have your correction made up in the new style, or we can check up to see If your glasses are correct. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Details of the DEM W Dmaeist TELEPHONES 8" 1,200 1 t f ....,1 Brand" 4 Daily hy .1 II I .V Til Jl I MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITSSTIUM CLEANED ANL PRESSED Wc Driver to Any Pnrt of thi City. Ling, the Tailor iPhonepia Pr Alexander rilONR S7S lir.SVKK HIOCK DENTIST 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. It. Gose. Phone C80. J At FirsfUhfted Church Sunday next Ai t'M' the chort h choir will rehfief the Easter Ourtfctta, "The Thorn Crowned Jvfng;" ii. 'Holden. I Jolin Willnton, well known Uk milling nun, is a business visitor in the city, naving arrived from the interior on ye.-ttcrriay after-1 noon s train. ! J. P. llawkinson, well known ; Stewart and laundry opi-Tator, its a ifitor in i.he city, having arrived from the north on the Prince George this morning. J. R. Mulr of the Capitol Theatre organization returned by the Prince George this mtrrmng to Vancouver after having spent couple of days in the .-city on business Angelo Eustscchio returned to i the city on yesterday afternoon's schools, returned to the city on: what had been dene to place the train after having spent a couple yesterday afternoon's train from band on a permanent basis. He of weeks at Jasper where he has a trip to the interior on official asked that members take member-become interested in a restaurant duties. ishfp tickets at five dollars each. Business. F. W. Crawford, president of the Vancouver Tobacco Co.. who ha been spending a couple of days in the city on business, will sail by the Cardena tonight on a. ir i I C 't L . ... J.Jto,?i : VPort if aDd daughter, u. i. lxivegren, mm MmMW' W at: SeattW. .rri.ed ih Te cUyT wterday isftornoon's train from " m- bueinesa trin ni 'ituf ''Lilnif this morniiur on thi "piliJrB George 'fbr the' south. ' - . . 1 11 in a a - . tnc.i.rana, lerminni ciud nas nw fotwatiy taken mr and fs renamed the Uppreea Social Club Wlh pwen FiVr ate manairer. W. II. Long has been' placed in1 ' charge in,Jhi jjgy time ' and rforr McTlmoyTc at 'nlgnt. eek-End Specials I ik ; FIV'E ROSES FLOUR 49-1 b. sack .$2.40 FIGGS-Fresh pullets. ' 8 do. $1.00 , , I-.(.faS-Large i fresh extras. ; 3doa -v COLUMRUPEARS- l-2s., i RED PLUUBJte. 2na....3ic! ROYAL CITTJ5PINAC1I 2 tins . . .M rni iiuria. jitrv crTBATt'nffn. cApr" 1 : ' ' RY JAII-Hfob. tin C,IA 'P " C.W.L 'Spring Sale In Catholic iAjLin 606 U. Thttraday. Aprrl 4. After. JLiruTOW PLUM JAM- Is, M1DOII IIIMCiDlH I IAt 21b- M 1-lb. tia 60c j ULUK SrOUNTAIN PINEAPPLE Sliced 6 tins 70c fcilPMflSS MARMALADE 2 1-2 lb. Jur .40c CHEF MOUSSES 6-lb. tin 45c FANCY YCLLOW NEAVTON APPLRIIojt $2.76 SUNK 1ST uIQLNGES iWe value, fcO for ....i, 96c 8 LARGE nAB ROY'AL CROWN SOAP and 0 WATER GLASSES for 85c NBW ZEALAND BUTTER Mm ''' 3 lD8- $1.40 HimDKD WHEAT BISCUITS t pkgs.Aaf, 26c Wff'nowmcAKK FLOUR "Pklf. . JOr SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-lb. pkg 2Bc ENO'S FRUIT SALT -Bottle 90c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. I'lnprictor Fifth Street. Phone 20 "RaOttlW , Bread Ask .your grocer r for 1 I ROYAL I YEAST CASHES STAHDARD Of OJAUTY jT Il.t'O. Fraser. insnertnr nf a p ..,rt-., of the C.N.R. bridges and bull- ding department, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's trin from a trip to the interior on official duties. . L jLWDUquisW as well as tZXZlZ cV d ffcornoon s train foa Legal. itMh '-Air- PJAUMfkJl ' .k- t, Un rfJ?h . t-;. T ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Jloosf, Whiat 4)ri and,,4Jan,ce, Pcesbytexian Kajcr Sale Marfh Good Friday evening Baptist Church-Musical Larture. "The i King s Herald." Relreahmenta. f! fUnr-rf rntu-Th Wnv rv.... " b aj.u'. iwi"iiiiKfli me niram asy raitn Cathedral (Augmented Choir) on ,Goo4 FrMay at 8 p.m. n.. xr n innu niSit fT ' I Daffodir Danee, AprR , 1. . ( Koyal rrtle Brfdae. Whiat ; and IkMW. Ilka Home, April 2. Angliejin. W. A. Easter Sale,1 April 3. United. Church Heater Itataar. inoon trm to 6. Serial In eo-, nmir alanine at b:wj. Kwrles Vliltt Drivand Dance, . f'"10 Hoedown, Auditorium, 1 April 19, : When a house is built to yr.ur order you want the bet nr. I' rials inside and out and the work honerily done throughout. Yi u get this with Art-Kraft Clothes that arc hand made to your measure. $.1 0.00 AND UP SAMUEL WOOD SIXTH STREET I hune 38 IV O, Box 265 Everett Leek returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior. For advertising jpacc In the new Telephone Directory, apply ttdae, Cowan & Latta, Ltd. Phorfe 23L C8 Scandinavian Dance, Metropole Hall Saturday night at 8:30. First class Dancing Orchestra. CS F. S. Walton, C.N.R. roadmas-ter, returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's train from a! trip up the line on official du ties. J. Randolph Black, vice-president and general manager of the 'National Airplane Lumber C6., Arrived In town on yesterday afterndori's train from the company's mill site at Porpoise Harbor. At the Rotary luncheon yesterday John Dore, on behalf of the I Ttov' 'Ttrivul ' inmmlHa mna1noA VtriPc rvrvmnnr nf SmHK.r. sentenced to terms of two and 'r months' Imprisonment at Okalla for supplying liquor to Indians; Selina Moyes. Smithers, , who will serve six months for vagrancy; John . McLaughlin, 'Smithers, sent down for four :miinin Tnf i)nnlvlfMr tiri.. Jnrilr -fAZL "i m.1IUUU JS. vii wiiiBuii, mviuiu luujsu, witu V Tn,J?ne..on a of nJ '' Wri Utli. aTSoaffl the ifnwr' Prince George .Uiis .nr !M.J Sergeant and MUli'l pt M.Hannah. SI. PAUL'S LADIES' A in HA5JUFFTJMn fiathering Yesferday Afternoon at Home' of Mrs. John Dybhavn, "! ; Fifth Avenue Eat. ti, The .East t? . p End j Ladies' ii . Aid to St Paul's Lutheran Church met I"" at !"! Mra- ihn Davn. 216 Fifth Avenue East. The meeting opened with the J"Up V KlJ?Ty o i" "n, Jmi P'11 t , u., w prayer ami scni)ture readinir from John III. 1-3. A.u Other items on .L the program fo,,?,, , . ,l!fdinif' C,hH(i Welfare In Africa. Mrs. Dyrndahl. Heading. "How the Church Itlnjj Us to Uve the Cjuiataan Life. Mra. John H. Hanaon. needing, fourteen i-oinu in the Service of Foreign Missions,"' Mra. F. W. Hart. Hymn. 'There Is a Fountain." ReeiUtfons, "The Kiug's Daughter." and ".Make Up Song." mm uyunavn. Vocal duet. "A Uttle While." ,'Mra. H. Dahl and Mra. L Dyrn- Solo, "A Little Sunshine," Mrs. John Dybhavn. A very delicious luncheon was served. MILL RE-OPENS ABOUT APRIL1 j j Local Lumber Plant Is Being Overhauled and Installation , j Work Completed I and new fnatallation worht the Big Iky Lumber Co.'s sawmin t Seal Cove, Prince Rupert, will resume cutting about April 1. During the shutdown installation work, which was to have been done be. There's a fragrance TEA 'Fresh f rem the gardens' EASTER HALIBUT MARKETPRICES Prices on Local Fish Exchange Took Sharp Downward Plunge Today id. After riding higlt ' fpa;rweek;i or so on the crest of a strong Easter demand in the markets of 1 the East, halibut prices broke at the local Fish Exchange this mor- nin8 when the bids took a sharp r?p- ftrom ffBJfrda'' anJ j"1""' "c Kupe? n-l2? i " too late , to get f8.1 .ore Kar- J'03; the ' " UOT""CU 'Uf-culu . storage.' A total of 155,700 Pun(s wa 80,d' American ves sels receiving rrom lu.ic and tie to 12.4c . and Cc for 111.700 Dounds - t ir.r.-TX were . Aianti rZZ ' up- One American boat decided to flnWeed y &kiVt. with 2$0t(0 pWhd4 and otoe ii holding . ow until tomorrow. The Ivanhoe, which4 refused a bid of3c anif jimtS&'BIACH RASPBERRIES n the "lowd Vsiohange yesterday; s! TSe finest Backed. ?t.n effer 171c and l0c in . 7. ; n z.- ' . ieir ior in soum. in Alias 'pn went ...... nnth vutnHiiv frt . i--. nnf her catch on the Seattle- Ex- change. "Tour Canadian boats are also j I ' ai..i. f American Eldorado, 5,600 pounds, holding ver. Radio, 8&000 pounds, Canadian P'h & Cold Storage Co.. 10.1c and Gc. grroor, 26.000 pounds; left t o.n. eTi Rxplorer, ,twul 16,000 pounds, r Can- Flllh A.Co!d gtflnyf(f Cot 10 8e and 6e. Nortn 24,000 pounds. Booth Fshorlea, 10.2c and 6c. Yellowstone. 9.010 pounds, and c,n, &,m toaBh. B86!h-FTn 12-2c and j Lumen. 7,800 poupds, Royal Ffsh Co.. 12.1 e and 6c. Bppth F,,hcrie8f i2M and fc v.,. kmh Mn. Booth Mfer,es. 114c and 6c b-ii. i oaa i. r-.ji. A rnlA CW atra,A " i? 12'1C ,: Canadian Cape Beale. 15,000 pounds; Eric Roy, 5,500 pounds, and Scrub, 2,000 pounds, Atlin Fish eries, 10c and 6c. Sea Maid. 8,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 1042c and Sc. Cape Snear, 3,000 pounds. Can- Indian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 10.1c and 6c. Impereuse, 2,000 pounds, Royal F1h Co., 10.1c and 8c. P. Dorreen. 8.000 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. 70.8c and 6c. Zero. 2,600 pounds, Royal Fish 6'Tfti 1 I S,n t a"d Vlh,B !- M poumU' i v ho1- i over mnn 700 i LATh vw ti T0 pt CLASSIFY jociitv fore the plant originally openeo . , Vact rear, hi being completed. HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. While the main mill was closed N. W. Pringle. 646 Fourth Ave. down orer a month, the planer was Phone Green 450. tf Wle only three or four days. - 'FOR RENT Modem Flat. 3 bedrooms, living rooirt, dininir Try Daijy News want-ad. j room. kit. h.-n and bath. P: - tt will bring results. ixo or O lo. 72 blossom-like to this blend I I run . ?iT ? ffffiU 11 en.' This Week we Offer C JTO-NIK SUPER-STRENGTH nuiAi tKuwjN so a i' ror BOC MALKIN'S BEST BAKING POW DER 12-oz. tins. Each '..24c tUPRE'7: COFFEE Fresh roasted and packed. Pkg. 57c OUR SPECIAL PEKOE TEA (Real quality) . lb C2c FANQY TABLE RAISINS Pkg I5c QUAKER CORN FLAKES Pkg 9c GRANULATED SUGAR Bulk. 10 lbs G3c QUAKER CAKE FLOUR Makes better cakes Per pkg 25c YELLOW NEWTON APPLES - Household pack. Per box 2.10 mam table'Salt- 'Pj hearten ......... 12c SWIFT'S LARDSs Pail 61e 2 tins C3c iwirttj uiuu riuivijCv) just nr- rjved. Per doz 37c ... . . . . Afi'L.t; smut' s. l'ertln45c. SEE US FOR SEEDS Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 Rubber Boots AT 3A1CAIN PRICES Ames Holden Jfc MacCready "Noolka" Brand 3-4 length for per pair ir 86.95 Oft Aff Northern Rubber Coy's Redsolo for' !ir S5.95 Boys 8-4 Length Rubber Boots ityr pr pair OUR PRICES ARE BAIHiAINS. WHY PAY MORE? Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE -they call him 'TJic man you cant mltle' Many ucccitfu! builntit men regularly uc WrigUy, The set of chewing ha a toothing effect. The healthful cleamtng action of Wrigley! refreihet the mouth-gently stimulate! the flow of the natural julcei iteaJiet the ntrvei alda dlgeation. II