PAGE TWO The Daily News ' PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert , . Daily, News, Limited. Third, Avenue , ,j-( H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Rev. A. W. Robinson returne n Wednesday from Prince Run- rt. Mrs. Robinson and Theodore left l'rlnce Rupert on Tuesca) for Vancouver to consult with specialists regarding Theodore's Injured arm. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKay of Dr. and Mrs. Learoyd of An-yox arrived, from the coast on Thursday to spend a holiday here. , M1m Nadlne Wenerstrom of Anyox is a holiday guest at Hill Farm. Rev. and Mrs. Allen and little son arrived on Thursday from McBride to take over the United Church work here. Miss Durran of Prince Rupert has been a visitor during the! Barnes, Saturday, July G, 1929. NEW CANADIAN NOVEL A great many people heard Robert Watson lecture here last year and they, as well as others, will be interested to know that he has published a new book, "High Hazard," which is just off the press and which certainly' enhances the reputation of the author as a writer of interesting stories. The tale deals with life, in the Arctic following a rather thrilling experience in Vancouver and another at Prince Rupert. The characters are well drawn and are intensely human. They respond to the human emotions of love and hate. In the story the coastal steamer Lady Rathlin goes north from Vancouver on a trading trip with a cargo of sunnlies for the nosts in the north and with several tour ists sitrned on as members of the crew. One of these is a; ,;,rich girl with a lovely voice. The daughter of the captain ,.0f tjie ship also goes along and these girls are the two sides of an intensely interesting love triangle. The ship gets caught in the ice pack and eventually only three people are eft aboard and they are safely cast on an Arctic island, where they live for nearly two years. A few features are introduced which seem very improbable, but which are not beyond the bounds of possibility. The island has an active volcano honeycombed with caverns and a visit to these brings adventures which it would spoil the story to tell. The book is one that the reader wants to finish and it leaves no unpleasant flavor at the close. It is well written and interesting throughout, full of action, and a book not to be overlooked. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE . i Mrs. II. Munger and children returned on Wednesday from Telkwa where they have been visiting friends for the past month. Mrs. Love of Hazelton was a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Swann during the week. Miss Betty Anderson returned on Wednesday after spending a short holiday in Prince George Miss Wllkenson of Victoria who has been visiting at the ..home of her sister, Mr. Pagan, Jeft on Wednesday for Remo U 'VMt hr parentf therein Alra Moore left on Wednesday to spend, the summer vacation in StewarC 6. T. Sundal returned Thurs-day from a short business trip to Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mm. A. Holm wood have morwj from the Sundal Blk to the Davis cottage oi. Latelle Atenue. Joe Cook returned to Nash on Wednesday after spending a short holiday at his home here. Miss Moffatt left on Wednesday to spend a few days in Prince Rupert. week at the home Mrs. H. Swain. of Mr. ano Miss Reid of the high school! staff has as her guests at the I home of Mrs. 'M. A. Greig, her) father, two ltpm sm) .ru wiu spend a holiday here with her and she, then intends returning to Vancouver with them. PRINCE GEORGE Constables Molr and Dickson and Constable Bachelor of Gis- dismissal from the provincial po nce force. A. D. Crulckshank of the Canada Alrajra Ltd. operated an airplane 'here on Dominion Day for people who to make short flights. Ernie Thompson has broken ground for a new building on Third Avenue in which he will Mtablish a tailoring busine. 1 LONDON, July cT II . Payne of Woodford Green cut nearly two minutes-from the world's record for the regular marathon distance of 26 miles 385 yards yesterday, winning the event in the British amateur athletic championship. He covered the distance In 2 hours 30 minutes 57 2-5 seconds, ' A 1 . .. t CARDINALS LOSE TENTH STRAIGHT lo Indians THE DAILY NEWS , Saturday, July 6, 19J9 Thistles Take Second Soccer Trophy of Season by Beating Empress in Gilhuly Cup Final Thistles, who captured the Dominion Day cup on Monday, picked off their second football trophy of the season at the Acropolis Hill grounds last evening by beating the Empress Social Club 3 to 2 in the playdff for the Gilhuly Cup, the standing for which was tied on conclusion of the recent fixture list. It was an even game - all the way through and proved a thrilling match for quite a crowd of fans which was in attendance despite rather threatening weather conditions. Playing down grade, the Empress Club was first to dore with a field goal by George Howe. About ten minutes before CIMAIC IMf M D the close of the first half, Bap-tie equalized and the teams cros-j sed over one all. Thistles did not pile up an even higher count, Baptie being dangerous at all times. William Barton was referee and James Andrews and William Murray were linesmen. The teams were as follows: Thistle.wR. Woods; S. Erskine i n in ui j. n. it. TOURNEY COMING About half way through the Tenng Compeimm Expected Sport Chat The further the 1929 to second nail, a penauy was ar- j,e Kinlshw, ThIs Week-End; led against the Empress Club Seml-FinaU in Men's and Baptie put the Thistles one. Doubles up. A few minutes later, Harrison wnt in the third for the Scots and vhying carl this mornlllK( j. it looked like had the they game ort()n d j Mcphera0n on ice. A penalty against Dave defeated W. H. Tobey and W. It. Jack; few minutes before the a Tob M Jn fl semi.finaI of close, was successfully converted the Canadian National Tennix by Brick Skinner and that cvs.;c,uh.8 tournament. ed the scoring. : If weather is auitable the finals ?mmy , "pta,n n,d may be run off over the comlnr centre half for the Empress Club, week.end Jn the c.N.R. tourna was the outstanding player on the ment. Unfavorable condiUons of field and it was largely because ,ate have cauged the competitioi) of his efforts, with able assis j0 draj?t lance from the backs, that the ' Big and D. Jack; A. Macdonald. T. fa,fUe Dasetaii season goe Hadden and Alex Haig; II. Har- aJonK he more " ,ook8 ,ike a rison. J .Campbell, C. Baptie, W.?,nch for the Philadelphia Ath-Mltchell and J. Fnrquhar. to cop the American League .. Empress S. Parker: It. B.lflaK and for Cornelius McGilli-Skinneriana H. Pick; G. Hill, S. cudy after these Currie and II Erskine; J. McKay, waiting, to build an almost per- V. Hillstoir. A. Carlson, G. Howe Ie" macmne oul 01 n,s Duncn and RAVt Dickens. wreckage. It is a peculiar thing The next football competition that, one h,ears ,l"le of any of the season will be for the 8inK'e Athletic star which goes Stuart Shield, play in which will .to 8nw that It is the whole ma-commence next Monday. j chine and not any particular I part that is responsible for the great swathe the Mackmen are cutting this year. The New York Yankees whose brilliance has been the feature of things up to 1929, look due to stay in second place this year with the prospect of doing worse than that rather Lilian Coade of Vancouver. They Phillies Take National Champions than better, depending on how Into Camp; White Sox Lose , mo oi, L.UU1B urowns ana, possibly, the Detroit Tigers will work I between now and the end of Sep- NEW YORK, July 6. -Chuck .lcmDer- Klein's twentieth homer, with " none out and none on in the ninth,'. The bl c ' the National enabled Philadelphia to defeat the the Pittsburgh comp come bnvp nae hen been nAifio.i notified of t 4i.-f. -Bl- u18 uarainais yesteraay. ' it run their, ... . . .i . . Jneckand neck for flrf v. b! me itriini siraigui loss ior. the National League ch -mpions. aje the New York , Giants yet out In the American League. Cleve- ?f the Picture although they have Joe Floli.r wail . f iiana lmnans aeieaiea unicago , v,v -'.' maier- nee? hi IJZ'n t" Wh,te ln h,tt,n c0- ""'.u" the l"? paCe ette" dur- of th di,t !H joined T circus in it liJ? te8t-th,a beln the only other ma- " he theT past few weeks. Unless Z .lU Kme scheduled for ?l-,Lou'8 Cardinals can shake New Zealand before long. Score were as follows National league St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 10 American League Chicago 10, Cleveland 11. ... rntsburgh .........44 Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Littler have Chicago 42 arrived here from Port Albernl. s. lj0ul i& Mr. Littler is the new accountant New York 4ft mthe locl branch of th Rnvnl Philadelphia 31 Bank of Canada. Boston 29 Cincinnati 25 The local Rebekah Lodge had Brooklyn 32 a meeting last Thursday night in the Oddfellows' Hall. BROKE RECORD FOR MARATHON NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. 25 24 35 32 39 44 43 37 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. Philadelphia 53 New York 43 St. Louis 42 Detroit 39 Cleveland 34 Payne of Woodford Green. Eng. chIc ' o g land, Vn Amateur Athletic .gStolT. ! "r . I 17 2G 27 36 35 42 49 53 TO BE DEPORTED Tct. .609 .520 .493 .382 .347 .291 A board of enquiry was held this morning by Immigration Officer Frank Fitch In the matter of K. B. Canary, who was taken off the steamer Prince Cconre the losing streak which has been! .dogging them the past week or! iiiajr BUVII VO UCJIUSHCU in; the second division. Wilbert Rob-' inson's Booklyn Dodgers have1 jumped from the cellar to the j leadership of the second division! in a short while and there are I some observers who fancy seeing! the Robins In the pennant running yet. The way things havei been going In the senior loop. I iftmot anything would, not be sur- gog "" even ii me iiqsion Krt7 Braves should climb to the top again, though that is considered! 44ilone ' ne remotest possibilities. .397 .3G8 ,4G4 TENNIS FINALS TODAY Finals in the men's singles and doubles of the city tenia cham pionships tournament are being pJP'ayed at the Prince Rupert Ten-.707 n'" Club's courts this afternoon, G23 1 navinjr ueen postponed from last night when weather was LAUNCH REPORTED AFTER PLANS MADE FOR AIRPANE SEARCH VANCOUVER, July 5. -Just as the police were about to nd out an airplane and motorboat to search for her, the 38-foot power boat Dorothy which left Ouallcum .ninnil.i . .1........... 1 1 L TllMiUir luna h.imaU.J lH 1..... 1...- 'vvcuuj an n muwHwuy, and 111 HWH1UJ itbo rciuiKu iu imvv uern was rwno decided to deport the man,'1 Powell River .Wednesday eve- IrdZTiViZ Z therec-bvho 8 nlngnd Pender Harbor nn American, to Ketchl- 5S.Hi5 .tS!1 . "s!kan- "III be sent north on the ( Great' anxiety had ji,uiiiciiiaiiitrii. in inn aii vvn ma i ii ... iast been - "i-v rnncess A ce on Mnnrfnv In ieu dv inenda of thoac on J charge of ship's officers. board. SCHEDULE FOR STEWART SHIELD Play Begins .Monday,. When Empress Will Meet Regiment The schedule for the Stewart shield trophy which is beiiJg competed for by local football teams has. been drawn up and the first game will take place Monday. The Regiment in its contest with the New Empress will field the following players: Brand, . Stiles, Murray, Bdgecumbe, Hadden, Strachan, Kelsey, Russell, Wilson, Bitrdett and Norrington. Spare, Underwood. Following is the schedule of game : July 8 Empt eAS vs. Regiment July 11 Thistles vs. Empress. July 10 Regiment vs. Thistles. July 19 Regiment vs. Empress. July 22 Empress vs. Thistles. July 25 Thistles vs. Regiment. OUTBOARD SPEED RACE SEAATLE, July 6: One of the big attractions in Seattle tomorrow will be the outboard speedboat race over 100 mile course on Iake Washington. STFWART PI ANF 'DR-JACK NADEN- . . ..n . ! UH HERE AS BOY, IS HERE TODAY' paying brief visit - rr , 11k. JmU (Nudao,, vm h,. , Western .Canada IrwayHiJ;ly(niffir Hie lit 8fjf utfH liny, :iivj; Boat Made Brief Call This Ifljljlfljwfth ffi-l..)..! I,,,; ,-uorning ior ruvt us back .in' uiw uctv-lip-.-ti n i,i 'for a brief visit in the c.iur ,. ,,( I Bound for Stewart, where it n(8 honeymoon trip. Auom, iwljl spend the next few weeks ,ed by his bride, Dr. Nad- n sr. transporting supplies into the ,jved on this afternoun BowsiJ.' Lake area for the North- f,.om the oast and will s;,,ii tlw ,crn Prospector Syndicate, a West- evening on the Prince Ca,. i r em Canada Airways biplane f ly- J Victoria to visit with his i:ir jlng boat called here from 10:23 eo'Q., Jfadefliepiitv-m n,.,. a.m. to 11:10 a.m. today to take f arMig. ',on fuel at the Imperial Oil Co.'s jut.k Nnden left her., ahoti' i' .station. Pilot G. E. Gilbert was yean, ai,n with his parent- ,, r." Hn rVinro-r" nf t)i nlane and had a in M.nrln f ,.ui , - - - a - i. i i ' ) . v ,ii i (nt.'i ii, mechanic with him. g.'adiiulcd In miMiiciuc .,-, ine macnine leu Vancouver on K,nif.H ( 0etfCi xoronto, ,,,-r! r. Thursday morning and made ft centy he has been nr.-,;. stop at Swanson Bay, whence it ntPrno work in a Inrgr i, came on here today. It was ex- pectenl to reach Stewart within a f ipT VIMf CCADn CMITU couple of hours of leaving here. tAr 1. MllUOrUKU OftlllH j REACHES PERSIA IN THE PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 6: The price of wheat here today was quoted at $1.39' spot cash for Number 1 Northern. Try a Pally News want-no' It will bring results. 1 PLANE SOUTHERN CROSS BUNDER ABBAS. TYr-i 0. Captain ('har'is Ki Smith and three rompr rived here today 0 ni fc British India, in Dm S Cross . nt lMttsbugh, ta. THE ACME IMPORTERS Backward Season Sale One of the most successful sales ever put on by The Acme Importers, our Hack-ward Season Sale is now fast coming to a close, having accomplished its purpose in reducing our stock to something like where it should be. During these last few days of our sale, you will still have an opportunity of securing bargains which will not be obtainable later. Sec these priccs-and save real money now ! MEN'S CAPS WOLF, BRILL AND C. & G. MAKE Regular values to $3.G0. Rack-ward Season Sale Price . . . 95 MEN'S PANTS Men's Pants in Rlue Serge and Pin Stripos. Assorted patterns. Regular values in this lot run to $7.50. Backward Season Sale Price $3,85 BOYS' SWEATERS Shirt Waists and Sweaters for boys. This is real value. Backward Season Sale Price . 95c Special Values IN MEN'S SUITS Here is one lot in Tweeds and Serges fine materials and well finished. ,815.95 THIS CAN'T BE BEAT Our famous Blue Serge, Veal indigo dye, and guaranteed fadeless, otherwise you get a new suit free. $28.85 MEN'S SOCKS MEN'S SOCKS in silk, silk lisle and pure wool cashmoro. in all the fancy patterns and shades. Backward Season Sale Price, 2 pairs for 90q BOYS' TENNIS SHOES Tennis Shoes for BoysSizes 11 to 13 and 1 to 5. The thing for summer wear. Backward Season Sale Price . 95( BOYS' UNDERWEAli', St. Margaret's Underwear for Boys-Short sleeves and knee length. Backward Season Sale Price $ 95 The Acme Importers NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO C. O. D. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Sale Prices. I 1