LAST OFFICIAL ACT OF MRS. COOLIDGE ' i. W! a-yfcaT. - .jMBWtWJ i Hill f 'V fPI rffHTW il Mill i Ml li tj Vocal Fox Trot Vdrt Wnltr Fox Tro Itibnny Mrln i fx ic . i Records lVlakm Wnoopeel tAllIIVUlilil UUWIV MIIIUI xoz it oi oeo uiMn anu jus iusic I'll I , oKKv Ac 21831 21816 As I Have You Allecn Stanley 21839 Irving Aaronaon and III Commanders 21786 Gene Austin Tlie Troubadours 21833 21847 Geo. Olscn and Ills Music Cena Auatln A Precious Little Thing Called Love 21832 Where the Shy Little Violets Grow Fox Trot Georie Olaen and '21819 HUMutlc Vocal Jtdinny Manin 21820 ' ' riano Solo Willie Eckteln 216539 Sweetheart of All My Dreams fox Trot Vocal 1 1 1s You . tore Ion - tore Tom) Irvlnd Aaronaon and III Commander 218J4 Johnny Marvin 21851 All the latest lied Seal records by famous Victor Artists Victor falklnit MatliliVe Co. J of Canada, outiioi'honic nrr n n AN,,McRaeBros. VKTOK RADIO IlCCEIVKItS TIIE DAILY-NEWS News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT v ConsoIidatioR.JrManjriStpwarl properties Into Big ,; New Cbmpdity Mooted; Saddle and Silver Crest Alines to He Busy; Develop Tagish Lake extensive nlaut is in irood condition and ! matter of consolidation material ize, but at the moment the prospects are reported to be promising , and encouraging The Consoli-; dated is constantly exploring such ! recently acquired properties as the Ilig Missouri, George Copper and the necessary equip ment for th) handling of the ore. tUU. tkA,..1. .fill easlli dupltentd by etfRcir it both4he tends to finish the tram on the ' Saddle property in Hastings Arm which was nearly completed last season. 1?he adit tunnel being driven to borne under the main shaft rn the property will also be continued to its objective with the object of 'openlWn"bwdyof ore for early Shipment. " The twiner is about 200 feet vertically below the outcropping and is said to have about 900 feet to go. Last jear the Silver Crtst Co. devoted Its entire attention to developing tbjs Saddle with a view to making n' profitable 'high vraae snipper of it. In addition to continuation of work on the Saddle, the com-Iny intends this season doing ome diamond drilling on the or' Iglnal Silver Crest property which lies In close relation to the Big Missouri. P. K. Peterson, engi neer for the company, has recommended probing below the capping that covers part of the Silver Crest group to determine whether or not the ore forming rock of Big Missouri really extends into Silver Crest ground. Directors of iho Is it iaily (Financial of value 1 champions in .,.P.f,,!iv h n,,r. ' i nrAtinrin fr .tititiAn!t kw. cotttAries able itws to ,.,Uie i'ortT-ldaho, ' perity and Silverado Tfi order tr I ii mav continue ooerations on the Post) to Canadian northeast of Stewart and south of trade an1 commerce that Percy the proposed Northeastern Hail- Williams should be the world's way that awaits development, fastest human? This is the area In whioh the now Does it help Canadls;: business syndicate i . planning big-scale when Mi:w Etnei C itherwood operations with the ultimate pros- tote of 3sJtOon. r.nd now of Ict of workinif lhe ore backward Tw4o, fleers the bur at five toward Portland Canal for treat- fect thrwi Bche,T went at thoulluawtll mill. This W'h Onana of Montreal !L ' around the New -.a) .-j value and should be capable of does it' Tjeh to cirr les York Rangers, sell Canadian are fair' cjuestions and winls spOTt e usually tov troihiee rham. The Federation of British In- of tfie twdpother large .concerns Saymbolic Jfih world's er&et and the industry at Stewart would leadership, the M.M.C.. the u.v-11 jiiai-Bu uh a rum uj EngHsh cricket team. The noiiuaruy. As soon as weather permits, the Silver Crest Mining Co., Ltd., In respondent says: cor- This, I can assure you, has been received with very great Flashinc Eves Laughing Eyes j Downcast Eyes Eyes tell JToiir Character Brown eyei or atrengtfi---piu for gencroiity Gray eye'a for jealousy Sparkling eyei indicate beauty, yei, and good health, too I Do your eye iparkltf Ar the whitei clear or art they tinged with yellow indicating an out-of -aorta condition dua to coruUpa-tionf If to, you need (wrhxL Yati,rili i.u im Hory. Mad w - - KeaJtK'ul Ckmeltr horn l Em fa L'iSJXl !" "mrntt. ,1 would for a time, udeuuately serve e8nc'" they fair questions! the needs of the new sy.idicale fn tr,iro' tntrf act -that business1 sums of money to finance the j tours of young and amateur1 "porting1 gentlemen and vdmen. I Proltably in every one of the, above cases the answer could be' "Yea." People who produce victors in sporting events are usu-' iiercuies ana, wnen u is sausiieo ally people of vigorous frame that adequate ore has been block- keeni a,ert iutelHgcnt. They are ed out for a long period of opera- living advertisements for the cli- 11 rvu"ucr mechanical , mte a" environment which have helped to make than. . Countries vhkb are able to nroduce I present basis'. Three such major lu,tr3 in oae ef its current companies all operating in the re- neW9 letters, directs attention to ! gion would tend to bring about a the value to, trade of success in J period of activity in the area that sports. It ouotes a letter re-i has never existed in the pasWjceived by a Birmingham manu-i , What ha been accomplished by.fHcturer from Its renreaatntiitlve ' the Premier could, it is said, bih Australia. The letter refers to a W . I; pleasure indeed by the majority world that England has ever of the Australian people, and it done, and we are pleased that is beyond all doubt the finest, the best team has won." British propaganda that could j The best sports are those in have happened, as for the past which most neonle tak nArt. For ten years we have had to put up that reason, irolf is of more vain1 with consistent, jnd" I have no to the nation than track and! doubt inspired, propaganda from field athletics. Skating is Met- othcr nations, that England was ter sport than hockey. It is bct- a back number, a decadent na- ter for th htrprf h.i . . . . . jtlon, machinery obsolete, factories quoits behind the barn titan to A big new alignment of minintr companies reported to obsolete, lost her nunch. could rWr tnr viii,.. t,,nK,n; 1 be Under Way for the Portland Canal area promises the ; never come back, etc., etc., and team. But there is room for the i , creation of a third major operating company in that these verv nations are sit- type of sport where only a few! jtrict. The movement is said to have been in the makinelfact that the younK Ene,iRh have. can shine and one of its distinct! for the three anU tta ngianj once advantages is the advertising past months, options being taken" on the con- com,e T trolling interests of a. number of jrtle lying In the W Sc ? thV L. P area northeast of Stewart' Some 'of 'them have already ting up and taking notice of the) . i sen uuacu mm, wiuiu n juuy ue several raonms ueiore me to the stuff that has been so WHEEL RUTS NOW ngi a worx mat can Be successfully initiated and brought to a I" !..v i, r . custom established by other wives of Presidents divi(3cnd status ,n a Jear or even .r,Uh, planted an k tree at the Chevy Chase Till? .yt'roiiiKl at Washington a couple of days before moving out of costly but, in the end, production Whjt. House. A large gathering of school children witnessed follows. cemmoiiv. iki nmr ir m sr ultimate objective is attained by the principals in the movement, Fitzgerald, secretary; G. Armi-developments so far are reported tage, C. 0. Wickenden, p. Mal-to be giving promise of eventual ett and G. A. Dellaseth. success in the creation of a con-: cern of some magnitude. The Yukon Gold Mining Co. It is the belief of many mining plans active development this sea-t-xperts that, only by the consoli- son of its property at Windy Arm dation of smaller holdings into on Tagish Lake close to the B. C-major projects, can development Yukon boundary. The property, of the mineralized area in this known as the Dail and Fleming region be adequately undertaken, group, is located in the mineral-Millions of dqllars are necessary ized belt formed -along the coast to put production on a uavimr ran ere batholith contact with the basis and it is because of this fact granodlorite . ' It is believed that that a group of British Columbia it may prove a valuable mineral capitalists is planning for the area, future. Mininir in sach a field is . j With Premier in possession of I large areas of claims both to the j north and southwest of Stewart i and the Consolidated extending its ' holdings north of the Premier and ' in the Bear River region, there remains a large region lying SPORTS VALUE TO BUSINESS Financial Newspaper Considers Thcv Advertise Countries Which Engage Them freely circulated during the past: few years. , You don't have to make a bet- "They have now found that ter mousetrap these days. Just England has come back, and we neglect to pay your instilments all reel certain that this Is the on time, and see the path get1 greatest object lesson to the worn to your door. Life. I YOM CAN WIN One of more than 200 cash prUca offered br KtUj, Douglae & Co. Ltd., packer of Nabob Tea and Coffee, for the beat entriet in the Nabob Picture Pnczle Contest. moo Send two Nabob eertUicatea (certificate in each package of Nabob Tea, Coffee and Raking Powder) for a copy of the Nabob Picture Puzzle. There are no catcbea and ou are not aked to sell anything. Simply follow the direction and your entry may win the FIUST PRIZE, 8500.00 The children can enjoy the fun and win priiea aa well at the grown-upt, aa there are 100 prize for children under 13. Some lucky boy or cirl will win $50.00. 6 Special Prizes for Early Entries FREE TEA & COFFEE PAGE FJVE His Baby Bey Was Troubled With Whcoping Cough Mr. Erneat Kronier, Freedom, Alt., write: "My baby boy, two years of tffi, was troubled with whooping cough. I tried everything I could think of, but he kept getting worse. A friend advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and it gars Kim great relief, and befor using the contents of the second bottU the cough had completely disappeared." Price 35c. a bottle; large family siM 00c. at all duggists and dealers. rut up only by The T. Milburt Oa Ltd., Toronto, Ont. z,- tfsirTis. ,1(7.' HENNES THREE STAR RAN As;- , 7 " it i aiv''.1. ' MV 'I aV i I ! V 0' I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government tossSkBff Columbia