! Friday. March 15, 1929 'THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE SEVE5 g: - it-. Man in the Moon -- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND people. Anglo-Saxons They deprive are a the predatory native THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE rIT . IS, FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ..:::.) u peoples of Uieir birthright, the pigs of thdroit ; ' A woman has' a fellow feeling with those who hate the same woman. It's easy enough to start some- Is desired by wisher. Never dfuq,. t.iunwt. likety' vi i u owe mo the Trotsky has not died 1atly, arid yet he has been very lck. Sir Charles Ferguson whom he i charged might have been Influenced by his German wife in con nection with the occupation of, Germany. I As a result of a recent trip at the end of which 103,190 pounds of fish were landed, the American halibut acfrotfuer Helgeland shared $110.13 to each man ,on board. Gertrude Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Nelson, was cliisH leader In the entrance rliisK at King Edward School for the month of February, Principal Angus McDonald announces. She made n percentage of 70.4. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurfo-ed Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDA1RY Telephone 6S7. WATER NOTICE IMvmlou and I'm TAKE NOTICE that Alfred It. Bryant. twhwe address In 600 Bank of Nova tiling, the difficulty 1 to stop it. ,ppiY for ulce to ake'and ux one. - - thousand miners Inches or 28 c. f. . Tl,a itru irrntlrluni in (of water out of Buok Oulcb Creek, whlelv "(-:," " i flows northerlT and drain Into Deaue Ituriert but thev are not rushed. Creek about eight miles from Dease Lake. The water will be diverted from the i i ... .... vi.. ...if.. ,!.. . hit. Wife does Jake says not 'stream at a point about UTree-quartera object to the furnace j'oiug out ' mile from Detune creek and win bo , , , uaed for hydraulic mining purpose upon L,i1 whi li lie Jfoes out too, h:the mine 1 escribed as Heady Money fouls1 the house is too empty. Lease. BunrUie Lease No. 103 and Creek I Claini D.tlsy and May siouom Water to be diverted from Buck QUleh . o , ,.. ,, . , , , at a point at lower end of canyon of said Next Sunday is fct. Patricks iereek and carried by ditch and flume H.iv ' mtI ll,1U not "ol a ",l bit "T of "namro-K; ahamrofk !ovr benehea to point of use. Tut, notice wa posted on the ground in si'ht vet. What is thlH world .on the 21t day of December. 1"S. ' . , I A ooov of this notice and an appllca- corullig lOf tlon pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office . , . , ., of the Water Recorder at Telegraph A Scot, not feeling as well as i creek, b.c. iiuiml pnl1i.fl nn thp f imilv ihw. OblscUons to the application may be. usual, called on me iamuy uoc-fUw, tbe water Recorder ttt tor, nnd after looking hiai over I with the Oomcytalrr of Water Riht. rsnuunwii nosnmn. viciomi, d.v. the medico nave him some pi I Ui within thirty W r the ftm ap-to be taken at bedtime. A bottle "nce of this notice in a loost new. of whiskey was also prescribtd lor hl tlnnuxh tfy&Hi'ji'. fnJI' class to be taken after etich meal. Kor days later ndk' 'wtta back again, stating th,he fejt no hflter. "Have you taken the medicine exactly as I Irk true ted" the doctor iniiuired. "Weel. doctor," replied the patient. "I may be a we bit uhint wi' the poela, but I'm a4x weeks ahead wi th whuaky." Friend Pooley would protect th fish By killing friend Kingfisher That Pooley will fai in hi iiU"nt bird well The date of the tin. ouMlcatloa f tb oft Is MareS r lCrie. , r ALFTlED H. BRYANT'. PRINCE HIIPEirT TIDES , 4 Friday, March 15 High 3:61 a.m. 2U ft 10-8 a.m. 18.8 ft Low 108 a.m. AS ft 22:28 p.m. C.l ft. Saturday, March 1G High ,4:34 a,m. 202 ft 170 rm. 17.4 ft Low 11:10 a.m. 4.4 ft 23:15 p.m. 7.C ft. Sundarl 5Iarclit!l,J1!, The iirice of straw is going up. Ten cents worth will toon bf selUb for twenty dollars, at the Easier sales. Opposition Is already developing against President Hoover bemuse thoy did not all get the b.-Kt inb.x that were going. There if not opposition to Tolmie be-r.iusc they got them. l ife for some men seems to me Like Old home week in Hades, Bemuse they let the world be run By children and the ladie. Ten Years Ago in I'rlncti Rupert March 15. 1919 Lieut. Col. C. W. Peck V. C M. P. for Prince Ruiert caused a sensation - the. House of Commons at Ottawa yeeterday in the course of a Vigorous de-f. nce of General Currie against -h;trgra made by Sir Sam Hughes. C ol. Peck launched an attack on itjirw i-.iii tr.i ii. Monday, March 18 High ...... CAl a.m. 19.4 ft 20:08 p.m. 15.9 ft Low 0:10 a.m. 8.9 ft. 1S:88 p.m. 5.5 ft. Tueday, March 19 High 7:58 a.m. 19.0 ft. " 2USS p.m. 1G.5 ft. Uwtf 18 a.m. 9.9 ft. 15tol p.m. 5.1 ft. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right So if our Service Phone us and Suve Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 817. Try a Daily News want-ad. It will hring results. FOR RENT FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT rurn!i,hed housi kiefiing rooms by the day week, or month. JPhone Red607. tf FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Weatenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month'. Piorie 7G?or .m. wjui forVrent house. Harbor bor 'Uf. Furnlstigd :5vniodetn vievf Monarch i rarige $25.00. Afpl;215 FodHh 1 AvJ.ni. Kftst. w V FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES on LINOLEUM & BEDDING All This Week A. MACKENZIE. FURNITURE PHONE 775 RINCE RUPERT AUCTION FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. jFOK SALEFour roomed house Apply Mussallem Grocery, tf J and two lots.Apply 1010, 10th TAinmiw ii..tir. Avenue I'LifeJ? tf. rooms find bath. Phone, 617. s ! (Kdll iKOI! ,SALE-4SmalJ, ALE-4Sm5lJ, ge general store. " " Interior. :W "Office. Apply liox 184, Dally News Office. 57 FOR SALE Kitchen stove, mahogany bureatl and bed and other houseiolB articles. Phone Black 377.' T 2 FOR SALE--Onei line shaft 18 feet long and 1 inches thiek One 20 inch JIanger; Four 11 Inch hanger.; Two Urge Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, 3V2 Inch belt! Two line shafts 8 feet long, Jfi inch thic. Three Irpn"fi5!PuIleyB, three speeds 12 IhcJoip 8 inch. Two Wooden Pfil"f. Apply Daily News. i? tf FOR SALE Lb 7 and 8, block 30, sec. 8., liih 'Ave. $150. lor the two. Lvel lots. Lots 16 and 10, blofttf; sec. 5, McBride ' ... St $1000 iowfhe two. Lots 7 and 8, blocWIA sec. 6 on 5th Ave. $ 1.000" fSr the two. Lot 38, block A seci 5. on 6th Ave. W. $250. John McRae, D. C. McRae, Kxetfutors for the E-tate of J. C McIUe. 01 WANTED WANTED Ydyng man for livery car. pKone 88. .Ufl gjm:acaVin-t Apply Utf-M struments, machinery, etc. Gen- j Oince. eral repairs, crating, pacWng GRADING, -notice "NOTICE IS HEREBY OrVEt? that au application will be made to the Lexls-laUve Assembly of th Province of British Columbia, at JU present session oj the OorpafaMon of the City of Prince Rupert (Betelaatter called the City) for an Act empowering the City to selJ. tree from all enetliobrances upon such terms as It may deem fit. to the Power Corporation of "Canada, Limited, ( hereinafter calleu th. Company), the entlrs assets of lu eieetilc lhE&t fend power department as a going concern, and to grant to the Company tni sole and exclusive right, power, licence and privilege to carry on In the City of Prince Rupert the business of a light, heat and power company, and for such purposes to Instal, extend, operate, repair and maintain in the aald City's streets, lanei and other public places poles, conduits, surface snd underground wires, cables add all other erutpment and appliances for the transmission, dUttlbution and aale of electric power fir light, heat and power purposes, ana empowering the City to enter Into an agreement with the Company for supplying to the City snd Its citizens electric light, heat and power upon such terms and conditions as trie Cltv mav deem fit. and further empow ering th Citv to hereafter purenase or FLU-GRIP Check before It atarta. Rub oninhale vapors WICKS V VAPORUD BRINGING UP FATHER 1 I'M COrUlslA. Tl 10 I ClTTHIft I TOOTH , range, Daily cheap. News Gl ;tfting, Concrete f grid-ghsWralng. ayorkroanshipU fpuhdatjrjjCs'els Rokkjar. &y!M;.i,H!,t .PMHFT mm, fiaarhird Aventie. WANTED Contracts for raakjnK lawns, terraces, balconies rockery, paths -and -drives; landscape gardening, also beauti fying and. general gardening. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER Wishes situation. Good cook. Domestic science diploma. Apply Rox 18G, Daily News Office. Gl IN I'ltllll ATK take over the wnoie or any part was1 , .. . .. v. Company's eleetrtc light best and power In the -supreme Court f ll-ttt-h ...i (olura-aystem upon such terms as may be agreed bU. lu the nutter itt the AdmlnMra-upon. and to validate a bylaw (It as-1 lion Art. snd In the mailer uf the sented to by th electors, to whom it la Kklate l l.in McNeill, dnruxed. to be submitted) empowering the City to , , , enter Into an agreement with the Com- TAKE NOTICE that by order J of UU pany aulhortalng the City to enter into ; Honor, P. McB. Young, the 81st day of the same and to validate the said agree-; December. A.D.. 1928. I was appointed men, and to grant and confirm to the administrator of the estate of Dan Mo-Oumpany all the powers, privileges are Nellt. deceased, and aU parties havlnc Hghta thereby conferred. ! claims against the said estate are hereby' required to furnish same, properly verl-DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this fled, to me on or before the eth day of 6th day of February, A.D.. 1929. Atril. A D . 1939. and all parties n-; I clebted to the estate are rerulred to pay ; a. P. JONES, the amount of their Indebtedness to mej Solicitor far the Corporation o? th i forthwith. M .i-mtjtty Clt, Of Prince Runert :c, j iDated the 9th day of March. AD. 1939 C.N.R. TRAINS i or the Past Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdsys at 11:30 am. trMM I lie l'.i Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 pnt. OH.Mt1. OH,MV'. WIUU THATt-JARsiEO DEKJ-nbT tValR CIT THROUGH WITH THAT -svvTtnMT? 1 CAKl'T 6TAKJO TMI". MUCH UOKJGTtR- r Ms. Un rtmt tbntbs.ON artularlcau rtMrni BEAUTY OPERATOR JHSS MARY MALMli Experienced operator, moJtiru methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair Uru-ainn. Mhke appointment by potiinij!' Red 339. SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on, or under the waler we do It" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in (las Foigines. AGENTS FOJl Van Bierck, .Eaafbupo. Hicks ,(t rtallantytie Engine. Northern B. C piatrihutors . Coolidgft Propellers , Phone, Dfy oi Njsht. .561, P, Q,,Bix 15C1 CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is very prevalent at this time of' the year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble,' Mirh as affections of the eyes, I liver, kidneys, stomacli, etc. It! U2 mir lu alan dun tn the after ef-' fecta of influenia. ,, -Consult the .Chiropractor, in all cases. Relief, guaranteed, . .. J nonsuit nit W. C. ASPI.NALL. 6 and 7 Exchange' WW . "'. n ' Green: 211 Phones plark: 2J1 Open hvenlngs , , , RESULTS COUNT .,i. Pain In the side. Indigestion, Gas on stomach, Headaches; Nervousness, Insomnia, Catarrh ,and Ilhetimatrsm are comBlt'Uhw r3r A; Baxendale, 720 Seventh Ave. 4ievKi by our new forraiofldietet West. Late with C.N.R. 05 ic and spinal treat-rent."!1-: n. WAVTRnRm!,ll!"'i.n.w with I Re our National ..-AHV. JCl th Igaine every' week, n one or two lots, in exchange for , -erty 120 acres improved land with I"-8 eo",J t7,vn. 'ni"y ' ! " buildings in Hums lake dis-, . i,, ' i rn M-on. IHpe M. or Ked i 589 trict. Clear title. Owner in i n Kvcnln I Rupert Write W. Funnel!. Gen-. eral Delivery, Prince Rupert. R2: j Try a classified ud. in the News land get RESULTS! MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. . . We xan give-inatant- $' vice in buying and oellif-gj Mining Stocky on ,Virouve" Stock Exchange; ; ' "We also hare 'facilities fo. accepting -AVheat orders on Winnipeg StjcV P.xchange. Ilepn-sentlng Miller. Court k Co Ud. Vancouver. S.D Johnston Colli 617 2nd Awnue Prince Rupert. K.C. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS TfVATS A BIG&ER TIP I el U- Vsr UAW I USUAU -. ' r APTEfe. Voy Had DexreRousLy. IT QQMkS RACrr td W ... 3 5 ,. $ itm Urn 9mm tyimnf M . CsW wate rc-wfri4 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss Larjgp'EiTf? Mifie Head Sootlcss Efjr . 1 1 , ,.. .jf f . ... Pcmbiiia TcerlesS'Ej: . ';,. .r. -,,;.,. ' '' ' ' 'Mi . y... e 1 In! I Catiadiail Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) .$13.50 .$12.50 .$12'.0U CITJAGKPINB D CEDAIt Vsingia.loadr: .slu .;.--f. ..r:.y.1. :w$3i5U Double loail1 . . .'; .v.'.'l,,'.'.. . . .' ', . Sf-5(J ' LarpL'-saek' : r'. .". ... . T- ....... sn' ."Box Wbod .cUtii'igpaiige Jowl .., $&50 ' TiahTat.(?,rffWte,AyAnft-WWfr WW ;ii' io. ,-! . w ii.j.1. IJay ami iMgpi service . tin' 1 Ill.'.ll 'lie 4& SwjdiArenue HIPYA Uperatlnr. l-.T.IV 20.00(1 Ton Floating Do' Dock . KtjiJneertv--i;achini-'trv Boilermakers Hlaclf ntilKx ,Pilun .MiarJku acetVlune wiimmn' . I'GTTTA : . .. . ' . tjurljplant is exjulpped to handle -illiUDdS M J "marine and commerciai.' wokrv11. PHONES 43 and 3S5 The most economical saws to use Simoruls Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcmi St. and Acorn Ave. Vaeott. P.C. MOWTBUkL 6Ca,N.B. .. ";;' By George McManus 'J t;i t Atyi ' I V" 1 1 . . ,11 . j .Ay. V, k , ' . . . ,.3'B WJA t. " e-M-a