Wednesday, July 10, 1929 tf, 1 A. Folding Kodaks From $12.25 ftn 2 C. Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing jor amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. EM. Z7fte Pioneer Druoeists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - 37; SPECIALS!- ciWt.i.I's Red Label Shirts and Drawers. Each $1.83 , Stanficlds Red LabelCom- binations, Each ..'As 3-0 F'anfifttd'H 3200 Shirti and Drawers, Each $1.50 Ft.ini iM's 3200 Combinations, Each $3.00 Elanfi.-ld's 7700 Fine Wool Shirts and Drawer, Each $2.75 FUniVld's 7700 Pin Wool f'ojrbi nations, Bach $5.00 Stinfield's 1800 Silk and VI Shirts awl Drawers, F.v h $3.73 firld'.s 1800 Silk and W'.ol Combinations. Bach $7.00 J.iKirkpatrick SIXTH STREET SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cull In jr. Workmanship and Styl All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AM PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part nf th City. Ling, the Tailoi1 Phone fi9 S.D.Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver. Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.DJolinstonCo.Lld. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, D.C. Dr Alexander PIIONB 878 nCSNCR MOCK DENTIST KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks, k,...$5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks ?rom $11.25 No. 3 A. Fofding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f. 3.5. lens $100.00 686. TELEPHONES 8? v 200 be Inspector William Spiller, pro vincial police, is in Smithers in connection with the hearing of a manslaughter trial arising out of recent automobile fatality here. Col. J. II. McMullin. superin tendent of provincial police, is expected in the city within thf next few days in the course of a iiour oi aonnern unusn uoiuni' bia on official business, Week-End Specials SWIFTS PURE LARD 5-lb. tin $1.10 NABOB COFFEE J-lb. tin 00c NABOB TEA 1-lb.s nkg GOc B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR- 10-lb. sack 5e SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 25c BROOKFIELD OR GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER S-lb. brik for $1-40 NABOB STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lbJtin e NABOB PLUM JAM 4i. Tin 45c BARBADOS MOLASSES Tin ...26c ' CLARK'S FBA SfcUP TIM ... .v.' .....10c FRESH EXTRA EGGS Sdof. .. $1.16 nURKBVS SALAD DRESSING Ja 60c ROWNTKKK'S COCOA a tin 55c MINUTE TAPIOCA t pk t NABOB SLICED PBACHB6 2Vfc. Tin 0 CREAM BTT 86 I'kK 10c COLUMBIA PEARS a. Tin NABOB ASPARAGUS Picnic Ue. 2 Una 45c PICKLED PIGS' FEET Jar 3 OUR ORANGES ARE FINE 5 dot RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs. 50c CANTALOUPES Each 20c HEMO STRAWBERRIES ARE AT THEIR HEST Alberta fafat P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20S MILK MILK Fresh Pastmrlred Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughput the City. We have been appointed sole agents in Prince Rupert I for the famous BROOKS-BANK CERTIFIED MILK. i Price, 25c per quart. The same In Trlnce Rupert as in Vancouver. I t VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone Mrs. J. . Macey and child are sailing this afternoon on the Princess L6uise for a vacation trip to Vancouver. of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Raynor. for Fourth Avenue East, are spending a holiday at Savory with Mr Raynors parents. Mrs. H. A. Bre.en and son, who have been visiting for the past ala six weeks in Vancouver and New Westminster, returned home from the south on the Prince George this morning. ot on Certain formalities have yet to disposed of before construc tion will start at the local dry dock of the new tugboat and car barge for service of the Canadian National Railways on Okanagan Lake. I Mrs. George Little and family will arrive In the city from Ter- race on Friday afternoon's train and sail that evening on the Princess Maquinna for a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Rev. Father O'Sulllvan of Van- couver was an interesting speak pr at tho remilar monthlv onen luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club in the Commodore Cafe today. President Joe Greer occupied the chair. C.N.R. steamer Prince John. i Capt. E. Mabbs, arrived In port; at 8:80 this morning from Van-; couver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and ailed, as soon as she had cora- pitted unloading local freight. direct for Vancouver. ' C:N!R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived In pert iv 12 noon today from Van- icWlve. PoVell Rlter and Ocean Fslfs and will sail at 4 o'clock this' afternoon for Skagway whence she will return here next Aonuy morning ana south at 4 p.m. that day. Ml Mary Walters and Miss Florence Webster, student nurses at the . Vancouver General Hospital, "who have been visiting for the past two weeks with Miss Walter parents, Mr. 'nd Mrs. Michael Walters, Hays Cove . ... , , ( r. v Circle, will sail by the Prince nu..iL nffQrr,n n ineir return iu iniicuuiti. The Canadian National Hail- ways offer the finest summer trip in me woria via o. o. rnwei Charles" Stewart, nyox, Maseett Inlet leave Prince Rupert Mon- uay. rviuiii inuivua, ui uun a wek-end trip w terrace or Smithers. Very low fares. Enquire City Ticket Office. Phone 260. J. 31. Herrry Hsllbroner arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning to spend a holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hellbroner, being on leave of absence from the Royal Mill- Sjtary College at Kingston. Ont.L He travelled west via uuuornia ',.. frnm th.t who will visit in the city. SMSS A t 1 II ill iiis ll3inS IZ - ihS iwua "I am a student at Columbia Cnlrer- alty," write Mlsa Arden AmbrookJan. 'ln, !T 71?? to Jnfo!!!L5T i benef Its derived trom Irontaed Yeast. It helped do away w.tA e unsightly pimpies that were to hard to get rid ot. Before taking Ironlscd Yeast my weight was 103 lbs. Now I wesjh 115 lbs. My face and neck are rounding out my digestion Is better, I eat and steep well and my health la excellent." Letter after letter telle this same won derful story. Five to IS pounds gained In a few weeks. Bony limbs rounded. Blemished skin cleared . Only when Yeast 1 Intnlzeil la It more effective (er Iron Is needed to bring out .the wettht-bulldlng and strengthening valuta ef Yeaat. Get these pleasant tasting tablet today. Never cause gaa or bloating. Safe no harmful drug. Oo to alty druggist today and get a full slse treatment of IrontaeVl Yeaat. It after thta generous trial you are not delighted, money baek. If Inconvenient to buy from druggist, send II M direct to Oanadtan Ironlnrd Yet Oo. Ltd.. Fort Erie. Out . I" 371-DT. Buy your gas" at Sneddon's News Stand 30c a gallon. 158 This.afternoon train duejirom thk'Xpz&M '3l ar eWted thfrfffpg to K.m'trm8g Tne1 regular monthly-meeting the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' Association; scheduled last night, wasj postponed for J, IJ. PilUbury. manager of the Pacific SevedoringCo., 'sailed veste'rdav" a f ter noort S fait i the Cat- so for a trip to Namu on com pany business. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Hamiltor. Vancouver arriVed in the citv at the Prince George this morn ing from the soUth, being on their way to JaepJ'ark. :t Mrs. S. F. Mori Miss Morley and Mig8 Pric 'ictoria were visitors in the .today in the course of maklns e-jrouna trip north aboard t1h3 earner Prince John. Provincial Constable M. Mar- tin of Queen Charlotte City was an arrival in the city from the Islands on the Prince John this morning, being here on official business. Mrs. T. Etherington sailed by the Catala Yeatardav afternoon on her return father home at Alert Bay after raving spent a week here visiting with her father. J. W. MeAuley, 337 Fourth Avenue-Wwt. i Passenger disembarking here from south Queen Charlotte Is- land points on the steamer Prince John this morning Inclu- ded: E. J. Dodward; from Selwyn Inlet; M. Martin and Miss Peet, from Queen Charlotte City; A. Wilson and W. Green, from Skidegate, and L. Neil, from South Bay. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central v - - Jnhn TUnulh ITiM1fnn Jul. iijlug HBynwn and Edmund Wilder, C.N.R.; W. W. Whitehead, Win- nipeg. Prince Rupert Mra. R. G. Urge. Port Slmn- son; W. G, MlUheifr Vancouver. ' Royal T n Cv w it r.t .-J iMi onnviJ. ii. ii, i lint aiiu . . ',.., A. A. r.A Cold, city; n D. Ullton, Savoy Miss Glllett and H; A. Deers, eiiy. R w MunRer Terrace. ttsttt J ANNOUNCEMENTS "t St. Andrew's Society Flcnlc Sunday, July 14, to Grassy Day. K. of C. picnic. Sunday, July 14. Digby Island. Moose picnic. July 28. Catholic Raiaar, Octobnr 2 and s 158 , mm If You Have wnere you win require me aiu oi that will make you look younp 8ee young and feeJ younK( you should wear our Bleight i double vision lenses. . ,. They give p feet Vision near and far without the ey-strnln- ... . . . , . , (, , dlvi- ,n (lirt catching, confusing "Ion line of the old style cement bifocals. They are two lenses fused-into one and look like ordinary single visiori feiisos. 4 I THE STORE WITH THE CLOCN i CASHANDCARRY MODERN METHOD New Economy Store on Third Ave. Proves Attraction to i. Many Cash and Carry is the modern method of shopping for those who like to be up to date. It is the sane and reasonable method. By it you know exactly what you get and get what you pay for. At the new store on Third Avenue, Prince Rupert people get all the advantages of Jiving in a big city far as groceries are concern ed. Besides saving money, a good deal of time is saved by shopping Mussalem's Economy Store The goods are displayed in such a manner that everyone can see the cost. Buyers know exactly how much they are spending and what they are getting for their money. Those people who drive cars of their own just stop in front, I quickly make their purchases and! have the goods at home when they want them instead of hour after wards. Those who want delivery can get it free on five-dollar purchases, or at a charge of 15c on smaller lots. The cash and carry habit pays good dividends. . (Advt.) INQUIRY "'INTO' ' DEATH OFi BOY AT ARRANDALE. (Continued from page one) at the cannery, made a thorough investigation into the affair, collected evidence, and notifed the Anyox corond who arrived at the cannery, accompanied by Provin cial Constable W. Smith, on Sat urday evening. Coroner A. W. Campbell held an inquest at Arrandale at 7:20. the same evening when the Jury I I . L - ll...l., . w . t ' luiaprmu tins iviiuwiug. v.-u. Walker, foreman, Peter Father Ingham. Thontas Young. Dr. Ma i ins Barbcau, Onranda Landry'andi .William Field WhHeley. Constable Smith conducted the coroner's investigation and Con stable Newnnam watched thtfpro- ceedlngs on behalf of the Indian agent. After the evidence of Srne!t Ansrus. native of Kincolith, William Lawson of Victoria, Dr. D, J. Macdonald and C. J. G'flf-fen had boen taltMi and eonfdred, W na,n& Jury was: "i rar ireaencK uooian was sui- focated and drowned at Arrandale. Naas Rlv?-, B.C." A rider was added expressing the "disap proval of that jury at the practic of young children, being permitted to accompany their parents and other relatives out fishing." The funeral of the late Frederick Doolan took place at Kincolith. hi native place, on the afternoon of Sunday., July 7. conducted by Rev. O. Thorne, M.A., and was lanrelv attended by relatives and friends. The management of Arrandale cftaify' kindly aUp tho use of lllarire company seine boat to con"y ho funeral party from Kirjcenth village to the cemetery. Mrs. M. J. Dougherty returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after a week's buy ing trip to Vancouver. Mrs. G. A. McNicholl of Vancouver Is making the round trip to Alaska aboard the steamer I Prince George which is in port i today northbound. Raptist picnic to Digby Island Thursday, July 11. Boats leave iimw ivuinm. at ' "d 2 o'clock. Adulta 50c Schol- ari free. Other children 25c. Miss Jean McMurphy of the student nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a holiday visit to Ocean Falls. The provincial department of public works has a gang of men at work making some badly need-d repairs and improvements to the Kaien Island Highway be-tween' the city limit's and Galloway Rapids. F. S. Walton, C.N;R. roadmas- ter, left on today's train for th Interior en route to Victoria! . .. ...i i.- i i j wimre iic win spenti a minus. Returning to the city about August 1, he will he accompanied by Mrs. Wulton and child who have been In thf south for several weeks. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) The following quotation! were bid and asked: Bay view, 2Vfe, 3. Big Missouri,- 1.44, 1.45; : .Cork Erovincek.U, ll'a. Cotton Belt, 47, 49. Duthie Mines, 52, 5G. George Copper, 9.20, 9.50. Georgia River, 33, 33Vs. Golconda, 1.12, 1.14. Grandview, 43, 432. Independence, 8, 8V4. Inter. Coal & Coke, 37, 38. Kootenay Florence, 14V4, 14, From Kootenay Kinff, 32V4. 34. Lucky Jim, 11 13. Mohawk, 3, 4. Morton Woolsey, 4V4. 5. Marmot River Gold, Nil, 5. Marmot Metals, 2V6, 3. National Silver, 13, 14. Noble Five, 63, 65. Oregon Copper, 2&Vi, 26. Pend Oreille, 5.50. 5.G0. Premier. 1.60, 1.65. Porter Idaho. Nil, 53. Reeves Macdonald, 1.75, 1.80. Rufus Argenta, 26, 29. Ruth Hope, 34, 36. Silver Crest, 5V4, 6: for Silverado, Nil, 75. Silversmith, 10, 15. Slocan King, Nil, 6Vi. Slocan Rambler, 10, Nil. Snowflake, 40, 41. Sunloch, 2.25, 2.45. Terminus. 6, 7. Topley Richfield, 28, 30. Wellington, 9, 10. Whitewater. 85, 88. Woodbine, 4, 5. Bluebird, 10, Nil. Oils Advance. Nil, 17-50. A. P. Consolidated, 3.79. 3.80. Calmont, 3.74, 3.75. Dalhousle, 3.97, 4.10. Devenish. 48, 50. Home, 22.50, 23.00. Mayland, 8.90, 9.00. McLeod. 3.75. 3.90. Freehold, 1.15, 1.20. Hargal, 1.32. 1.35. Mercury, 1.06, 1.08. .Dallas, 1.95, 2.00. Slierritt Gordon, selling at 7.90. ,K: LOW SUMMER EXCURSION FARESj The Canadian National Railways now have on sale at very low fares Summer Excursion tickets to Eastern Canada and United States points; also tickets to Jasper, Edmonton and Calgary going and returning direct, or Triangle Tour via Vancouver. Full particulars from City Ticket Office, Phone 260. I've forgotten I ever had any nerves Your doctor will tell you how the act of chewing relaxes and soothe ! trained nerves, and how the health. ful cleansing: action of Wrigtey's 1 refreshes and tones you up all I round. Aids digestion. i WRIGLEYS Jr Wg&s&f "If1 Ii 1 A. W. EDGE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D1STR1RUTORS IN Ornamental, Window, Iirltish America Paints, Oils Varnishes and Satln-Glo ; pcnJantl!IiQre.'8 Murccg . Old English Floor Wax Simms llrushcs Wallpaper nnd lluilding Papcra , llurlnps Cheese Cloth and Heaver Hoard ITione Red 53 PRINCE STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancouver Mondtyv-s. Prtnee Oeorge, 4 p.m. Tuedy . Oatala 3:30 p.m. Thunday w. Prince Charles, 4 p.m. Frldiys M. Prln. Uaqulna 10 p.m. Fridaysti. Oardena Midnight Saturdays. Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. June 29 as. Plncs Louise. S p.m. July 3 sa. Princess Alloe ...S p -ml July S 9. Prtoe8!Adelald---p-rmi July 10 ss. Princess Loalse ..9 p.m. July 13 ss. Princess Alice . .9 p.m. July 17 ss. Prloem Adelaide 9 p.m. July 20 ss. Pdccess Louise . .5 p.m. July 24 as. Princess Alice ..9 p.m. July 27 ss PrtnoeM Adelaide 9 p.m. July 31 ss.-Princess Louise ..9 p.m. July 10 s. Prince John a.m. July 24 ss. Prtnee John a.m. VancouTfr . Bundaya-rs. Oatela ....iv...4 p,m. Mondays ss Prince Obarles 10:30 ajn. Wednesdays ss. Pr. Oeorge 1,0:30 ajn. FrUHya as. oardena a.m. Fridays as. Prince Rupert 1030 a.m. Friday as. Pr. Maquinna ..4 p.m. July 1 sa. Princess Adelaide ..a.m. Jul? 9 sa. Princess Loulne ....a.m. July S ss. Prtaoeas Alloc a.m. July 12 ea. Princess Adelaide ..a.m. July IS as. Princess Loutae a.m. July 19 ss. Princes Alice a.m. July 32 ss. PrtnoeM Adelaide ..a.m. July 26 ss. Princess Loulie a.m. July 39 u Princes Alloe a.m. July 1 ss. Prince John ...p.m. July is es. Prince Jottn p.m. July 20 At. Prince Joftn p.m." Naa ItlTfr and Pott Simpson Sunday ss. Qatala .....8 p.m. From Noas Ulver and Port Simpson Tuesdays ss. Oatala .... .11:80 a.m. For Mewart, I"remler, Anjot and Alice Arm Sundsrye ss. OatsJa 8 p.m. Mondays es. Prince cbarle 8 p.m. Fridays s. Prince Rupert ..4 p.m. From Bttnart. Premier. An) ox and Alice Arm Tuesdays ss. Catala 1130 a.m. Taursdayt as. Pr. Obarics 1030 a.m. Saturdays m. Prince Rupert 6 p.m. For North Queen f hwIHIr WunO" Mondays aa. Prince Charles 8 p.m. From North Queen Charlotte Inlands Thursdays ss. Pr. Charles 1030 a.m. Fer Port Slmpwm and Wales Island Fridays ss. Cardena a.m. Your vacation starts the moment your Anchor-Donaldson Master-at-Arms salutes you at the gangplank. This Is the front door of Scotland ; you can already feet that very gracious atmosphere which you will find af.aln in the fine old homes of Scotland. And dignified, quiet, yet friendly service. Sail Anchor - Donaldson 1 10'c Reduction Take advan-take of the 10' reduction on round trip fares, available on Cabin clam accommodation, when sailing from Montreal after August 15th and returning after October 15th. Bock throvth Tin Cunari Steam Skip O., Limited, 6221 IhttinS Si. II'., Venceawr (Ttl Stymtur J&fS-p), or any tit amski patent. I WssUy Salings f ram Mantrstl W (nd Quabac) ts Inland, ao Scotland and England in VA conjunction witli Cunard DOHALDSOH LINE Cabin. TourM Third Cabin and Third Out. SVAIUSlt Mlrr6r and Plate Glai 1i I M RUPERT 330 Second Ave.