Dance to Aid High School at Topley Village TOPLEY, Oct. 1: An Interesting dance u held in the school house last week-end, under the auspices at the board of school trustees. Numerous visitors from Burns Lake. Perow and other adjacent villages were in attendance, The Anderson Orchestra displayed unusual sfbillty. Boxes and baskets were auctioned. The school -was beautifully decorated with numerous garlands of flowers, all local productions. A sumptuous supper was served at midnight, with the grand final "Home Sweet Home" watte at 3 am. The objective of this dance was to raise funds for the local high ashbo library. Special tributes must be extended to Topley resident n thai? unusual high .school attuatian. with their first, second and third years and only seven jatndente under the supervision of Mjas TL M elver, a teacher of ex.-twtnely keen ability and capability. Yomuman Heads Billiard League Co m Drnn" fWilnr Winter Will Re Confined to One Division Entries Close October 7 The annual meeting Jl the Ptnmn Rupert Billiard League was held last night when it was decided that there will be but one dl-vMen this winter instead of first and second division competitions which have been held the last few years. It is expected to have about five teams entered. October 7 has been set for the closing of entries which will also include names of players. The executive will supervise the lining p of the teams. Officers of the league were elected a9 follows: Honorary president, Olof Han-, son. Honorary vice-president, Mayor S. P. McMordie. President C. L. Youngman. ' Vice-president, Charles ' P. Bal-agno. 1 Secretary treasurer, JoTm Bulge. Recording secretary, A Around The World With Sport Fans (ny Th Tramp) Bobby is to be remembered for all time. This has no reference to the policeman, it is to Bobby Jones, America's greatest amateur golf player. A statue Is to be erected in his honor at the entrance 10 a goii course ai Auania, Coachine courses are popular among athletes in United States. Nearly tnree nunarea instructors in athletics and physical culture nave graduated from tne umver city of Illinois in the last two years and taken positions with various schools and colleges in that country. There was a time when Tommy, Loughran offered to bet Jack: Sharkey $50,000 that he could beat him, but Jack refused. He was not, ready. However, he is Teported to have said: "There will come a time when IH make you regret talking out of turn." Before the big fight the other day Jack reminded his friends that be expec ted the time had come, and the result showed that it had. The next question Is whether Sharkey will go all the way to the top. Local Items Next week has been designated as National Fire Prevention Week by the federal government. During the week the doctrine of fire prevention will be Intensively The weekly meeting of the Young People's Society of First United Church which was scheduled for last night was postponed until Tuesday evening of next week. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart apd other northern points and will sail soon after arrival for Vancouver and waypolnts. P. G. Russell, assistant suoerin for the Canadian National Sident ttwan at Smithers. arrived in the eu&.trom the interior on this afternoon's fttnil nand will return to Smithers tomorrow morning. The city council last night gave permission to the Canadian Legion to conduct the annual Poppy Day tax day on November 9. A letter aakinc permission was received from M. M. Lamb, an officer of the Canadian Legion. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Under new fall schedule just effective, , the train which formerly came in Wednesday will arrive on Tuesday afternoon and lherewill be Jao .Main from the east Wednesday af ternoon, ' Sport Chat Sir Thomas Llpton, whose, up-? flagging courage and sportsman-1 ship has made him the greatest figure in yachting circles, is preparing for his fifth and last attempt to lift the America's Cup. When the venerable skipper crosses the Atlantic next summer, it will be at the helm -of the finest and most meticulously wrought craft his inexhaustible bank roll and the ship building brains of England can produce. Llpton has spent fortunes on yachts In four unsuccessful attempts to win the trophy, but his latest Shamrock bids fair to represent the largest outlay for this particular type of racing yacht in the history of the sport. Already the figures are said to be over $2,000,000. The America's Cup has been In the possession of the United States since 3351. when the -speedy sloop America won it in a series of races off the Isle of Man. Sir Thomas entered the picture as a eeker of it in 1899. That year saw tne xjrst oi his now lamous bnam-rocks ko down to defeat. He came hack fn ISM. 1903 and 1S20. but each time went back to Glasgow without the "bloomin' mug." These attempts cost Sir Thomas count less dollars, but never killed off his life-long ambition. This year Sir Thomas thinks he has better than an even chance. "There is nothing I can think of that would give me greater satisfaction than to win he America's Cup," said Sir Thomas Llpton. "My new challenger will not be of the freak type as was the Shamrock IV. She will be a vessel built on the most scientific racing lines and I am confident she will he the best sloop I ever nave brought to this coun try." OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL English League, Second Division Bradford City 4. Charlton Ath letics 1. Stoke City 3, Wolverhampton 0. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courteiy B. D. Johnston Co.) Bay view, 3, 3', 4-Big Missouri. 100 t.Ol. 'Cork Province, 8, 8. 'Cotton Belt, NU, 40. TJunwell. 15, 18. George Copper, 5.00, 5.10. Georgia River, Nil, 31. Ooleonda. 19. 80. Grand view, 28, 28. Independence, 6, Z. Indian Mines, 5, 6. Intern. Coal it Coke. 32. 33. Kootenay Florence, 12, 13. Kootenay King. 26, 28. L. & L.. IV,. NIL Lakevlew, Nil, 2. Lucky Jim. 12. 15. Mohawk. 3. 3V4. Morton WooLsey. 3V4, 4Vi. Marmot River Gold. 2, Nil. National Silver. 14. 15. Noble Five. 57V2. 58. Oregon Copper, 26 Y,. 27. Pend Oreille 4.25. 4.40. Premier. 113, 1.75. Porter-Idaho, 39. 40. Reeves Macdonald. 1.52, 1.55. JUiIus-Areent. IB, 18. Ruth-Hope. 36. 37. Sliver Crest. 8, 9. Silverado Cons. Nil, 60. Silversmith. 7, Nil. Plocan King Nil. 4. Snowflake. 27. 28. Sunloch. 1.45. 155. Topley Richfield. JO. lh Torlc Mines. 60. 65. Woodbine, NIL 3V4. Bluebird, 8, 84. Oils Advance, 1.20. 125. A. P. Con.. 3.92. 3.95. Calmont. 3.25 358. Dalhousle, 2.50. 255. Devenlsb. 30, 35. Fabyan Pete. 14. 15. Home, 18.25, 18.50. United. 1.19, 1.20. Dallas. 1.85. 1.90. Hargal. 1.71. 1.72. Freeold, 1.60, 1.61. Sterling Pacific, 1.80, 1.8L Mercury. 95, 96. Turner Valley, 120, J.45. Older People Enjoy Dancing Merry Time Spent by Party Octogenarians at Toronto of TORONTO. SeDt. 30. The Knights of Columbus recently gave a picnic for 350 old peooie. residents of the House of Providence, at the exhibition grounds. Two couples took the floor when a waltz was suggested, a may in a flat black hat that bobbed as she danced did s. solo. Then the men Joined Jn. The first was a merry old chap with a gav red muffler. who was the lite of the party. In just a few minutes there were eight women and five men dinning and circling, laughing and Joking, while their inends cneered mem on. on little lady. Mrs. Edward Price, who curtsied and tapped as graceful as any. admitted smlllntr to 8'. years. And HUlne watch'ne ail the time with a happv a smile as any was little Mrs. Marcaret Shea, whose aee THE CUBS CLNCII NATIONAL LEAGUE TENNANT Above are some of the Cubs who have fought their way to the top of the Nat-onal League, and the World Series. With the pennant In their grasp, the Cubs began to falter, and it Tested with the lowly Boston Braves to clinch matters for them by beating the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Cubs' strongest rivals. Gus Bush, one of the most brilliant pitchers In the league, Is seen above in typical attitude, while Joe McCarthy, the Cubs' great manager, stands at the top, centre. Rogers Hornsby, the slugger needs no Introduction. He looks fit to hit 50 homers. Then there is Rlggs Stephenson, who has gone along, day after day. hitting well over .350 and playing a great game in the field; and lastly, Elwood English, who, on his record, should come to be one of the finest shortstops in the game. AIRSHIPS DIFFERENT FROM GRAF Onlv One of New British Dirigibles May Enter Tropical Regions ARE LATEST THING any approach to the equator. So far no petrol-fueled alrshtp has: traveled in tropical regions, oui Great Britain, with Australia one goal ana inaia ana oouui Africa as half-way houses, muw definitely accept conditions In which hydrogen and petrol maxe unpleasant eempaniona. and therefore both R.-100 and R.-101 were designed to eliminate petrol as fuel. But earlv hopes were falsified bv experiments and the R.-100 feu back on aero engines using petrol. and the R.-101. while able to install compression ignition engines using furnace on, nas aone so at a heavy coet in eiriciency. idub rt.-lOO is barred from the tropics and must be 'used mainly upon a difficult airwnp route, inai across the Atlantic, and R.-101. though she can face any tempera tures, unrortunateiy nas neany 1.000 horae-Dower less than the specifications originally called for and about five tons of extra weight in its power cars. This Is a serious disappointment, for it means the ship will be slower and has sacrificed five tons oc useiui commercial load which could have been translated Into passenoers. mall or greater range. "It does not mean." says the correspondent, "that the experiment has been a failure, but that a higher price has been on id for security from the risk of fire, and that, further development. 1 needed to reach the point at which Fmptre airshiDS become a reasonable eo"mereial enterprise." On the other hand the rleslan-ers have learned much which wiU be useful in the construction of future almb'ps. The tramference of the T? -100 to he Atlantic route alters the) re'atJon of useful load and fuel load In a "manner not provided for orl'nallv. Travelling to Canada the shin must be .ore-pared for lon periods of head winds and consemwntly. part ol He mwnwr weight mut b translated into evtra fuel, though on he return tno .ne oa'nse jsai iear. nunarea years, tauung i can be restored ur vcKentr n-i to one of the nuns. Another resi- self, after his last double fllsrht j dent who traces her age to 90. said: jovpr th" At'rnt'r;. fxnreiwd the '.'I can remember every dress I ever view that the Oraf 7nnelln was wore, even In my schoool davs." not suitable for relar tfons-1 when someone commented on her oseanlc service and added thft the memory. The oldest man was Henry next, sepneiin would approach the Martin who was 91 last, June. .British ships more closely In de- (rasSullt., II ' ' I l'-!Lli r- r ttiKU, apart iruai bcuiu ni'"iuu first palace sleeping car of' construction In the external .shapa qI tlic ship and here all THE DAILY NEWS theoretical considerations, fully confinried by tests in wind tunnels, show that the fatter shape of the British vessels goes through the air better than the more elongated eppelin form. New Zealand Is Leading World Healthy People WINNIPEG, oct. 1. Foiled by windswent snow and sleet in his el fort to reach Bathurst Inlet on the north shore of Canada's mainland, Pilot "Punch" Dickens Is back In Fort Simpson today. Since Hast Saturday the fearless air crusader had been battling his way to the northern radio post to search for the eight flying explorers headed by Colonel McAlpine, who vanished 83 aays ago inio inc noruiera sii enoes. Dickens did set as far as cor onatlon on Coronation Gulf and today he will sweep eastward along the Mackenzie River to Resolution, whence he has to rush on to Fort Reliance on the ea,st end of Great Blave Lake. Already Dickens has flown farther than the width of the con tinent In the hunt for the McAlpine mi but his new Drolect places be fore him dangers that rank with the most distressing the northland can offer. TORONTO STOCKS (MeOaffery, Olbbopi & ColUrt, Ltd.) Falconbrldge, 9.65, 9.80. Abana Nil. 1.50. Amulet, 2.80, 2.90. Holllnger. 5.45, 550. Hudson Bay. 10.25, 16.50. Intern. Nickel, 56.05, 56.25. Takeshore, 20.25, 21.00. Mclntyre. 14.00, 14.25. Mwilv. 52, 55. Nlpuwmg. 2.25, Nil. Noranda, 52.75, 53.00. Sherritt Gordon, 6.10, 6.15. Sudbury Basin. 6.80. 6.85, Tcck Hughes, 5J0, 5.35. Treadwcll Yukon, 8.00, 825. Ventures, 6.00, 6.05, Mining Corporation, 3,95, 5.00. Home Oil, 18.6Q. NU. Building Permits September $4450 Total for Year to Date Is $78,400, as Against $145,659 Last Year The building trade continues to be quiet In Prince Rupert, permits for the month of September just ended representing a total value of ! $4450, which, low though it is, is greater than the $2089 in tne same I t nvnnw 1 Tho rnvnt month last vsftr One new resi Experiments Were Not Satisfactory flguryfjn' connection with the dence was provided for In the past in Banishmrnt of Petrol hui, mw 7ainnriprs are month's list. s, u" i startling- New Zealand boys and ! oo iar mis year duimwik in me : girls at 16 ypars are the tallest and I city represents a total value of LONDON. Oct. 1: The 4 two tlu develaned of any boys and $78400. as oompared -with $145,659 Hrltlsh airships R -100 and R.-101. Kilis m the world. In 1928 only 36 io the first nine months ox ibzb. he largest yet built, and aesignea DablM out of everv 1000 born died; ineaepwinBer ouuiuhb iu.i wB to make for greater safety and a reconj that has never been beaten as louows: economy in mainuunance, wm ( anvwhere. Between 50 and 80 soon start their preliminary trials ago jt was 83 per 1000 births. before maklne fliahts to Egypt and India and across the Atlantic to Canada. It Is not witftout sig nificance writes the aeronautical corresDondent of The Times, that Only 984 babies under one year, all told, died in tne wnoie oi new Zealand last year. And this araatlng result Is due to I I ill? BUUCnUUll Ul fcliv Uivuttio the Graf Zeppelin in its world i throughout the country "common tour nlanned Its route to nvoid sense scientifically applied. Holland comes next after New Zealand, as far as babies go, but is a good way behind. England and Wales, in spite of being Industrial countries, are well up In the scale, a good deal higher than Scotland, strangely enough. Punch Pickens Making Search For Lost Airmen Jack Cobb. 807 Tatlow Street, alterations to house, $200. U. Suga, 6th Avenue W.. altera Uons to house. $100. D. Santurbane, 404 Bin Avenue W.. alterations to house, $500. M. T. Lee, alterations to nouse, $600. Klllas et Christopher, 3rd Avenue, reDairs to roof. $800. Mrs. J. uurne, traa uin Avenue E.. reoalrs to residence. $250. Mrs. K. Dowtner, 033 Bin Avenue E., repairs to residence, $300. ! u. Essen, 037 em Avenue wM re pairs to residence. $100. ii. streunorsi, seat uove urcic. erect residence, $800. D. H. Hays Block, Second Avenue. foundation repairs, $800. Police Head Due Here On Thursday Col, J. II. McMullin to Visit City in Course of Annual Northern Tour Col. J. II. McMullin. superinten dent of provincial police and former government agent here, is expected in the city from the interior on Thursday afternoon's train In the course of nis annual tour oi inspection through the north part of the province. Colonel McMullin was met in tne interior at tne ena of last week by Inspector William Splller of this city. Airmen Flying Across Siberia PARIS, Oct. 1: A Moscow dos patch yesterday reported the French aviators Dieudonne Coste ind Jacaues Bellonte had been "igbted over Novo Slbrlsk. Siberia, flying toward Irkutsk. They left nere. Friday. . 1 ' ritlCE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Oct. lrThe price of wheat here today was $1.39. TIT .FOR TAT Yep, I had a beard like yours oncn. spd when I realized how it made me look, I cut It off." "Well. 1 had a face like yours once, and when I realized that I couldn't cut it off, I grew a beard." Frivol. P. G. Dawson Is expected homo, on the Prince Rupert tomorro lorrow mornlng' from a 10-day business trip to Vancouver. . Halibut Sales Sunlmaty Amerlcan-J58;000 pounds, 13.2c and 9c to 15.4c and 9c. - fi s i ' - Canadian 23000' pounds, 135c and 9c to 153c anq.9.5c. ,'. American Vansee, 37KW, Atlln. lS.9cand 9c Undy. 33)00, Booth, 13.2c ana yc Thor, 25,000. Royal, 13.7c and 9c, Superior, 26.)00,. ,Cpld, iStorage, MIddleton, 16,006, Cold Storage. Bravo, 10.0QO, Booth, 15:1c and 9c. Reliance. tf.OOO, Cojd Storage. Uc and 9c. ' 1 Wabash, 5.000, Royal, 14.7c and 9c. Canadian Ingrld II., 9,000, Cold Storage, Inez H.. 4i00. Atlln, 14.1c and 9c. Helge H.. 5500, Cold Storage, and 9.5c. Pair of Jacks, 4,000, Atlln, 155c llie Leuer box STRUGGLE OF PIONEERS Fi EDUCATION &fil'nr:'Dailv Nevte:'- A YfuU TVinW Hlcrh Rrhftnl Is tna talned entirely within the vilk of Topley of, for ano Dy ine kind has been granted by the p: 1A(a1 nMnannmanf Tf (a nti t. usual situation highly credit n n smi'l but enterprising munlty of home lovers who i 'o give their children very nec sary advanced education t training at home instead of rome distant city It is a sltuut; deserving of great praise but i a situation deserving special cofrn'tlon and appreciation by ' provincial education departmer. t I.. n..tnn.t nt ... berlng. farming and fl-shlnr vi numerous between Prince Rut find Jasner. Thev are strur-'i At 1 ( n . . . Til- .. n bm tnn " oil t n . rtm r1 1 , .. . 'JCY U1C vw wiwi w wii,ujr . as a result have to send th growing families away at such vital aj?e. They are away fr narental supervision and care Thl: In8t eventually mean t he children fall under the Inf. rmxt of their new surround.! love of their home town with uttimnte result that when school term is completed and return home they are In an uiv. tied and unsatisfactory state other knock at the Dloneer p: ents who have struggled for yti to make a home for them. I suggest that provisions I l IL.1. n U , mem eaucatcu in uim nuuic t. lust as is being done in Toplf hut. nrlfh thp nlrt of the nrovlv.' 1 . . I X .1-- A . guvciiiiJiciib flu Litat uif; van, u settled and undeveloped area may become settled and develnw TOrLKY VJSUUK HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Kunert . , 91 n . . . . f- . T, 9 A1IH Jk. XMlVt. UBK. .. m. wood. Ketchikan: Miss Inez Rom. Seattle: A. St. Clair Brinrt Telkwa: F. R. Wilson and P K:r Inverness: r. v. Annsirong. vt non; A. KJ. Llnd. Smithers: C Moore. Charlie Moore and 8. Donaldson, Port Esslngton Royal S. Robinson. V. Cormier, V Montroy. George M. Johnston, H. Argue. W. H. Thome. Mr. a: Mrs. A. B. .Campbell and K, Laurence Dawson, city Central N. R. Brodhurst. Inverness Hunter, city. IMHECTIONS TVitt nviur nf thp niM w wnrrnim WBKinir hiiiiiv fiiif I, dav all bundled up in clothing to many clothes, Pat'" To obtain best results put on least uiree uuuus . liuuuuii Ion. HENNESSY COGNAC BRANDY This advertisement Is not published or displayed, by tbe rUlltdtipr Control BoaTd or by the Government of British Colombia.