h stood at t)io Prince Rupert in. I! 1 1 j unci breezed It I suggest a betterment, 1 am politely tuld I n i .simply playing politics. And should not he so hold J'- .'i .-mith would make a plen 'lid man ju '!'.. in re. nt th city: I t o .-tu't K'uUe hit nartw o hi favor tuore's the pitvr A workman wants to'get a job. I',u cannot get appointed. miliii ,i n e ii-n March 22, ,, steamer ffsagra.Jbi wpee IUiftut lAJTlSo oad iilli4ea,l k'iiurrltvm avmo two I ne Prhice RufH-rt Rowing & i ht Club, at it annual meet last night, elected officers follows: honorary president, .on aili fi-iuviiH I II. a -1 1 - . ' i i '- se vire-bresiaenv ioym paper. eerajary trurer. Alex .l.relterB, ILS. Wallace, High King, Ai W.,iC6meron, b. Low is and II. F. Pullen. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER iriKLKY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Ruperl Feed Co. PHONE 58 Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and menwnrcs are right. So li our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone; Red 317. High Low Diversion and Cue TAKE NOTICE that Alfred H. Bryant, lookinirlv shvlv and exnct- whose address la (W9 Bank or Neva 1, 'ikinrr ior somebody" The water will be diverted from the. ., . , , . vi iv tree m at a point about three-quarters . H i, he tfaid, snowing him the or a mile Irom Deaee Creek and will be ti l k of her tur coat. "Some- Ulled lor hydraulic mining purpose upon . 'li.ur comiilMiolv squelched. at a point at lower end of canyon of eald 'creek and carried by ditch and flume Politics is something invented benches to point of 'Use. Hie 1 Jill UUUVC OH IMBKU VU WC vuilU purpose ot causing dissen- on the 31t day of December. 1938. in and suspicion where other-. then; would be co-operation I I rust. t Vi ai mira 1iurl VvArl a a TtMtriv MAtiaV And he returned to the tease, sunrise Lease No. 103 and Creek Claim Daisy and May zr.Mtom. Water to be diverted from Buck Clutch A copy or thla notice and an applica The date of the first publication of thla notice la March 11. is 29. ALFRED H. BHYAnT. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS WeMern Region Sealed tenders will be received at the Office of Chief Eojrloeer, Winnipeg, until twelve o'olock noon Monday, April 1, 1039, for replacement or one hundred . an he il'ies not hold the faith twetyfivt Wooden Boi CulverU by Can 'Crete Pipe and construction of five Re-(i! in' th.m thim, i ne ha LKrus fjinl'a snnnlntpd annoiniea. ,lnfowd concrete Box CulverUon Albre- ida Subdivision on Kamloops Division and 1 politics in buying goods And politics In selling. Th ' nothing here but politics, Sm what's the use of yelling. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert 1919 on the 8ml there Division. Plans, specifications and form of con tract may be seen and form of Tender obtained at Offices of District Engineer at Vancouver and Edmonton: Division Enmrri at Prince Rupert, KAmloops son uaigary; Acting umnci bukmkct Victorias and CN R. Agent, Prince Oeorge. Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by the Railway company ud' acwmMauaray an ac oetitMl cheiiue on a. ChaAetMsBink esiUJ to five percent of the value of ttW'wexK oayaMe to the order of the Treasurer uanaaiaa nairaasi nausvsys. ine et or any. Tender not necesaarur ac cepted. W A. KWOSLAND. , Joeneral Maflaier. rwinnlpeg, Man. VUreh 18, la9 (68) IV IMtontTlV " V " . . In h aiinrrm Court nf RrllUh ( l .'.-t of logs WhWh have LLv In I lie matter of the, Adml Col urn nl kt ru- .. .11.. i ..tul itra,li t ; lion ,rii una in iinrnwiier oi l! ""vTl,r:L IJMaifiW IMo'leNeUI. 'deceased. Sunday, March 24 High ..... 0:47 a.m. 20.8 ft. 12:50 p.m. 21.5 ft. Low 7.01 a.m. 4.4 ft. 19:18 p.m. 2.7 fU I High M askveaMswvaasfaaaayasBaaMafiaaBBBsa tmmmm sysaBMaBfaa '. - Low RED'S r I Friday, March 22 11:23 a.m. 20.7 ft. 54 a.m. 1J& ft. 17:63 p.m. S.l ft. t (. Satunlay, March 23 0:lttLm;H J0.9 ft. 12112 pun, 1.2 ft. CMC a.m''C8 ft. ,18:87 p.m.: s 2.7 ft. Monday, March 25 1:22 a.m. 21.5 ft. 18:37 p.m. 21.1 ft. 7:41 a.m. 3.4 ft. 10:56 p.m. 3.1 ft. FOR KENT Five room furnish-d flat. Muasallem Grocery, tf. Scotia Building, Vancouver, B.C., will T,.ni m.'NT Furnished flat four ,4 1 "K '''-- "nl8"e" i'"ut. taDDlr for licence to take and use one Ilal;. 1 id been loal'" loafinir ' In nno one f thousand ml net Inches or 28 c. f. . j rooms and bath. Phone 647. ten ot water out or Buck aulch Creek, which tf ply A. MacKenzie, MacKenzie s Furniture. 68 FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. tion pursuant thereto and to the ' "Water Act" will be filed in the office FOR RENT OI ine water itecoraer at leiegrmpn Creek, B.C. Obleetlons to the aoollcatlon may be tiled with the MM Water Recorder or wHh the Comptroller or water riuw, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, n.C. within thirty dava after the first ap pearance of this notice in a local news it HI. ated Atfm'foitrrUoV ot the estste of Dan Mc , . i.., i10. .Nelll, deceased, and all parties having ions 1'.ip cdaJma against, the saw estate re hereby i... ...... n., ..f tko tnial reoutred to fwrnlah same, properly vert- iij jiuiii- ."s. .y hefora the Bth day of H .'h Srh(Kl in k contest Which lAprtt, A.D.. 129. and aU parties In-. i j .u . K..il- v.... OeblfKl to the estate are required to pay has m en new uy me the amount of their indebtedness to me Th. w nneta will be urmouneeu .rarthvnth. . II hin a fw days. e JAMES UoNDLTY. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dited the 9th day of Maroh. A.D.. WJ9. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES house. Harbor view. Monarch ranges $25.00. Apply 21G Fourth Aventlo East. FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES ' on LINOLEUM & BEDDING All This Week . MACKENZIE. FURNITURE PHONE 775 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MARTa,,. AVe buy, sell or, ex? changeAany kind or furniture, or hoiMehold.' goods, musical in rarhenu, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shilling. W'orkmaoshjni guaranteed. Just phone Blaek 120 and wa will call. GEORGE DAWEg, Federal B.ock. OTICE HOTICE IS-HEREBY OIVEN that sn ac sites UOfj." wn be made to the LegM-l.l liuiinHIt nf th Province -Of 1 Brltl 1th ColtarAJjla tt Us present session by Company for supplying to the City and , lit citizens electric iigai, neat anu iwrr upon such terms snd conditions as the City may deem tit. and further empowering the Cltv to horeafter purchase or take over the whole or any part of the Company's electric light heat and power system upon such terms a may be agreed upon, and to validate a bylaw (it as- wntMl tn hv thu electors. a whom It is BRINGING UP FATHER !atzeBMBCa I rvfc "5C.MT Jlrtfi-V OOT tO 1 BUY l-if TICKS.T "TO lTALf- THifJXtrsJCi iTOVtr' 1 : I WONDER IFt n w-ir4v RICH i URvViNH-i Mir-T ur'i l t o VSO. VI .S.. 1 LOMEOME.'. FOR SALE Chesterfield and I Chair. Phone 544. 68 FOR SALE Four Toomed house! and two Iota. Apply 10-10, 10th Avenue E. tf. ; ' I. ' J V'l'HJI .1 IMIVII ,1V (IVUVVU .WW UWl I BMW Ul nil. ,., W .v.l-. ( , . . r i iif i ere annul ttani miles iram ueiua . ... . . i . . up sm.nnjr.y utV. . " FOUND Gold wedding ring. Ap- for SALE Eight II. P. 2 cyitn der Standard. ?360. Snap. Apply Cow Bay Float. 70 FOR SALE Small general store. Interior. Post Office. Apply Box 184, Daily News Office. 07 FOR RENT Furnished hous I " f " . kieping rooms by the day, week. n"cu , niu,u: or month. Phone Red C07. Ill "le model, batteryless six .tube Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RRNT--Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month. Phone 76 or " " 206. tf. FOR RENT Furnished modern set. snap ior casn. vvm consider term. Prince Rupert Auction Mart. . tf FOR SALE Lots 10 ami 10, block 7, sec. 5, McBrlde St $1000 for the two. Lota 7 and 8, block 14, sec. 6, on 5lh Ave. $1000 for the two. Lot 38, block 9, sec. 5, on 6th Ave. W., $250, Rae. , PJjone RedOZ or Black 700. rn 1 irmv nnnnnmnn MISS MARY MACB.. . j , Exprienjeed operator, modferyi' &7S5Sx& e. TVhTe city, rnethods in alLJUiej ff -HWuty an Act empowering the City to sen. iree , culture anJ JiaJr r rrom ail enoumorancrs hmwu-wu . . - as it may deem fit. to the Power Co:- Jlak poratlon of Canada, Limited, (nereiu- p . In., lla.. h rvimniMI. th entire mmLXKU-tl''- sets of 1U electric light and power oe-p partment aa a going concern, and to grant to the Company the sole and ex-1 elusive right, power, licence and prlvl- - resslng. 1 e appointment uy ptioaing 1 i PETS SSSJ? MSfl.SSLiS nfht ifiht heitnd We are importers of canariea. power company, and for such purposes ' parrots, foreign ' birds, goldfish, 1 to inatal. extend, operate, repair nd ! rfn, Ata ami r-hhitH PET SHOP Largest Store pf its kind in ' Canada 573 Broadway West, Vancouver LETTER KOV CUIJ.r.CTIOSs to be submitted) empowering the City to 1 QrahamA Atll'n Ave. I.Ia an .n-MtaM. ' I , K Ih. f-sim. . . . 1 . ' ..w:i -' " r; i lit AM. Si BIA Ht. the same and to validate the said agreement and to grant and confirm to the Compauy all the powers, privileges, arn rlBto thereby conierred. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this tth day of February. A.D., 1939. a,. F. JONES. Solicitor far tbe Corporation ot the City of Prince Rupert 7-v. CN.H 1KAINS tur the r.am Mondaya, Wednesday and Bsturdsys at 11:30 a m. from I he Kat Sundays. Tuesday and Thursdays , at 1:30 pin. t ... SthAva. ie. Fulton S'r 8th Ave. tt Thompson 8t. .. Iltti Ave. tt fherbtoUe .... tlth Ar- Conrad' 6th Ave. tt Itlys Cove Ave.. 8th Ave. & Hays Obve Otrole ir-lPOftfAiOT OOV HE?- 9.00 f.05 9.10 9.18 90 921 9 984 Bth Ave. tt Oottm St 8 00 5th Ave. oi Qreea St.' (lUptl). 9.40 0th Ave. tt McBrlde St. 9.41 Prov. Oovf tJutldlnj 940 Prov. Uavt. Wparl S S3 O.T.P Wharf 10.00 OTP Button 10.05 " tlM and Ave, As ind St. 19.10 Ird Ave. tt Fulton St 10.15 8rd Ave. tt 6th St. ., 10.30 et 0 UNIHefV VtTH-OOT Ma I'U- BE.T Mt'-j AT TMSt OFT ICR MOW FE.CUMC BLUE. ISOOT )T'. P.V 1M 7.50 71 1 If H' of J. C McRae. 08; symptom WANTED n or truer l!e u.e water we " " 'o paciptc tut "..c:: i.jr:!T"n Hv Einjnt-e: '.--r.. Diving and' i nert! Salvage Work, ; t 1 "'- and Srnvs if all descrtd-''i' for Charter, t v. ijftirt!" .in 'I Cnnoen for hire, j Murrains in Cms Knttins. AGP.NTS FOR !:iii P.lr-rck. Rasthoim. Hicks &. !:illnntyTie Engines j Northern H. C. Distributors fnoliik'c Pr'plliri' Phorrf, Dav or Nleht. S61 P. O. Ihrx tnOJ CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? i CERTAINLY This distressing malaly if John McRae, D. Q. Mc-Jvery prevalent at thto time of Executors for the Batata the year, and as a rule is a of a leepw irouoie. ; i;;u:-h as affections M the eyes. FOR SALE One line shaft 18 liver, kidneys, stomaeh. etc. It feet long and 1 inches thick. I be auc to the after of-One 20 inch Hanger; Four H , rw.ts 0r influenza. Inch hangers. Two large Iron I congjt the t:biropictor in all X'ulleys, speea iu to i incn,rnM Belief guarantewl. Zt inch belt. Two line shafts ; Consult 8 feet long, IV2 inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three) RR. W. C. ASPlNALL speeds 12 inch to 8 Inch. Two c amJ ? ock wooaen runejs. niy r.a 9ll lkne Rl.-irk; 281 News. at a ......... I Open Kveningn -7? RESULTS COUNT WANTED' ot .tea,,,hul. Pain in the' side. Ia4VUn, Apply 'Bbx fit, Dilly NWP QMaa on rMWh. Heeidacfeas, Nor- GRADING, Exeavatingi Cpnerete ll fodndutibns. ,.Nel , Roltltjaf.l Room 9. 683 Third Amende. J ; vousneso Insothnht, Catarrh a" d Ilhettmatistn are completely Hevted by our tWrT'Iorra of dietet 1 . taast at.r niMrtTIMtT I Rear! our Nation! Ad'ajefWr 01 line Jiwrty mogjixntc every rrr., hthefC'CnnStllti- DR. EYOLPrSON Phoae Hlue M, or Red 5S9 Open iBVenings STEAMSHIP MfeVlilENTS rtt Vanextatrr ' Tuesdays as. Camofua 3 AO pjn. Fridays -ea. Prince Oforsc ,9 ajn. Prldar i PrlaceM Boyal .. Mi p. ; Pridaya as. Cardena 11 mM night etaren a ea. rnnoeas uary pjii. April S ea. Princess Mary pm. . April 14 ea. Prlactsa Allot pjn. I malnuin in tne sain uuy a sireew. n - - j- . . . , 1 rroiti Vanenuter and other public places poles, conduits. If you want a pet of any kind, Sunday -a. Camosun ' n4. " , ,lt. ... nn,l wUelll .Viln n un. I Wedneaday-HH wcanercay as. .T rr. f ana au ovner niuiumeni una uni.c m, ... Ior the transmission, lion, distribution dlstllDUllon and and .irnVnl i.roval Mnnov rnfiinrfnrl If Tint power ower purposes, purposes, ana empowering wi .luuniicu Cltv lty to to enter enter Into Into an agreement with the Arn- Sunday a. Wsdnesrflay- rniui Mewurt, Arm 7.00 1 April li mo for laka 8.11 8.40 8.45 850 March March -'u ! April 10 as 8-29!lr.im lak- 3.,rf Prince Johu Prince John . Prince John PriaceS AprU it as. Frlncaes ....4 run.: ueoroe i-u:ou ajn. Friday -as. Prm sail Royal .... pm. Friday as. Cardena pjn. , March 30- as Prlnosas Mary ....Kaon Ittrch SO as. Princess Mary ....Noon , April 10 as. PrUoaas Alice a.M. ! I ur eitrt Mlmiiauii ana rewss ftltrt Sunday s. Camosun 8 pm. lor Port slmMi snd Naas Uler . Tuesday- . Oasanaiin 11 M KMX. tur Mtrwa't. I'rrntler, Anyox and Allre Oamceun 8 pjn. a. Pr. OeorRf ...10 ni. ITmiler, Any.it and Alice Tuesday as. Camosun .... 4P i I'm ((een ( bertetle ImmiIi l l u.n.k M mm Miu Ms April 6 a . Prlnos Jnhn . . April 30- as. Prince John . . Itohi queen CrerMte Ictanda 0 w , Mate! 80S April eh 31 ea. .110 in. 6 SM . . 10 pjn. .10 p . at ..10 pjn. . .ajaa. . . aa. .a.m. Noon . . .Noott . ...ajn. April S -as. Frlnctsa Mary pm. Aissa .p.ivu Try a classified ad. in the News and get RESULTS! ISWOWE ?l(5K( OHH rVAip; CUsMtWit. HAD MAO TO TO page' sever Fr.rlay. March 22, 1&29 THB5 UAILT NEWS Man in the Moon si CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & rOUKD m Clinic is ii park the chesterfield. $n the streets It's and all THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ri.;.iii-r of location. r .hike is worried beca t'yt ife l- back at hrm. Doiil worry, MOMENTS , they all do it. WATER NOTICE FOR RENT FOR SALE SALVAGE AM TOWING EMBARRASSING l!S . iturtt NtrMfirote, lex Ores im nfWa nT4. I , .. "j avnr . i t ' ' rmr. m not . - --r ra, i, w a.- . ill YrZ-tS" MUi rB --tu fSK4 rrHrRrax-ere twrfichildren. iSJ "r- ( 0 bflgfehy and stiong, who rTv wP climbing the ladder of learnrnj? learning that Me holds forth a pre rmse to faithful ?tudcnts, reward i:g them with oprJortunitiesand sometimes fame. Now these two chile! ren dreamed dreams and made wishes a they saw tbe end of schooldays and locked into the years ahead. Their country was protperous, because the products of the land and factory were the first choice of all the people. AH the land and iU industries prospered and abounded with cpca-tuniries fcr the children of the people. Each child began the battle of life with the occupation of his choice, and few there were who tailed n after years. t ere s ajnorai to are the . cbddren of of today today ai M C UmnSl totnorrow. Every you spend icend for for a a B.C. B.C. Pi By George McManus iM l TICKlT-MAatilfc' l r M m I 01C50- I fl MM CUX cuf TO to c-r CT )T1 t j T ppj doTar Product helps certify the ndustral pro- groe and prospenty or ontisn Cokifflbia. Your dollar spent for , , IC. Products blip provide opportunities and career for your ciuUren n the industries of Begat) CckmbmAttet all. that is vre"ltte"1egfns. BE PR01DT0 BUYRODUaS Advertise in "The Daily News"