CLASSIFP HABIT BostonGrilll ircrjront ra. 'A d. LA ROE CABARET If you loe, kit. 8jxc1al DLnneri Thursday and It jou flna. locate v. 4?,. Dancing Saturday! . , . . . ertry Saturday nlfht woiui T. vim npwi. in Vrt. -v 7 from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodation for Private GET THE CLASSIFIED UAb. PartlM "4 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 4S7 Vol, XX., No. 61. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, F UIDAY, MARCH .15. 1929 PRICE FIVE CENT3 HANSON Cannibalism is Admitted by Girl Ate Human Flesh OTTAWA March 15. A the Eskimos in winter of 1926 Sergeant M. A. Joyce in the annual report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He said that two natives had arrived at the Hudson's Bay 122, 1927, bringing with them tuiuaii, oaiu, nic jJuowimoivi ill a ickkcj, 10 till uii !iiii fortunate individual, who, during the time of starvation -in LABORURGES had PREFERENCE TO I I girl . . i , SBB '1 8 I1 A t lllll I A lAl i m li uuun nr. A i I mu nil i I mn Ml m j OTTAWA, March 15 A sub- W amendment to the budget ursine iihe government for consideration yi an iminruiitto anu nuuniauiMii Increase of the British preference i as a tep toward freer trade rela-' but I did not brehk the tibnes." the tlons between Canada and otherRlri'$tated. "I was afraid of the nations was moved In the house spirits of the 9JVfW9Pjp. thy! of commons last night by E. (.would have beeVttiyyJ'IP I. hi&q Snenrcr of the United Farmers ! A .ociation and seconded by A. A. II i. , Labor member. I The house now has before it the I . . . ... . main mouun or lion. w. a. kouiv mln;.ster of finance, and the amendment by Hugh Guthrie.' which rrgrets that there are no I ! provisions in the budget for safe-; guarding those engaged in agri culture and industry, and the present sub-arriendment. MAKE CHANGES IN TAXATION VICTORIA, March 15: A, bill to amend the taxation , aot -Via introduced by Mr. Shelly in the legislature for the purpose of making the personal ir6perty tax retroactive to September 1, 1320. This is being done, it was ex plained, because of the trouble that has been experienced in col lecting arrears in taxes, particu larly from fishing plants, be cause it was claimed by those re fusing to pay that the act was ultra vires. The bill will over come this difficulty and clear the way for the collection of tax ar rears, Mr. Shelly also Introduced the bill to amend the Succession Duties Act. the chief amendments of which were; to give tax exemption from inheritance tax up to $20,000 and a total exemption on l.fe insurance. PRINCESSERIK OPERATED UPON PASADENA. Cal.. March 15. Princess Erik of Denmark, for merly Lois Booth of Ottawa, wh came here with her parents, Mr nd Mrs. Fred Booth, to recuper ate her health, was stricken sud denlv with nnnptirllrltlu nt nlirh and operated upon at a hospital in' Los Angeles. She was reported Retting along nicely today. HOPES in North case of cannibalism among and 1927 was reported by Company post on December a woman named Ikstak. the latter part of last winter. managed to live through it by eating flesh of other natives who died of starvation." Sergeant Joyce state that the made a voluntary statement, according to which the party. .. . . , it : .1 i. ; ; r i i I J who anu two cnuaren; nd herseir, had been weakened by 8tarvatlon HoojuK Btayed hind to hunt and was later found by them dead, killed by a shot' from his own rifle. Hoofuir'si wife and children died and she' w i"c ntm irrmi ine ditowb. "I cut the flesh from the bones, ' broken; to cause SteWKi hH death . I The ropwr lUtej -that; 'Ihu lime f . . .1 -I til I a 11 i f j ' jki" win ueinm mr-inccrjme but the remoteness of the region offers obstacles, STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Bay view, 4'2, 5. Big Missouri, l.CG, 1.70. Cotton Belt, 75, 80. Duthie Mines, 49, 50. George Copper, 7.75r 8.00. Georgia River, 41, 4G, Golconda, 1,04, 1.05. : , ,. , 5 randview,, 58, 53. . independence, y, mi. Indian Mines, 6K Gfo- . Intern, Coal & Coke, 36, 89, Kootenay Florence 18, 18)4. Kootenay King, 4G, 47. Lakeview, Nil, 4Vj. . Mohawk, C, GVi. Morton Woolsey, 4, 4V. Marmot River Gold, G, 7. Marmot Metals, Nil, GVi. Nat. 811. G. S., 15, Nil. Noble Five, 70, 71. Oregon Copper, 71, 72. Pcnd Oreille, 11.00, Nil. Tremier, 1.85, 1.00. Porter-Idaho, 5G, 53. Reeves Macdonald, 3.50, 3.55. Rufus-Argcnta, M, 3G. Ruth-Hope, 48, 50. Silver Crest,' tflf, '10. ... .' Silverado ConV., 1.00, 1.03. ." , Snowflake, 2G. S8. Sunloch, 2.80, 3.00. Toplcy Richfield, 38, Nil. Toric Mines, Nil ,150. ' Wellington, 17Vi, 18. Woodbine, G, 7. , oil'.., ', Adyanco QilV4Nll, 3 ,.;.. A, P. Consolidated, 3.45, fl.50. Calmont Oils Ltd., 4.15, 4.25. Dalhousle Oil, C.25, 6.50. Devcnish Pet. Ltd., 1.90, 2.00. Fabyon Pete, 13 V, 14. Home Oil, 25.75, 2G.00. Mayland Oil, 12.50, 15.00. McLcd, 3.00, NIK Eastern Slocks Sherrltt-Gordon, 9.G0. Nil. Noranda, 61.00, Nil. TO SECURE CONTRACT FOR SNAG SCOW SEAPLANEAT CAMPBELL R. Hoeing Flying I!oat, Destined for Juneau, Dropped There Last NJgiit The six-passenger Hoeing flying boat, which left Seattle with Juneau as its destination, got only as far as Campbell River yesterday, a distance of possibly 200 miles, according to word received in early yesterday afternoon from the city this morning. Up to noon the ship had not left there in continuation of its flight up the coast. Message received this n'orning from T. McCarty, who is in charge of the plane, sought information with regard to weather conditions and local fueling facilities. According to a press despatch this afternoon, the plane flew from Seattle to Alert Bay, H.C., yesterday and was going nicely. EMPLOYMENT' , ANDREW BLYGH IS CRITICIZED Alajorfty Report Says He Should Not Hare Ien Employed Because He Was Justice of Peace MINORITY REPORT OFFERED Ian MocKenzie Critical of Report And Moves That It He Sent Hack For Reconsideration VICTORIA, March 15: The report of the. select Mmrnittef which lnvetlt thsetehd tuns of liquor control money, especially ,he paS-meptfl to"' Andrew pfnh of'VncmfvA:,,as tibled ri;toe Legislature last night. The report said the committee regarded the appointment , of llygh as a salaried official of the Liquor Board and his continued employment -as uch . injudicious. It slated that there was an error of judgment In his appointment as conflicting with his duties as justice of the peace. The, report further stated that it would have been advisable to dipene with his services upon finding that his reports were acquiring a political tinge. Expenditures for the salary of L. Menendei were regarded as justifiable in view of the work he did. The amount, received by Jllygh was stated as $14,942 in tho ctcity of inspector under the liquor act while Menendei received $1,520. The report was signed by II. I). Twigg and J. W. Berry. Ujwn presentation of thp report, Ian Mackenile, the ' third member of the committee, moved nn amendment to delete the words of the report after the first and refer the matter back to the committee for further consideration and himself offering 'an amended report. This was defeated. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, March 15: The price of wheat here today A-as quoted at $1.27. Canadian Naturalist Honored OP THE SANCTUARY IDEA'OF ARTIFICIALLY FEEDING. PROTECTING AND CONSERVING THE WILD FOWL OF THE CONTINENT IS A RARE AT4D FAR-REACHING ACHIEVEMENT. Xi)lXt fl, Jack Mncr, bom raad in panada, hai devoted a Sanctuary, fvg birth to the protecting, arid tEfljCrCni, he hJdcpite the bird popitnon it ancciiar' ry nunareui au iuviuj-' enlisting th ujport of umlettndmg fnendi all overth'' wona.t-. over tbe woftd W&m, ot"hi ; , .... i ; bralwith thu JiO too shght evidaicc of tbcjr iratipo, cccmOj and Jove, ani-grufe Jack Miner. The Wy1 cVthifAir fTO and Iotcnutionat Teacher snjGuid' to aj wnd4 .tffieM5' Jack Miner, the Canadian naturalist, as is well known, was born in the State of Ohio. Recently he returned to Toledo to ; lart a lecture tour of the state and when introduced in the City of Toledo, Judge Cohn, one of Ohio's supreme court judges, presented him with the parchment shown above. Inset is a picture of Mr. Miner. Effort Being Made to Secure the Building of Sriag Scow at Drydock Olof Hanson Takes Matter Up VVith Ottawa and Engineer Favors Local Shipyard for Carrying Out of Work A new snag cow is to be built and the government engineer, J. P. Ford'e, states that ns the Prince Rupert -drydock is able to give a first-class job and local labor could be employed and materials furnished, he will strongly recommend to the federal government that it be constructed there. Mr Ford left this morning for Vanouver, but before leaving discussed the matter with Olof Hanson and so cxpresed himself. When in Ottawa recently, Mr. Hanson ascertained that Ihe new vessel was to be built and at once took the matter up with the responsible minister and the department officials with a view to ' securing the contract for Prince Rupert. The scow operates on the Skeena River, pulling out the tnags which interfere with the fishing operations. Another matter which Mr. Forde discussed with Mr. Hanson while here was the matter of the flshtrmens floats. He is recommending 'the site, just east of the drydock and he assured Mr. Hanson that just as soon as the plans are completed and arrangements made, the flonts will be commenced with a view to their being available this summer. RUSH OF BUSINESS CAUSES EXCHANGE "VANCOUVER: TO CLOSE ' Word has been received from Vancouver that so great has been the rush of business that it has been decided to close the stock exchange tomorrow to' allow tho brokers a chance to catch up with the work. THE hE THE ORIGlNATORsi: at Dover Center, OKhj, and Lfctune to the ideal ofBifd idea c,rwcl feeding anj oodett firuntfii! romvlrKrcwd ' ' time, trenth od coergy!,M j .s .;.,iri.f vj TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. 1). Johnston Go.) Amulet, 2.15. Arno, 51. Howey, 1.25. Hudson Bay Mining, 20.10. Intl. Nickel, 60.60. Mandy, 1.51. Mining Corporation, 5.30." Noranda, 69.00. Sudbury Basin, 11.70. Sherrltt-Gordon, 9.G0. Teck Hughes, 9.50. Ventures, 12.45. ESKIMOS Floods in Alabama and Ontario Result Present Spring Thaw NEW YORK, March 15. Many towns in southern Alabama were under water today with the fate of the residents in doubt as the numerous creeks and rivers of that section of the state continued to rise. No check of the numuer of dead or injured is possible. At Elba, Ala., 4000 persons were marooned. An observer from a tree a mile away reported that only the tops of the taller buildings couiu be seen. He could hear the ' Breams of the marooned citizens. nri"nTr nrr rrimn TORONTO, March 15. Rivers I ftlpP II Sill M rnd creeks in southern Ontario Vixliil JUullVb are on the annual rampage. Clifford Arthur, aged 7, was IlfTnTTPn HIINll'K lirm I HA swept into a culvert near St. 11U11 lllll ULLiU Mary's and drowned. Cities and towns along the Grand River suf-1 fcred most damage. Gait reports ""'fd in January and 111 For that the damage there will run in-1 Ist Two Weeks in Hospital to many thousands of dollars. j At Victoria The uranttora lire department was called out three times yester day to rescue marooned fan lies ; 'n Holmedate, the north endtf the suburb, but the city, is well protected by its dike system. HALIBUT ARRIVALS ! TODAY 97,100 LBS. ; Prices Slightly Lower Than Yes terday, Though Still at Satisfactory Level , Halibut sales at the local fish exchange today aggregated 97.100 pounds. Prices were slightly low er than yesterday, the high bid of the day for American fish being 15.6c and 6c, while the top Canadian price was 13.4c and 6c. Sales were as follows: American-Paragon, 2G.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.7c and 6c. Addington, 14,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 14.3c and Gc. Celtic, 17,500 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 14.8c and Gc. Lenore, 8000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 15.5c and Gc. Eureka, 4000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 15.6c and 6c. Alkl, 3000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 15.6c and 6c.' Canadian-Tramp, 3000 pound's, Royal. Fish Co., 13.4c and Gc. M. M. Christopher 5000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13.1c and 6c. Morris II., 4000 pounds, Atlin Fiisheries, 13.1c and 6c. Dundas, 2000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 13.3c and Gc. Ruth, 2600 pounds. Atlin Fisheries, 13.2c and Gc. Sold Yesterday The Corona, one of the American boats which held over from yesterday morning finally sold he; catch of 6000 pounds to the Pacific Fishcies at lfi.8euid Gc yester day afternoon. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arthur, who left here recently, are located at Rolla where they are managing a hotel. The place is booming, new settlers coming in, and the reports Indicate that tho people who went from here are doing well. VICTORIA,, Mareh 15: Chief JustiteGordpiv Hunter oi the Su-preme Court Of-Brftisfr Columbia, died at ten o'clock this' morning at St. Joseph's Hospitaj where he bad beer seriously ill for two weeks., .w -, . , , The. Chief Justice had been in poor health for some years past and' suffered a relapse a few weeks ago. He was married for a second time in January last He was 66 years of age, born at Beamsville, Ont., and graduated from Toronto University. He was ! appointed chief justice in 1902 and had held that position ever since. He was married in 189G to Mrs. Ida Nelson of Portland Ore., who died last year, ajjd married Miss Eleanor Morden who survives him. The Chief Justice had a summer home at Shawnlgan Lake where e spent nuieh of his re-creatlonir .time. . , PLAN CHANGES VICTORIA. March 15: Important changes in the operation of the Male Minimum Wage Act will be made if the bill intrr duced in the legislature on Thursday passes. A right is to be given all employees In any occupation in contradistinction to any industry to apply to the board provided for under the act for an adjustment of wages. The previous practice under the act was first the ; board to Investigate the aituiin with respect to any industry and then make a blanket minimum wage for the industry. Under the proposed amendment the line of occupation is to be the basis of the minimum wage fixed. a Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory LOCAL NEWS During a recent spell of cold weather Aberdonlans were to bo seen going about with their mouths open, There was a nip i in the air.