DAILY NEWS Friday, Mar PAGE EIGITT THE , r, Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in ihe city. Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 AND 9 K M. SATURDAY MATINEE. 2 :30 P. M. THE SCREEN'S GREATEST MYSTERY SENSATION THE CANARY MURDER CASE' STIRRING! GRIPPING! BAFFLING! BREATH-TAKING! NOTABLE CAST William Powell, Louise Brooks, James Hall, Jean Arthur and Many Others. An S. S. Van Dine story. Come and sclve the mystery The Masked Menace EPISODE NO. 5, "CHECKMATE." AESOP'S FILM FABLES VAUDEVILLE! VAUDEVILLE ! BETWEEN SHOWS AT 8:45 P . M . The Prince Rupert Premier Orchestra in Specialty Jazz Numbers. Special Synchronized Music and Sound Effects. Admission, 50c and 15c; Matinee, 35c and 10c Child's Lucky Ticket will be sold at the Saturday Matinee. UNUONSTEAMSTUPUMITEir ' Sailing I rom ITlnw Knprrt 6r VAM Ol EK. VIITOKI.V. anOM Ha). Ilitri-.' Alert Hat. rU-. T-Sa- 2 jn p aa tar VWfontK. VHTORIV. Itatnlalr. Aitt B. rtr . KrWa mMartfht ler I.UT. RM. NII. UTEWWRT. WALLS 1UM. POUT IMION. VIA. KIVLK, unda p.m.. 1 2imI Ataaue n. M Sttm A (rat lrtarr Rapnt. B.C. Itirourti tlrkrt mid to Victoria and altl .and Sacxacr IKmaflt la UrMtoMlan. B.C; COAST STEARISHIP SERVICES. ' IcAWDiAJx? SAILaNRS FROM PRINCE UUI$.WV rifirip Ta KHrhihan. U'ran-ll. Janfau and Mtaajr Marrh te. VrAblrlUj jo Aiil in; to Vaurouirr. Wrto-tu and .altle. Mar. IS. tl. m.iy. .R(f.n ro,L (ktu laU. m. Yaoroavrr and Vle- turU rrrr t'rldat' lu p m AgrnU far all Mramhip Un. ' w r". niiriiAKii. uenkrm. aisent J d A PrliKf Rmrt. It C rhone SI Ran ad ian National Hhc Largcfl Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE filtt ttm rUINCK RITEUT lar VANrOlll. VICTORIA. SfcATTLK. aad lnt.Ulr TlnU. ntlr l ltlHAY. tm turn. let NTEMAIIT mud ANVO.V. tatt WKHliA. 104 PJW. laf NORTH AMI SOI Til (Jl l-EX ClIAIU OTlt lL.VM. I itrtttlf lill). rASStNOER TIUINS LUVE rRICB HI PERT Cath MOMIAY. MtlNllY and SATURDAY at aJ ft' TRINCK OtOROE, EUMO!tON. WINMI'EO. all pott Catrrn Canada. Inlltd bUln. Afir.NCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Ilupert Phone 260 Spring Opening Sale at Jabour Bros. New goods arriving daily and name is-open for jour inspection. Wc are offering 20 per cent off everything in dry goods including Ladies' and Girls' Millinery and Ladies' Spring Coats. ao 13 per cent discount off Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Friday and Saturday Only the 15th and 16th Phone CI3 . Jabour Bros. Ltd. .5 Third Ave. and Seventh St. SENSATIONAL I MIGHTY DRAMA, "SUBMARINE," MYSTERY PLAY I FINAL SHOWING TONIGHT AT WESTHOLME "Submarine," acclaimed by press and public as tlu most unusual photoplay ever presented on any screen, will S.T vSMD?iieMISrr which " at CaPito1 Theatre for the last time tonight and the week-end feature at the Capitol patrons are strongly urged to avail themselves of Westholme. is a movie that is dif- the last opportunity to see this thrilling and entertaininp ferent The plot which centres drama of the sea. aroand the murder of "The tan- Chas. Courtier who has become so popular since hi: Shout iZil tin baffling yrival in the city a few days ago will repeat his magni-mystery ever presented on the ficent smginp and stoffht-of-hand act "Myfanwy Camp-screen, bell and hrKnte Kiddies" will apain offer their daint'-The murder which is committed dancing act and with the ninth enisode of Tarzan. local in most mysterious circumstances theatre-goers are assured a wonderful show. Don't miss provides the audience with knnlrv knotty nmKLm problem tn to OaIva solve which which holds the interest of each member of it from start to finish. Many characters are suspected and clues are furnished as the story is unfolded. Movie fans with an amateur detective bent and others fond of mysteries will jhave the time of their lives. I William Powell. Louise Brooks. I head a notable caste which en sures that the play is put over in first-class style. This picture; is booked to play at the Capitol in Vancouver early in May. ! There h aUe tke popular serial "The !edt Men" tad a "Film Fable." Between, shows Je Premier Orchestra, an organization , of IpeJJ; ynsJaff people f it) .ppear on the stage and render specialty jasz numbers. There is ' r nec:ally arranged program of synchronised music with sound effects. I I APPEAL OF TERRACE I NATIVE THROWN OUT tvlllHIIUil VS aaaiaj viiwvi Juvenile Delinquency Act Sustained by Judge Young Appeal of Billy Ross, Terrace native, against a conviction and jaH sentence of one year from ..iiptHMtisry Magistrate E. T. Ken-ney of Terrace under the Juvenile Delinquency Act, was thrown it by Judge F. McB. Young in County Ceo rt yesterday afternoon and the conviction was sustained. W. Rt Pfcr acted for the crown and V: 0. Fulton for the The school board has accepted h tender of 1396 from Albert McCaffery 'fbf manual training supplies for tfi -year. The Big Bay Lumber Co. tendered $400. Tenders for general school supplies will have to be tabulated jefore a figure can be decided upon. Week-End Specials LARGE EGGS Fresh extras. ! 3 doi $1-25 NABOB COFFEE Mb. tin 60t SWIFT'S PURE LARD 5-lb. tin $1.00 NABOB TOMATOES 2s. 6 tins 70c . QUAKER CORN 2s. 6 tins 85c SWIFT'S PICNIC HAM lb. 2&. SWIFT PREMIUM BACON Tak ing whole or half, lb 45c SILVER GLOSS STARCH 2 pkgs 26c CANADA CORN STARCH ! Pkg 10c ROBIN HOOD RAPID OATS Pkg 2fe NEW ZEALAND BUTTER S-lb. brick $1.40 GHIRARDELLIS CIIOCOLATES- Mb. tin 60c LIBBY'S LARGE RIPE OLIVES Tin SOe MINUTE TAPIOCA 2 pkgs. 26c HEINZ PEANUT BUTTER Jar 36c LIBBY'S CORN BEEF 2 tins ..k.f.f J&t NAVEL SWEET ORANGES GO for 96c LIFEBUOY SOAP S bars ...26c R1NS0 3 pkgs 26c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor ORANGE LADIES in ENTERTAINMENT Bajeyabte Social Evening Last Night hi Metropole Hall With Large Attendance La4W soeiatlbn Dciaiftn Orange Benevolent As- trtheatra led by W. H. Derry. Recitation, Vrs. J. G. Viereck nt: Mi3 Crthje Eaetnin. P'sno rro. Jfiss Noma Archie. Piano solo, Miss Cathie Watson. vr 'o . Vie Honston. Piano solo, Mws Doris Webster Vocal solo, Miss ileen Mahaf-fer. I Piano sow, Miss Ethel Moore-hosse. Vocal solo, J. A. Teng. accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black. Piano solo, Miss Grace Howe. Vocal solo. Miss Bessie Derry. .c-oRpanied hy Mrs. J. S. Black. Recitation. Miss Jones. Voral so!o. Mrs. G. J. Dawes, accofnnenierf hy Mrs. Black. Piano solo. Miss Rosie Cox Music for dancing was furnished by sn oachestra consisting of Mrs. J. S. Black. Dave Eastman and Fre l Weils. The committee responsible for the success of the affair consisted of Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. Joseph Howe, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. C. Brewer-ton, Mrs. Roles, Mrs T. Carlyle and Mrs H. Mahaffey. FRUIT CANNED FRUITS ARE HANDY TO HAVE. WHY NOT STOCK ! UP NOW AT THESE REDUCED PRICES. RASPBERRIES S tins . . STRAWBERRIES 8 tins FRUIT For SalM Una LOGANBERRIES tins PEARS S tin' . PEACHES 3 tins APRICOTS 3 tins Fifth StreeL Phone 20S; Y. u. Box 575. .$1.60 .$1.00 .$1.10 ,.$1.00 ...Sic ...86c ...86c 1 Tin Pineapple, 1 Tin Grape Fruit, 1 Tin Cherries, S tins 86c Peaches, Pears, 24s, S tins . Apricots, .$1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. LlmUed 1617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 entertained members or TOMATO KETCHUP Heinz, the Loyal Oram?? Lodge at a de- large. 2 bottles 55c lightful social evening tast right JJEALTH BRAN-Tillson's. the Metmpole Hall. There a large attendance and the evening's proceedings included the playing of whist and dancing in additioiv-te irhichthere was a fine musical program. Delicious refreshments were served. There were twenty-four tables rf whist and prize winners Were: ladies' first Kiss Muriel Brewer- ton; second, Mrs. Sproat; men's first. William McCallum; second, Mr. Grosvenor. Frank Cavies. with ticket no. 56, was the winner of a tea cloth -hieh was raffled. ! 7 he BrojTciri included the fol- owing' nntbtQ: Selections by Eleventh Avenue 12 pkU. 36c FANCY BISCUITS Fresh stock 3 lbs $1.00 SLICED PEACHES Libby's, 2. S tilts 70c ORANGK MARMALADE Nabob. U. Per tin go. PORK AND BEANS Royal City. 18 oss. Stins Sac J IF SOAP SUDS 2 pkts 35c PRESERVENE SOAP No toii- only boil. 9 cakes 95c 'CI i ELLAR'S' PECIALSf VX i II Tonight, 7-9 p m COc and Km FINAL SIJOWING TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE. Chas. Courtier "THE VERSATILE VAUDEVILLIAN." MYFANWY KAMHLK AND IIEK KUTE KIDDIES "TAItZAN." Episode No. 9. SATl'KDAi ONLY 'The Strange Case of tapt. Kami Hloi'c Bread & Belt Bread. Sellars' Grocery Mcious wheat flaCor is retained Third Avenue PI I ONES 45 AND 571 9& $ v & ez fysT 'vi? 'lyiS mm? CARS If JWM do not want to Imy a nw car, buy n uscxl enr (Jhat hat been reconii tinned, and that Is guaranteed to he as rrprcCc-n tsjj. I'ollowins; are some we now have for sale: ItST DODGE Sedan, good condition, good tire, leather upholstery , $&3M0 1M0HHBX Coach, fair Mndition, go$d .Hjc.' f4uA4JPJW- - 13M DdDOK Covered delivery, good condition .......... $3W.0O 1T FORI) Sedan, good condltlen, jjoodiutpnicnt f;.. llt-OO im FORI) Covered delivery. Just overhauled $2.00 m POMD Covered delivery, just overhauled ,.. . . . .4- ?2 ll FORD Delivery, good condition $100.00 FORD Ton truck chamis, good motoj, ns U $ 50.60 S. E. PARKER, LIMITED I'OUI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIIIES Phone 83 I