PAGE POUH THE DAILY NEW3 Saturday, July . WORLD RECORD ffirm FOR ENDURANCE ISCBAMPION rianc City of Cleveland Was in Won "In " Singles From Rarutra; Air. ' ' Pver 174 Hours Lanffc imm . ...Britain $ftuySMrti in'g at Midnight Doublea laU.f j ix WORLD'S BEST TENNIS PLAYERS COMPETE IN ALL-ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS The All-England Tennis r-h-imnionships. the re'-oitnized championships of the world, at Wimbledon, England. Above are seven of the leading lady stars of the world. Ton. left to right: SenoriH d'Alvnrez, champion of Spain; K. Bouan, champion of Holland; Betty Xuthall. Britain's second ranking star, and Fr. Ausaem, youtl ful champion, who hails from Germany. Bottom, left to right: Helen Wills, champion of the United states nd Finl" champion of the world; Eileen Bennett, Britain's best, and Miss Tapscott, one of the le .ding lady ;lyers of South Africa. r. .j Mr ., . te ! ;. !.X Till; THE THRILL AM) SPICE OF YACHT RACING IS DEMONSTRATED HERE Splendid shot of Mirage ;tt . ii.;ngeious angle us she crossed the finish line at the American Club. regatta at Rye, N Y. r iTjCT ; .... : ' ' iiHMUIiHV ' 1 ' ls f 7 1 CONEY ISLAND "MINING- Washing sand from the beach. The "pay yield" is in coin, trinkets and otjter valuable!. Never since the inceptio i of the All-England Lawn Tennis championships at Wimbledon, England, has there been such n fine gathering of 8tar ten ii champions from all nations. A Hove are six of 1h prlneiplp malr stars, some of whom have gone down to defeat. Tp, le't tn rlglrt: Henr! rochet, Franc-'s leading player; W. H. "Bunny" Austin, Britain's yougnest star, who ie tut; jmnsKtion of the y4e4fiL William Iilden. veteran yhamKiaa LUtij-Vp'ted Htates. Jiottom, left to rlgh Wilbur Com, I'-of.,neJ(ean Dilra (dm 0Wf' 0.rJrf of ,ltaly CLEVELAND, July 6: A new world' record for refueled airplane flights was attained soon after midnight hy pilots Boy JVlit-clicll und hyiun Newcomb who took off in the monoplane City of Cleveland a week afro Friday night and had becu in the air ( since. When the plane descended Wis morning the official timing save thorn the record of 174 hours and 59 seconds. The former endurance record was established at Fort Worth, Texas, bv J'iiot S. Kobbina and ' Kelley who remained aloft 172 hours 32 minutes 1 second. ATCHERLEY WON !l KING'S CUP FOR AIRPLANERACE LONDON, July 6. Flight Lieutenant Atcherley, a member of tho British Schneider cup team, today won the King's cup air race In a 1169-mile f.ight around the British Isles. WIMDLKDON, July G. Henri! Coihet of France won the raen'n singles ' l'ina) by defeating his countryman, Jean,, Boptra, C-4. 15-3, 0-4. - . ! J . Watson and Mrs. Mitchell of Great Britain won the women's dpnbj.. AetMDf Mrs. Covell rid 1 3n- ShiprAinl Barrori of GTeat Britain, G-4, 8-C. Misa Helen Wells and Frank Hunter of the United States won the. mixed doubles, defeating C. ! Collins and Miss Joan Frye of England, 6-1. G-4. , UNITED STATES WON AT TENNIS Double Championship Go1 to Van Ryan and Allison at . Wlmlikdon Today WIBIBLEDON, July 6 The UniU'd States team. Van Ryan nd Allison, won the British doiiblesjV tennis championship today, defeat-' ing Gregory and Collin of Great Britain in the finals. G-4. 5-7, G-3 10-12, 6-4. SOFTBALL POSTPONED I PROOF OF THE PUDDING Owing to jinsuitrblr wither, the C.N.R. Softball Le::jMie game between Round Hon.. ..m .-u,,. erintendent's Ofiii, ,,st. poned until next w, . Fond Mother What'a the my precious? Precious- I don't like my cake. "1 b n don't cat it." 1 hv.c ..,! n :t."- Tit Bits WINS FIRST ROUND Willard Crocker, se-ci; i ng tennis player in the l on. who has been playing umlx i of tournaments r ope, was. su i-osful in h-ough the first round i v MEnglar.d champion shi; -i'.''i,don. He defeated 1 '"a"! iwmi in a hard h FAMOUS SUCUEIt TEAM ARRIVES ON S.S. OLYMPIC FO.fc AMERICAN Prt'.t, ,!h English s..,,Vr teum of Lancashire. England, recently arrived in New Y to play a se- M i of maUhes in United States and Canada. Joe Wright who was beaten today by L. Gunther of Holland in the diamond sculfs finals a tswiit " HenIev' at V1",1'' t,,p Bnd Ja,k ,u,st with h'F B'ow H the Argonaut Senior Eight, Canada ! figg ciyfv fjj'g"d Cballfnge Cup which iiispLeandera won. tod .y.