no i FA3E TWO Port Simpson Basketball Team Defeated Prince Rupert Seniors 40 Points to 30 Last Evening r The fa soring Y. P. EL A. hasketbaUer of Port u orison van the first of a two-fWBe series from Pttkv Ru evert senior aii-stari at the exhibition hali r.:c: by a score of 40 to 3flL The ioeak shamed an obvio ack or whereat the votes www on their toe? the Sice, and worked efl togethtf. Is spite of tiu. Prince It was the dliiwjAi early part of i.e zarr twitch of local placets seeHnglT meant disaster, for after this had keen effected. Port Suapeoe, fed by " Brent-sea, started a ;gc of storing aad Kaypiid into tSe ieae, Mt Mac p....,....,.,.. lapped tui. nmff time Kit was T to 1 ia imr ftfct MAJOR SZAGKAVE to- nf-rvc einvr. .- a. A SMBST iaaefmteaBBtC linii --" . tweea Kg Fow High St the f after frve auajtes 21 over Sigh ehcD; W Foli A B Port Total -It If; ; Ate Ate C School. V nil Mire, mm Bafcjktxh the jeajer to a MWW had beca aaMarrUXed. A jaator ieagae gnaw proved a tight affair. Canadian rami a t itfawi th Fort fF IWobW of BMlianM There as as ty a crowd of fno fat niseii m sight Taaioae tfc. -t v- - ' m i ' -qwe aeries anil he played gP 0i atse he throe i B Foot; C. X.r! ts. High ' ' - School Vaafey. 12; p. Brhatara. Craaa, 4; Bah talis i. i: Srott, O aaw yaw 7; 11: Gear MR. Mitehefl, Z .imGmm : w. amx jucaeo; niiaiiT A. fait. lateratediate tkUhidii t .r Faaa E. Bahard. IS: BL ; Sway Staer. S; B. Coyer. ; 1. Katsjaaw, . Total, at. Cratto cat "WaaMat waiidVr H, ehr DAYTON A BEACH. Ma.- Major Seagravfe. ilk ns.:zf ir ter. -si wwi e th werld" record at son that i.: OJiies s taear, deeiarea Lai yesterday that he had aefia- iteiy retired treat ast-ma: lows: T Grotto C. Xew Fawjitai A. C t. ft. George's S. Leff Eriksoo C Seal Cove S. Kaigfcts of PtWu Leii craaoa . PieaJ TaJpV .. 11 IB 9 . D i ii i a. acw f sseuss . IB Bah Bahlislaet JaeiSt. Cwiu t &, ... S Total . Seal Ci 1 & Laar am r satar to ro ta Edith, aa SDK BO!? BURNETTS 13 oz- S1.90-26 oz. 35o ESTABLISHED 1770 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tU uquor tniroi soarn or Dy me Government of lititish Columbia L Pts 1 3 a a MIDWINTER GOLF AT COAST Eob Kaad&tpe Er&ire. werr of Brrti- C fficiaih opemiog the firet Bote! Mld-wiator " Sport Chat Before ,rst taaw of the 19 aujar ad piaytd their of ha i eh all two of tha ateactday aOata won Fiaal Gaatej Played Last NlgJ!Uac the eerr haB efcaha wm ITay Off WMb Wiaaers they head which today. This is way af mrfmc shot this year JCadk atom -his 2th a. a a a liaha 3oaGraw hh STth with the At I Cooaue Mack he-aaUaarlorai with his Ath- the hoat aW of Chief Eddie Fiaak Baker. Bahe Old- nag aarf others of the gnat old . the hasohofl the foay, yean 5 MGraw. Mack's ?ears. has hew Gfaota th nr t three af 191 sad jr 11 onmo woa tae Bseas sectioa headsarters eTer sface 190S. for the aeajoa 192S-2S aad will Hi. w.. i pij on wna wBoever wins the Bankable thaa that of the A's ladies' sectica for tli rwha.i.' .v. t . wo Ka saw aiaiiwx a net - .w aaw -s ler before I really jrat urted take the Newton Cap. woa 10 peaaaati to Mack's six. Both bare three world's chaBspioaahipo to their :cedit. So before loiay aow there aill be McGraw with his Giants at Saa Aatonio. his balky feral ; enclosed ia mock yardage of flannel, calliag iaatractiaaa to his : hopefuls aad takhax a bat ac tcasioaaDy to shoot a groundet or a ny oat to a player under spec 'ial amitiay. 1912. 1913. 1917. 1921. 1922. 1921 and 1924, together with the world titles ia 1905. 1921 aad 1922. CANADIAN FALCONS BEAT NELSON, B. C. IN JUNIOR HOCKEY CALGARY. March tfi i -The Ca-' THE BAILT NEWS VICTORIACUBS YOUNG HOCKEY Beat W HOCKEY Portland Lat Night Geak to Two ; FORTUUrD. March VlrtoriK Cs ro m md he.i.'-j aifla is the t&e wai tt two. :-rr L Lo tk ore tools s first dii The four at or e af laaa Fon MOttuw fix aa aggiegate1 to so ia floor of the ax-eewice bm. F. G. Fyiej tCaasattaa Legioa aad A. A. i (Geottc ha or yot to play the fifth gasac. A. Mawray Caaadiaa Lepionj, S; A. Huli 'Grotto). 517. of. AaTaalVWf, a lMI StOWB. 17. M. Aadrews. SM; Fred Ste- 217. G. P. Tiaker. 2t. Bert Morgaa. 174. BEN DALGARNO RINK fwrocicrc inn ru mCIUJLJ LUUJ 111 ST. ANDREW'S BOWLS) R. Ilalraraa 4 C. Taylor J. MeLeaa J. Fiww ....... B. GaaMtroa J. Waataa G. Scott . ...... a Abbott SINGLE-HANDED W 0 LPts 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 2 t S At Fort Myers. Fbx, will bJ CARPET BUWUNl the digaified Mack, deeaaod jBMiu. with tao iaeritabie pitee Draw Iade For Competition of program or newspaper ia hand. ; wig-wagging to this player or jthat as to how ta play for cor- ,taia types of hatters. Coaaiej Following Jiack oecaaoe anuuMer of the siagle Athletics ia 1S0L His team woa icoanpetition poaaaats ia laaz, 190a. ltl, 1SU WWeh WHt be Held by St. Andrew' Society the draw for carpet bewliar is to be co and 1914. and world's chanpkMvfbers of the St. Aadras Society: . . . -- - tAtA ; lot a s a.a a -'e- aaa : M. Meea r. n. erektae. Graw directed the Giaata fori fi. D. Mtrdaanld . T. Hidden. the first time in 1901. His teaaw R. Caeaeroa ea. . Btowart. captared flags in 1904. 196ft. 1911 C Taylor rs. J. GftMea. B. DeJgerne vs. J. Haddea. G Geddes s. G. Scott, i Wataoa vs. J. S. Irviae. J. Seaith rs. J. McLean. D..Saafth ti. A. Oappertea. J. Die vs. J. Sbeddoa. D. Fialaysofl vs. R. Artbar. T. Beattie vs. J. Black. W. Barton vs. S. Boyle. M. Andrews vs. B. Fergusoa. nadiaa Faieona m.t. . t murDimmrr rnwcinrnp ittfaight ever the Tn r . UU.LIUWlLill LUiWUnfAJ ce? VM B-! AUSTRALIAN SERVICE C jirnior hoekeV aertM winni..! the second gatae here last aight 7 to nil. OTTAWA. March 15 The question of inaugurating or en- rack up i vrJr z , w TK j i rfMi sail. in r ivr carrying ' w FeiBC lawber la an eadeavor to secare forty miles an hour not twentr k. . j. o n . --not even ten-in fact, when the celviag the eonrideratlon of th . a P 1 WM " Kovernaeat. the arfaister of trade tandst' .and commerce, Mr. Malcolm. Judge I mast stoa thia. or vnn t.i.j .v.- l ... ... ' a nit; hvvk vt cvmmvaB will be backing intn iMMikiiu. : i .....jh, iiiriu. m repiy w a qeesiion fifty dollars. Rots I Arrinum hv & u' v.;n i-.. i aBBFanameftut. e PLAYERS SEEN CHICAGO GAME !H Xew York fUnxven to a Tie IS: The After Ooloiarmr Then : BRAND HEADS TENNIS CLUB Elected. President Last Nht Repairs of Coofto Arc ject of LHiraiaiaa Oiscaaaiaa at the mg last aight ia the City Hall af the Prioce Bapert Tewais Clab was largely oa the MattOr af iav-nrnnaMBU that aiast be aaada to Uke Acropolis Hill coarta this! aoaaaa. There are the aMeraates' ji ooilding new coaru or xteaafee repairs to the oaae. The oatcoaa; of ihe di-f Mtoa was to leave the atattex to the esecatrte to decide. The dortioa of officers reaal- tad ai 5' ''P'aad. vSte-president A. H. Secretary. R. Howard.! fu. Dl.'. M An Execative. Mayor. S. K iU hold aa the leadenbaa of thelMole aBd E St. AaaVew-s Societr earaei bow- 4 offavnuf laat aJght y K to IS over George Scott's riafc The Dalgarao rink has a kad of three potato the C. Taylor rfak which b ia see oad Mace. The next am wfH he aa Moaday aarat hetweec R. Caawroa aad I. MeLeaa riaks. The stawdtag of riaks to date Mc-1 IHMELINGIS TALKED ABOUT Germany's Gift to laoliflewer Industry Caasing Sosh NEW YORK, March If : Max jchawliag. Germany's gift to the .aaliflower iadustrr. is eaaaine aotJeeable consternation in circles ugii.stje. This beaky with his aaeanny re-KRihlaace to Jack Deamaev u faiaiag the local theory that Kar- epoaa fighters speed (heir off jeairs practiciag plain aaid fancy tives. Herr Sduaeling 'has re-aaiaed paiafttlly erect thaoagnout da Aaaarleaa swehk to thai hamili. liea of his opponents, aaaccas- d as they are to aubiic al- Herr Sduaeling has become a aeaace. Peoale are not faru tasg that th Davis caa lies over the ocean. Pooole are aat even so Amririn n in. titatioa as the heavvweieht titi. coahj be taken away. So loud beca the rasabling that Madi Square Garden has takeo over the invader for the next two years. He will fight in AnriL monl. ing to aanouacement. If eeccees-fal. he will meet other nwn. n ' Herr Schsneiiae will he . ehsmee to make good ia a large' way. a meaace from other lands h always good at the box office, a tette of unsuccessful forays in the past. 8c timeline coDiea rVsnrm'. riag style fairlr dosalv It i. ... plaiaed that he studted figbt fihas ox ue mauler in Germany. The weaving, bobbing attack of Dtmp-T " there, a shadow of' the beetle-browed glower is there, but it is done in slow motion . Altogether, the man . liumburg seenu due for a place ia me spotlight this year. Fresh from a three week haul in Vancouver. I'ninn .t.amer Caraeda, Capt. A. .lnhanteai. is due in port from the soaeh this evening and will sail at midnight I on her return to Vancouver auid-i !WAIHGF0R larertaiaty of Preaeat Sit eat .JKraaaa Eob - ... 1S1. . - . Inert iea l&irago. toe Moftje lead- 'WJ.I jo ir far M malh i naui Broinr Tk fir half of the beM the X.Y.' Ranrers to a tie weat oa a acar-. U hi iAr mh... ik. ic rnaterea three Xew Yorkers throwh mont of i i row. the tame. The tie jhhtmI V The BarhaiT.- coenters caaw Y'ork of aecoac piace ia tr the mow ttadaata Dff. tore throe : ihe Caao coaa- Toroato's jroanf pLtyers '- busdr taatnaacatai m the highest score of the PIlTini lltirrmu agaiaat oae of the LAilAULait LLilVl defeasi teaata. the K.Y. Am : TAKES LONG LEAD WiHttia &, iietroM L. Wi Fowt Fir Dfefcioa KlhWd chic j. N Y. iUr? 1. LeagacCaojc Lat Mrfrf Moatroal 0. Caoadiriu 1 Freai Cretla x y Americans 0. T j&ato 5 rnaen ret- " uMsporase iag- - , .. I : P"C- " T Troohr at Victor ftr ' haaj aeer Gato i. tJu. GROTTO WINS LIEN'S MIST 1 I "Winners dran. aoW. The eldest SIOCU ot mWvVn GowillffieM. btet) Was the stem I ' : .1 U.S. ACTION: here ia TORONTO. March 15:-The 'atttilo t the tond rvt. f ... TW fMi! th nm wa r-.eaa-s to th 1h- i.;n fovenuneat h- mdinjt. n': o tiu 11' CttVrr.- j... Mweca joaarer geoerathn plajrers ic the ft j.ct in the lezisktum uaeertaJntr . fer toXatioBaJ Hockey Leagae hate Jariar. uid thr.t there aa VooJd h- wet I II . tA mmmU nn4 Tlllri Oil T a. Im.. , .. . - . score4 hjp Victoria w te toeoaij Mr p(-:. y f the ki VU-TORJA. Morrh 1:T " . . The Traveler's Yarn "A young friend told me recently. An Iruhnun - obccofuat'$ and asked Veyaaaethsai 1 aa.' he hbW "Tar weak ones break ta mr rW.oyoWthfcri. Tocketa rfanaT iiiaaji' . MMfjerkst ia tavia.'ard P-ctiag aW m ie haody PcUtpksef V Tke Margaeriur h the Motorist's Soecial JUT eetntww? J -5 a va hrnPo, m elaii Cigar giving great "voSapt and satis- sl faction. Its soothing trS. . i great help -when chang.- a : or locating a abort circu s Xtrr Utt aV knJ rirj TUCKETTS MARGUERITE F0IL.WRAPPED BUT STILL 10c Since 1883 -SEAGRAM'S 13" has been a a Ir demand s coasmeat wmnf : year oat. unct it was first nui lenct of Jeuph E. Seagram & Waterloo, OcunO. Ii . 1 This T ''fB!,: 13 j.utiilsricd r ti -; '. j .f.r-i h : ir oy tite uover- r m st Procurable - (tH omcetAU Pure Scotch Whisky J RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Cm l !m ti. ni G.fWt Um. Or4M 0m. M- This advertisement is not published or displays) Control Board or by the Government of lri' Ml T