Page THE OAILY FEWS Dn aaneineadiiiitien (pa . | GUARD AGAINST FIRE Bits ! | | . [Sport | Auction Sale : Baseball seems to be at a ot istandstiil for. the past few days i There have been no games sinc ( ITY LOTS the Vancouver team came up and| gave an exhibition on the Acrop- he following lots will be of iolis grounds. There are surely a for sale by Public Auctipn, : enough young me terested in Is Economical. The Coupons which | nen in ‘"lon Wednesday, August 6th next, & carries -- redeemable for esefel |the city to form a couple of teams articles - - are a further economy. land matches could be played|@*/ P-™. in the Council Chamber, ones a lthroughout the week. It would] City Hall jalways be practise for the senior CITY LOTS SECTION Two. em, |Dnine as well as exercise for the eS sn é :, cil . . . i £ 22 = | An impetus has been given t& : if z ae! jboating in the last few evenings : af ° < jon account of the long light and ; Z - jwarm breezes on the harbor i 27 16 |Water sports ought to be very i 27 16 popular in Prince Rupert and . a7 44 ' It is a splendid sauce and) With the appearance of the Row- ; = e quite easy to make. ling Club shell on Monday even- i 35 28 Take 2 level tablespoons of/|ing there ought to be others tak- - 2 23 flour, ling to the water for practise. A - 3 46 8 level tablespoons butter, jvery feasible plan would be the " ‘ a % cup Pacific Milk. ; placing of boats on the Salt Lake 2 6 12 % cup of water in which the| which is large enough to hold a 2 7 19 fish was boiled. jlarge number. There should be . 8 . Salt and pepper to taste andjat least one boat tied up at the e ; =. add a chopped hard boiled egg/float now in case of emergency. 2 5 2 or chopped parsley. Iwo recent accidents indicate the 4 s is Mrs. Hall sends this because | necessity. 2 ’ i4 ; ——.. 8 $ 20 she says it turns out so well . . . ; . = NOTICE aa . se teecccoceces when she uses Pacific Milk. Should there be fine weather it 2 10 23 IN THE MATTER of an application for Kd “at ; } Others will be as grateful as|is very likely that a few mountay - 10 24 pe oe 8 Oe Sn eee, Foe dward Lipsett, President Harry Lipset ; ANS ~ : OC , Section ,» Ulty sard € 1 : . > we are to have this recipe. hikes will be at It is no 2 11 13 of Prince Rupert, (Map 923). . : eee REAGAN, 'Vine-Prestiont es : é 2 11 14 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts —— very difficult to climb Mt. Morse. : 11 16 my intention to issue, after the expiration } However, it is not entirely obliga- : 12 17 1 one month from the first publication ‘ ’ hereof, a Jresh certificate of tile to te . ; it 4 tory to leave this side, for to as- 2 11 18 ab: aa lands in the name of insett- U ; e a we , is ) Mat: statinataannien “aiutgapiinta tearmship Supplies, Gas Engin , turesquely studded in the blue ; = WATER NOTICE Fish N oat tT in Li . Res T . om ar 2 CR aw , eiting, Twines nes es and Corda | ORK waters beyond Digby Island. 2 6 25 DIVERSION AND USE ° .". » "Op ge — : 17 i ——. PRINCE RUPERT, 8B. © nd , 8. Cc. SELL Oid Country papers to hand tell 2 17 : or Ak# (NOTICE that M. R. Lillico, of a 7 itiawa, Ont, ves s : of an exceptionally interesting os : B. Hood. Adin, B.C. will apply for 6 Registered Office: Prince Rup : sae ates - - 7 . ieence to take and use four cubic feet ; 2 » ] O V E ae matc as ms - 2 17 15 per second of water out of Spruce Creek 68 Water Street, Telephone N chief item on the program at the 2 17 aT which flows east to west and drains int Vanco venice . couver, B. C. P, O. Box 169 National Sperting Club, London, z 17 19 waa ee at . between Johnny Basham, welter- ¢ on - BR A ge wy FE _ : _ “ ss - : sure a a OI ou be : 5 Gurneys commenced mak- weight champion, and Augie Rat- o 19 14 Cassidy Group” on Jas Nedved’s speuma. —< ing stoves in 1843. Still in pre of America, for a purse and z 19 ? —— yy ae Galtel’ bench Lane’ Oo : : : , , . ‘ 2 19 scribed ac ing Lease the same line of business eee Sa eae ant. aor 2 = = a oe oe oe 1919. Hundreds in use in ;her, | nay be recaiied, won ie % 19 . his notice was posted on the ground ‘ |middieweight competition for the 2 27 wwe ety 54 Br : Prince Rupert 2 19 A copy of this notice and an application : _— |American army at the Albert Hall 2 19 5 pursuaet thereto end 80 ine “Weter Act . tournament and is a boxer of con . - . Water hecorder at Alia, B.C F + ; xer ol con- - = ater Recorder at Atlin, B. ¢ ; i . - : ater . - On SALE “AT jsiderable skill. The match was . = ied with the said Water Record = ene — | 2 20 21 fied d “ ecorder or wit Fre St k’ jone of 20 rounds at 154 pounds. 2 20 22 the Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parlis NOTICE OF CANCELLATION = Baty d } “ea : : hth ; sia . om ment Sulldings, Victoria, B. C.. within or s Ww hen the fight began at 10:25 : 20 26 tircy days after the first appearance of ICE 18 HEREBY ve ul Rupert « jit was possible to get 6 to 4 s ae $6 — ae 8 eee ; a ’ 7 PP enennnSa cas Hardware ' . e Son 2 2 27 M. R. LILLICO, Applicant, n Porcher Island, Range ; << Basham. As the men stood up ; oe os Ottawa, Ont asice aS Wales appearee ‘ I ; ‘E For tl sh : JEN ; = =” 2 j a ; ‘ .* r ine SECOND AVENUE }Atatner looked far too big for his 2 26 29 ree’ Ra ty abil selon” oth acell _ agerennceens D CHIC KENS ; = = . . , Ss € a 0 8 Ss canceriet Phone Black 114° jopponent. Good as Ratner was 2 20 30 notice is Jume 23, 1919 G. BR. KADEN a known to be, he exercised clever- . 2 33 WATER NOTIC cis nue ty Minis HAY, GREIN & FERTILIZER 2 20 9 Z u I f , oe z : : x 7 : ee 2 32 A Victoria, B. ¢ weer reer ere ee ere ee ere rer oe _ ness against a very fine boxer 2 20 4 DIVERSION AND USE {sth July, 1999 that was rather unex ted, added ; ' as rather unexpected, adde . a ee ee : es : } ; eo wr + : ss 45 TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whee! to which a little extra weight told : 20 46 address is Alice Arm, B. C., will eT in his favor. In the tenth Ratner “ 20 47 hy licence to take and use 10 second ~ ° ° 4 ‘ 2 20 48 eet of water out of Tumble Creek, also; : got home a very fine left hook and o known a8 Goat Creek, which flows west PHONE 5 : 20 49 erly and drains mto the hkitsault NRiver,/ . | sent Basham to the ropes and it z 20 52 about 17 miles from its mouth at head of P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave was fairly obvious by this time 2 20 67 the imlet of Alice Arm. “ 3 : ; 20 rhe water will be diverted from the oo com lthat the Welshman ‘was uj 2 6u stream at @ point about 20 chains easterly against one of the stiffest prob : ” 61 rom S.£. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis munsind 0 tis I - 2 20 62 trict, and will be used for mining purpose NOTICE OF CANCELLATION POR SR eR RR ee RTE RTE TE rR rR NO lems of his career. Splendid de- 2 20 6s upon the mine described as the North Star ; Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar Distric ' a ife ‘ ; : District NOTICE 18 1 ‘ ; 721 TI d ence by both men marked the 2 20 66 This nolice Was posted on the ground) pesorve e maees Seve oats t ve ioe : : a 2 20 67 on the 20th day of June, 1919 > caans over carte Crow ~ ; ms . le ing rounds. Basham began : A copy of this notice and ar \ m Range 5, Coast Distes , a 0 ite to get a little better towards ti : *” 6s pursuant thereto and ‘o the “Water Act, es > came ate S Ge SE 6th A ‘ul treet { # pposite aN M 2 20 69 1914,” will-be fled ip the efice of the|='Ytr, Rotice of which apy ared _ - we. and Pubs oa : The EmpressfHote} end and was making the pace hot 2 20 70 ee ne, © rene Ben, = 6 ms — — ,/ . é a) , a. 2 : 2 . = Objections to the application may be vs, is ? ' and taking the lead, but the r 38 56 fied with the said Water, Recorder oF with “5. soe 1 ; . American's defence was good and 30 75 the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia maputy & . ‘ Nice large Furnished CIGARS SODA he we he on 2 20 76 ment Buildings, Vieturia, B. C., within| “#%ds Department - : n ao ard to land on. The 2 30 po thirty days after the first appearance of saa co } sane Rooms for, Gentlemen urther the fig ‘i ‘ ; rn ns notice in a local newspaper ws oF one Two per cent. Beer both 1 ot cab the oa aaa ; ra - The 4 M. OLSEN” Applicant or Married Cou; “ oxo ane 1e bou ended = 20 91 “” date of the first publicalion of this , . mitt, ‘even thanat, ind the cen ’ 20 92 notice is June 26, 1919 JOHN PELLICAN ' : 20 9% 0 was declared a draw. 2 20 107 LAND AC Every Comyn POD ecco 2 20 2 ee were - = ~ ALICE : . om Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Remrmrnrnrnrnemennenemenewrnrnrnnr R ES ; = = ne es emer rTs LAND DISTRICT crcccccocoooocosscconseesssetennen FO " S 2 20 131 Bf ING DISTRICT OF SKEENA, and P . situate im the vicinity of District Lot 792 ALE | T. €. Nutter,, accompanied by ; - = on Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte islands NOTICE OF CANCELLATION UNIVERSITY RETURNED » > “a & “er t . a, » TAKE NOTICE that the Wallace . SOLDIER STUDENTS Seven-r omed house with jhis wite and daughter Dorothy 7 2 32 ies, Limited, of Vancauver, British fuer NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that th : bath and finished basement. $/®""'ved from Seattle last week. 7 38 21 -y eccupation canning company, intends reserve existing over certain wi \» ‘ 7 © apply for permission to leas » fo m Graham Isiand, Queen Chi the | t Newly painted. 8th Avec. W. Mr. Nutter is interested in the : . - lowing des ribed lands a Ce: notice of whieh app. ared im. ix thome shinee United Metals preperty on the 16 86 Commencing at a post planted at the | Sritish Columbia Gazette om the 1 du nliste $2875 00 7 s 16 36 southwest corner of the northwest quar 1908, and the 3rd July, 1914 » comme ' , ui . \Iiliance river, and he will devote; , s us 83 RR 792, Queen Charlotte Islands G. BR. HADEN : S ; nd : sae os r : istrict, wee West 2 (lastio ilietace Deputy Miniew rt Very Easy Terms. joie energies toward the rapid de- 8 16 24 north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains | Lands Departme ut, , their stud ; velopment of the mine and the . ” - Manse ra niet Ton eS ee Ss vee ba : e ; 8 ’ nee slet, hence outheaster : bth J vit ; th DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND jshipping of ore. ‘ = a following the said high water mark 23 ee soldier stud ; ar ae Z . 7 chains more or less to the po of com. ' ale ? ; 523 Third Ave. : Mr. Mori .. . “ Cit : 8 26 18 mencement and containing i - t, my yr ae : } Mr. Morley of Silver City who 8 80 13 eecres inore or less : tt nr ; ? TE , . Me regular « Semen - ————--- |has been doing work on the Sun- 8 30 14 —_ yas ees. jinitep 1 wihout ' } : : 5 gent iset property at the head « , 8 31 3 Dated 8rd day of June, 1919 aia anne” Crock - avy parsons . a1 4 Fg ene ug ee om pao § re ought in some very good : 32 16 LAND ACT an jlopking samples of silver-bearing ® 32 16 -—-- “a F jore and weports that there_is a 5 33 8 See? eer. LAND DISTRICT—DIS PLUMBING AMD HEATING $1.10! ledge of this class of : =" ’ TAKE notice that EM Lauder, of Sucen| MOTHOE OF CANCELLATION I he Berrie rock . ‘ ' 30 Charlotte City, occupation teacher, inte : G on the property. 5 a4 40 to apply for permission to paschess NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tt as daleaaal Est te M . * y 8 3 9 anogees described lands reserve e@§isting over certain Crown. land istimates ft a ae : = : lommencing at a post planted of ,}on the NassMMiver, Cassiar District. notice | . furnished. Me. ss Annie Lindsay and Mrs. 8 39 82 south shore of Maude’ island, ca 100 of which appeared im the British ; - 7 Sypotion acobson of Prince Rupert are . - 8&3 Geos nat of the 6.5. cormer post P. A. No Gasette oo ie as Peace Tee : . ° ’ 7 : be a . . - ’ ress, 3rd Avenue, head $/Visiting with Mrs. Gust Anderson. s a Z. 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence G. KR. NADEN ee map emma “a ‘ . * . west 20 chains to point of commence Dep ate i ; of Second Street. i A Etats Mel s 39 88 Moltl ice TH | ence vepermmenn OE OF Lam ' Phone Green 48 174 P.O. 274 noe KHupert on 8 29 89 Date June 14, 1019 A. 30 Vietoria, B, { i P.O. Box 102 Of Phone Box business. Mr. Miner is one of 8 29 90 ™ MINE ee ——— {th duly, 1949 ecoss the owners of the Musketeer INERAL ACT JOTICE oe Nnasococoes PUBLIC NOTICE | | ———~i group of claims IN THE SUPREME Con ER TEP oF . : ll : : Coal } , ! AT OF BRITISH CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS . e e . . . COLUMBIA - : IN THE MATTER OF THE ES ” . —- HONALD ¢ TATE OF |] oaeeere net Ole Johnson an ‘ ; T , mOsICe. , wal be tee & Rn . — d another man |in THE ma Tne OF THE “ADMINISTRA Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark. Jimm ogee Mendors will be received by the a - . nowWn as Servian Joe were ar- . ieee Fraction, Hob Koy, and Nephin Fraction| ith of imamate 2 12 v'elock noon of the aa i ead mendy: tealien , . - ortawi the issuance of such certificate BG ash Of acceplane® of ten ) P teil home on Thursday, August Tame M MoMUL.AM. = nome uch certificate of tm STEPHEN 1 Bibel of tender : BLACK 36 ane + 7th, Dated this 26th on of on ee nae ih “et 4 eM tD. 3910. enters, Bc, ment Adtiinistrstor, | meen © ‘aa : _ os AGU BCLS , , | duly 17, 1919 A4 | Pemeroweroreserrsrrrrrre”