PAGE roust GYROS BEATEN AT BASEBALL Taken Inlo Camp By Sons of .CflPada Jn.,City . League. . .. Fixture Before a good sized crowd at Acropolis Hill last night, the Son of Canada 'took the Gvros into camp 5-8, in a City League baseball fixture. Downie, pitch- Ing for the Sons, arrowed" only lire hits, put was very wild at first, walking four men in the Jirst three innings. He tightened up after that, however, and was never in serious trouble again. The , Sons hit safely in every inning but the sixth. The Gyros lost their chance to win in the second, when with the bases fjjll and none out, Farquhar sent a long fly out to left. Tite, who was on third, got his signals mixed and after the ball was caught walked off the base. Howe threw to Mensies who easily touched him for the sec ond out. Easson hit a hat foul down the third base line. struck a rock and looked fai but "the umpire mid "no." Art then struck out. Mitchell, lead-off man for the Sons, hit through short Howe fanned while Mitchell stele second and third. Wendle, the next man up, placed another single through short and Mitchell scored, Benny going to second on the throw in. Downie smash ed a hard single to left and Wendle came home. Stalker ran for Downie and stole second as Lambk fanned, Haveland hit Smith and Menzies, filling the bases, lie then caught Smith napping off second for the third put The Sons got another in the third. Wendle singled to centre and went to second when Moran threw out Downie on a fielder's choice. Lambie pame through with a hit to left and Benny scored. Mitchell scored for the SonB in the tffch. First man up. he hit a hot ,ae jwhich Easson -Jailed to handle. lie stole sfecond. Howe popped out to Haveland I and Wendle went out, Eaustm toil jjiiijuuiir, iniixjieii iaKing mirai on the play. Downie eraahed hial second hit to left and fcill ronH ped home. Stalker, who ran for Downie. was caught off first. In the seventh, with two out, MiteheM- tripled to right. Itowb drove him in and Wendle made his third hit. Downie tot one to Haveland for the third cut How Gyros Scored The Service Club got ne run in the first Downie threw out Farquhar. Easson drew a pass. He went to Beoend on 4 balk and stole third. Haveland smashed one at Wendle which he missed and Easson crossed the plate. McKeown hit a fly to Wendle to end the inning. Bury hit to left in the second. Tlte was safe when Mftchell dropped the ball. Then Downie lost sight of home plate, throwing eleven balls in a .row. Prit-' chard and McNulty both walked, forelng'Bury in with a run, Farquhar filed out to Howe HURLS POLO CHALLENGE Through Sir Harold Shagge,! the Hurlingham Club of Eni:laid has mailed a preliminary note to the United , States' Polo Association announcing its tphui to, send a civilian team to the United States in 1930 to compete for the international, polo cup which has been on this side ofi tlie Atlantic since Harry Payne Whitney's sent a te.-un to the Old ' Country. , ' ' J - and Tite was outl at'third. Ea'ssoin ended the inning; by the strike" out ronte. Gyros' last rrni was scored In the third. Moran struck out. Haveland walked and went to second as Wendle threw out McKeown at first Bury got a lucky 4hH'dtmnthe-th4rMs 4ine-and Haveland went to third. Tite bounced" a fasfone Into' Dowine'sJ ribs and before he could get the ball, tile had scored and Tite was safe. Downie then caught Bury off second for the third, out. Score by innings: S. 0. C 2 0 10 10 15 Gyros 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 C Box Score' S. O. C -Abk II TO A E B. Mitchell lb, 4 3 2 9 Howe 1L, Wendle .ss , Downie ip., Lambie cf., . Smith 2b . Menzies 3b Astoria c, . Frizzell rf., Totals . ... Gyros ,. 4 ,. 4' . 4 . 3 .2 . 2 . 3 . 3 29 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 6 1 0 1 Farquhar lb., 4 0 0 12 Easson 2b., . 2. I K) 0 Moran ss -4 0 .1 Haveland jl, .31 0 McKeown rfn '3 0 T"Q Bury cu, ... ... 3 J 2 Tite 3b., .vi..S 0 1 Pritchard-cf.'. -2-0 McNulty If., .. 2 0 Totals .... 2C 3 0 1 1 3 0 3 1 1 0 5 11 2010 3 ABR II PO A "E Mitchell; two base hit, Frizzell; stolen bases, Mitehell, 3; Easson; bases on balls, off Downie, 5; hit by pitcher, by Haveland, 2; balk, Downie; Easson hit by batted ball ; left on bases, Sons of Caanda, C; Gyros, 7. Uniphes, Menzies and Ratchford. League standing: W. -L. Native Sons ....... 4 2 Elks 3 4 Gyros 3 4 Sport Chat BRINGING UP FATHER oh! jot ' LOOK VT THATI CT- T MUaT BCUOkJ O TO SOME JK 6TOWAT'. IfO vat bsl N. Til 1 A -it-l wm ill WE. GOT TO KEEP OUT OF TH6 CS& -HOUfiC OlTKlCT NsITH THA DOG- the caniC Vjoulo KlLl.U's BOTH f (A i l THEV SAWMC 4lX PETEIslD THAT OiKITT HPK1 1 Nl' AKl'TEKi" ME THAT HE AJr-Hlb WITE ARE GOlKl'TO THETJETOUfifi RKCEPTlOM "Tp.MGMT-THEM WOM'T WAVE-TO CO 'CAUSE MAGCilE THEM TLl MEST OisITt AT CA.EV3 IIB, h1 SonrW, lnuCrMt Briuln hu nrn4. JI 1 OPE OIKlTY M VONlY HAVE At til UAnn -r- C1TTIM OUT At 1 cnu- 010. 1 THIKJK THIKJK HI NxIPf 1. ' ,EASlE Thaw IV ' MIKJC I f'vrfty W, : ' W! . i t. . ' .... ' THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Tuly in, 1925 pctl?b,?Prvd ;'w.tha ujtaWeceIebra CG7 429 AOCk I cidentally, getting revenge at! the July "Fourth celebration In Jlydej ,by . winning 27 to i. The Stewart 1 celebration started off with a big parade In which prizes' were awarded for the best decorated cars. Then there was a full program of field sports. At lTtrmer"'Drrrntrrrorf'iaTw!rr-aho Connie Mack, seems to have finally gathered together a base ball machine comparable to his famous old gung of 1905-09-'ll and '13. Grove, Wahlberg, Rom-mell, Quinn and Earnshnw do not suffer from comparison even when stacked up against Tlank, Somers Son was the winner of " "M 13 the Trince Ceorge Derby horse 2 ,r superior 10 race at the interior town last VTUfF T- Schg' esPf,c a,ly week, being fully a length ahead of John Franklin. Fast Age waB the third horse of the seven in 'on the offensive. Fox. Bishon. Boley and Dykes are probably not as great as Mclnnis, Colins, Carry and Baker, but still are t. . Preat enough to cause anguish en the Derby and collected the " Fitm Tu f nn ti Simmons. Haas 11 and MIllw hold the big feature of the Dominion " Day celebration at Prince George a WW this year. In a baseball game,! liisconae, beat Prince George 10 There Is rumor that efforts to 2. There were also many other will be made to organize a golf 0'kinds of sports and races at the lub- In Prince Rupert. Several IV'I toWi!4lr I Al t. L 1 1 .71 , Stewart also had a bier cele- different graups have been wbr king on schemes but so far no definite anouneement is made. l 'v'0 0 O bratlon on Dominion Day, one of What seems certain is that it 0 1 !" 0 the features of the; proceedings wi" e a costly thing and mem-5 21 1C 1 beinc a bnseUill Tnnipli whiph bers must be nrenared to die- Summary Three base hit, B. Hyder -won 15 to 7, Stewart, in- deeply Into their rackets. , , S) 1K9. Ml Fulin ttnin. Crtl Brk riirtui wmwl opau PEOPue TO HUM 1K1TO-YOU ARB THE WAMTCO v-' AM? I'VE BEEKJ 1 TBTT'INI TO XVOID tOO, TOO-DKTT- VE-- DlKJTYl TOO -AX THAT TOU AJNJ' SrooH WIFE ARK GOtKl TO THE' DETOUR TO-K41QHT? THATi IKE-lUU iEE T06; THERE- WCRE GOKJV I TOO. j r- LITTLE CHANGE BIG LEAGUES ijaiwiirn jiiLinnc uruu wiri vlll-I Biff 3 tOOK UKE Philadelphia RQ J I'VE CHAM GEO ( MX MIMO-Wt ARE MOT COIKiC TO THE OK TOO'6 HOOftK TO-KilGHT- POOR OIKJTT I UOE HE MOT A BE OWCOMSCIOUb MOW- I'D RPTTFD -acNJU rOR akj XMCiOLAKlCE- s nrc S3 AMERICANS ON BRITISH COLLEGE TRACK TEAM NEW Y9RK, N.Y., July 9: Three former American college stars will be in the ombined Ox- 2rd-Jmlmdjre Jft.wJxejL. the llritlsh invaders meet a picked I'ale-Harvwrd team Ib an international track meet at Harvard sta- lium July IS. xrmu vnnt- 1.. 1.. m. ii7J. Vv, 7 With the BrHish team.ivlll .be Pirates i increased a their lead over a, Rhodes , scholars v ,. Bayes n;,. M. f Chicago one and a half games by defeating Brooklyn today as former Yale sprter. a- Princeton Gates, former the Cubs lost to Boston. football player ana wetgnt rain Jem Bottomles war club was nd E. R. McGill. oho-time Oni- good for a pair of circuit blows verlt of Florjd,a pole' vaulteri which irav St.' T.miin the vfctnrir over the rhillles. 4 . NATIONAL LEAGUE The Giants won the fourth'! "STANDINGS straight from Cincinnati. . W. - In the American League, Chi- Pittsburgh 48 cago made it three out of four Chicago 45 over the Athletics when Faber New York 44 outpitched Pincus Quinn. St. Louis.. 38 New York nosed out a dose HfT'li'? ' 2 Victory over St. Louis. Washing- v!!!? P S ton defeated Detroit and Boston r,t rl n j x tj-, .vjinvfrnwH u 111 vhttciuiiu wbh roiiifu out. fol lowing are the scores: National Iveajjue Cincinnati 5. Nwv York 8. Pittsburgh S, DrWklyn 1. St. Lotrfs 7, PhUftdelplila 4. Chicago 2, Boston 6 American League New York 8, St. Louis 7. Philadelphia 4, Chicago C. Washington 2, Detroit 1. VERY WEUU'. THEKJ riL JUOT Ruk DOWM TO ' THE CUJB FER AWHILE L. 2C 2C 38 S7 40 41 4G 47 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS ' W. L. rMlafolplrra ...... 64 20 New York 40 27 fit. LobIs 48 30 Detnsft .41 38 Cleveland 8G 3G Washington .. 28 44 Chicago 29 50 Besten ..4 ...28 55 1 Pet. .649 .034 .571 .507. .452 .440 .905 .347 Pet. .730 .080 .589 .519 .500 .989 .3C7 .295 STATION WON IN PLAY-OFF Heat Superintendent's Office in Deciding Softball Game of ,Firt Half A good crowd of fans was ou' to see the station cinch 'no firit. half of the Canadian Na: iona! softball schedule last nij-iif b downing the superinti'iidcnt'j team 12 to 7 in a play-off station collected runs in ev. rv in ning, but two, while the npvosmj got runs in only three iumnpv First-class ball was liKht!d up fcv both iearofr a'nd the game wa- w, Jce right up to the lat m m to bat. Station A. Skattebol. . ; j, Holtby, p; Stiles, lb; Stalk.!. 2b Horton, 3b; Mair, ss; Thorn;, rl B. Skattebol, cf; McIntoth ! Superintendeet's office - li ,, rojrd, c; Harold, p; Morisoc 1., Sunaneri, 2b; Lauten, Hh; Hon. ss; Taylor, rf; Daw Strachan, If. The station will play at dose of the settson with the win ntng team of the second halt lor league honors. JEDWAY SALTERY The B. C. Packers is prepar 11? the saltery at Jedway on the south end of Queen ChurMti-Islands for use this season ir. putting op salmon. By George Mr IV anus Mhello- i ' &AW VOO CCT OUT I ( .wc ' BMAMA W.THTHBOUKEMT BORROWED H ZYT MAMHEIS-MCMOUCH o. Jr?5 LOOK IKI MAKE AROU CT THE, ECT f-lA,CGt MC DRAG MO- AMO WHKM "VOU OCT AU. THE AtME OUT- I HAVE T.OHE MOHIIWOHK FOR TOO- YOUR CUJO t tf g jrrhn. Wi m SMI I JOT1