INTOXICATED WHEN FLYING New York Authorities Raiding Speakeasies in Neighborhood KooHcvclt Field AT TUB- INQUEST In utoonitiLf down to nick un a Prime Rupert has a ner own ex- NF.w vnntf ,v r. Thn ii-'rutnn (iuveloucd her own city roa thorities are making a cleanup of system ; tot P Jnct, Jtunerw all snoakensiM in the nelifhl6r-1 spends a g;nr dent of money in hood ooo 01 of Roosevelt uoosevelt field,' Held, following loiiowing Vancouver Vancouver and nun would spend moro rnd I'oad wn inMv an inquiry which made it clear if connected ,ljy. hs Wilmer Stults. Amelia "Bar-1 eenirc 5 that thousand hart's transatlantic flyer, who lost come to Ilrtlnh rlur when his plane crashed. s of tourists nibia each hi life on Tuesday, was inlo'xi- year, and if the SKeena highway Cfttcd at Ibn tlmn nf tlin nfxfilont. wen. . olIMtlUctecl it Wlllll he tho flneat tourist drive In the prov ince. Finally. Vancouver Board of Trade will he reminded thnt thev threepenny liU tn It Rt piinit nn have often nrofeased friendship Prince Ituiwrt and giv hi v Aherdonlan was killed by n pas- for ing motor. Verdict! "Death port to their highway would prow from nnturnl causes." i't sincerity. Empire's Thanksgiving Day Tomorrow The people of tanuCa will oH: with the Motherland an I all o.irt 11 F.r i ire ;n a scni's r!' than j'iv mg t..r the i.t-v ry of Mis Mjijoiy t In-Sfatesty will go tv Wentmtn t t" tern it; 'he great e v i . U:- i fi'turc of the King and a virw of the choir of Wetntiitsui Abbiy, win rt giving service will be held. Aid of Vancouver Requested by Board of Trade in Securing the Building of Provincial Highway On motion of C. H. Orme, seconded by Joe Scott, a resolution was passed by the Board of Trade at its meeting last night which read as follows: "Whereas the progress of northern and central British Columbia is being greatly retarded through lack of a highway connecting it with the big business centres of the province, and, "Whereas, Vancouver is already benefiting very materially by the deve'opmcnt of the north and would belief it much more it the north were 1 " more prosperous and connected nectinff Prince Rupe.t and other with it by a highway, ami, cltied and towns with the citfes "Whereas, Prince Rupert's de-! and towns of southern British Co-velopmcnt and the dcvcloment of lumbla by way of Prince George." the other towns and villages In the mirth is lMng sadly retarded Oirnugh lack of highway connection with the rest of the continent, therefore "lie it resolved that the Vancouver Hoard of Trade be urgently requested to use its IsJIuence to bring about the immediate completion of the trunk highway con- It wa also decided, on recommendation of the committee from which the original resolution emanated, that a letter should accompany the resolution uslcing for prompt and energetic action the: eon and stating that although the city had been founded over 20 years the total amount of road I'orwtruction by the provincial governments concerned amounted to five and one-half miter, which worked out at about '184 yards per annum for the whole period. Dir-ing that same period Idle Wad system in the south had been extended until today It wa a splendid highway system of which the southern part of the province wart proud. The letter wW pojnt out that tin- Briti.-di K ! up. Hid mi excellent the thanks- Trrftn I HEAI!zMcASE American Fishing Boats Will He Heard at Vancouver Tuesday Hv Mr. Justice Martin VICTORIA, July 6: The hearing against seven American fishing craft alleged to have violated tho treaty regulations between Canada and United States will be held here Tuesday before Mr. Justice Martin sitting in the admiralty court. The bouts are the Tacnme. Jeanettc, We, may, Mary IC. Fiather, Catherine H and 557- GA. Twt of the boats are charged with illegally fisng in B.C. waters and tfcc other five ore charged with Illegally entering Canadian porta for purposes other than for securing shelter. The M7-GA wns nicxed May 18 off Pachena Point and the others were snUod in northern waters .nd taken t- Princ? Kupert. RADIO BROADCAST AS MEANS OF PUBLICITY MerrhHnts committee. DIVIDEND FOR THE HOME OIL SMITHERSMAN IS REMANDED ; Trial of I). L. Jones on Manslaughter Case in Connection With Auto Fatality Adjourned j David Lewis Jones, charged with manslaughter in connection with the death off Isaac Carlson and Uno Ferner, who were killed last Saturday night when an automobile went over a bank on the Duthie mine road near Smithers, has been remanded at his pre-j liminary trial befoe Stipendiary! Magistrate S. II. Hopkins at Smithers. Meantime, burial haij been made at Smithers of the! bodies of the two victims. Jones is a well known young man of Smithers, where he has, been in the empldyiof the Cana-1 dfan National ' Railways. Hi father is undertaker at the interior town. PREPARATIONS FOR CONVENTION Plans Iking Laid For Entertain-ment of Visitors to Fisheries Association Meeting At the Board of Trade metfng In the city council chamber last night Milton Gonzales presiding, it was decided lb cooperate with the local branch of the Canadian Fisheries Association In properly entertaining the rnembers of the convention here the first three days in August. T. II. Johnson, ''vice-president of the-assocltlonr;reiorted'h"v.-ing attended an executive- meeting in Montreal when passing! through and he said the members hiiii in mihliritv for the citv TO"W C . ... . , ., . . ..." 1 The west has contributed won- &SS " " ?mm K.ihT ;"'""' W-f - - , " y f ,. , . . continue to contribute to. a still It- iEtKter degree to the development Trade T at its meeting m n last night , ,. ... ' ,. nd was referred to the Retail ."Blr.rll.y-J?'..t.h', -'i" AKricuiiuriii, iiiuu.-iniai ituu iirui- eral wealth, and thus assure the Dominion n still greater position in the world, he said. DYNAMITE BOMB ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY Twenty Per Cent For IVixt Two OLYMPIA, July C. - A dyna-Montbs to Be Paid Dir- Imlte bomb containing ten sticks eciorn Decide of dynamite was found beneath a The Wise.Man, Boston Grill The wise reads cla' man the LA ROE CABARET gified advertisements arid y ... Rpeclsl Dinner Thundajrs uid Saturday! them whenever he needs to ' UanrJnc Etrry Saturday Night, 9 to 12 or buy, or rent, to find lo. ', ' Dance Hall lor Mrs goods or to get a job. Accommodation for Private Partte PHONE 437 - NORTIIFJRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XX. No. 155. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1929. First Lord of Admiralty Will Keep Navy Efficient Under Labor He Declares in Sheffield Speech JOE WRIGHT WAS BEATEN BY A YARD Dutchman Wins Diamond Sculls at Henley Today From Toronto Man I LEANDER CUP WINNERS Canadian Made Great Spurt at End and .lust Failed to Make Win HRNI.TJY. England. July C. I.. Cunther of Holland tojay defeated Joe Wright of Toronto in the final diamond sculls by only one ynrd. Ills tirrc was 8 minutes 42 tcnd. Thn Icander Club won the fin ' '"hallee cup. defeat-Inr the Thomas Rowing Club lv two lengths in seven mln-utev Gunther'n time was eighteen scrnnd slower than threc orl held by F. S. Kcllcy of Lcndnn. Gunther 'Towed a be tit if ul race, but rapidly tired near the finish when Wright wax makinc a tremcn- Jii?r !JbvJLGuntbermapAMli; aged to keep the nose of his shell a yard in front. were enthusiastic over the visit fiAMpIf I ATIAM lo Prince Rupert He expected LUNULIAI WIN . . . IU.m r-. 1.1 nllan. I r uivic nuuiu uc a laiKC ouch- I - tlnce. R As the visit of Hon. Herbert IMarler is to be at the time of the convention, it was decided to instruct the entertainment committee to try to arrange for a joint banquet or luncheon which would be addressed by the new Csnadian minister to Japan. The Women's Canadian Club is also collaborating with the Board of Trade In this event. A meeting of the Fisheries Association with delegates from the Board of Trade and City Council will be held Monday evening when a program of entertainment for ths visitors will be arranged. The Board of Trade appointed S. E. Parker, chairman of the fisheries committee to represent them at the meeting. HON JLA. ROBB IS OPTIMISTIC WINNIPEG, July 6. "Canadian prosperity is evident and within the years to come the Dominion as a whole will assume a still greater position in the world," stated Hon. J. A. Robb. minister of finance, in an inter- BOARD JIAMED Jtallwav Employees to Arbitrate Proposed Increase of Pay in West OTTAWA, July 6: Hon. Teter Henna n vesterday established a board of conciliation and invest! gation into the dispute between the Canadian National and Can dian Pacific Railways and the conductors, trainmen and yard service men, members of the order of railway conductors and of the brotherhood of railroad trainmen on western lines, over a request for Increases in pay. Some six thousand men are affected directly and ten thousand indirectly. Isaac PHblado K.C. will represent the employers and David Campbell K.C.. the employees, both or Winnipeg. They will name a chairman. GOOD TROLLING DUNDAS ISLAND High Boat Was 195 Cohow and Avcrsge Being Made of About 75 Per Boat PRICES ARE HIGH Trolling has been giving good returns to the fishermen at Dun-das Island for the past two weeks, according to word received from there. The high boat Thursday was 195 cohoes and the average for the fleet was about 76 per boat. As these are now being sold at 45 cents each, it is plain to see that SHEFFIELD, July 6. Rt. Hon. A. V. Alexander, first lord of the admiralty, alluding in a speech last night to the naval disarmament discussion between Great Bri-ain and United States, said the people need have no fear '-hat the Labor Government wou d sacrifice security in Ihcir haste for disarmament. He affirmed that the Labor administration would work with might and main for stabilization of naval armaments at a given point and then eduction which would give Britain security without the present drain upon her economic resources. Whatever armaments the admiralty might require in future must be efficient, Mr. Alexander declared. He said he was sure the government would improve the standards and not lower them. DAILY MAIL WILL START NEXT WEEK The new baggage car mail service between here and Ed- monton, which has teen granted by the federal postal department following long agitation for a daily mall service on tho railway, will j STOCK QUOTATIONS B. C, Silver. 1.05, Nil. Bayview, 3. Big Missouri, 1.50, 1.52. Cork Province, lift, 13. Cotton Belt, 47, 50. Duthie Mines, 52, 5G. George Copper, 10.25, 10.35. Georgia River. 33. 34. Golconda, 1.08. 1.09. Grandview, 44, 44ft. Inter. Coal & Coke, 37. 38. Kootenay Florence, 14V4, 15. Kootenay King, 33ft, 33ft. Mohawk, 3, 4. Morton Woolscy, 4ft, 5. Marmot River Gold, 4, 4ft. Marmot Metals, 2, Nil. National Silver. 13, 14. Noble Five, GO, 60ft. Pend Oreille, 5.G5, 5.75. Premier. 1.G0, 1.G5. Porter Idaho. 52, 55. Reeves Maedonald, 1.75, 1.78. Rufua Argenta, 27ft, 29. Ruth Hope. 38, 11. Silver Crest, 5ft. 6. Silverado, Nil, 75. Silversmith, 10, 15. Topley Richfield. 2H 30. 'loric Mines, 98, 1.00. Wellington. 9, 10. Whitewater, 85. 87. Woodbine, 5, 5V. Bluebird. 10. 11. Oils Cnlmont, 4.18, 4.20. Dalhousie, 4.35, 4.38. Devenish. 48, 50. Home, 2-1.10, 2U0. M:yland, 4J0O, 4.05. Hargal, 1.4G, 1.47. Freehold. 1.22, 1.23. Dallas, 2.05, 2.10. Mercury. 1.13. 1.15. Sherritt Gordon, 7.95, 8.00. AWFUL FAMINE CHINA TODAY BOSTON, July 6:- Appalling hrldiro nvir hen. on th Pacific . blddinir airainst each ether for the board. Several cases of cannlbal- VANCOUVKR, July G: At a highway, but ft was so placed as eohoos with the result that the, Urn have been authenticated, tho meeting of the directors of Home not likely to do any damage If It prices have Jumped from 30c to report stated. 'Ml yesterday it wsh decided to went off. The fuse wns partlyi45c. The cannery at Humpback, A few miles west of Tientsin t,v a twenty per cent dividend submerged in water and It had Bay, north of Porchcr Island, was, the famine is so groat that par-to' shareholders of record as of the appearance of having been .getting most of the fish for a cnts are afraid to permit children lulv v 27 1 The Tlie dividend ilivinenil will will lie lie for inrinrown thrown there mere to vu B--t get rin rm ui 01 it it. time, nine, tui um yesicroay mwi; Inve rness wns on n me mc su-ceis r..vo .v icarinn n me ...v, wi GOVERNMENT TO AID OWEN LAKE Timmins to Undertake Important Operations on Property Recently Purchased VICTORIA. July G. In view of 1 11 1 41.- A 1 go into effect on July 10. it n" tVv" i. l..rroH Mall frnm Rrfmnn- !!"' ' .""., ton to Prince Rupert and to ; 'outh of Houston, under the new and from the more Important ..j. nnlnU alonir the line w " - be handled. . . t a 4. 4 construction 01 a rouu vu cuuireiv 4 jnp with the rnajn highway through 1 the Bulkley Valley. The govern-!ment ha agreed to o-operate to j tho fullest possible extent with (the company in aiding road work. NORTHERN B.C. MEDICAL ASSN. Dr. LeVroyd of Anyox President; Post-Gradualc Lectures at Meeting Last Night The annual meeting of the Nor thern B. C Medical Association took place last evening In connection with a dinner which was given, in the Prince Rupert Hotel by local doctors, for visiting physicians and aurgeona from the erist and south as well as from the district. The association elected Dr. D. K. Iearoyd of Anyox as president for the year and Dr. J. W. Lang, also of Anox. secretary. After the dinner pott-graduate lectures were given on medical subjects by Dr. Norman B. Gwyn of Toronto, Dr. II. E. Rldewood of Victoria and Dr. D. K. II. Cleveland of Vancouver. Dr. J. P Cade, retiring president of the district medical association, oc cupied the chair Further lectures will be given tonight in the Frince Rupert General Hospital. PRESENTATION TO GEO. RORIE At the Rotary luncheon Thursday at which Lieutenant-Governor Bruce was present, George Rorie, the retiring president, was made the recipient of a valuable silver elgavette cm1? as a recognition of ithe valuable work he had done for ho club in issuing weakly The presentation was made by thn men are makinir fnlrly good conditions caused by famine In .George Bryant, the new president. money. ! fivo districts of China are repor-1 and Mr. Rorie replied briefly. Canneries seem o hnve been ted to the American Missions thanking tpo members. Scottish Humor A FAVORITE HYMN IN ABERDEEN ;. , i.l of M..v and June as of rather than for the purpose of dc the highest bidder and a load was be stolen or sold or actually eat- ,,,. hatevnr Lord, w , lend j , Ui ,, thee ... 30. .in istrovlng the bridge. taken there. !en. k Repaid a thousandfold sllflll be. .Juiiu I' D