Leader Issues a to Communists Stay in Against Him in Seakam lit. Hon. J. Ramsay Macdonald Says Labor Will Have Policy to Do Away With Unemployment and to Care For Those Not Working SEAHAM, Durham, March 22. "In the name of Moscow, or whatever you hold sacred, do not by your actions mix me with your disastrous policies. Do not allow Tories or Liberals to say we are mixed up with Communists." Ramsay Macdonald said in addressing an election meet-! ihir here. 1 nf t't i 1 1 a t l i i i e n - Mr. Macdonald IS the Labor candidate for Seaham in the general elections. The remark came during reference the prospective Communist candidate, Harry Pollitt, in opposition to himself. "My gloves are off," said Mr. Mac- donald, "I beg you to go on with the fight and keep your candidate in the field." "At the very first cabinet meeting we will bogin to tackle the unemployment problem in all its details." said Mri Macdonald. "Labor plans," he said, "would involve double policy to secure, first, J.3.1"1' ond 10 lW them insurance:if-they wve nptm' plbyed." INCORPORATION STEWART MINE i VICTORIA. March 22: Company incorporations for the month include the American Creek Mining Company at -Stew-. art. B.C. with a capital of SI.-' 000,000. I CONSERVATIVE WINS ENGLISH ELECTION AM ftRIFNTAI IINFRS vh wiuuunu SEAATLE, March 22: An ab- solute embargo on all shipping CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Ererjon reads Xht Clame0 Adj. LARGE CABARET If you lose, kdrertlM for tr Special Dinner Thursday! and Saturdays If JOU find, locaU the or f,p 11 Dancing every Saturday nljht from 9 to 12. Winterer you need, advf Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Prints GET THE CLASSIFIED Partis Phone 437 Northern and Centra British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XX., No. C7. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS OLD COUNTRY COMMUNIST PL British Labor Challenge Fight EDITORIAL' : NEW PROVINCE PROPOSED During the third week of June the annual convention of the Associated Hoards of Trade of Centra! British Columbia will be held in Prince Rupert and on that occasion to it is suggested that the pro-posal may le made to form a separate province for Northern British Columbia. Should it be found by thatu' time that the government at' Victoria is still taking no step toward building the highway '. a out of prince-Rupert thereJs . no doubt strong support for the movement would come from residents of. this, city, There are many who think that if Northern and Central British Columbia had charge of her own affairs she would make much greater progress. The matter will doubtless receive careful consideration before the time of the big convention. NORTHERN FAIRS ; RATH. March 22: Conserve- NEW WESTMINSTER. March tires won Thursday's by-electron 2? Dat.-s for the 1929 fains when Baillie Hamilton was elec-v.crc accepted by the B. C. Fuir ted with 11,000 votes over C. R., Association, which include Prince; Daniels, Liberal 7,000 odd and Rupert. August 27 to SO, Smithers(G. C. Desmond, Labor, 6,300. August 21 to 23, Prince George - - j- i38 IS i9.and Qu"ne,i MENINGITIS EMBARGO 1 iiimrni imrnniu QUARTERY DIVIDEND NEW YORK. March 22. The from the urient carrying nwnin-International Nickel Company oflgitis was declued by the city Canada announced their Initial health officer. Dr. Hanley. The quarterly dividend of $1.75 a1 ultimatum was delivered after a Kharc on preferred stock payable ; Filip;io who arrived nearly a May I to the holders of the record month ago was admitted to honor April 2 'Pitl suffering from the disease. EXECUTIVE OF ASSOCIATED BOARDS OF TRADE IN SESSION AT SMITHERS PASSED . , RESOLUTIONS AFFECTING PRINCE RUPERT nu, ,w,,fS,r nr tim Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia at a cting this week at Smithers endorsed tlte continuation of Work on the I mice Rupert highway, improvements in, the mail .service aig. the installation of lights in the neighborhood of Hecate Straits for the purpose of overcoming the differentia in ocean rates on shipments of wheat. The question of I ni ce Rupert merchants not co-operating sufficiently with interior and the finding of the farmers was brought up Prince Rupert Board of Trade was ordered sent to all Boards of Trade and farmers' institutes. Prince Rupert's delegates were G. Porcy Tinker and Olof Hanson. POLITICS NOW SEET OT N NB A that all men were employed, TOCKQmTipN (Courtesy Si D. J&hnstoii Co.) HayYrewv 4' tt. '" ". .'i i Big Missouri, U50, UK. n . . Corlc Pr6vinee,'17j17V CoHon Belt, 70, !&. - i Dun well. 15, Nil. George Copper, Nil, 7.50. Georgia River, 48, 11. Golconda, 1.10. 1.12. . Grandview, 51, 51 V. Independence, 8, 9. Intern, Coal & Coke, &8, 40. Kootenay Florence. 17, Nil. Kootenay King, 48, 49. Lttcky Jim. 17, 18. Mohawk. 5, G. , Morton Woolsey. 3, C. Marmot River Cold.'G. 7Vj. ' Marmot Metals, Nil, 6. "" Nat. Sll. G. S.. 184, Nilf Noble Five. 73, 74. Oregon Copper, Nil, ,Gk , . ., Pend Oreille. lCTOIraO."'--" Premier, 1.78, 1.80. . Porter-Idaho, MiAS? Rufus-Argentasi.'SS. Ruth-Hope, 48, 49. . Silver Crest, 8. 9. ' Silversmith, 12, Nil. Snowflake, 27, 28. Topley Richfield, 38, Nil. Toric Mines, Nil, 2,00. Wellington, 17, 18V. Whitewater, 1.00, 1.05. Woodbine, 5. 6V. Oils v Advance Oil, 4.40, 4.50. A. P. Consolidated, S.18, 3.60. Galmont Oils Ltd.,. 4.00,) 4.10. Dalhousio Oil, G.90, 7.00. Devcnish, ;.70, L95t ' Fabyon Pete, 1C, IB. Mayland. 9J, 10.00. . x McLrod, 9.45, 9.50. Dallas. 1.75, Nil. - Turner , Valley, IM, 1.80. flayallte, 1,87.50., Klli i Mercury, 1.80, Nil. Hargel, 1.95. 2.00. EXCHANGES CLOSE It Is announced that owing to, the large amount of business, the Vancouver stock exchange will close all day tomorrow, and commencing Monday the Calgary stock exchange will hold only one session n day, mornings. TO SET UP SOVIET CHECKED The Revolution in Mexico Prs-zdent Portfs Gil announce that he has well in hand the revolt that has broken out with a view to deposing him. ' Early 'repo t:- however, ieem to indlca c that the rebels have secured ,mtnl of y conderable territory over widespread portions 0f the country, in this map, the areas in black are reported to be under control of the rebels. . SEACABETS t TO HOLIDAY V- Plan' Formed to Take..Thm. SoutH 'on (War Ship and. -4 Return Same Way i It hrTplanned to takeall.the members of the sea eadets to . Victoria for their annual camp! this year instead of to Shaw-atlans Ijike as on previous occasions, Lieutenant Blance told the Rotary Club at their luncheon yesterday. The destroyer Vancouver will come here to fetch them and when they have completed their holiday will bring them back That is the present plan. It will give the boys two days on the war ship going south nnd two days returning, all of which will be a great experience for them. Nation-Wide Conspiracy In India to Similar BEIRUT, United Provinces, India, March 22. Thirty-one persons were arrested here yesterday in connection with an alleged India-wide conspiracy against the King. Arrests were mainlv Communist and labor leaders, it is understood. They are charged with forming parties and unions to destroy the existing sovereignty in India iuiu lujuutB iw wiui u ouviei iOklllU 111 1VUOOIU.' UNEMPLOYMENT PLAN ATTACKED LEICESTER, March 22. Criti cising David Lloyd George's un employment scheme In his speech lust night, Premier Baldwin re- ferrcd to it as a stunt and declared L oyd Gorge had spent all his life nlastering together the true and Iho false from which he mam,fac tured the plausible He spoke of Lloyd George as being no longer on the ground. TED STATES ' 1 ' , 'tf SAXinvrv 'JlUiVUI lail) nun nrrn Ulfcll ' " rnuPivv CUM! A!Y w-riTV fO tlTl A l)n . r a I . i ttyxtieiiL ui "Liie sum ui -v- ' o.vOv ior me municipal hydro-electric system and I twenty-five jxar franchise ada to the Corporation of I the City of Prince Rupert today, marking the taking v over the local utilities after ' months of negotiation. It is j understood that light ac- ; counts for the month of ! March will be paid at the city cashier's office. After mat oius .win be paid at tiie Tower Corporation's of- fices in the Exchange Block. 4- tt TO REPRESENT KING I LONDON, March 22: Prince CALGARY, March 22. A flow for Moscow 'Monday.' this corn-George will represent the King of wet K" esUmated at somewhat prises the largest delegaUon of at the funeral of Marshal Foch. Form Soviet That in Russia type oi repuDiicianism as ex- nn 17 LIVES ARE I HOT AMTADTA PARNASSUS. March 22: LUM UHlAKlUTwenty 1'aki;x &uunu, .March vs. Four dead have been Identified. eight are missing and believed (iea(i and five others are believed to have been creraated, the lo",8t "u" 0 Wednes - May's crash between trains 3 and 4 on me Canadian National ai Drocourt. Old Country Conservatives Lose Three Seats in Two Days tiBy-Elections;. Liberals Won Two LONDON, March 22. Liberalism is gointr strontr in England since the f orward policy for dealing with unemployment was announced recently by Lloyd George. Following a Liberal replacement of & Conservative at Eddis--bury yesterday, it is announced 'today that the Liberals have made another gain at Boston-With-Holland, where their candidate, J. Lindell, was elected with 1000 votes over G. T. White, Labor, 9194; F. J. nniTAIM AT Vandeiioerg, Conservative, 8257; ISlulnlil Al 5341 and . F- W Denn5s' Independent, TAPII rTTMCD AI The Conservatives also lost a ruin rUliLKAL "at' Lar in frff-? in the northern division of Lan- ; ark Miss Lee, Laborite. wus elect- Army, Navy and Air Force Will i be Represented on Tuesday 1 PARIS, March 22. -The body of Marshal Foch will be nlarpd in a crypt ol the cathedral Notre Dame where the national funeral will) 1 ti tiAlrt Tunalav A t (.- f 1 the bodJr W,U 1)6 taken to ,ts laS'lton over Liberal and Labor can- resting plaCe under the Dome of dldates. InvnltrlAa Pnlnrp wfiprp KunnlHin - t -. LONDON, March 22. The Brlt- i(,n army win be represented t Marshal Fochs' funeral by Ffeld r m$m 'FOR MOSCOW the fleet, t'und LoW Wbsterlf i ' Wemiyss wilj, represent the. flayy, Vice-Admiral 11 - AggirA (he board:6f the admiralty; and Air Marshal Trenchard the Royal Air Force. All DDfiriTTrirtf P JHj riUlUllnU WELLALBERTA1 ' LONDON, March 22: Nearly McLcod Number 4 Brings In Ten two hundred British firms rep-Million Feet a Day Wet Gas j resented, in trade, oX almost 100 'persons which will leave London' " w,wv,vuu iuuic iwi, in .is KmU ever to leave rsngiand and day was encountered at the Me-'Js fully representative of British Leod No. 4 well early tius morn- industry. ing. Officials said that while as The mission plana to investl-,wet. it apparently did not contain wte an openlng in Russia for the same amount of naptha -as their special industries and wilt illomeNo.jl or Okalta No 1. ;fIt authorities eet at Moscow to was more use iticLeoa io. which is producing about 110 bar 1 rels pr day. 114 DEATHS RESULT FIRE Moscow. March 22: a fire !nwBd death to 114 men, women and children in the village -.or jgoi; .BODIES RECOVERED ! PENNSYLVANIA MINE . rcmovea irom me Ainiocri winf' I Aarlu iVtta niAmlni wharn' in AY -f plosion occurreti yesterday, ien. " "' are dead or unaccounted for. , NANAIMO. March 2: The body of a girl baby was found In the toi et of the Women's de- , ent of the o rMt room here 0 Thur8iray, Doctors say that she had been dead two hours Ibut had lived after birth.'. cd, with 15.711, against 9133 for (Lord Scone, Conservative, and I&438 for Mrs. E. B. Mitchell, Lib- eral. The seat became vacant as rcuh nt tho rlaath r 3i a Sprott, Conservative. The Conservatives held Bath ,., I n. Mil. IF iAREIEAVING Bi ritlsh Trade Delegation Off Next Week to Open Relations With Russia 100 OFF MONDAY Matter of Finance Most Impor tant Matter to Be Dis- 2 discuss :fiM the basis of finance without which an extension of the British trade with Russia would be impossible. The British government has in no way inspired the visit but is not hostile to it CROWN PRINCE NORWAY WEDS OSLO. Norway, March 22. Crown Prince Olaf of Norway was married to Princess Maria of The Duke of SSSL.'SStS man. ULlilllol JLAUIllU I imported dlrei from the Aberdeen Joke Factory AT HOME LESSONS Boy: "What is the meaning of the sentence 'They gladly subscribed to the Charity.' " Faither: "I dinna ken laddie, some things are past my compre hension."