m PAGE SIS OLD-TIMERS ATSMITHERS Quesnel and grew up at Fort T. . Li ... the t AFTER letttns tha Purier hold a 2 jpolnt lead all th.wy A : i up to 20-1 8, KUm Diana pitches 3 ringers In a row, to win 2120i Fcople develop un uipccted talents on a . Cunard crotilng . v a i 1 M I ire tne cnccnui atmot A i phere of the ahlp and J ' tvthc sua, Sail Cunard 1 1 " took throutk Tht Cunard Sltam Skip Co., Limited, 5 ajt'jt tSt. W., Vancouver TeL Seymour , J648-9), or any tUamtkipattnU Weekly fiaUing to fc Europe From May 3rd from Montreal Quebec) (and CUNARD V- CANADIAN SERVICE Cabin, TourM Third Cabin and Third CUM LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. many new boats on the Haielton fand on the Stiklne, more particu larly the latter as It was one of the chief routes to the Klondike. R. G. Cunningham &. Son built the ,HaIelton., to .rival the Hud- 1 son's Bay Company service, and JLilv Sons GatherinR Pio- there was keenest rivalry and neers of Early Days Tell 80metimea bitterness between it Experiences :4nd the b!g fur corapanj.s Mount ' , J Royal for a number of years. At the "Old Timers Mght, :ThIs was ended by tne Hudson's put on by the Smithers Assembly Rav rmtunv eventually buvintr When the "fast water was Simpson, told of the "Navigation reafbed the on,y way that prog of the Skeena in the Nineties. rM MnM -.j. w,. fnp In He traced the development' of dfaQS to a,hore ,nd run ,bead river irawporcauon. irom we with a wjre cable which days when the Indian giant ca- fMteB to , m worked their dfffietm way iigUlH.e Aad. The other end the hundred miles of two up of tbg w,a&d B cajwU at water that lay betweei . Part Ww tbe uhkh wkh singtoa at the mouth of the river m itfcm ahead and Haielton at the head of, . d Usdf u gtrea He told how navigation. thwe:eM steam got tew or ihef canoes were hewn from huge r&n Mt of wood (theM vere a, cedar tree cut on the Queen wood.bnrn.ra) WDen they weBt Winds by the Haidas Chaste ba(k to M fiwfed and hollowed w t tc . make dug- ld aUrted a t (HKe out. capable of hiding to tons! Thou h Jt wag a five da). trf !f ff u 7 ' lTd;,o"f "P. was only ten" hour died by hardy "noe-men. P1 Kolng and thefl ttM?re was in tke'shal lined in the more ajld eitwaenU difficult waters they took ten Uc0,tr, jn go h the w r we uHru main M at K,twfts wne journey whfle the down-stream mBy a pood wag wrecked. re mp mw oi . ruunu Wth completjoD of the tr,iP.atua..W!r 10 Ihf m" Grand Trunk Pacific Railway up tLm ;the Haie,ton about 1912 the V , . isteamer service was discontinued The Hudson. j Bay Company de-land not lfke, ever t0 re. eided upon an improvement on Iume4 Tfle dlffIcultIes navi. this and aboat 1890 put on steamer called the "Caledonia to gatioo and the cost are both against its competing success- river. This became the chief ; Mn who has f rom of communkation. Ukmg means petou ,n Noya passengers and freight for others ,,,, , - as weil . the Hudson'. Bay Com- on the of h(. the f', interior ; , A thus T became r"uie.r' the went overland from the Stikine to KIondike on what wa8 then river steamer from the coast to kn0WD ag routc. Haton and then pack-trains Wnt x c,ar a Quebecer b was X T , origin and member of th Burns the river-boatman lof great ...u.- f .,(),.. the nineties, and there was never c. . ...n J. account excellent S0"8' ave an . .. t v- r isot 98 the "New Caledonia" was built, and the spring of '98 saw of the building of-the Yukon Telegraph Line in,99, J900 and 1901. He was in the mids of it i throughout those three ' years and has remained in the Telegraph service ever since. Lyster ("Barney") Mulvany, now also of Burns Lake, a native of Ontario, told of "Pack Trails and Pack Mules of Thirty Years !Ago," in a very interesting man-.ner. Frank M. Dockrill of Tel-kwa, Ontario born but Rritish ! Columbia bred, gave a splendid 'account of "Early Days of Mining in Northern and Central British Columbia," in which he .has 'played an important part since going to Atlin in 1899. POULTRYCLUBS v I .i-: ; AT TERRACE A'umber - Formed Following Meeting Addressed by W. E. Waby TERRACE. March 15: At a meeting held under the auspices jpf the farmer's Institute on Tuesday evening in the lerrace Theatre. C. S. Phillips of Smithers addressed the gathering on !the growing of fruit and the i 'cure of fruit trees and bushes.. W. E. Waby of Salmon Arm, gave a talk on poultry raising and the forming of poultry clubs in the district. Following his talk it was decided to organize clubs 'among the children, and Mrs. James McConnell was named as I organizer. Four clubs of five, a a ( members eacn were reaauy 111-1 led up one each for Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and Wyandottes, and it is expected to arrange for another club of Leghorn enthusiasts. Government assistance given in' the purchasing of the egg settings which are obtained from pedigreed stock of good strain and sold to the children at fifty cents a setting. Government inspection of chickens, chicken pens, method of caring for the birds, etc., Is given and generous prizes are awarded in the fall. The child receiving the highest number of points on all counts s given a free trip to Victoria. TELL ABOUT TRADE WITH WEST INDIES Vice-President of C.N.R. Returns From Visit on Steamer New of the Native Sons Of Canada on the Haielton. The Mount Royal" March 12, there was a big turn-jWag eventually wrecked in the' MONTREAL, March 14: "Uncut and pome splendid first hand Kitselas Canyon, with loss of questionably there are pportun- , accounts were givea Dy some oi fve veg and a Wg cargo jti tor the development of. the pteneers of northern and cen- cludlng a Mfe witn $30,000 in trade between the British West; tral British Columbia of the g0,d duit Many were the dif-j Indies and Canada, but it will be! trials ainl achievements of thirty ficolUeg and dangers 0f those , neeesanry to effect considerable-years ago. idays. It took five days to get up! organisation, both on the Islands Wm. J. (commonly known as the rf flve days Very.and in Canada, to achieve the -Wings") UTselll. wno comes or hafde5t amj sJoWMt work fight. old fur-trading stock, was born at tn ,. ,i th- ranvon measure of the possibilities." said D. E. Galloway, vicepres-ident of the Canadian National Steamships, who has returned to' 'o. trcal after a voyage from' .i.iiif:ix to Rerniuda. the British they ; West Indie? and Uemerara on R. some j M. S.. "Lady Hawkins." one of the new fleet of vmU, placed in ofwration to provide mail, pas senger and freight service in jeeordance with the provisions of 1 the trade agreement ! 1 noticed at soae points," aid Mr. Galloway, "that lunuter of non-British origin was U-inir used, and 1 thing that this could well be replaced by Canadian timber. However. I found sen-j timeat in the Islands very far-' orably inclined to Canadian' products of every character, with 1 perhaps the exception to boot: and shoe, those of English manu-. facture possessing attraction of! suitable price." i Mr. Golloway spoke in high ! terms of the quality of the fruits j ' end vegetable, offered during the voyage and expressed the opinion thot they would prove very attractive to Canadian consumers during the seasons when such products are available. The vice-preeldent spoke most enthusiastically of the "Laa Hawkins," and the ports of call on the route. "Each island hab a cliinq all its own," he saia "and-the arrival at new places adds delightful interest to eaeh day." Mr. Galloway said that the Lady Hawkins returned to Saint John with a full list of passengers and full cargo. "Loaded to the hatches," as he expressed it A large part of the return cargo was made up of sugar and There were many expressions from people of the Islands, ap preciative of the handsome man ner in which the government of Canada had carried out the provisions of the trade agreement by building such fine ships and there is every reason to believe that the trade will expand. Mr. Galloway said that the Lady Somers. one of the two new steamers intended for the service to. the West Indies, had sailed during the day from Bir kenhead, England, for Halifax. This steamer will inaugurate the service by sailing from Halifax on April 12 to Bermuda, Nas- DEATH WARRANT WAS CANCELLED Aviator uses Kellogg's ALL-BRAN with beneficial effects "I nt' la rrtaca. ktt am homa to Canada tarrying mr t Mlh-warrant. tha doctor atclarvd. I walihtd aiactljr 1M pound. - not much for a tli.footir. Look at raa aowl 111, and at hard i. bUiI" Ths ipesker (nam if requested) was a young Canadian who Mrved OTtrieai with the Royal Flying Corps, and returned in 1918 a mers shadow of a man. Ilia unde, a Iirominent doctor, suggested Ktl-ogg'a ALL -11 HAN. After on. month's trial, he felt better. He persevered, and in three months was back st hia position, healthy and happy. Tha best part of the atory isi his health has lasted aa only health gained in a natural manner can last. He is atill holding his strenuous position as editor of a successful publication. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN will re-l avs constipation and the chain of ills that arise from it, permanently and naturally, if eaten regularly. Eat at least two tablespoonfuls daily In chronic cases at tverr meal. Only ALL-BRAN can conquer constipation. Mad in London, Canada. For sals st all daalars. mfkV ALL-BRAN THEjDAILJ. NEWS. BrHay. Urfh i5 Buy Shoes Now for The Whole Family CTI I fl&Tfi MA 857 t 1 01 I SALES SYSTEM OF CANADA FOR looesi Men's Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Girls' Shoes and Children's at MacARTHUR'S $15,000.00 STOCK OF THE FINEST AND STAN DARI) MAKES OF SHOES IN PRINCE RUPERT. THIS BIG SELLING CAMPAIGN STAGED IJY THE RETAILERS M. MacArtirar Prince Rupert au and Jamaica and will return .'rom Kingston, to Montreal. This veseel and bear sister -ship, the. Lady Rodney, are especially de signed for the banana and' fruit trade and each can carry up tp 100,000 bunches of bananas. They will operate out of Montreal during the season of open navigation of the St. Lawrence River, and in and out of Halifax during the ther period of the year. Bis'rict News TERRACE F. C. BiAo'ietarnd on Wed nesday from a trip to rrineej Hupert. . A numbsjf of friends of Mrs. U. L. Molfttocb. were at the train on 'Wedr.aj' hor "bon oyage." a sijfl passed through n her way to Hamilton Ont, en-route to Iferope- .Jack SpHsj hat purchased the property o' D. A. McKinnon northwest f tpwn and moved to his new tap on Wednesday. Mr. Daley, Ibcai baker, has moved into tht-fJstfN vacated by Mr. KntUl. v" The B. li Bridge Club met on Tuesday tiMJ at the heme of Mr. and f$v 8. Little. Rev. and !. A. W. HoWnson! enUrLalnad aV law friends on T us Jay atjitteg in honor of and Mrs Ueoiyr, KMth and Jliss Kerr who. art leaving soon to spend a )($ fn;;Vncoiiver . and oiner uuLasKO wvina. . M A X Wmt TII LITTLE CA II The drUef f a small ear was crowded Mutinst the imvement by a larger Spi"' A moment later they werfejiejd up Side by ride in a traf(Mblo-k. "HmusOb, said the small-car owaeft "is this Regent Street?" "Ves," MHi the driver of the llanrer car. "Well, would YOU mind lettlnd , me huvcrt little mor xf"tty-"j Mot Ul lllg. of the most HI beautiful j WaL rag patterns I ' , -J . Wo.6C7 CS'X jar I r r Mr 1 ;". SBBBBBBr aaaaai h. I aw vim.-. - .t"i1 ln W . A. .I.n.mlt10 vcsiiucni 111 ciimi houscf urnishings ? . . . The distinctive beauty of the new "Mikado" design... with a" lhf tntirl.wnnt-lrtfl ntirilitiCS Ol rf7,lf llfl1 fnMilnlniin. nt llflllSC f urnisliinft stores . . . now ... for just fi'fmrtinn rf wtinf vrtii wnulil CXOCCt to " pay for such unusual pattern beauty. All genuine Congolcum with the Gold Seal on the surface is definitely guaranteed to your "Satisfaction or Your Money Duck" ... make sure you get the genuine. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME NOW-AT LITTLK EXPENSE aTlian anTT5?riVTGaLD concouuM cuuoa uxrrto. MoxraEAt, caxaca (7 V; tot a iial ) I 11 tyyu-mt II KUGB