December 2, 1929 Monday TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE XMAS CARD, TAGS, SEAM"" Etc., huge assortment , Jfie Pioneer Drtitcists CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND it THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TELEPHONFS v20G UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ratline From Pilnce Kuptrt ur v.4M OirVEK. VICTORIA, Mwanson lur. Uutrdale. Alert Har. ttc, Tues. (I , i -3U .lll. I . vm'OLVKK, VlOfonU. Ilulriile. Alet lUjr. ele . KrWay midnight , M.ILK ARM. ANYOX. BTtWAKT, Ml. Klvrr. IVrt KlmpMu, Mn-dsy. S:(i p.m. . 3 ;, i Avrnu U. SI. SMITH Arnt Prim Kaprtt. II. C. ijmmli drkrli olI to VlrtiH'n4 hnttle jind timt checked jt- ii tn ilrotlnatlun. NT B. C. Coaft Steamship Services SAILINGS FKO!kf PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau and 8kagway Dec. 14, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary Ocean, Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents for ah steamship Lines IV C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Ran ad ian National Qfc lgcjf)jplway fyflcm in America MEAA15HII' AM) TKAIN SERVICE fa j nts from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, 'iJUIA, SEATTIF. and Intermediate points, each Thursdar ' tu;i Sunday.U:M tun. . Fa: AN VOX. fee HVtfhieMla at 4 p.m. j 1 r SiTWART each Wednesday, 4 p.m. and Saturday, 8 p.m. Fjr SOUTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. t i.U TRAIN lEAVC I'HIHrt Itri'EKT 'V UriltHYln HATI'HIIAY at II lit.t. ZnSlO.VTflN. WINNIPEG, all poJaU I so ajn. for I'M m i; BuUfM Can!, lBltd I. OCEA STttMMIIf USM hird Ate, Prime Rupert Phone 260 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. SHIPYARD Ol'KUATfryu (?. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING 1WYDDCK -.A Engineers, Machinists, IloHermufcers, Ittorksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK rilONES 13 AND 335 Advertise inj'lhe Daily News" Local Items i a Taxi Phone 4, Jlig 4 Taxi, tf II. A. Creech returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a business trip to Prince Qeorge. I " Boajlpfti photo work ser wimA.fiJvmthaiiiPiiertrf1 Wm 32lHThlrd Av .ANOUNCUM ENTS Moose whist drive Friday, December 18. See the Christmas id your Flnish- returns and careful finishing. We frame tui-iures. (tl) Mrs. H. F. Kergln sai'ed by thef waiaia last evening on her return to Alice Arm after spending a few days in the city to bid farewell to her mother. Mia. E. McCoskrie, Who (a leavlnc In a fow H England. W. F. Irwin, well known Vancou ver stock broker, and A. O. Lang-'ey. mining engineer, arrived in the citv on the Catala last evening from the south and nroceed- ed on this morning's train to Tsr- race. capt. James Anderson of Vancouver was also In. the party. Rev. W. B. JennlnsM of the An. 'lean mission boat. Northern Cross and Mrs. Jennings will be leaving at the end of next week for their home in Ontario to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. They expect to return to the city about the middle of February. O. C. Perry, assistant commla- f loner of Indian Affatrs for British uoiumna, arrived In the city on iast evening's train from Hazelton, where he spent a few days Installing the new Indian Agent. Capt. Mortimer, in his. duties, and will sail tomorrow Afternoon nn tha Ratals jot his headquarters in wiona. rioneer resident and for- mer aiaerman of this city, Mr. Perry is busv renewlner oirt an. quaintances durlne hia hrief vi.u uere. United Church Bazaar. a. Oddfellows whist Dance" December 10, Drive and Boral Pumle bridge, whist and aance.rriaay, uecemoer 6. dance Wednesday December smaiie's orchestra. 11 j Pythian. Sister's te& at Mrs west, TKOtsday, -December 12. and dance Canadian Legion B.EJSX,. Tree December 21. HOTEL ARRIVALS vsssxmscxsBaaimxaiEunae&XBSBi Ooldbloom has Just returned from the Enst und has on display a wonderful selection of furs. Ooldbloom Is a keen buyer and can offer his customers prices at least 35 Per Cent Less iTIiah Similar Goods Can Be Purchased Els'e- n ' ' 'where I Ooldbloom, the Old Reliable, , after being in business for twenty years, has not yet had a dissatisfied customer. See Goldbloom First Third Avenue, Next Bank of Montreal KflBBXDi HitstheSpot As a Quick Relief for COUGHS COLDS CROUP BRONCHITIS, Etc. there is nothing like Br. CIiHSO'S Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 35 and 75 Centi a Dottle Moose Christmas Tree Sunday December 22. Members see that their children's names are on list (280) R. M. Cory of Terrace will leave the interior town on this evening's train for a trlD to England. He will sail from Halifax. Union freighter Chlllhvack. Cant John Muir. after having loaded lumber at the Biz Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill for Vancouver, sail- nd at 8 o'clock this morning for the south. She Is loading canned talmon In the Skeena River today. W. N. Campbell, who is bein transferred from Burns Lake to Vancouver in the service of the orovinclal Forest Branch, arrived n the city from the -interior on 1ast evening's train to spend a day or so here before ' proceeding -outh. i Union steamer Catala. Capt. A iSj-DJekson. arrived in port at 7:45 Elks' Christmas Cheer FundfM? eysning from the south and satfs dt 9 pjn.'lor Anyox, 6tew mip'Xtui other 'northern points Si-iTeneoOshe wilt return here to- aMwroW' mornimr ann sau soutn at i:3pjn. rne vesset-riaa a iignt passenger list. A 'change hav- been rftade In the schedule of the steamer - Prince Charles whereby the vessel will Par;ent4ellmlnet! the call at Anyox on Brinofni at oift" Amriioan rath 3 the - MUlinii north frorti here. In cdral Hall, December 16 at 8 pjnl futurel'the veseei wtll leave Prince Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 54c and up SWANS ON and BESNER Proprietors Central B. Johnston. Lakelse Lake. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading, family hotel. Hot and cold water .In all rooms A. J. PRUUHOMMaFrop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sss. Savoy James Oregory, Winnipeg; O. Fraser. city; M. Pederaon and T Walth, CN.R.; P. Kady. Telegraph Point; A. O. Gasford. Butedale; B. Meadows, Hou-ton. SteWaK1 'direct, reiurnlng liefe at '8 p m, ' Sunday and- salflng south if 40 pjn. Getting Up Night Can Be Stopped often in 48 hours. If you are losing pep, health and strength from Oetting Up Nights. Backache, Bladder Weakness, Burning, Leg or Groin Pains, or Rheumatic Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Teat? Get Cystex (pronounced Slss-tex) today at any drug store, for only 80c. Money back if you don't soon find pains gone, sleep fine, feel younger, SCALE OF CHARGES jk Th following is the scnle , of ehartrea made Tor reading notices: t Hlrth NoUces 50c. ! Cards of Thanks. J2 Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c net name. Mnrrlaire and Enirairement announcement $2. ' 4 "UUJLD U. IV Thanks For Telling This JvJMTt. "The largest space in my pantry is taken up by Pacific MUk.'f ohe lady who wrote this then goeiH ys in w?($tfk .vises $fc W$ On breakfast foods, puddings, fruit, fruit salads, coffee, cocoa, bovrll. "Any recipe that calls for cream." we nave only picked out a point here and there. PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbotsford, 11.C. Dentist, Dr. J. R. C8C. I 9 f Gosse, Phone Meeting of Halibut Boat Owners on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in City Hall. (281) Mrs. C. 8. Obata sailed on the Prince Charles last night for a trip to Vancouver, (l( i C. C . Mlllx Id Jpnvlinap nn Vtlo evening's train for,.,a;bu?tness trip to rnnce ueorge.-.: n,i Mrs. Cooper Wrlncti and child arrived in the city on last evening's train from Hazelton. Come to Ideal Gift Shop for Xmas shopping. Open tomorrow, next Ireland, the Optician. Third Ave. Municipal candidates will speak at the Rupert East Ratepayers'' Association meeting tomorrow night. Mrs. Watson, an Indian woman who Is married to a white man, was fined $25 in city police court this morning for drunkenness. Susie Leighton, Indian, charged with drunkenness, and Ole Hor-berg. who is charged with supplying her with liauor. were reman ded until this afternoon In city pouce court. ad Colds a. tttthVlSrtor Vapors inhaled quickly clear head VAPORUD Former Local Lady Was Hostess For .-:ne ,i r-i.-f. u AjyihSt charm atKetvatt 'to-ttd the efiower tea Nor- A REAL ENERGY-FOOD READY-COOKED, READY-TO-SERVE SHREDD rSlsftsf I 1 stifoMttt ED AT With all the bran of the whole wheat Proteins and carbohydrates nicely balanced with the rial mineral salts and life-giving vitamins crisp, flavory and appetizing eat Jt with milk or cream or fruits, for any meaL DAN LARSEN IS WEDDED Intrbort P"5f n Rocame BrM- alurda Fvrnln of Well Knorn Halibut Due to a slide last week. tHetl Skipper railway line Is still tied ud in . Bulkley Canyon. Westbound and! A woddinsr of considerable n-?aat bound jussebgerc. express and tpre took olace Sa'-irdav renins: mail are being transferred around Bt 7 o'clock In the Lutheran he; slide. Yesterday's train from cbur-h Pnrsonw. Rev. John H. tha east, dueit ?i&0:psa., did notHap,OT1'ng. when M ge?in urftll f pjft. Tdday's train Inshore Petersen, who recentlv or the east, due to leave at 11:30 !v-d In Prince Rnert from ajoi wUTnot leave until 6 pm. so fatrhewan was united in mar ine, transier can De made in rlav- tiaue 10 vaov. wuu'i uirwii. ignt tomorrow morning. NORWEGIAN WEDDING SATURDAY Ceremony Aecordin; To Form of State Church of Bride's Country A very picturesque Norwegian wedding took place Saturday evening at 6 o'clock in the St. Paul Lutheran Ohurch. Rev. John Hanson officiating, when Harry Ar- uojq xiansen ana Miss uuarun An- Inwrer and skinner of the halibut, drea Toblasen, stater of Mrs. Jus- rm. t-awiia i ann one or in- imc jonnson, Seventh Avenue East. best known arid motf. popular of were married according to the Nor- iof' na-iout iisnennen. iwegian state iorm of service Tho bMde wore a beautiful white The church was beautifully dec-?eortt. eown with lac- and a oratsed for the occasion with palms nWure hat to match. She car- and ferns and there was a white nen nower nwn'iei ot naie nins (aT-atlons and llll-s-of-the-valley. Mr and Mrs. George Fritz were "r1fn." tV ceremonv. Mrs. J H. Hanson played the Wedding Mir"h and sang "Do You Love M Tmlv?" After the ceremonv. a large number of friends of the contract-In" ronnie were present at a reception in the Botf.on Hall De-""'oix refreshments were served. The toat n the bride was nro- vov6 rtovfl bv ov Olof oior Hanson. Hanson, Swedish swedtsn t Ti 1 VnrtllVi, KviflA vice-consul, and resounded to by 4VMV 11IUC the oom. Mrs. Jarvts McTod i ant "O Promise Me and "Mys- nmnnA , rv of T.lfe." and Mrs. Kl Dvb- 5 if of Miss ;,."," T ha! "Mv Little Forge-Me-Not .XZT nor Madee ttt her marHire wan wsla euiojrcu w ui uiusk i.hAw which Mrs. W. dv Hanson ana rarstaevs or- her home in West Point Orev. The ?Pd Mr-. X?rsenare taking tat table apDointments carried out r?n ? euue even' ues' a mauve and green theme, a green ner Apartmenta- Venetlon bow! holding mauve chry santhemums, while tapers to match buttigd fn green glass sconces. ML- JonnMnfphy poured tea, arld'sfervlng were Kirs. Ernest Mar- entette, Miss Evelyn Sheasgreen iri'M&IC Subway. Other guests, aefe Mrs. Leonard T. Solloway. Mrs. Pioneers' Party Jack Morally, jr.. Miss Margaret Successful Affair Held at Home Murphy Mrs. D. A. Tompsett, Mrs. . of Sir. and Mrs. N. Mussallcm, Jchn Allan, Mrs. Thomas Johnson, I fourth Avenue West Mr3. Pringle. sr. of Prince Rupert. I Mrs. Alex Carmichael, Mrs. F.i A successful bridge and whist Hir.chliffe. Mrs. Rae McNab, Miss partv was held Saturday evening Kathleen Conn. Mrs. Norris Prin- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. :le. Miss Dorothy McPhillips and Mmsallem Fourth Avenue West. Miss Ruby Scott. Vancouver bv the Prinpe liunert Pioneers' An. Province. M 17 SATURDAY Miss Nikoline Kathrins Johinscn Becomes BrMe of Bartcl Hedsirom stn. sister of Mrs. Lars Dyradahl. lem. Miss Catherine Mussallem Seventh Avenue East, and for and Miss Wadea Mussallem. some time a member of the staff of the Prince Rupert General Hos- nitai. war. united m marriage to Bartel Axe1 Hedstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hedstrom. Ambrose Avenue, a well known pioneer family of the city, at an interesting wedding at 8 o'clock Saturday "vehtne: In St Paul's Lutheran Church Rev. John H. Hanson officiating. The bride oresanted a charming ".ppearance in her wedding dress of white satin with veil and coronet ol orange blossoms, carrying ta bouquet or Ophelia roses and I carnations. She was attended by her sister. Mrs. Dyradahl. Peter p'-rson was best man. Peter Lien played the Wedding arcn ana, during the signing of he register, Mrs. John Murvold sang a solo in Norwegian. The ring ceremony was used by the pastor. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the Metropole Hall where some forty or fifty friends gathered to offer their eongratu-'atlons and best wishes to the happv couple. Harry Astoria proposed the toast to the bride, the groom responding suitably. Danc-Srig was -enioyed until 4 a.m. with accordion music by R. Anderson. Mr. and. Mrs. Hedstrom will rd- 'side at 1052 Sixth Avenue East. The groom Is a machinist at the dry dock. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Orthophonlc Vlctrola In first class condition with record. Phone Green 448. (281) LOSTSum of money between Post Office and CNJl. Wharf. Finder please return to Daily News Office. (281) BURGLARIZED SAME STOREj Dcm-rs Indies R"ady-to-Wear Again Entered Early Yesterday Morning cloth around the altar. promptly at 6 o'clock the croom came in with Mm. Johnson and sat in chairs near the altar. The bride entered the ohurch on the arm of Mr. Johnson, who gave her away, while Peter Lien played the wedding march. A hymn was sung and an appropriate solo by Mrs. Myrvold. Then the pastor stood before the altar and the bride and groom stood iacmg mm wnue the marriage vows were token. After that the couple sat together in the body of the church, while a hymn and another solo were sungj i Tne pastor was the first to corii gratulate the happy cotiple 'whlM' the organ played. Witnesses were Justine Johnson and Ruth Johnson. Following the church service there was a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justine Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson will reside at 212 Eighth Avenue East Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hcndricksen will sail tomorrow afternodn ' on 1 T 1 .iwjf, uawa seatua wtttre' they -aturday S. Night;2lratSj WerK' soflatlon. Mrs. G. W. Johnstone being convener for the affair. Prae winners at cards were: Bridge Ladies' first. Mrs. W. J. Greer: second. Mrs. J. E. Jack. Whist Ladles' first. Mrs. E. Hudson; second. Mrs. W. H. Good- lull- mn'a flpct V TT flntrie-lt- second, Mrs. O. W. Johnstone. During the evening, there was an enfoyable musical program l 1 t I 1 I I 11. A. 1 L. Mlss A dele Mussallem: vocal solos TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early D-lfvery Throughout the City iby J. S. Wilson, and musical sel- wesMW lection bv Bert Cameron, Robert . . ,. Miss Nlko'tne Kathrine Johan. Held, Fred Cameron. Jack Mussal-: L111J? A Y S 5 Carlage and Storage i Phone 63 ' artnge, Warehousing, and Oistributlng. Team or Motor Service Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Demers' ladles' ready-to-wear ; w.ikb wn Mmim.m store was the victim yesterday 1 y morning of the second burglary! within a week's time. Entry was apparently made between 5 and B. -30 a.m. oy neatly cutting out: the window pane In the front' door. Packages on the shelves were ransacked and thrown on the floor, lingerie and ladles' under apparel: valued at abqut 3100 being taken. The broken window pane was; dropped to the floor inside where it was found shattered. I Notice of the burglary was first' given to the police by Jack Wynne. C. N.R. wharf night watchman, who. as he was going home from1 work at 6:30 &sn.. found a piece of lingerie still bearing the price tag lying on the sidewalk of the! approach leading to the docks. It, Is iwlWvVdlihat tho.UiUftUn mak-i ing; his getaway, dropped the ar-1 tide. Mr. Wynne Immediately re-! ported to the police. ' A police officer had patrolled; the neighborhood about 5 a.m and found everything around the premises to be quite normal, no window being broken at that time. Just a week ago last Saturday night, Demers store was burglarized for the first time. Entry was then made by breaking the back: door window and turning the key j inside. Ladles' coats and dresses! valued at $200 were taken then. Police are investigating. A.W. Edge Co. Northern British Columbia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House Clearance Sale . of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFERED AT 25 per cent Discount