wun nlm on the bench were Magis- w. wrai a n t m v i UUI I A IM III iraiea w. u. YVUKins and D. Mlt JOINU.S.' Interio5&wnill Completely Burns t Plant of O. II. Ilamre ti Sons Was Total Loss in Early Morning Blaxe Recently o H Hamre t ons sawmill T '.c smkut Lake-, jiear Burns Lake, 'j r jmpleteir destroyed by fire re r..n,:.i The lire broke ,ut about 4 ; c xk in the morning, An alarm ! wu soon given and a bucket crew vent to work, but It was too late to me the mill building. The tractor power, was saved, however. No in- turance was carried on the plant. Customs Revenue Is Ahead of 1928 Collections For Vwember This Year Amount To $27,896.03, as Against S17.759.52 Last Year McAlpine May Arrive Winnipeg Tuesday Night .WINNIPEG. Dec. 2 Long dela ea by barriers of unfavorable Amtic weather, the McAlptne party txperted to reach Winnipeg to- y-w Having soared 250 miles iam Fort Reliance to Stony Rapids during the week-end, the party is war today for the 450-mile Jaunt w Cranberry Portage, Manitoba, "f n whence they face another 450 ttc3 to Winnipeg. Building Permits For Year to Date Amount to $88,796 , i Building permits in Prince Rup-" for the present year to date -avreached a total value of $88,-'8.B2. as compared with $155,054 In I tR hLsi e,even months of last year. , "onits for November this year. tft; vr tuea al .44l.82. as against o.s5 in the same month last year. LECTURED ON JOB ,fv John H. Hanson, who Is I..8 ? 8eries of lectures of Blb-ueai characters, gave a second ""course last evening in St. Paul's of Teruan Church on the sublect an ? ' A duet was sung by Rev. pr,s- "anson. There was a 1,00(1 sized congregation. chell The police say they anticipate more arrests on conspiracy Joseph Oliver of Vancouver, bar- . . .. . . rister, brother of the accused, was Will Make Representations to Both 4. present, and both the, widow of the Russia and .China to , late premier and the mother, Mrs. Stop War 1 Charles Oliver, were in the court ; room. Mrs. Charles, Oliver, wife of LONDON. Dec. 2: Foreign Sec-, the accused, is not expected to at-rcUry Henderson announced in tend owing to ill-health. She is t'-c House of Commons today that j under medical treatment. at the instance of the United States Oovernment, Great Britain1 has agreed to loin in Anglo-Am- A erlnan representations to Russia and China, calling attention to ufaw t.aip i I their obligations under the Kel- AG vfi iv smrrir t lunlkjn, Dec. 2: A heavy ; gale is raging over Southern i England today forcing chan- t net snips 10 tase sneiier in t Dover and causing flood con- dltions on many rivers in- eluding the Thames. " NOVEMBER WAS RAINY engine which supplied the mill with Total or 15.7 inches Preclnitation; 1929 Still Better Than 1928 Although November was the rainiest month Prince Ruprt hi exner(n"d for several years th precipitation amounting to 1573 inches aggregate rainfall for 1939 lo dat. totalling 7MH inches. U. below 75.W Inches in the first eleven month' o' 1918. Sunshine, aggregating 1189 hours, is also slightly ahead of 198 when the total tr to November 30 was list whes. Customs and else collections '"STTL". h nNmh tno' M mmning by II. D. -ViiNilS Wand' Dtaton: reading at' m-ttl!Wt riundiviir MM on November 30. h r Zr r,Phe VmSi "itn ' Lowest barometer reading at sea K . r now reached a total n or 27v,- . r: ,Q . rinvmmtr 14 273.01 In the '-JJltS as against $261.37150 M on r -responding period last year. Nomber 28 i Minimum temperature, 32 on November 19. Mean temoeratMre.. 43.5. Totn' preclDttation. 15 71 Inches. 0-"it' d""v rainfall, 3.34 In-.ch" on November 37. Total sunshine. 57.5 hours. .. Only Half of Steel Salvaged Tit n Rarr Job at Local Dry Dock Mav Be Further Delayed Owing to Loss Word received from Seattle is to the effect that only half of the steel for the local tug and barge lob which was spilled into tho harbor there when a scow capsized has been salved. The remainder of the steel will have to be brought from Pennsylvania. The salvaged material will be shipped north from Seattle and it is uncertain when the Job tnay commence at the local dry dock. She Forke May Go To the Senate Canada Wmnen 7 otoffi- j&w Of Field Peas , Chicago Saturday CHICAQO. Dec. 2: Canada swept all the prizes In field peas divisions at the nlternaUonal livestock show Saturday, climaxed by the victory of W. G. Gibson of Ladncr. DC , whose exhibit was awarded the grand championship. Fabyan Pete. 7. 7. TOMORROW? TIDES . Boston Grill Tuesday, Decerns '',- I LABGE CABABET High 2:W I ' BpecUl Dinner Thursdays and Sfcturdsrs Dinctng Efry Saturday Nljht, 9 to It Low 8:24 &.u A Oinc HaU (or Mir 21:10 p.m. Aeoosunodatlona for PrlnU Panic NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Above Is the new "robot" plane which rwooped down on Boiling Field. Washington. D.C., after having made a night from Dayton. Ohio, without anyone touching the controls except to take off and land The automatic pilot demonstrated its ability to steer at ae course. READY FOR WORK SOON ON HIGHWAY Survey Being Continued During Winter to Avoid Delays Operations having been interfered with because of recent inclement weather, reconnaissance work between Galloway Rapids and Skeena City on the Skeena River highway route is now belrr resumed by the provincial department of public works, C. W. J. Ellllson being the eneineer In charge. In the near future soundings will be taken in the vicinity of u Skeena City for a ferry siteifc across the Skeena River.! It Is honed to have survejs.H completed by April so that isomer- Ki i strnction work on the highway 't- may be proceeded with nexti season should the government deelde to push the work ahead. That the hithway route will be on the south side of the Skeena River from Skeena City on now seems quite Home. 11.40, 11.60. Illinois-Alberta. 35. Nil. Mayland, 2.00, 2.05. McDoug.-Secur. 2.05, Nil. McLeod, 2.25, 2.35. New McDoug.-Segur, 68, NU. Royallte. 65.00. 69.00. Freehold. 70, 80. Hargal, 1.01. 1.05. tmlttd. 75. 76. Merjand. Nil, 1.45. . Spooner, 50, 60. Mill City, 7.?0, Nil. i't Crerar to Cabinet OTTAWA. Dec. 2. Few thincs thrill political Ottawa more than l net and the city is filled with ru mors as to what Premier Mackenzie King plans to do in this connection, i Messages from Western. Canada contlhse to give color to reports that T. A. Crerar will be takeen Into the oablnet. The messages usually coutjIc the move with the transfer of Hon. Robert Forke to the Senate. There is a vacancy in the Senate for Manitoba and it J known that v-" had th!; refusal of It for some time. ' STOCK QUOTATIONS ' ' - . (Oourtur a. D. Johtwton Oo.) Bis: Mh-ouri. 65 5. Ox- Province. 5. 5Vfc. DiHh'e Mines. 35 43. Got TonDer. 2 75. 2.85. Oeoigla River. 15, 16. Ooloncta. 76 80. Orandvlw 23 jau. TndDendencc, 3, 5. Indian Mines. 3. 5. Kootenay F'oren'. 8Vi, 8i. Kvenay King, 7, 8. Mohawk. 2. 2V,. Marmot Metals. IV,. 2V.. NaMonal Silver. 8, 10. Noble Five. 41 Vi 43. Oregon Conper, 10, 12. Pcnd Oreille. 3.10. 3.15. Premelr. 1.70. .1.72. PotfeT-Tdahd23. Nil. F.eev Maedopald. 1.13. 1.14. Rufus-Argerjtn. 10, 11. Rum-Hope. 21. 23. SPver Crest 0'4, 6Vi. RI'vercup. 4. 5. Silverado. 30 40. Snowflake. 17. 18. Topley Richfield, 5, 6. Oils A. P. Oon . 2.17. 2'18. wmont. 1.05. J.lft, . ' : Mob of Spectators at Ottawa Game Surge On To Fiel'd,and Free Fights Engdged In at Championship Contest OTTAWA, Dec. 2, St. Thomas Tigers won the Eastern Canada junior rugby championship here Saturday afternoon, defeating Ottawa Rideaus ten to five, in a game which ended two minutes before time when the crowd angered at decisions adverse to the Rideaus surged on to the field. The players paired off and fought it out. The visitors had a sad time getting to their bus and officials were taken from the grounds. United States Delegation to it 1 4r r i .1 in ayai tonierencgjjnLonaon 10 . e all CiviliaNbt Admirals i WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 2. (By Ken Clark; Canadian Press Correspondent) Continued confidence is tnan-ifjestat the White House and $tatq Department here as the United States delegation to the, five-power conference in liofltton continues itsavork upgntjie problem of disarma ment- '-..mm! ' " The delegation proper will be civilian, it is now made known, and will be accompanied by naval experts who will act In advisory capacity. President Hoover feels that naval reduction is a problem which in the end must be dealt with by civilians and for this reason the delegation to Lon don will differ from that sent to In At that conference U me Drawt prasoeci 01 of a a shift sniit in In the me can- bt. J Geneva 1927. Rear-Admiral rtmir-i Hilary iiii,np P. Jones, Tnn since inr retired, was a full-fledged delegate. If he goes to London as intended by the president and Secretary of State Stlmson, head of the group from Washington, it will be as advisor. There have been rumors here to the effect that Admiral Jones, who is not now under the control of the navy because of his retirement, has oojectea to accompanying me sec retary and Senators Reed teed and and Rob inwn simmy as an ; he considered that in he would be' unable to forcefully op pose any move which he felt, was not In the best interests of the United States. Selection of Admiral Jones as one of the chief naval ad visers to the delegation was considered excellent in Washington. He was not only active at the Geneva parley, but has served at sessions of the League of Nations Disarmament Commission and is thoroughly familiar with all phases of disarma ment, armament. He gave counsel at Washington disarmament confer ence in 1921 and nas upheld the treaty evolved then against those who contended It was to the disadvantage of the United States. Admiral Pratt, it is understood, is In full sympathy with the urogram which will be urged by the United States at the London conference. This follows closely, it is believed, the plans laid down by the government exchanges with the other powers Involved. Secretary Stlmson and his "team" as he calls them, are continuing their study of the situation. Recently the secretary personally reviewed the history of past conferences. The government here, has been informed of the Japanese groposals: which will be studltd .to etter advantage whenjthe delegation from Tokyo passes through here on Its way to London. One of the questions which arises Is the Japanese Idea of a ratio In cruiser power of 10-10-7 rather than 5-5-3 which obtains under the Washington treaty. Jack Irwin, charged with vag rancy by begging, was dismissed with a warning by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this, morning and advised to leave town. SEAS SWEEPING OVER SHIP IN LAKE ONTARIO t OSWEGO. Dec. 2: The steamer Sarnladoc of Canad- lan registry was aground on Main Duck Island, 26 miles from here In Lake Ontario with heavy seas sweeping over her today. She carries a crew of 18. 4 Rob- :j i . . paslffi! Delegates to Naval Confab From Britain LONDON. Dec. 2. Premier Ram say Macdonald announced in the House of Commons today that British delegates to the naval confer ence January would be himself, Rt. Hon. A Henderson, Rt. Hon. a. v, The other chief naval adviser is Alexander, first Lord of the Admlr Admiral William V. Pratt, com-1 alty, and Wedgwood Benn, secre mander-ln-chlef of the United tarv for India. States fleet, also an expert on dls-1 The premier added that the gov ernments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State and India had been Invited to nominate delegates. OTTAWA, Dec. 2 Canada will be represented at the disarmament conference in London on January 21, Premlelr Mackenzie King stated today. No selection has yet been made, but it Is possible that Hon. J. C. Ralston, minister of national defence, may attend. TORONTO STOCKS Close For the Day (Courteiy S. D. Johntton Co.) Amulet. 1.74, 1.80. Dome. 7.05. 7.10. . Falconbrldge, 550, 5JJ5. Hudson Bay. 10.05, Nil. International Nickel. 27.75, 29.03. imperial on. 27 .bo, 28.00. Mandy. 35, 37. Mining Corporation. 3.25, 3.30 Mclntvre, 14.25, Nil. Norancla. 34.75, 35.25. Niplsslng, 1.85, 1.95. Stadacona, 4, 5. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.56, 3.60. Sudbury Basin, 4.10, 4.15. Teck Hughes, 5.05, 5.10. Treadwell Yukon. 6.75, 7.00, Ventures. 3.11, 3.20. ' Wright Hargravcs, U8, UI. M"1 K0-m PRINCE RUPERT, B,&,MONDAYfMc. 2, 19''- ' " r.rr - , ricE" Tar and Feather Case at Pentidon is Before Police Court Today Widow of Late Premier Oliver and Other Members of Family in Court and Charge Changed To "Forcible Seizure" PENTICTON, Dec. 2. When Charles Oliver, son of the late Premier Oliver, appeared for preliminary hearing in the police court today in connection with the tar and feathering last Monday night of Dr. V. Latimer, the charge of "assault causing' grevious bodily harm" was changed to the much more serious one of "forcible sizure." The accused pleaded "not guilty." Magistrate G. F. .uuernsney pretiaea, ana seated Montreal Newspaper Speaks of Probable Development of Prince , p?rt From Peace River Business That the great hope of the future for Prince Ruocrt is in the natural advantage she has as an outlet to the Peace River is clearly stated in a financial article appearing in the Montreal Gazette recently. This article speaks of her advantage of position and suggests that ultimately this position will count. The article follows: Further particulars regarding the recently formed Northern British Columbia Power Company now made available would indicate that in acquiring these properties, Power Corporation of Canada is looking far ahead f. J a l i.anaaa xMormera rower corpora-. u j. em - Benefits From jic wuu reserves oi nonaem Rritl.th nnlirnihfa Pnnr rimnnnw 1 are In excess of 140,000 horsepower, ! divided between 110,000 horsepower in the Stewart area and 30,000 horsepower In the Prince Rupert j area. The potentialities of the entire region are so great that It is far from difficult to visualize aj , mne wnen iu,wu norsepower will prove to be inadequate. , Big Conference j Held In Japan Newton W. Rowell and Tom Moore 1 Return Home to Canada After Visit inw is particularly true oi the mineral resources of the Stewart ' wJliVr victohta rw5 2T" Two rw mahl i area. The gold mines of Northern Ll c looked upon SW. & est cold nroducer in tho rinmininn me Pacmc, and, second, a better -thfpSr JanaTd'nWeNn in a stone's throw of Stewart. This! kc Sfr.nV mine has already produced $30,000,-! &-.eS?. Jtnn ,eleIa 000 in eold and list vear naH mm . P? 40 fci.titute of Pacific Re- 000n0ginO dividend IfiStfgJk gS SJST ties in the area, some of which are 11 1 taflSS hme.V, om Moote. president of the in an nrivanrri r nt 1 meat, include Big Missouri. controQ- cerdewitH SSFESSl ed bv Consolidated Rmpitrt nnt i cuie" aeiegate, said the union idea Si Columbia ! stiver Comnlnv. PorI was SrowlnS very W Pan. ier laano. Mountain uoy, Silverado, Dunwell and Prosperity. The assurance of an adequate and reliable power supply will unquestionably accelerate the mineral development of the area and as these and other nrnwrtlM ntjr tha n re ducing stage it may be confidently expected that Northern British Co- Itimhla Pnttfpr f!nmrant mill substantially to iU power-load. Tnfi COmnlrtlQT! nf nrnnacpn moni untM k oi u ur u. lolh.1 mcreasp nx nvnr rum nor 1 sunSnTte Cardena Yjll Be Out of Service . For Three Veeks Vnion steamer Xardena, urtiteh. -r- -r V- V iUUac A I MKT nurfiirf 31UUUl rauway wUl also open up the ten days ago, has now been taken Ground Hog Anthracite Deposits, out of the water at tho Burrard about 125 miles north of Prince Ru- drydock. North Vancouver, where nert. Thf onmnaratlvolv nhnrt rait v,s mtn j . . aul to tidewater, plus the econo-, overhaul. About'rfa deaen plates! my of ocean transport to the Van- ! were cracked or berifi Whim th couver market, makes it apparent sel went ashore'tthdsome itif Jttte that development of these deposits floor and bracing W1W Have Id be will not be long delayed. This an- readjusted. The Vessel. will be out thracite Is said to be superior to the of service for threerUr,rdUr weeks. Pennsylvania variety and has many during which time the steamer Ven-of the characteristics of Welsh j ture will perform her northern run. coal. J Apart from the natural advan- i. rrti tages Prince Rupert enjoys, it will hirn I rice I hie undoubtedly benefit from mineral 1 C JLiUod 1 lllo developments In the Stewart area to r ITT Theclty plant of Prince Rupert, I S ileaVier which was taken over, recorded an ! is an annual increase of 18 per cent, ' pffi T Last Year rent !n ton vnarg Tha friitfMtii4Ur ! - a country has great potentialities in I iSS2U S. ? L 0T H1.6 'lrsi lumber. Fishing Is also an industry i fV.?0?11 L1?2 If which contributes in a large way to ! ii?.548- J? against $795.50 In the Prince RuDert's nrosDeritv ' corresponding period of last year. l . . . mere nave Deen 46 calls this vear to nt f wS (7,rt . 7 7 Utlet ?X2i 10 T the ?Z2 ajia damage estimated at $500 whin pJ TrU2nn nte th Ka'ert Oaraee last Peace River country. , week. In November last year there Prince Rupert is 700 miles nearer j were six calls and damage estl- thp Orient thfin Vnrtrrivr nnrt . matoaA af 00 Krt wim a consianuy growing traae in : Siuui me ecunu.iiic waste 01 - -1 1 A. .. . , . . 1 ijiiik grain iuu mues w oouuiern ( British Columbia norts. then I doubling the distance again by water, makes it obvious that ultl- rrafplv full aHvnrttntrA will Ka tolra- a a. mt IHIVWgv " ... w It I. . ui u.e sniticKic location 01 r rmce n.. 1 I Comment Upon Bennett's Visit to Great Britain ! WILL SEEK AVIATORS NOME. Alaska. Dec. 2: Pilots Joe Crossan and Frank Dorbandt were Impatiently awaiting a break in the weather at Teller today which would al'ow them to fly over the Siberian coastline in search of Alaska's leading bird-man, Carl Ben Eilson and Mechanic Borland. Fog settled over Behring Straits last nlttht while the tjmtwratur !was Just above freezing. LONDON, Dec. 2. The Times of Eilson has been missing for yesterday referred editorially to the i three weeks and has been sought visit of Hon. R. B. Bennett, Con-! by men using dog teams operating servatlve leader in Canada, to ! from the trading ship Kanuk lco-Great Britain. It says in part: 1 bound off the Siberian coast. "Such visits are to be warmly wel- . corned as much from pollticans who ' TRICE OF WHEAT happen to be in opposition as from I those in office. They will tend to ! VANCOUVER. Dec. 2 The price pruviue ma. mutual -unaersianaing . or wheat here today was for Num-which is our crreate.it' nwd " ho- i nrthm - ----. i -v- ulw t vaaii. di.it 74 WRECKED ON THE LAKES SAULT STE. MARIE, Michigan, Dec, 2. Six men, Including the captain, were lost and eighteen saved by coastguards when the grain vessel Kiowa ran aground and saik three miles west of Grand Ma-rals Saturday night. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory LOOKED LIKE INK An Aberdonlan on a visit to 'tho East, accidentally fell Into tho Black Sea and was drowned. At the. Inquest it was discovered that he had been trvine to fill hU 'fountain pen.