PAGE FOUR Copyright. 1927. by E. Phillips Oppenheim INSTALMENT XXII. ihas. that's the end of our anx leties." ters later on for official discussion. "They've got nervous already in Downing Street," he observed, as V. . tuuM n 4 n a rro n era Vl 1 TVi tV Orliifjwat LeoRelunan A t riirhtpnpri-lnnlrino' vnnnir man The service of dinner had drawn witn flaxen hair and pince-nez to an end ana ine waiters. uauiwas usnered into tne room. Prit left the room Coffee and liqueurs j chard greeted him brusquely. were upon tfce table and every rnp wan smokinff. Conversation be came more intimate. Pritchard had squared his chair round to the "What's the trouble?." he ask ed. "Sit down and tell us about it.' The young man appeared out of table He was the chairman of h0w and fllinced a mu the branch and there were mat-. douhtfulv arounS "You can speak out." Pritchard assured him. "what's the trouble? Have you brought the packet?" "I haven't had a chance." the I told the Prime Minister myself Inewromer explained nervously. "I yesterday that if he really thought doubt, whether I ever shall have of appointing a commission to ais-i"" ut cuss the mining question, we might 'the bank. Tm not sure that they come together, but nauorutiizauon "'-"' must be one of the subjects to be "What do you mean?" Pritchard discussed" asired sharply. There was a knock at the door. The young man wiped the per- Pritchard looked up with a frown, eplration from his forehead. A month he had been exactly ,mn,At, "Who's 4w. that? v he demanded arnanjA i ago ttwdlnsj to pattern-a respect-"A young yntteman Is waiting t abte plodding young man. well downstairs, w," he announced established In suburban social clr- "Said it was most important ; deg, an embryo golfer, one of the Thev'w wnt mm nn here from r r . - , ...w J -w - 1 i.i. v . a vi wit iui kiiifcii bljr ouu- Westminster. wrlpt'on dances held at the Bal- Pritchard tore open the enve-;nam Institute There was a girl lope and .read the note. His the chance of a rise next month. frown deepened. the management of a small branch "Send him up, he directed. ahrav amon the noaalfaUttlps All "Who is it?" Malakoff Inquired. ROne. A moment's subtle temota-"It's the bank clerk from South :tion, and now everything drifting Auriiev stre-t," Pritchard exHaway. the ground crumbling be-plained. "He's been to see Cald-neath hi feet, ail that smug but well been waiting there for haopv future fading into the hours and Caldwell has sent him clouds. on here. I shouldn't be surprised if "I'd got the real packet in the he had brought the book If he next compartment to the dummy Victor Records Moanin' Low from the Musical Comedy "The Little ShouT Fox Trot Leo Reisman and 33047 His Orchestra Little by Little Fox Trot Bernie Cummin i and Ills Orchestra Vocal ' Johnny Marrin 320S8 33076 Singin' in the Rain from the motion picture "Hollywood Rerue of 1929" Fox Trot Gus Arnheim and His Orchestra 22012 Vocal Johnny Marvin 22057 Organ Jesse Crawford 22066 I Lift Up My Finger and. Say 'Tweet ! Tweet ! (England'$ comeay-dance itntation) ... Fox Trot Jack Jack Hjlton Hj lton and and 23067 Hit Orchestra Johnny Marrin Perhaps Fox Trot Rudy Vallee and Ills 33118 Connecticut Yankees Am I Blue ? from the motion picture "On With the Shots' Fox Trot Nat Shllkret and The 33004 Rudy VaUi Victor Orchestra All the latest Red Real records by famous Victor Artists if swTEr. of Canada. Victor Talking iJ T Limited Mlf r RECORDS 111 TI Fl VICTOR VICTROLAS AND rVlpKP KlAQ RADI ORT1IOPHONIC HlvlltlV VIVO KIXEIVERS one." he recounted. "I didn't have a chance to get away with it before closing time. During the last few days Hubbard that's our manager seems to have had the Jumns. He won't allow any one down Jn the vaults alone. He al ways sends two of us. I've, tried all I could to break loose, but not a chance. - I tried vesterday when Hubbard went out to lunch, but Qrewcock that's his deputy came scowling UD-to me and asked what the devil I wanted breaking rules. Of course I had an excuse for wanting to do down, but it didn't help me. Yesterday they sent me down to tne city. When I came oacK more than you'd have ever earned there If you'd slaved over your desk until doomsday. You can be off when yon like, and thereto nei cnatge against , you, either. ' (You haven't stolen anything youVai hist broken, trust. You'-d sbestexl clear out. if you rtn get :theJ pacxet. II we'd had a man on the tob 1" The young clerk rose to hf feet. "I never promised to do more than I have done." be declared, with a trace of spirit "I didn't mean to do as much. I came here to tell you how things were of my own accord. I wasn't obliged to." mat's rieftt." Pritchard agreed In a milder tone. "Have a drink and a cigar." Tne young man drank a whisky and soda greedily. Tnen we may take It as an absolute certainty," Mlakoff intervened, with a meaning glance u tsreuKopr. "inat tne original packet Is ln the safe in South Audley street and will be there until opening time tomorrow morning?" "An absolute certainty." the oth er assented. "No one went down to the vaults asaln after Orew- fcoek and I came out, and when I THE DAILT NE;73 friend "nor I receives visitors here. What Is- it you want, please?" He fidgeted with his hat. Miss Brown stood before him, cold ana inhospitable. Knowing what feeble- explanation he must offer. he realized how hopeless his task was likely to prove, "Miss Brown," he began, "I am compelled to remind you of some thing I know you don't wish to discuss. You have become Involved in a matter which you do not un derstand In the least. It Isn't your affair. You have been forced and cajoled into taking unfair risks In 1lftt ... . . nJ 1 iao Uiuni, a uMiiubi nao tio J3" ".u"?"? frigid as the wind that was whist xaru naa Deen wuxi uie ugss. i n. ,h. i.t. m. ,t.t "i-aiu tiiJil OASUkK, mi tb-nna buv.iAi.f-MA SST!S!!-..ri spears to me," she .said m r.lT trt n . P11 you are interfering in a HShSl-JKiS P h5v,W,nS ma" which is entirely my own ww. un 1 any f lift npr I had to go down to sort out v,; i J- !5J!5! can"aVur7 you Ihatelny e7rand 1 1-1 III) - I I " U IMIJVli A V4 At. aoeieq miss rown naa gone. . Somft ftT,-:vn T tv.llMu4rnlnc "And what about the real one?" - v , i. c...u Sffifi.SS hlS V01C1 Kissing U Tfhaa That was there all right." the "i r: .. , clerk replied. I could see It ant hArp , ,tn min, f t uirough the wire doors. I put it in " r v " hZTSyartafnt Und" 'CT M1 Brown's blue eyes were instead or $ . Mara. -mv. .nnt.v.... oh. Wh? couWn't you bring It ?" ! .11 : 11 . Tl . !' Pritchard exclaimed. I ah. . .a.n. i S.; How could I?" the voung man I -v.cwu- asked. almost "Grew- plteoutly. Y ho f rt cock never let ine out of hlsL S5!,he. f? sieht. It would have given the Ujif nnr; w LUL' whole show away If I'd onened the TdSv other compartment. Besides. I'd of are vlr ou n f u !ZtLr!r ken heShtadWdSutt I ? W bSe. to'SS'ex- yes off me. Usually It Is I who '"k.l'lr " "w" locks uo there. Thif afternoon he itS. wVe "rlFf!1 AtA it. i.i .i t .i i l'ire ihkih wunuenin wnat ya no they're so .suspicious but there'i ml ittL jwnethln-I swear there's some- T to Tlmest wuelSe thing wrong there." thTr t ,m am 111 eame,t' 2rS?t 7il "Were you at the bank untU bL,1 closing time?" Pritchard deman- ad.l sftv you jhe "An hour after. I'm behind with 21- f 'JLn'SSVii'SlS! i m t iiu a"V aiirerf np i snau not tell you Uiis infernal bu ha Jini whe,nfr 1 m ?omg to the bank rbolt'dldnke a ?ncnnoP5 emnSdTf S5S a SfLd'SSeid8 f 1116 onIhavalpSrTedS .li1!,-.... "O nothlna that you could say PrUcharF rented"' SrZZZ W ,?r me. Do rpu want e doubt abont that " aaa in?T 1 "wnr mierrerence reed. "But dop't you see? Bv"tKls Jf'SLjj T nT'if .th time the people who've got- theti,",X .1 5 ' SPhrL dummy packet, will hare TMnMf "rIuShS 'HW h. out I shan't dare to tro to the JZf&J EPtSJF bank in the morning. I wish to ,TTVo,?L Ood IM nivir mmo Info h. leIt ?r. to Ut to RO down - " - WMM. All fSllM A4l J IM ml AM t "Oh, shut upl" Pritchard 'u ex-1 ;L0'i:;a"',, Urtn dont do !" c&Imed brtitally. "You've got aLvr1?-' I can. to -mjylne you that mine lant Just Idle interest" he ald. earnestly "Serious harm Is likely to happen k this mnmYm on he errand are contemMtini " "And how do ytitf know of this?" she demands "How do you even come to know that I was thlnk- ng or coine to the bank?" "I '.pRTied It by accident, because I went down to a meeting Of one of "le subcommittees of ou-narty with a message from Mr Deane last night." he explained "The chief wanted Franklanfi down a the Ho'ise. and I had to go there to fetch him. What w going on at the committee meet-'ng I rannot tell you In detail. I am breaking confidence enough as it ti when I beg you. as w' value voor rife, not to leave thir room until after 10 this moraine Tt isn't your affair. It's a cowardr htoig to expose you, who are not concerned in any way. to a very rea' danger." "I suppose you mean," she said, icily, "that some of your rnenas ana associates are plan nine some sort of brutality to pre vent my carrying out my duty." "it isnt your auty, ne protea- left the bank the keys had gone! ted. "Its not your concern. And. and the watchman was on duty raunara noaaea. "well, we know where we are. at any rate, then." he said. "We won't detain you any longer. If you'd Vkp a letter to some friends on me uonuneni mat is, n you want a Job of any sort " No!" the young man interrup ted. "No more of this sort of business for me!" He hastened, off. Pritchard nt with hit under Up thrust out, thinking deeply. Difficulties made a stronger man or nun. From ac ross the table BreUkopf, with fol-ded arms, watched him steadily, a triumphant gleam of anticipation already shining ln his eyes. av a iew minutes alter 8 o clock on the following morning. Miss Brown, wlw had Just finished clearing up after her simple breakfast, was surprised to hear a tap at her door. She answered the summons and found a young man standing, hat in hand, upon the threshold, whom at first she scarcely recognized. "I hope you haven't forgotten me, Miss Brown?" he said. "My name is Oreatson Eric Greatson. you know. I am Abel Deane's sec retary, we danced at the Cosmo- lltary. one.4)lKl)t." I Temember you now." Ml Brown admitted. "But " "Of course. I know I'm intrud ing, coming at this hour of the morning," he interrupted eagerly. uui i warn just one wora wun you, please. It is most important." one auowea him to pass into the room a little ungraciously. Although she had only been up an nour. ner Deo was already made, the window had been opened, and the room itself was the picture of neatness. Nevertheless. Miss Brown had strict ideas with regard to the reception of visitors "It must be only one word then," she insisted. Neither my for my aaaoetatM. I am not responsible for what tbey do. We nave a cause to fight, and It must be fought in the way oar chief! decider - "Are your friends, then," she asked. ' DTODoatna to waylay me? They have assaulted me once before, you know. A nice sort of way to conduct a campaign which Is upposed to be in the cause ot humar.lty!" "Don't gibe, please." he begged. "wen. you can set your mind at rest." she assured him. "I am not going to the bank alone." He shook his head. To Be Continued Tomorrow) SI Take PEPS Tablets mm Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert November 28, .1913 A well known local youth was committed- for--trial by-Magistrate McMordle In city police court this morning on a charge of shooting with Intent. He has been released on $2,000 bail pending trial ln bounty Court. The hospital board Is 'considering instituting a drive for funds. The deficit so far this year Is $6,500. The annual bazaar of the Ladles Aid of First Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon was a great success. Conveners were: tea room, Mrs. S. Massey; home cooking, Mrs. D. McD. Hunter; jumble table, Mrs. Joe Qreer: plain sew- ng, Mrs. T. M. Spencer; fancy work, Mrs. David Thomson. In the evening, there was a musical pro gram. Advertise in the Dally News. C-L-A-R-? Sure! Clark's Tomato Soup! TRY A NIP TONIGHT" r 'BESrSkOCURABLE fltfr- PROOUCt Of SCOTLAND - I Afl( VUU GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" n This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the fJovernment of British Columbia. ANDY HANDY ' TOMATO VECtTABLK O XT All. CHICK CK PIA GUIS PEA MUTTON BHOTIf SCOTCH MOTH MOCXTUKTLX JUUXMMK CZLXXT MULIJCATAWMT COHSOMMt TUST as sure as I can knock a ball farther than any kid J in this street . . . this is CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP! "Some people uy it's better to be late tboa never, bat feel wfeen wt axe kariae dark's Tonato Soup it's not muck oae feefcg late . . . you may nertr (rt anyl "Mother says she couUn't make Utter tomato soup bene . . . sister always brings Albert (that's her befta) home wit we are haring it and Pop, be says very little other Urn ask U there t any more." AH the oodness A big. red ript tomatoes. Nothhu taken away nothing added other than tasteful seasoning. It couldn't be aaytung but Just delicious, wholesome soup. Your whole iamQy will enjoy it I CLARK'S SOUPS I Hsssn X Mxxdc in. Qznada BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANC0 it W.CLA.RK.11HUU2. Estahliihmcnts at MONTREAL, P.Q'ST. REML T.Q, and 1IARR0W OKTj KEEP BR I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern of British British Columbia. Daily Jeu)s Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns