Tuesday, October 1, 1929 8 Fortify Yourself Now Against Those Winter Colds With a Bottle of ."i Rurn Honey and Cod Liver Oil A well-tried remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, gore throat, croup, etc. PRICE, $1.25 PER BOTTLE (canadun vVPACiric Srd Ate. N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof "where ra!n will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trollinjr Koats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter Quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work nm be done for lew with bcttn- accomodation? PHONE GREEN 129 mm. SSr-w -a. yfw Pioneer DruecisLs THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED , flalilnc Kiuiu Itiiicc It u cert tor V ANt OLLK. VILTOHI.V, Har.soi uuy. Uutrdale. Alert liar. tit, lu. Uaj, i:M l in Hr VAM'Ul lilt. VIl TOIlU. Itutedale. Alert IStt). .. Friday iDldnlrht tor AI.lt i: A KM, A.VO. SlfclVAIU. Nun lllier, fort Sluipof. bun-da)-, 4:00 p.m. r.i ro:tr mmpmin an walk ihi.am). murxur. p.m. Hi Mil Avenue K -M. Si MM' 1 1 Agent I'rliier lluiiert. II.C. It rough rktt ld to Morla and Seattle .and bagKite thnittd thrumh to ilrntluatloii. A, .. ji B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES H.UMMiM IKOM riUNCE ItlTKllT To Ketrhlkun. Wrantell, Judnu and Skaawsjr September 7, IS. JR. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle September ?, M. 2t. riUNCKSa M A It Y--Or run Fall. Hr Vanmuter and Victoria every Friday 10 p.m. Acenti far all Hteanublp Unci w c uitciiiuu, ii:nkhal AOENr I'rlnce Uupert. II C fbone SI Canadian National CThc Largcft Railway Syjflcm in America STEAMSHIP J.?gii31ICE - Salllnfs from PRINCE It U PERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursdav and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. l or ANVOX andTEWAKT. eacbWednrsday, t pjn, For STEWART and KETCH !RAN,QaeJppaturdav. fpjn For NORTH and StfttTH Q CXBX. 'CHARLOTTE IlmXDS. fortnlxhtly. vT4 V ji. rAKHKNflP.R TKAIN5 IT.MK miMI. HITKUT DAILY EXCEPT l lY at 11:30 a m fur HUM E (iEOHOE. tliMd.N-TO.V, (VINMPEO. all polnu Catrrn fnda, I tilted Male. AfiRNrv ai.i '6VtfV7M-AM)V5fi City Ticket Office. 528 Third Av- Vrimt Rupert Phone 260 'JO, Coal? Coal? Tak adTantat of low prtee tf pt In your Hlnter aupplr, EIHOX and CASXlllY-HF.I.LINO-TON In any quantified Alo lloiir. lUy. Grain and Peed. iiif.ee Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND . 558 1 I Dr Alexander rilONE 47S ur.avEii laocK DENTIST arcissus rei Local Items 4 a Taxi I'honc 4. 1 4 Taxi, tf ; Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone, G8G. i A report from the city solicitor that the city was not liable In connection with the sinking of E. A. Group's house in Section Five was read a last night's council meeting and filed. On recommendation of the finance committee, the city council last night pat through Its 'first reading! a bylaw providing for the temporary borrowing of $60,000 from the Royal Bank of Canada pending the collection of this year's taxes. THE DAILY NEWS ' PAGE TIIREE LIFE RUINED BY NEGLECT ITollnrri AT.T..RTIAW n. y&SSm&S:;- Simple Redy for ..Wide- Loal Improvement taxes are now duo and payable at the Collector's Olfice, City Hall. Ten per cent penalty added after October 1. (228) Lief Erlckson meeting and social in Metrdpole Hall. Thursday, October 5, at 8 p.m. Member; please aif ena. , The formal If any a man has suddenly realized that he -was losing out all because he neglected constipation too long. This evil scourge starts with such little things. A headache. .A . listless morning. A cloudy complexion. But all the while it saps strength, (229) kills initiative, steals ambition. And opening of the ' If allowed to continue to poison tne system, it may bring on serious disease. Women " know it as the Catholic Bazaar will taKe place at ",s:Ti .'VZ outh 'S n o'clock. Wednesday night in the adly enerf n Moose nan. speakers, uisnop ou-, noe. Mavor McMordie and J. C.i Brady, MP. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welford, for-1 merly of this city, 'are now reaid-! ing In Calgary where Mr. Welford Is in charge of one of the departments of a new store which was opened in that city this year by the T. Eaton Co. Men, as ability's crudest foe. Don't let it ever prey on you. Guard against it You can with a delicious cereal. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to prevent constipation to promptly relieve it. Just eat two tablespoon-fuls daily chronic cases, with every meal. ALL-BRAN n Is is i-vvyo 100 bran. oian. Doc- uoc- or cream. Use in cooking muffins, breads, etc Delicious recipes on package. Grocers sell .it Restaurants, hotels, dining cars serve it Made by Kellogg in London, Ont 4 XT ALL-BRAN C.N.R. Constable D. Geddes re Prince Rupert. U now chief on the engineer, returned to the city on prince cnaries. yesterday afternoon's train from a trip up the line as far as Prince A recommendation from the fl- Qeorge on official duties, nance committee ttwt a bond of- 'ast night's meeting of the city has been on a week's trip to Tel-1 -ounciL In Julv fW loss In the kwa on mining business, arrived in 1 "'ty ariottnted, to $71 . expenses of the city from the Interior on yes-'e dirtment for the month be- texday afternoon's train and will ' si 588.65 and In Airsrust the sail by the Catala this afternoon "itrwagf was $1M with deoartmen- on his return to Vancouver, al exo-nse. $1,219.50. eauloment of rne aenartment. including fire Mrs. Eltaa Essen, Eighth Avenue alarm boxes, was reported to be West, had a letter before the city n good order. council last night, asking that the Section Five sewer system be lata Mayor S. P. McMordie will re- in front of her property so that proem rnnce Kupert at tne con- ne mignt connect up with it. Mrs. vention of the Oood Road's League ssen stated that, when the orlg- at Harrison Hot Springs on Octo- Inal notice had come out, she had bee 14 and the convention of the understood that the sewer would Union of B.C. Municipalities on be available to her and she was October 15 and 16 at the same disappointed that this had not place, it was decided by the city been done. The matter was refer- , council last night on recommen- rtd to the board of works for relation of the finance committee, port. On mot inn of Aid. Brown secon- ded bv Aid. Dibb, Aid Cojlart was A letter from W. P. Armour, des'?nfltd to be acting mayor rotating out the dangerous oondl- : during CoL MeMordie's absence tlon of Second Avenue In West- . view owing V) thick growth of I " " - bush there and stating that chil- TOO LATE TH ft aIPY dren menace bj vehicular XUU Lu i fj 1U LL.A;&lf 1 traffic there and WM W,D w room for cars to pass at the -"'j uiuuciu, wivu iuir uh'ju- nwung oi tne city council uie structed harbor view. $2,100.00. matter being referred to the board Very easy terms. A real snap, of works with power; to act. Applj McCaffery, Gibbons and ' .CoBart. Ltd. ; (230. certiorari applications of Milton FOR riBNT-Kurnlshed apartment. 2SSLSlrh!S2L St011" two or three rooms. Apply Mus- r5L(B TSESX22il$ Jame2 h. sallem Orocerj'. (tf) 2!!ldson .ftJ c?5lv.t,on and fines of $300 each by Magistrate McCbrmont for having liquor In the abode of an Indian and a con-uur Our rlaaaifind tinn hp cussitied aection miv may be vlction and fine of $10 by Stlpen-of snecial interest to you today diary Magistrate E. T. Kenney Manufacturer's Introductory Offer Bring this certificate and !)8c to our store and receive a beautiful 5 . 00 gift package, consisting of $3 . 00 size fume EXQUISITE NARCISSUS PERFUME " . and $2.00 box of Narcissus De Luxe FaeX 4 Powder. You save $4.02. l'lcase sit n jour name and address on this certificate. Extra certificates for your friends may. be had for the asking. Remember, only 3 gift sets to each customer at this price. Certificates are good only as long as these exquisite sets last. DIRECT FUOM FRANCE. THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR PERFUME McCutclieon s Drug Store against Peter Morgan for Illegal . possession of ffar, were appealed. S , Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald in S3 1 Supreme Court yesterday atter-iStj noon. Neither E. F Jones, crown igi counsel in the Indian Act cases.' nor w. z. isner, acting as crown IZi counsel counsel In In the the Oame Oame Act Act rami si 12 i 'mm & ft were prepared to proceed . ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic BacAar, October 2 and 3. , ,i. , . . ' icp ,ni li.i ii )-' 1 United Banquet, Oslober 7. i ... tf Mooseheart Ladies' wlilst drive and dance, Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt. Admission 75c and 503. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance. Elks' Home, October 25. 6. Presbyterian Bazaar November Moose Annual Bazanr ' and 22. Nov. 21 Supper will be served from 6 o'clock, at the Catholic Bazaar. Adults 50c. Children 25c. (230) ! Frank Morris returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Haysport. I City-accounts for the two weeks ending. Seotembet totalling 1 555 were passed for payment dt last night's council meeting; j T 4 Oame Warden E. Martin return- i ed to the city on this afternoon's1 train after having spent the past few days at Terrace on official, duties. , j John Dyer, Janitor at the ONitJ station here, returned to the city 'on yesterday afternoon's train from a fortnight's holiday trip to Vancouver. I Dr. C. Marius Barbeau of Ot- ' tawa, who has been spending the ! summer in this district engaged 1 in research work of early Indian ' lore for the archaeological depart- i ment of the federal government, left on this morning's train for Toronto. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, who has been spending the most of the nast week in th r,tv ,oft . t, tors recommend it . Serve with milk ! ?r' " Z? cols Lake where he will make an inspection of the government ferry. i On motion of Aid. Brown. ;.(-londed by Aid. Orme th? citv sol icitor was authorized at I ,st night's council meetins: to er'op-e collection of a Judgment against George Fritz for nr rrpv'- "' city solicitor presented a report to the council that damage to Mr Fritz' sewer had not been the fault of the city street roller as he had contended. turned to the citv on yostcrdny Bert Boyd, recently chief on the afternoon's train after a brief trip " Provlne11 Constable H L. Mr- Charles, has taken ti,,7. Prince now over the duties of chief engineer aboard Uie steamer Prince Rupert Oof Hanson left on this morn-l0"1" J dfePrture of Chief ing., tram iot smlthers and other "B'"v,t . interior pomu on business in con-Country to supervise engine Instal- nw.tlon Vlth his timbering lnter-latlon In one ot the company's new Mt-shlps William Ballantyne, formerly secona engineer oi tne steamer M. a. Burbank. CNJL divisional .ci.i.r wm rcium mj icrrace on tomorrow morning's train after, naving spent the past few days here relieving on the city detach- ment during the absence of Con-i stable Sam Service who has been1 south on escort duty and who I will return to the city tomorrow i uiuming arjoara tne prince Rupert from Vancouver. Mayor McMordie enquired at last night's council meeting as to what naa oecome oi a local UnDrove- fered by the Power Corporation of Lecture. "Among the Head Hun- ment bylaw nrovidinz for the Canada irf connection with the ters of the South Sea Islands." ! grading of the lane between fig tkine over of lteht deposits be will be alven by Hie Rev. R. M.;ond and First Avenuna nnd Ri-rih aWtit avdUat all oettve de- 8tevenson MA., PhXl, in the Pres-, and Seventh Streets. City Solicitor posm- be placed In the hand of byterlan Church, Thursday; Octo- E. F. Jones reported that there t'i comoratlon was adooted bv ber 3. at 8:15 cm. (229) had been su:flelnt nmtMt. 'Yf rtv roundl l-t, nicht. The - against the work tn ripf not . u transfer ws orovtried for in the Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald and -aw- A further report on the mat-wtet, wherebv the Power Cor- y. E. Q. Johnsoti. official steno-lter v" be brought in at next TOraHon togk oj-r the local eleo- gopher, left an .this morning's ncU meeting. , trie light rranchlp fafe t0T prince Getirge where the setaton of the Sunreme Court As-; Reports from Fr Chief D H sises will open tomorrow. MrDnna'd eoverin- th months of lurv anl August wre oresnted nt A. St. Claire Brtndle MJ;., who This Pile of Coal is in Albert & McCaff ery s Phone 116 and 117 Yard i iinf iL Prince Rupert Bylaws repealing local Irnfei-fwere "ffnaUy reconsidered and ad-ment construction bylaw 7pdvMii i)tetiat -test night's city council lng for the building of certain ce- meeting. The mutative bylaws ment sidewalks in the downtown stand and steps will be taken at section, tenders on which were in once to resubmit the bylaws on the much excess of Original estimates basis ot amended estimates. You'll like the EasyrRiding Comfort of the Ford Car Ford ear is one of the THE casiestrldlng ears on the road because ot its low centre of gravity. minimum unsprung weight, Houdaillc hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique construction of its transverse springs. Furthermore, you are as comfortable in mind as In body when you drive the Ford car. You have con-' fldcnrc in the performance of the ; car because you know something hi il . !iilr I ' of the quality buiii into it. that has been Remebcr th?sc two points when you select your next car. These are combined to an uncommon degree in the Ford. Come in and drive a Ford ear yourself through thickest traffic, up steepest hills, over rsughost roads. A thirty-minute demonstration will eenvtnes you that there is nothing quite like it anywhere in simplicity ot design, quality, price and performance. 1 S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE