111 riday, July Iff, 1929 BURNETTS 4& 44tScuiatnt4cv mit i gii mi mi i mm JO j?s m b 13 1.90-26.6 oz. 3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 advcruwment u not published or ;aplsred by the Liquor Control Board or by tlx- Government of British Columbia KODAK TIME lJrownJtj(TOin $2.26 Vtai PocSpt Ksdaks ....$6.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks "rum rum $11.26 $11.26 II I st, Mil uc I A Folding Kodaks Irom iair' ! 2 '. FoldiiiK Kodaks Irom iW No. Fflldintr Ktxiak Cine Kodak (Movie), f. 8.6. lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all jaBi Otook. Developing and printing III II i amateurs. Daily Mh. Quality finish. The Canadian National III m Bv1w(ft, w Kj & & e ways offer the finest summer trip ah in the world via S. S. "Prince Charles" Stewart, Anyox. Massett Tnlet leave Prince Rupert Mon-'ay, return Thursday; or make i week-end trip tp Terra or Smitherg. Very low fare. Enquire Hitv Tiift OffiA Phnna 9U. "Tfic Pioneer Drttttists 53 THIRD AVE. O blXTH ST TELEPHONtS 8 V 200 3 HI nftrV A. W. EDGE CO. j It WHOLESALE AND KL'TAIL DISTHIIIUTOItS IN I II ll . a ... i t,l 1 I . I j tl . Urnnmenini, ninaow, jnrror nnu i-iic uisss " HritUh Amcria Paints, Oils Vnrnishea and Salin-Glo t " V.l j ltcnjamin Moore') Muresco ' 1 j Old English Ploor Wax ; Simms llrushct) Wallpaper and UulldlnR Papers llurlaps, Cheetse Cloth and Denver Hoard I'lione lied 53 PHINCE HUPEKT 330 Second Ave. II CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING C. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Enuinecra, Machinists, Hollcrmakers, HIacksmiths, Pattern .Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 13 AND 385 J. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Oeone Wilson, who have been spending a holiday at Jas- . " per and Terraee, returned to the crty . A ""t" on yesterday afternoon' train, aoeom- f""rln ooditloiw soon re named by their children who have "T ' osmp air seem- ben for the past two weeks at Hill " wvunnj was. it Pnn. Terrace. While away Mr. Wilson Dcmo """"(' taoa attwitted the convention of the ad- th iavmi Prture during of D!nt h 44 o0- vertlslng managers Western Canada y he bmc which was attendee tjy represenUttVM of aU the Important newspapers from thM 00 the hartMC. Winnipeg to the coast. , " J"" ANNOUNGKMP.NTS "Wherever lliere are M dnsicltjust spray "Tfly-tox J aud they die Ly the millions. VS rv. mi n.. iui ou ius; cl. ii.mi IUU tpnft, U. (.) Callm la Um mrm Ikm mm mmwliM mmd tkmpt. riACAAKT ODOlt Developed st Mellon Ioitltnte of InJuitrial Reiesrcb hj Res Ftl. , lowtLip, FLY-TO! KILL-" FLIE. X. MOQUITOEy MOTH'ROACHE"- AWTS- FLE AT (C.rHthJ) This Will Please the Girl It is one of our new model 15 It is made by one of the larg White or yellow gold filled- JOHNfiuifiHlr (yEVvcLLbKo THE STORE WITH THE a0C THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf IiMfWdor James M. Tupper R. C. M. P. returned, to the city on yester day afternoon's tram from a brief trip tA the InUrtor on official duties ., Dr. .Dickey, eye. ear. nose and throat specialist, will be at Mc-Cutcheon'a Drug Store until August 1. A number of local people have been interested in very small humming birds that visit the gardens and wUd flowers of the olty this yeuritXr bird i . i . i i-. -1 i . ouiiCTiiy or room. i Olof Hanson returned to the city from Bmlthers on yesterday afternoon's train, being accompanied by II. Q. Olsen, Bmlthers manager of the Han son Timber tc Lumber Co., who wUl be here for a day or so. O.P.R. steamer Princess Altec. Oapt. Thomas Cltff. arrived In port U 8 SO this morning from the south and sailed at 10:10 am. for 1 Sfeaaorsy whence he Is scheduled to call here MUth- bound next Wednesday afternoon. Dentist Dr. .!. Gosse. S86. morning . Phone Fred Lanza .returned. to the cltyled the Prince,, asorge. this .fnornJng(Xiiom a brief trip to Vaneeuver. Mrs. Jack Malr and' little daughter left . this week for a. holiday trip to Prince Albert and other, prairie points. Mm Blanche Ourtin and Mrs. J. B. Roe rig, who have been on a trip to Vancouver. retuniedDO-'the-Ttty- from tfee Hith oa HaJPWnce George this Miss looa Bmlth, daughter of the Canadian National, -dock agent at Van couver. Is a,1 bassenger aboard the, Prince George tiy making the round trip north on the vessel. Thomas McClytaont, who motored recently to Vancouver, returned from! the cuth on the Prince Oeorie thtsj morning. Mrs. McClynom is remain-! Ing In the south for a while longer Union steamer Cardena Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived In port at 3 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed about half an hour later for "all- pan SkMUbB sad Wales Island whence wllf sail to; scriB4bol ndirs. hd Ntum here this evening and 'midnight for Vancouver and received from Port Esstng-tfaat the crew of the snaa- lnk an not forced to work One Sunday when the vv- to he brought to Prince Ruo- ett the Upfr thotkjfat the mat. would like to get to the city so he started in the afternoon. a. Moose picnic. July ?8, .hnl'c Iiaiaiir October 2 nnd" 158 WILL NOT HE LOWER IN PRICE COMBINATION OllPER 1 tlnShihtMalt1 S ion. Itottle Caps I Pkg. Hopa, l-4s. .. ALL FOR 88tf SBKDL&88 llAISINS-4lb. paek aiftHi. Per pkg. . . ..,. ....'45e QUAKBjt 0ATB- (QuBHc) Pr pkf est factories in Hurope and the yUI'TlTJa-T? .prs. imr. . V. - , "?.rv u ,:V"B IIUTTKIV-New Zealand? 8t new jHliio nui nmujit'iit ill Vitsv of accident. The low priee of $18.60 is only possible by the largo output this factory has. We warrant service. ' it to givo good See us f or .36c jeweled ladies' watches in the MARSH'S GRAPE JU ICSPints. latent rectangular case, with Per bottle 86c oval glasa. oinmnn nnwmv litfnv Per lmttle 10c Per brick T....J1.40 LYL178 GOLDEN SYKjJP-iSs. Per tin :Vj.....28c FRUIT JARS '' ItllBIJER RING$ v PAROWAX CERTO Our Stock Is Complete Watts' Grocery Quality Right Price's Right PHONE 55 PJIONE 56 MslBBsMMsisMMBBBBBsM ffllHslsHHBflB CHERRIES i i m nip Cavalieri Celebrated Parisian Beauty Expert advises twice-a-day use of Palmoli ve Soap Ftrw tMrttmi tpna lUr, mw fanuui btaHtj ixftrl, txpUini why washing til fmYtamllj a a nut mfvrUHtbttutj trialuM Mm. Bmts: Blue, who ass been ajMualtng a few day.-. In the city, wUl san this afternoon by the Prince Ooorge on her return to Hydar. t Priie books for Prince Rupert exh bition are now ready. Call and get your copy at Fair Board Office, City Hall. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDonald. vrho have been visiting bets with .heir daughter. Mrs. M. M. MoLaohlan. vlfl For preserving, in case or Vie case asil fcy the Prince Osorge tomorro. i lots, per lb 20c Mg for Vancouver. Little Hiss , Margaret McUctttan will go south with OHANG8S Large size. Per dojeu. .' . . . .60e N'UJELL All flavors. jell powder. Mis. Newton T. Burdlek arrived In Ti the city on the Prince Osorge this 8 pkgs SSC art. gsts was met ham by Mr. Bur- r.r,.. . I- " laying at saamrt tor a itniiun Duuao time la connection with I I'kg 20c in WILD STRAWBERRY PRE- Tbsr war. 7 oengem going SE1IE6 Something ditferent. Innsth - aboard the ataamsr Pvincaas Per Jar ....i 40c!1' ' Pn morning Vancouver to Skagway Ths fist taoiuded i party of MS BUs and tstalr wives from Jersey City who aw 'SMsUog the round trip to Alaska eltair, hwrrng attanded the recent mv-tnaai aenventlen m U Angelas and m algfl enhool teacher from Rochester, H.T., who will also make tba round PRINCE PUPBHT GENERAL HOSPITAL . Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of July 27th for eighty-eight (88) square yards of green Battleship Linoleum, grade A. A. A. Price to include delivery to hospital but "ot the laying down. m lowest or any tender not w .jroc nwresaariiy acceptea. P I 1 ' H. W. BIRCH, (167) Secretary. MILK MILK Fresh pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. - EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. We have been appointed sole agents in Prince Rupert for the famous BROOKS-BANK CERTIFIED MILK. Price, 26c per quart. The same in Prince Rupert as in Vancouver . VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone fi37. Una Caralitri has ttefptJ tf tin tptrattt ilagt tc ibarl btt Uanty iMwitJge with tlx vmU i i ma rial uvsin insetnaJ in btr iwnptuttt la!n, m tht Attnui Victor Enmamui III, Una Caralitri ttti trr patmtt tf t urn-. bmthaHtj treatment 1 fitd, ' the tap, "that a teaf ilixdej tf palm and elite till, t) ikantmf tit prts tbtr tufily leara lit tkin in smtttb, btalltj uuMtitn. " HANDKERCHIEFS Fine quality white lawn. Regular , 16c; 12 lor .....c T1ESS A wide choice of attractive patterns. Regular 60c to 76c; 2 for 96c CAPS A good choice of tweed caps in newest summer shades. Values to $8.00 special at $1.50 MEN'S SOX Silk .rayon, Llama cashmere. Red heel and toe. Regular 50c; 8 pair for $1.00 PYJAMAS Good quality, in choice patterns. Regular $8.60 to $4.00 for ....$2.03 SWEATERS Black Jumbo knit wool sweaters. Regular $4.50. Sale price ....$8.25 MEN'S JERSEYS Fine all-wool pullovers. Regular. $1.75. To ctear 75e CHILDREN'S COTTON ST0CKINt8-Fine rib; black or tan. Sites 5 to 10. Regular 35c; 5 pairs for ..$1.00 MEN'S FLANNEL TANTS Grey. Sises 36,38 and 40 only. Regular $7.00. Sale price $8.75 COTTON ADE PANTS Made of good quality cottopade. Regular $2.00. Sale priee $1.35 ''In addition to my own beauty aids, I always recommend the snap blended of palm and olive oils. By cleansing the pores tliorpuhly it leaves the skin in a smooth healthy condition." !, AvaNfm Vicroa Emmanuiv 111,' Paais ' "T AM visited by some of the most fa--L mous beauties of two continents," says Madame Cavalieri. "In addition to my own beauty produas, I always recommend them to use Palmolive Soap." When dirt, dust, oil, powder and rouge get into the pores they are choked up To these poisonous secretions Cavalieri attributes blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores, blemishes. Make a bland lather of Palmolive Soap and warm water For two minutes, massage this well into the skin Then rinse, gradually cooling the .water to, icy temperature. For dry skiii a 'touch of cold cream Oily skin' i y&e&eil by an astringent lotion' MlBy creab be; fore make-up is applied. " '" P A 131 0 1 1 Y SOAP Money Saving Bargains Mens Furnishings and Dry goods MEN'S STRONG WORK SHIRTS Khaki drill and chambria. Regular $1.50. . 'Sale price 95c BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Long sleeve shirts and ankle length drawers. Color, ecru. Regular 7Gc; 2 for 95c BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Long .sleeves . Color, ecru. Regular $1.2. Sale price 95c ATHLETIC COMBINATIONS in white or ecru balbriggan. Regular $1.26. Sale price 75c BEDSPREADS White Krlnk-lette. Siie 72x90. Rggular $8.00. Sale price ....$1. '95 PILLOW siilPS Hemstitched in nice firm even weave. Site 86x42. Regular SOe. Sale price, 8 fori $1.00 CHEESE CLOTH In 5 and 10-yard packages. 6 yards 25c 10 yards 50c BANNOCKBURN PANTS Heavy wool imported tweed, Regular $4.50. Sale price ........... .$8.75 MEN'S .Jft NimiHff T E FtnT cut. good quality striped flannelette. Regular $2.00. Sale price ,$1.50 J. A. Kirkpatrick Sixth Street, MEN'S FURNISHINGS Prince Kupcrt !! i