TOMORROW'S TIDES Thursday, July 11 High 4:28 a.m. 20.1 ft. 17:24 p.m.. 10.4 ft. Low 10:55 a.m. 2.4 ft. 23:24 p.m. 6.4 ft. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET BpeciM Dinner! Tbundays and Saturday Dancing Evrrj Saturday Night, 9 to It Dance Hall for Hire Accommodations tor Private Partfca rilONE 437 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XX., No. 158. PRINCE RUPERT, R.O, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1929 PRICE FIVE r.RNT- Trial of Seized U. S. Trollers Commences at Victoria Before Justice Martin in Admiralty Owner of Tacora Declares He Was III and Vessel Was in! J Need of Repair, So He Quit Fishing and Went to Goose Island Harbor ( VICTORIA, July 10. Personal illness caused by gas fumes escaping from the engine of the vessel and the need j for repairs to the engine were cited by Captain John A. j Eastman, master and owner of the United States fishing! troller Tacora, in the admiralty division of the exchequer i court of Canada here yesterday as the reason why ' the;T X i u't A t ik laCOra WUS UriVL'II lO IiarUUr UL 5 0 last ,a?.U . . The defence ot the united after Captain Fred Laird and dian Government fisheries had told Mr. Justice Martin of On May b. other officers of the Cana-j midnight last night and to- protective cruiser Malaspina j J jZ.nEJ th iTlt ,an' the seizure of the launch t I Hearing of the defence witnesses was completed yester- ,lo,r onrl annimnnt Vw pniinKpl was commenced this uaj, .b- j ! morning In his evidence yesterday Eastman said he had been j unwell on May 3 and 4 and on the following day a suspi- cious il'ness caused by gas from the exhaust of the Ta-I cora's engine bothered him." It was then decided not to continue fishing operations any longer. He arid he took , the boat into Goose Harbor to see if he could locate thei part of the vessel s engine ' which was leaking and to get i l. i -r i.: e u f some exercise nimscu in me nope oi wuriuug un. wc effects of the fumes. The second defence witness, Ernest Tourila of Seattle, corroborated Eastman's testimony concerning the latter's illness He said he never smelt any gas, nor did it bother him, but he stated he saw some ngnv smuKu m we ungiuc room. He CQnrejywyiia tmw jam PH have taken the engine apart at sea ariH'UhsafeYoTii repairs un'ess the vessel was PLACE FIFTY j BOYSONFARMS II, l Government Undertakes Settlement Scheme for Old Country tad Yl'TORIA, July 10. The I ai mg of 60 British boys on farms in the province through the trr.pi -e settlement scheme has lcn undertaken by the B. C. L vcrnment, following a eon fir-wp. between Provincial Govern-r.ont officials and W. B. Little, federal commissioner of at Ottawa, It was announced b Hon. W. Atkinson, minister rf agriculture. CONDUCTOR WAS KILLED BY AUTO VANCOUVER, July 10. -John t ardwcll 50 Years of aire, anu toAy'J conductor the h o. in.i.niiu Vill-1 H 1 S Cmbieied nurse. Deceased w. mis.eI RWt anH wth Avpn l..t nleht about 4 P.m.. when about to go when ho was struck by an auto. If a ...o. ...! In Aulntr cnnill. . . , 4i. i. i. t -ii .i .ion on me street ana is uenevvu to have been the victim of a hit and run driver. SALVAGE EFFORTS STEAMER ISLANDER FAILED, SAYS DIVER JUNEAU. July 10.Effort8,tolfa: nYlnK of the .Jt, alvage the reputed treasure from v. rA.i,e E.WNewn- the steamer Islander, which Bank august 1901, were discontinued yesterday when Captain S. H Finch, who directed the div-'ng for the purser's safe, sailed for Seattle. The search was In progress for GO days when Finch's contract expired. Hcde-clared that he. had failed to find anything, UUU&U liUV UI1CJ1UIUUU . . . , states crait was entered, Cold Storage Co. for Ket- taken into harbor. INQUIRY INTO DEATH OF BOY AT ARRANDALE Native I nd Mu.t Have Fallen Into River When Hoarding Boat INQUEST WAS HELD , . sibllity ean understand easily the Funeral Arrangements Stopped in juti 0f a dtixen because In her Order That Full Inquiry Ipta actions she already is a Might Be Made I contributing member of the com- 'munity, filster Bertha Wellln, ARRANDALE. Naas River, member of the Swedish Parlia-B C July 10 In connection nwnt and president of the Swed-with'the d owning fatality which ih Nurs' Association told the occurred at Arrandnle cannery nurses of more than 40 countries last Thursday afternoon, July 4, at a meeting of the Congress of the body of Frederick Doolan, an the International Council of Indian lad, aged 11 years, was re- Nurses. , covered from the water below the "We are not like oher profes- v.- .., U' h I41W. ca a rnm. Stewart .1 about ...a 6 i ii... p.m., alter aragging had been In progress for upward Aifuiai .ni. or two hours., i tion, on, wiMiout wimoui success, wan resort- ed to by C. J . Gclf f en, book- kepnor. and Mrs. Grlffen, a train- to a gasidine fishin boat, on wVllfll he had been hlrea to act a ...innM. hv an tnoeiMndent Ilsn :chk - - i -r r . ermsn. in ornery uy v A- J .1 a QIW1AV.. in. 11 Mil w i IZ on tLi llow the wJiarf.IW.IHn pointed out that as In- then jump to another scow before reaching his boa. While no one saw him fall intb the watt-, It is surmised that he slipped when jumping from one scow te another and struck his head wo "w to !tho surface, as no ($Ci was ham, who was away utrlver. hur- Hod o Arrandale. picking up r. Macdonald off Klncolith on the ment Sunday when the brokers of and arrived about noon onU way. pompeted for a trophy Pridav. July 5. Constable Newnham immediately atnnood the funeral nrrange- ments, ordered the body to be held (Conttnued on page three.) uait shortage at ketciukan : A" "uf horfaKe f fli; I J t ; today that there was not a pound of frozen . herring amiable there to supply th? fJfh1, ,f,eet-r Themotor- WP Belllngham, Capt. J. E. Anj navlnff hr flrat TLrTonths Irrived T here "ere ln l0Ur n,ont1. arrived in port from the north at cbikan. It is expected that the P-ellingham will start about lb m,dd,e of this month to brine regular shipments of fresh and frown salmon and halibut here from Ketchikan J S""""!, nadtan NaUonal ? 'f Ra"' vf.r ? J . 1 MAKING PROGRESS IN CANOE ON WAY DOWN COAST TO NEW YORK Julvi UKTCBJimUlG. Ala.k. 5W wT 10. AWvt Vofght, .- en route from Juneau to New York in a 16-foot Arctic type skin canoe, left here yesterday for Ketchikan . Ue ratfie a few alterations and is hopeful of reaching New York by next spring. WORK OF NURSE AS A CITIZEN DISCUSSED Nurse Who Is Member of Swedish Parliament Addresses Montreal Congress "T MONTREAL. July 10: The nurse with the feeling of respon- BIOnB. B CMIIIIUI, IBUIitlB UUl- selves and hnd mi, our urlr work, " inn the speak- or aaM "Whim a vounir woman - - - - rted as a student nurse the responsibility for her ac- tions bicomes widened During' t?J? ilri riiVraaia? uA ...ul nr Aim aMK-itv m A nnrM ( wYMffi wo extrcise an inuuence l " I XToTrrsKlcrh; 1 he school of nurs ln which has B"".U,W",T v "v.-..,.. warning ner nearers hkuiiibi u. entrance of nurses associa . t noIIt,cfll work. Sstcr dividual citiiens, nurses could contribute much in educating others In good citizenship. VICTORIA STENOGS FIRST ARE CADDIES : THEN HONOR GUESTS VICTORIA, July 10. A fea- tn a nt tViA nnnitfll irnlf tmirilA- was that stenographers irom tno local financial houses acted as caddie. Ten was served at the I nineteenth hoe at which the cad- Idle- were guests of honor. Arrived With Captured Trollers Fisheries Protective Cruiser Malaspina io.aojjni with wiui trolling ironing boat DOSl Tacora and othcra JUst after he had 8eized them t Goose Island . hrn.lfrht theminto Prince Rnrrf r VISITS-SCENE NIKKOWRECK i Housing of Vessel Smashed and Boat Wr.shed Ashore and Clothing But No Bodies I SKIDEGATB. inly 10? Provincial Copsle Mfirltn of Qnctn Charlotte Islands rSt'TTseT from tfvc srene of the wrecked bontrNikko md rpf-rts finding tfo caps, one coat, and all the deck housing of the Niklo mashed off anf the hntchesgpne and one small boat ncarg turned up side down. JNo tftodlea have inafound JsW.i ! - ,. ., , ... saltcry at Queen Charlotte City, who is supposed lo have been lost on the vessel along with the- members of the crew, is spoken of here as a very estimable man, a gentleman In every sense of the word. He leaves n widow at Queen Charlotte City People of the Islands are again asking for a lighthouse at Lawn Hill as it is claimed the floating buoy there now cannot be seen until too late to keep clear of the rocks. NATIVES LEAVE FOR CANNERIES failure oi wrsi loasi iroi ing ifrivrs iiyaans to .uninianu This Year ,.s!i!B.??'"L.J"'', Xi-SK: Ijr Hi I HIV IIAlltco vj fciiv wniuv- gate Mission have left for the Skeena River fishing grounds, some to Claxton and some under ' r ou! r.,. j rut. , - ., i'Cht ch. K.C., Conservative mem- Sugal for the new cannery at:. an.. ber of the federal parliament arid Humpback Bay, Porcher Island. This ' Is the first time for many , Tv, Z Hydahs JX. h, have vi.f 'ft t i ,v y" . - home fotr the maln- iand and the move became nee- fullure .f thp W(?et coagt troing( LEFT FOR ROME SANTANDER, Spain, July 10: Tho trnns-Atlantic plane Pathfinder took off for Rome this morning. HERRING INDUSTRY BEING ESTABLISHED , ON THE WEST COAST 4 SKIDEGATE, July 10: 1 Mr. Lloyd, who has charge of tho new herring Industry on the west coast of Mores- by Island, left Monday for the new headquarters In Moor Channel with a full outfit for catching and cifr- Incr hnrrlntr. BOWSER SLATED FOR CABINET Vancouver Paper Declared Poolcy Will Go to London and Former Loader Return The Vancouver Sun declares !that there is to be a reorganiza tion of the Tolmie cabinet Id ib-ch Attorney General Poolflf is l,.,,.,'. AUo California t.i.-j a n TKiJT v- fal Alio, uauiornia, nly.. cni. ucueiduuiii.t and Robert M. Klimpel of in London and W. J. Bowser isU Y-2. a.i. to take his pjave in the cabinet as attorney general and first lieutenant of !Jr. Tolmie. Tho story says that W. K. Esllng, George Black J- C Brady and J. A FAr an -ill x.,"., mui uicj firi vailed upon the leaders to bTfhg about the suggested change iu face of the opposition of such men as General McRae, Leon Ladner. and II H. Stevens. ' Should Tolmie resign Mr. Bow. ser would then be the natural choice for premier. It is suggested that the change will not be brought about until after the visit of Hon. R. B. Bennett who is to spend a month in the province. COMMUNICATION WITH SUBMARINE FAILED PEMBROKE, Wales, July 10, The British submarine L-69 today dived in the vicinity of the stricken 11-47 ami tried to communicate with the 21 men trapped within hr hut without avail. Th( ,nk c ft IiM ,n ggQ feet of water. T. L CHURCH. HP, IS SERIOUSLY ILL TORONTO, July 10. T. L. former mayor of this city, who . for . soine . me, . has - suffered a relapse and is now now seriously ill KINGSFORD SMITH HAS ARRIYED IN ENGLAND CROYDON. England. July 10. Captain Charles Kingsford Smith and three companions in tho Southern Cross arrived here today from Rome, completing their flight from Sydney, New South Wale's. PRINCE ACTS FOR THE KING LONDON. July 10. -Tho Prince of Wales held a private investiture today on behalf of the King at St. James Palace. ThoJ prince presented Insignias to 8C0 persons in the birthday honors list. Exiled Prince Carol Said to be Implicated in Rumanian Coup BUCHAREST, July 10. Documents allegedly confiscated by the Government in its roundup of military conspirators against the present regime have definitely implicated the exiled Prince Carol in the projected coup d'etat. The documents comprised proclamations to the people and to the army, all bearing the signature in the name of His Majesty King Carol II. It was said it appeared that the exiled prince was fully aware of the preparations for the plot and gave his consent to it. : OIL EXPERTS ON VISIT TO GRAHAM ISLAND JUST NOW SKIDEGATE, July 10: American oil experts are looking over the property of C. D. Emmens, which lies btwpen the Yakoun Lake and Rennel Sound. The en- J. n ' 1 1 n 111 I ". 'Jill. wnni'wvii - WILL AGAIN SEEK IMDD AT.lCWCMTi CHD nnmtim1""' 4 ,i.fhwc. TtininT ninir YlULtl rAKfi UnUUnil . Rupert East Ratepayers' elation, at a meeting last decided to send a delegati the city council with the request i that the decision not io undertake improvements of Violet I Park as a children's playground this year be reconsidered. The people of the east end of the city feel that they are entitled to have the work carried out. Miss M. B. Durran of the executive presided at the meeting in the absence of the president, Ex-Alderman G. B. Casey. SWEDISH FLIGHT ACROSS OCEAN REYKJAVIK, Iceland, July 10. Captain Aldln Airenberg, the Swedish flyer, hopped off from Reykjavik for Greenland this afternoon In continuation of his flight from Sweden to the United States. KILLED IN WALES BLAENAVON, Wales, July 10: Four men were killed and sev- sral seriously injured today In an explosion at Mllfraen mining pit. GIIDA SCUTARI PROBABLYLOST SEATTLE. July 10. The fam ily of Ciptain William Dooley of the S. S. Gilda Scutari, missing .unce the vessel sailed for Japan from here November 5, said yesterday ihat Captnin Cochrane of . ' J , , , 'officially repvted to them that , , Auna t. r?.'.."' lands failed to reveal any trace or. the vessel. The ftliip carried a crew of 20 and there is a remote possibility, shipping men say, thaf she might have reached the Siberian coast Th GUdaScutari wMfcnwly P lor to that the Canadian Trader. BABE RUTIJ HJT HIS EIGHTEENTH NEW YORK, July 10: Babe Ruth yesterday hit his eighteenth homer of the season ln the fourth inning for the Yankee against St. Louis and also registered a triple. The Yankees are now seven and a half games behind Philadelphia. THISTLES' LINE-UP The Thistles will field the following team In tomorrow night's Stuart Shield football game against the Empress Club: Lam-bie; Erskine and Jack; Macdonald, T. Hadden and Haig; Pamnhpll BtisRanich. Bantie. W. Mitchell and Farquhar; sfares, Corbett Woods. Scottish Humor AN ABERDONIAN'S GREETING "I wish you all the luck there is, And all your heart's desire And all tho money Iu the world That I do not recjalre." VISITOR: "What an unusual scheme of decoration for a dining room!" GOLF WIDOW: "It's my husband's idea, in case ho dines at nome, Fasslng Show, London.