I PAGE SIX Good-bye, Flies and Mosquitoes! Unlets you're a Flic user, you ha no Idea how (00a you can rlJ your home of every fly and moiqulto. Flit lllll quicker, and ll eailer to use, In the handy Flit iprayer, Spray Into cracks and crannlet to kill roaches, bed bugi, ant. Flit vapor does not italn. Try the quicker Flit method today! FLIT Copyright 103V Bunco Int. "The yellow can wtth the black band" BOX CUTTINGS Per Load DELIVERED HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED saUlncs From l'rliue ltupeit tor VANCOt'VKK, VICJOC1A. Saansdn IU1. llutrdalc. Alrrt May. etc lur liny, 3:31) p.m. I or VANI'Ol) VKK. VICTORIA. Ituttdalr. Alert Bay. etc.. Friday midnight fur AMCC A KM. AN VOX, STl.WAKT. Naas Itlvrr, l'urt Slmpbou, bun. day. 8:00 p.m. lor POUT HIMPSON AND WALES ISLAND. TnursOay. p.m. ltj Znd Avenue K. M. SMITH Agent Print f Kupert. H.C. I t rough tlrkets told to Victoria and brattle .and baggage tlieckrd thruugh tn rirtliiatlou. (cakadiak VACiric B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAIMMIS lltO.M PKIM K III Pt.it T To Krtrhlkan, VT angrll, Juneau and Skajwaj June 28, July 1, 8, 8, J. IS. 19, 22, 26, 29. To Vancouver, Ylvtorla and Seattle June 28. July 3, 6, 10. 13, 1J, 20, zl. 21. 31. PHINCFSS MAQII.NNA Ocean rails, etc, Vancouver and Victoria erery Friday 10 p.m. Agents tor all Steamship Lines 3rd Ate.. Prince Kupert, H.C IT. t: UKUIAKII, UOEIUL AOLXT 31 rhon fhone Canadian National cyht Largefl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Nillln from riUNCE UTPF.KT for VANrOI VF.K. VITTOIMA. ITTl.K. and Intermediate points, Monday. Thursdays, 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 p.m. lor AXVOX and STEWART, Mondays, 8 p.m.; Fridays, i p.m. For M.tSNKTT INLF.T rUKTH, Mondays, 8 p.m. lor MHTII qt'lXN ( II VKLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. Tor SKAGWAY, Wednesdays, 4 p.m. IWHhfcMitK 1 II A l.N .H LEAVE ritlM'L nl TI.ItT DAILY r..tt:iT SUNDAY at 11:30 a m for riUXO: (IKOItdP., r.li.UON-10N, Vl.MPi:o, all olnts r.atern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP MNrS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave. Prince Kupert Phone 2C0 , "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN 'LETTER, IIKTTFI? QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for IJ. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. Branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson Try a Daily News Want Ad. Joins Biological Station Ronald Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allen and loeal high school student, has been taken on the staff of the Prince Rup-ert Fisheries Experimental Sta- THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Jul 6, 1925 Waterfront Whiffs Yacht Club Regatta Ttoniorrovv; Dorothy on Walrus Hunt; Halibut Arrivals Providing the weather man decides to be a little more agreeable than he has been of late, the fifth annual regatta tomorrow of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club should again be an outstanding event on the local water front. An interesting program of events has been arrang- . . . V .1 .1 1 un t l eu unu auiue genuruus prizes are .ueing onereu to maKe the competition worth while, so many owners are planning en having their craft participate in the events. Alex Macdonald, who has supervised , most of the regattas of the past in capable manner, is again chairman of this year's event with other officials as - 1 - follows: Official time-keeper, C.ition for thn .,mmor mnnl),. " G. Minns; judge and starter, ; i8boratory boy. George Bushby; competing boats. Dr. J. P. Oade; chairman of Georg(. 8mltn wharfinger of course, R. E Benson; entertain- the Government Wharf, was con-ment and publicity, Alex McRae. fned to h( home fop or The event will be as follows: 11 a.m. Open handicap gae-boat race, six miles. 1 p.m. Club cruiser handicap race, three miles. so toward the end of this week with light illness. John Barth, until recently skipper of tUe halibut boat Em. hlm Wlfih Uaa now liA 4 1. a 2 p.m.-Open boat handicap ;. " . . . ....... iu i "eai vossi oi Vancouver isiaeil win uiiin. ..l, ..nl . l. ! t , 3 p.m.-LadieV singles rowing p" 1- 1",w,aua l"r Ul Packing Co., has signed race. 3:15 p.m. Men's singles rowing rue. 3:30 p.m. Spied boat handicap race, six miles. 4:0 p.m. Outboard motor handicap '.'ace, three miles. on the Margaret I with Cart. George rrltz. After having spent ten days in port undergoing .mid-season cleaning and painting up, the . " llenrickann. loft m n fnr iUt. Tso 8pot" on Thureday after- p.m.-Tug of war. all classes of boa'ts. ' ... , , , Mil Nlckerson having left at T1 cold storage scow which was . . n. . recked some time airo in Hecate An(t.u . i t,: , StraitR and Infpr npmilrcd frnm,o.ii i ... . ninornia, tieorge wieKerson Is the underwriters .L the Nisten t. by now 8penJlnr much of hi8 t(n)9 racKing vo. oi Vancouver auer at th, F K IIunt U(, h, haifini Knnn MAAAmllilnnAH I ik i r ..... ,. ,. w.(rhantllery emporium supervising 'ocal dry dock is still tied un at ti, i.t , , - , ... I vrauu.H ui uuBinesa mere anu u.e u0cN ire, wnere sne is oeing entertaining- and advising the Qperaiea oji;ue,r new owners, ine i customers. operauoni now is somewnai in me nature of: an fixneriment. which, if proving successful, may be continued. C. Chalberg of Vancouver i In charge . Dorothy After Walrus A new Gardner compressor plant has just been installed for the diesel engine on Capt Dan Larsen's new halibut boat The UarU will. Bound for the Siberian Arctic to 1 nw.rc Tirvanf PKoiu n0t.nrt . r- ' waaaaiv 1QIOilW search, f or .species of giant walrus, land party of boys on board, re- .no oij?.,naijQutscnooner Lioromy, tamed Wednesday afternoon af- Cnnt: Oln Ilvntlim until rMantltr tr anAnillmr 1 under charter to the Internation-1 successful angling expedition to al Fisheries Commission, cleared' Lake Khtada. The ' party found recently from Seattle to Nome, the fUhing just as good as ever where she will pick up scientists at this popular resort. irom uie field .Museum oi Na tural History. The expedition hopes to return at the end'of the summer with specimens suitable for mounting in a new natural life exhibit planned by the Field Museum. The usual midseason lightness of halibut landings was felt at Prince Tupert durlrtg the past week when only 475,800 pounds was brought in; this bein? made Another angling party which met with fait success was that which, went over the holiday week-end to Baker Inlet In Granville Channel with Capt. Alfred Swanson on the Myfanwy. Other members of the party w$re Don Crerar and A. Ivanson. Joe Baker Going Strong The Joe Baker, Capt. Clarence .S?rnrnd" JmerHc"n Campbell, bid. fair to figure fLh fish and 236,500 pound. Cana-1 anion the nfgh ocal habut dian. In regard to the 1 ghtness boat8 nf thc j029 season if things of American landings, it is heard that some of the United States - boats have been going to Seattle because of low prices at Prince Rupert the week previous. Des;, te the recent paucity of fish at Prince Rupert, the landings fo;- the year to date totalling Rl.791,450 pounds are still well ahead of last year's 13,138.-100 pounds at a similar date. Canadian landing, total 3.051.-350 pounds as against 3,931.000 Dounds last year while American landings are up to 9.840.100 nounds from 9,147,400 pounds. This, year the landings are also well ahead of 13.285,600 pounds in the record year of 1927 so, orospects are still bright that 1929 will be the banner year as1 far as volume of halibut is con-i cerned. j The w'ok was marked by high-1 er prlcen than for some time past. American bids went as high is 18.3c and 8c paid the Rainier for 4.500 pounds, while the top Canadian price was IB.Gc and 8c i received by the D. S. T. for 7JQ0 pounds. The low American price , of the veek was ll.Cc and 7c paid the Tahoma for 24,000 Dounds while the Canadian low vvas 10c and Gc received by the Takla for 43,000 jxmnds. I INVERT engine, reganllcs i of tyrK,givcs better results willi Champion Spark Plugs. There is a typo 8eciiic.ally designed to give better results for every operating condition. Consult your dealer Sl'AItK PLUGS Wlndr, Ontario a cxnaoum-uauk rnooucT continue as they have been doing of late. The J oo Baker brought in a catch of 10,500 pounds this week on the high prices and shared $220 per man. A few weeks ago the vessel did even better tjianthis on one trip. i v - ! The Ncchako, one of the best, known local power cruisers,! changed hands this week on be-' ing sold by George Arnold to U. Suga. The vessel will be dis mantled by the new owners and the mat'rial used in other boats. Brought here from 'the south ten years ago or more by Fred Bryn-ildsen, now of Seattle, later being acquired by Mr. Arnold. The Ncchako is 31 feet five inches in length and is equipped with a 12 h.p. Automatic engine. Having on board Joe Roerig, the power cruiser Myfanwy, Capt. Alfred Swanson, left yesterday for a tplp to Warke Canal. It is the ambition of Mr. Roerig, a former resident of this city and now living in Chicago, to successfully troll for a big spring .or coho salmon. 1 The seventh of the recent Olymnla to Juneau raclna Yachts to call here on the way south, "V newer Wt!ser MaSdle of Bel-lingham arrived on Wednesday afternoon from the north and '!ft the neri. afternoon for Puiret !?oun-l. Hnving heard tales of big "out th-.l were caught at Klew Nwrt In Grenville Channel. crM b there on his way south .r. try his luck. SiHon Fishing The past wck has seen a slight Improvement in sock eye fishing on the Skeena and Naas Rivers, on both of which streams boats have been averaging about eight-een fish per day. The number of licenses on the Skeena River is getting close up to the number! of 1100 on reaching which an additional 12 hours weekly close! season will be, imposed. On the Naas River, ?50 Iicp have j been taken, out, Jh, limit before ; imposition o .additional close season being 300. Rivers Tnlet! and Smith's Inlet have now eonel over their quota and the weekly close season there has been ex tended 12 hours. On the Skeena River, the pack up to the end of June, with little over a week', fishing,, bad reached G.288 casei Including 3.014 cases of socksye ad 2200 cases or red springs. On, the Naas River the pack was 2590 cases of which 2821 cases were aockeye. Sockeye wil be the nrincinal fish caught until about the end of July when the pink run usual ly commences. The first seaplane to be used in fisheries patrol this season arrived at Swanson Bay thje veck. It is s machine of the Wes- tern Canada Airways Ltd., Van couver, piloted by W ming. s'. Cum- On Thursday a Jananea fiah. ermsn. v K. a Sawakl. , . of v Balmoral , 'i axJL "i-i. - was fined $100 bv Stln-ndlarv '". -i'"He u. Magistrate H. F. McLeod ati1 ..Zly' a"V . Prl r..,.. r. j wnereas, w linens, we mc racuic l ucuic coast cuani is 13! aavw MUroiV IUI IIBIIIU longer net than is allowed. CALENDAR REFORM IS ENDORSED BY PRINCE RIIPCJJT DHADH TDAnr "Be it reaolml that the Cana dian Chamber of Commerce re quest the federal government to1 immediately survey all feasible routes west out of the Peace River FBI. AND SAT Two Shows 7 and 9p.m. GREAT DOUBLE BILL RIN-TIN-TIN IN "THE MILLION DOLLAR COLLAil" AND BILLIE DOVE IN "THE NIGHT WATCH'' COLLEGIANS NO. 9 ADDED ATTRACTION AT 8:50 EACH NIGHT Art and Bill in Comedy Hits Admission, 15c & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, 10c & 35c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers - ""THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. t'rtnrr Rupert. 8.t. RESOLUTION ON OPENING UP OF PEACE COUNTRY The grain committee of the Board of Trade which has had in hand the r i-naration of resolu tions to submit to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at its Alberta meeting in September reported on the result of their work at the meeting of the board last night. Included in it was a resolution which was telegraphed to the secretary at Montreal and which will come before the convention as follows: Whereas the Peace River dis trict is rapidly becoming settled and settlers therein are at a great disadvantage on account of the I on it haulairp on railways and ..consequent consequent high nign ire freight gnt costs costs and ana El ! month's holiday trip in th pouro or wruch she may also viit Mod treal ami New Yrk. During Mi s Harrison's absence, Muh Plivll MfWlWn. N.. operating room i supervisor, will be in charge at the hospital. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Pratts Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour. ' Spratts Dog and Bird Sup- I plies and COAL guaranteed ! to pleaso you . I PHONES 58 AND 558 Announcing - ,the natural railway outlet for the fUp 0nOnina nf fho lC Ol lllc Peace River district, therefore licIlllg Economy ilUIIilll uunivu inriuii ali.u .u.VI l 1 r-a The question of calendar re- one that will prove most advantageous "Hiageous to to the tne Peace reace River River dis- , , 1 dis-. form was before thc Board ofltrict and ttt TOme time tra. 319 Third Ave. West t, . T .B ""i verse, open up and serve the most' v. i i night and it was decided to en-Valuable new country and then I dorse the proposal fr an Interna-1 proc0e,i vvith construction of the I Free Rubber Balls to all no'ml convention as suggested by railway with the least nowlble children shopping on Satur-the League of Nations to bring delay." ' l! day with their parents. nuuui a cnangc, f i iie inuveineni ior calendar re-v'alon ia being engineered by Moses Cots worth of New Westminister, who was here a few days ago. A. D. Watt. C.N.Tl 1lvUinni ..It.. 11.1. .1 my un mm auernoon s perHonally "nnd..ctH tour snecial train from the interior and will return to Prince George Monday morning. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S Cartige, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. PRINCERUPERT AT CONVENTION master mechanic, arrived in tho Dard of Trade Will Send Five Delegates to Canadian Chamler of Commerce The question of representation at thc meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce was discussed by the .BoArd , of Trade at its .rnUn jijftfflgfrWrosidcnt Gcnteales In fh chair, and it was .decided to help finance five del-jegates and the city council Is holing asked to do the same for five I more, so that Prince Rupert may be properly represented. The delegates will be chosen by the president. Miss Jean Harrison R. N., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, left yesterday for Winnipeg on a Specials Butter, Woodland, per lb. ...46c Milk, Evaporated, per tin ...lie Milk, Baby Size, per tin 9c Nestles' Sweet Milk, per tin .19c Tea, Blue Rlbbop, per lb. G2c Coffee, Blue Ribbon, per lb. .G5c Cojfee, Fresh Ground, per lb. 45c Spices, Assorted, per tin 10c Full Line' of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Economy Cash & Carry Phone 3G0, 319. Third Ave.