Sat urday. July 6, 1929. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F0DN1 I the pressure is great enough ,,Mict.hinr is Lound hot to give. Jake, THIS IS THE PACE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS, INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD,. that's why. always stays I s;is aft,i from a place vrb'&re there's hk. lj; to be pressure. July is the saddest month of th' year. It is the one when the , ,t taxes are paid. It mined so much through all last week, It gave me quite a pain; Anil hope stave pfaeo once more this week, ; r it continued to rain. Money does not bring happi-,,, but it helps a let at times. When you say two people are j.i. 1 1 v thick, you mjr be refer- niK to ineir neaun, tneir unuies. ,1 "i the fact that they a (free! II T I, ,. aiu it f l,aiitlika! i t the English language. Thpre was a woman onee who maile herself a widow. No, she didn't deliberately kill him. She (.inked for him. Ten Years Ago In Pr'nce Kupert July C. 1919 Ni w that the general strike has l..iti called off, halibut fishing I .its are commencing to bring tlirir catches to Prince Rupert it).'; in. K tt hikan baseball players de-(. it. d the Prince Ruiert team at ti.. northern town on July 4, the Mre being 5 to 2. v. T. Klwraeey of Vancouver yave a lecture in the Westholme Ihi.itre last night, urging the k .,),!,. to "get back t the land." SERVICE The park keaper rtpjBathed tin- tramp snooting dn i-ppkh. Hi there I I'm going to 'tfose' tin- k-ates now." -J "iiy -mv. i TTWapTit rfeiq a 'linking draught wnVres." Ai.w-rs. ''k GOVERNMENT I'KOITRTT FOR SALE TENDERS will be received by the un- rvKiied up to MotMtoV. July IHh. 12. it DurchsM of ane Provincial Po. 1 launch No. 2. now located at Mines J ipm, B.C. furttculara ot Launeh are as follows: I 41" fcrradib V 6' Uiuft ' T tonntwt 18 -Kiterei tmmaae 12 l ".red with )- II. P. Type PPP H illalo BnalM. BiHtt bmv be Inspected at Prince Rup rl. B C .fiD aSplkMHMI V IMpfCIOr W. Si'Uler n C. Police. Prime Itupcrt. B.C. Tlic htcfeeat or aay tender hot peces-"inly Lccetrted. V. A. ROLLINS. Picbastnc Agent. . Parliament &htfts.. VMtofla, B.C. June 14th. 192 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the 'mormgned. and etidomed "Tetxler for Wharf Kepatra. Bella Cools, B.C.." will n ru'ereed until lr u'rhx-k noon (ls-ll-ht Mtlng), Tneailay, Jul 3, I9. ' r th- wharf refalrs. at Bella Ooola, Hkeena Dlstrtet. B.C. Plana said form of contract can be n and HXftncation and forma of tender obtained at this Dvoarttnent. at 'he offices of the District Engineer, Post Office Building, Victoria. B.C.; Victoria BuUdrrs Exehang, 2S08 Prior Street. Victoria. B.C.; The Building and Oonstruotlon Industries Exchange, SIS West meting Street, Vancouver, B.C., also at the Post Offices, Prince Rupert. B.C.. and Bella Ooola, B.C. Tender will not be considered units nade on printed form supplied by ttie D-partment and In aooordance with condlttoiai contained therein. Eacti tender must be accompanied by an accepted ipfceque on a chartered naK, fmyau td, the order of the Min v of PuVUo works, Kjual to 10 per of the' amount' of the tender, Bonds of the Dominion' of Canada or bonds of Ahe Canadian National Rail wny Company wilt also be accepted asi wurity, or bond and a cheque If re-lulrrd to make up an odd amount, NOTE - Blue prtnU an be obtained -t vhla Department by depositing an aoi)ted cheque tor the aura of 110.00, payable to UieVfdei; of the Minister of) rwnic Works, whlcn, will be returned If ie Intending bidder submit regular bid. By order, B. E. O'BRIEN Secretary. Department of Publlo Work, Ottawa, Juns 24, 1829. I m Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoyable holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITS1D1GALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum I,ake Good fishing, boating and bathing; beautiful scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednes day and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $3 . 25 per day . Write for special weekly rates. It. E. D1X, PHOPmETOlt Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at SkWegate or Port Clements. Wireless for reservations. MRS. RA.TOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT IUAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE , For Rent ny the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Franco! Ijike Ixlge Qiiecn Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire ears and trucx from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. SOMETHING NEW IN AUTOMOBILES "The Sedan t ' Delivery Full Line of SEDAN'S COACHES COMMERCIAL CHASSIS AND l-'j TON TRUCKS KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Denlera Goodyear Tires Rnylieiitos Linings HOME GAS -j -. BRINGING UP FOR SALE i rOIt vnn mn, SALEr-Alsatian ai pups, six : weeks old. Phone ttlue 272, or! Box 1C85. 159 IKO'irnP FOR SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Good Eats Cafe, Oood ' location; reasonable . Phone Black 700. (170) FOR SALE Iron and wooden pul-j leys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf ) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Dally News Office. (t0 - - - . FOR SALE Fairbanks s Morse Engine with clutch and "wheel. 12 h.p. 2 cycle. Jut right for a pleasure boat. Phone Green 284. FOR SALE Six roomed, modern! house, snap. Brunswick phonograph, linoleum, Wilton rugs, fixtures. Books of Knowledge, child's kiddie car and sleigh. Apply 1022 Second Avenue, Phone Blue 5S0. 167 WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. I Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 ! U'AWTRtl Varinm Tulfh Some capital, In good paying bus!- nllv' Ani, nr 2fti News Office. tf! AGENTS WANTED S2S PHR VlSEK Made by our PersaH"' torttrnait Greeting i time. Write Wor particulars today. Regal ArJ Co., 310 Spa- dina Ave., Toronto. ROAM) AND ROOM BOARD And Boom $85 Tf month. Phone Gren 21 C. FURNITURE EVERYTHING TOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester- field Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs. Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. MacKENZIE FURNITURE PHONE 773 UtND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to (.ease land tn Mi Queen Charlotte Land D'atrtat. ,u urirHn0 nietrkst of Prmca RUD- 1 en. and situate near the mouth of Ma- den Harbor, on Masnrmto mistw Take notice Uist I. Author RuberUton. I ot Massett. B.C.. ootUpaUott, roUl owner, intends to apply for a lease ot tb ' tallowing described lands: 'fjoamatienclng at a post Planed near the south east corner of Lot 2719. Maaor redo island; tnence norma iu cniuu; thease easterly a -ens chakis his to vo low tow water,; thence following low water southerly 10 . u mint t nm. cJ2ZL.ZZ'nZJ nt;inm. four scrs.. , - more i or less. , ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. Doted May I2th. 1929. , SEASONABLE j ' Editor I'm nfraid these Jokes leave me cold. I Would-be Contributor Then why aren't they the very 'thing I for your summer number? FATHER - - - ': r" "; -- -- ytrry- . :" BBTP ( GET OUT Of H&a- J tEVJI WOMAKaMt QCK-, I .13 O. WH 13 lT'OU CAMTI II OE HAPPY UtK . ' - HI , Jl OTMBR P&OULS? ) COLLf-.AUl.' MACCIG DOM ib MAC fOM mormim: tilu . . KIIGMT- ... FOR RENT FOR KENT Two modern houses. phone Black 44G. . FOR t'PHT BENT PilrnUhorl Furnished flat flat. Ap- ply Mussaliem urocery. (tf) FOR BENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR BENT Furnished suite. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. (Miliums FOR BENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing mach ines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT I-ornlshed house keeping rooms by the day, week, or, month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartmants. Phone Bed 444. (175) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is, recognized in forty states of the union . This recognition has been sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through J chiropractic. It was not .until) "l" mai irKi 1 "JS imivii " " I Ilr" Forjrour aee0IX;ll, health s sake . aV consult I)K. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block ' i Green 2U PhoneBlack 283 1 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC I Adjustments kiven aceormng to our new Spinal Indicator, produce better-results. Consult If, E. EYOLFSON , CHIROPRACTOR ! C23 Third Avenue j Office Telephone Blue 85 t Residence Telephone Red 58'J Established 1924 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex - rVino-P Cnange anv any kind Kinu or or furniture mrnuuro or household goods, musical tn - , , . n, sirumems, uiaiiuiirijr, cu.. i .1.. ..-Or,.. Intt ri .11 icudii c. iia.uiKi .... vw.jfc and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES. AUCTIONEER Federal Block r LAVI AC Notlre ot Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlstrtet of Prince Rupert, and situate on the East shore ot Portland Canal one mil south-east of Spit Pe4nt. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limned, of Vancouver, B C . occupation. Balmon Canners. Intends to apcly for a leans of the foriowlne descrioea isnas . n,;, . nost . . nUnted on the - - ---------- -j - ee snore oi rw'""" "T south east ot Spit Point; thence North ten Chains: thence East forty chains; thenc South ten chalna to High Water Mark; thence following high water mark bark to staking poet) and containing forty acres, more or less. TTIE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per "W. X. Walker," Agent. Dated May 17th. 1929 Try a pally News WANT-AD. IN TMt MOftisllM dont cit Up TI.UUTWSkWVri-1 i. rtnv ctimincAt io I SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Filleb) De Luxe Smoked Salrnon-' To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in' pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks itself . Sold by & Co., Ltd., FrizzellV, I "UiKiey .Market, vtaus t.roeery Makes nice lunch sandwiches of for husband or picnics. In SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engine?. AGENTS FOR Van Blerfk. Easthope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 664 P. O. Box 15l LAND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording ; District of Prince Rupert, and situate , on the South West coast ot Wales Is-; land facing Boston Islands. Take notice that Anglo British Colum-! bis Paeklce Company Limited ot Van-i eouver, B.C., occupation. Salmon Can-nera, uvterda to apply for a lease of the foflowjng described lands: foreshore: uuromexiciu commencing ai a m posi uubi pianvea on w in f"$ tgg. wSs East forty chains following Z'Vt high water . . . water mark: thence West forty chains following low water mark: thence Nortn to km ting post; and containing Ten acres, more or leas. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COM PAN X LIMITED. W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAN!) ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Lease Land , , , District of Prince Rupert, and situate! , . 2 Kaath XV??. East of Bartlett WieJ?d Point. " mUe i 1 Take notice that The Anglo British Co - 1 , lumbla Packlrsg Company, Limited, of , t Vancouver. viunum, B.C. o.u.. imuwuwi, owuwu Canners. Intends to apply for a lease . . . . - -. , . ' ni tjim inuoTuir uacriwa lands: isjitu: Commenclns' at a post planted on the Coast ot Wales Island half mil South , ln( oacr!bed lands: I East fifteen chains; thence East forty East of Bartlett Point, thence North Commencing at a post planted neat I chains; thence South West fifteen East ten chains; thence South forty the northeast corner ot Lot 2249. chains to high water mark; thence fol-ohalna: South West ten chains to High Qraham Island: thence westerly 10 lowing high water .mark back to staking water mark; tnence louowmg Higq Water Mtrk to staking post, and con- tainlnsT forty aorea. more or less THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per -W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May lTth. 1929. LAMI ACT I Notice of Intention to Apply to l.f lAllll In the Prince Rupert ind Recording District of lYVi.ce Rupert, and situate n the South West Ooaat of Wales IS-. land facing Boston IsIMkH ! TrairiSltAagK, ?.?u,kJ"H17.XXT, BrltUh i vi wwv.,. w.....--. I Vancouver. Vanoouvrr. B.C. B.C. occupation occupation, wmon pannera. mtendato Mjpoly for a lease of SSSE .Ttoon cSnrSrsT lathe following described lands tends to apply for a leas ot tbe follow- Commeneinf at a post planted on the I fj Hescrlbed lands? toreshore. South We VSoast of Wales Island op. tetienrtlntad nest th southern end of Hidden Island: JJ;.thMSe,EMt.,T,t1,fc lJJS? northerly 10 chalna; thence east- South ten chains to High Wajer Mark: 5 cnilna; thenc southerly 10 thence following High Water Mark Weat cbtlMi following low water, thenc to staking post; and containing to.acrea, wwly to point 0f commencement, and more or less. ; containing B acres more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA j LANOARA F1SHINQ it PACKINO PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, CO. , LTD Per "W. E. Walker," Agent. ' ' Henn White. AMht. Dated May 17th. 1929 i Dated May 11th. 1929. r Htnn COME A CUY THAT MACCIC) ATb UVSb AM IDCAU MAHPIIBO t v Paints, AYallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and jyrtjSui-pJles ft TtOV'ian minttrc It " i : LAMI RMilSTHY ACT I NOTICE IRK. Certificate of Title No. S1T-1 to Lot 20. Block 28. Section 8. CltV of . wherzajb satisfactory proof of loss the above Certificate of Title Issued T ' the name of Oust Carlson has been ANCJLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINCJ fUed In '.hn office, notice Is hereby COMPANY. LIMITED, given that I shall at the expiration of W. E. Walker," Agent, one month from the date of the first Dat1 MT 72na- 1B29-publication herecf. issue a provisional , . . - certificate in lieu ot the said ixt Certificate, unless In the tnrantlme valid! objection Is made to me In writing. I Dated at. the Land. Registry Office,! Prince Rupert. B.C. this 39th day of i ' May, 1929. ii. r. MACLEOD, i Registrar. i LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I .rase Land . , . . . South West coast ot Wales bland half In .v the Queen Charlotte t Land District. mU south East of Bartlett Point; Land Recording District of Prince Rup- thence South East forty chalna follow-ert. and fltuate at Arnlston Point. North tng Hlgn watCT. af thenoe south Dundas Island. . . , . West five chains to low water mark; Take notice that Langara Plahlng tntnce Nortn West fortjr foUow: Packing Companv Umlted of Massett, lng ,ow wtter mirk. thence North East B. C. occupation, canners. intends joctlng pet; and containing twenty to apply for a lease of the follow- screa. more or less, in described lands: Foreshore. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO Commencmg at a post planted at the COMPANY, LIMTIED. extremity of land on Arnlston Poltt. "W. E. Walker," Agent, thence westerly 20 chains; thence north-; Dated May 22nd.' 1929. erly 5 chains to low water: thence east- ( erly 20 chains; thence southerly to' point of commencement, and containing ' 20 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO it PACKINO I ' CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William Moorehoue. Dated June 7th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rup- . , . . . r. ,. Oiih.m Island. A. svo i ivtbiv WJi abua;w;iiT; ai uiiis9Uii of Massett. B.C.. occupation, cannery man man. Intends n - a to apply for a. lease of the fouowlng described lands: poresnore. chalna; tbenre south to point of corn-Commencing at a post planted about mencemeut. and containing 20 acres, 20 chains southeasterly from the N. W more or less. rnrner of tot No. 2741. OrslUm Iilsnd; thence west 10 chains: thence north S chains to low water; thence east 10 chains: the-ice south 5 chains to point of coinmeucemtnt. . and containing 4 acres, more or less. EUOENE IIUMPHRT SIMPSON. Henry White, Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. "LAND ACT Notlre of bitenllon to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land DUtrlet. i.i tii.. ni.iM nun. ert lud Muttt M tb nuth 0( M. laott inlet at Seven Mile Point. Take nouce tnas LAngara mmni p,riin, nnmuni Limited, of MassetL - ' ' -- - - . - n i- ..,n.tin uimnn esjinm. In - tends to sdcIv tor a lease of the follow - chains: thence northerly o cnamc tnence easterly 10 chains following low water: thence southerly a chains to point oi commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or leas. LANOARA FISHINGj St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 14th 1929. LAND, ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In th Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District oi rrmce ttup "t. -a , the mouth ot Mas- tt Inlet. Orahsm Island. Tate notlre that Lavnaara mnini -rr- , rf .,t By 1 ' ' -"OS w KMOW MtM LAND ACT ' Notice of Intention to Apply to lease Land In the Prlnne Runert T jinrl Rerorrllne I District of Prince Rupert, and situate 'one mile South East of Bartlett Point t on the South Weat coast ot Wales Is-Hand. Take notice that Anglo British Colum- bla Packing ComMm Limited of Van couver, B.O., occupation, Salmon Con- ners. Intend to apply (or a lease of th following described landi: foreshore: Commencing at a pott planted one mile South East ol Bartlett Point on the South West coast ot Wales Island; thence East forty chalna following high water murk: thence South West five chains to law water mark- thenc Went 1" tainin.rM rS LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lra.e Land- In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District ct Prince Rupert, and situate joa the South Weat coavt of Wales Is-'land half mile South East of Bartlett Point. I Take notice that Anglo British Colum-Ibla Packing Company Limited of Van-icouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Can-. nera. Intends to apply for a lease of the i following described lands: foreshore: I Commencing at a post planted on the LAM) ACT , Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at an unnamed point on .the northeast of Zayei Island, north of I the eastern extremity of the unnamed lake on Zayea Island. I Take notice that Eugene H. Simpson and Author nobertaon of Massett. BO, occupation, csnnerrnien. Intend to apply tor a lease or the following described , lands: foreshore . . . nnn feet south dlhUn wateVat the extremity u kiia; suuvcuiKiuvimi ktuuasuisTu amu i tbence east 20 chains: thence north S chains to low water: thence westerly 20 EUOENE HUMPHRM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. By the Ajjent, John William Moorehouse. Dated Juno Tth. 1929. LAND ACT . Notlre of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Prince ttuprrt Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuat one mile South East of Bartlett, Point on we coast oi waies isiana. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company. LtmHed. ot I Vaucouver B.O. Canners. intends to apply for a lease of iwwwuij uww,vw muw- Commencing at a post planted on . , ,.. . . w w rt Bartlett - i r.Ai n th mile South East of Point on Coast of Wales Island; tnence North and contatr.ieg sixty aorw. more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per -W. BV. WMtr.' Agent. Dae4 May 17th, 'MB. . i - i UtND ACT Notli ot Intention to Apply to Iuse IJBd la the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of prince Rupert. Mid altuat one crile South East of Soft Point on tbe East shore of Portland Canal. Tak notice tint Anglo lintian uoium- ""KS OW- t 'rW. Z2SSSt B-lmon Om r : . - , . "W'"' ..T. follawinr oterlbed lands: foreshore: Ccmmenclng at a post planted on mile South East ot Spit Point on th Fast shore of Portland Canal; hence Eut 40 chalna following High water mark; thence South 5 chains to low water mark: thence West to chains following lOw water mark; thence North A chains to locating post: and containing 20 am, more or leas. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. George McManus 5 Ir-APOlOUEl 'tl t" j