PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUi'ERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Publfshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Thiid Avenue H. P T'tJLLE'N s - i mnnging-Editor lftl-illlfl.' . l.'l SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parte of Briffsh Columbia, the Britten Empire and United States, paid in advance,, per year 6.00 Contract rales on applications Advertising and' Circulation Telephone . .98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION MONEY IS TIGHT "1r,r J t,VV,f " Tknf i'o o trntr onmmnn ovnraciinn tn With the Instructions of the boatd, iu.uncjf is iigiu. iiini ion icij i.ujiiiiiuii ajivuoiuu i to take CANADA'S GRADUATES EMPLOYED IN CANADA Technical Service Council Reports Success of Scheme to Keep Trained Canadians at Home TORONTO, Dec. 7: Three hundred and forty Canadians, most of them graduates of Canadian universities, were placed during the past year with Canadian manufacturing concerns and other busi ness establishments by the Technical Service Council, according to """"TrM Tpyrvrri .mi'in - 1 ii - -tt ! ii- -X - - - - -tt -tr -k -tt -tt -tt -tt -tf -tt - -tt -tt -tt RADIO I TEN TUBES $255 nthjruicxaihduL k They Uroife were nv Dane to varnaa ana piac- ed-'iri. positions' here. Forty young engineers from the British Isles: were also placed in Canadian petitions. Encouraged by the success at tained to date, members of the reports submitted by Balmew dttlons. Among; organizations co Neflly, vice-chairman of the Exe cutive Committee, at the annual meeting of the council. Included among these graduates were 40 wno alter leaving Cana- nn nnu-nlli Hrh t,he Mln- be heard. As a matter of fact, many people who were : ister of Lands the question of log pamblintr in stocks and now have no chance of selling so as ; T:.:,... t,. , to get their, money out are finding it difficult to pay their ! but was unable to see the minister ! er. t lfl 1 U .11 1. J A i.1i. ' imMI tha MUnn ilan H Ih-lf In. I iday. On recelot of your instruo- I serve. tions I waited over till the 12th, when Mr. Burden took me before the executive. I was afforded a courteous. Da- clsion was reached Pillsbury's Brief The Hon. F. P. Burden, Minister of Lands. DearSir. Aetlnen a rfW-ito rf Technical Service Council unan- the Pffeee numett RiSrrt nt Tmf ImoiMly .decided . to continue and and in ArrovriahA itwis vnitr varhal riiinrsc uie bcod oi uipit eiiora. The Council was organised less than two years ago for the rur- Oose Of keecine .Canadian univpr- slty!''grdailfltetfi;ln,,Canada. and to Srlrw .Vhe,,yeKU?s Into -closer touch with Canadian Industrial, financial aVltf rani$5r tation con- request, I beg to submit the follow ing in connection with our resolution and petition addressed to yourself under date of August 27 last, re permission to export logs. We pointed out at thai time, that given some other commodity with which to make up full cargoes, a large part of the wheat shipped by operating with the council arej che Pool to the Orient would move those representing manufacturing, banking, transportation, minine departmental stores, engineering concerns, tnst companies and dian universities vent to live in other institutions. ictor adio Micro- Enjoy Your, Radio While PdyingFor It by Our Easy Pay Plan . RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION $375 5 Synchronous I UEVEAI THE WONDERS OF THE AGE IN LIFE-LIKE TONES A, REVELATION IN MODERN RADIO Equfppe.d with the exclusive Micro-Synchronous feature, the Victor is outstanding in performance, quality and value. Arrange to have a demonstration in your own home. via rnnce Kuoert. The only commodity at this time which could be used to make up full cargoes out of Prince Rupert is logs, and we asked that permission might be given for a limited time to export logs; but in your reply to the Prince Rupert Board of Trade you state that the ooncy oi tne government Is onnospd ! o the exuort 'of raw material ani It! hot frf1 AVA l.nnl.1. 4.- 2t , -- jvm ic uiiuuic vj auppurt our pctiuun. May I now put this matter to you on a different basis: namely, would it net be possible for the government to permit the export of a limited quantity within a stated period of say four years? In 1928 there was exported 211,-941,231 feet of logs from British Columbia, whleh came either from crown granted lands or from surplusage. It would not appear that the export of 150,000,000 feet from the Prince Rupert district, over a period of four vears. w uld afff i at all materially the timber stand c. m. uufc u it is consiaerea jiuiai pB quantity is too large, then Would nnf. fhn frnvornmant ----o .--.. v.. vwitaAucA an tuiiuuiit oi iuu.uuu.uuu rppr I even less? Northern British Columbia or It Is estimated that twentv car goes per year could be shipped from Prince Rupert, and to make up these cargoes. In addition to wheat, there would be reoulrpd fmm 9n ! 000,000 to 30,000,000 feet of logs an- nilf.llv Thn nm ill quantity of raw logs could not be looked upon as a change of policy on the part of the government, but rather would be accepted by the uuuiii: as a reai eiiori to lorward the full commercial develnnmont nf Again we ask your most earnest consideration of this question and trust a favorable reply will be received. Enclosed herewith copy of our resolution of August 27, and statement showing quantity of logs Imported Into Japan in TO28, as well as log exports from British Columbia in the year 1928. J. H. PILLSBURY, For the Prince1 Rupert Board of Trade. To this the gbWrmnent"repTled: A. Brooksbank, Esq, Secretary, Prince Rupert Board of Trade, With reference to the very able representations made by J. H. Pills-bury, acting as a delegate for the Prince Rupert 3oard of Trade, in regard to the export of logs. I regret I am unable In any way to alter the decision as contained In my letter to you as secretary of. the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, under date of the 30th September; this, after very careful consideration has been given to Mr. Pillsbury's letter of No- THE DAILY MEWS Saturday, DecemW 7 LOGEXPORT Dktrirt "eWS Npwc NOT ALLOWED -UlStnCt Board of Trade Receives Disappointing Reply From Minister of Lands i J IL Pillsbury, the special com-'mlttee appointed by the Board of , Trade to take up with the government the request that a limited quantity of hemlock and cedar logs be allowed to be exported from , Prince Rupert, reported last night that he had no success. The mat-i ter was referred back to Mr. Pills-bury once more to take such action , as fte might think fit. The report isMiOJ Saturday, December 7, 1929 follows: NEW IIAZELTON The annual bazaar last week of the Ladies' Aid of New Hazeitan. United Church was a great?su$-cess, nearly $150' being realized as a result or the' effort, in tne rar- ' fles. Leo Rrwonpr won a bedsDread. Igus Chrlstlanson. a Christmas! icake. and Miss 'Rock, a large- box! of candy: The sale was opened by j Rev. T. H. Wright of Haselton. ! TherK were rio less than eight lappllcatlonistfor, the position of In-jdlan Agent 3r Hazelton. "Gordon i C. Mortimer of Victoria was given l the position. I bee to suhmit. fhp following re- ! PnlloH Vira nr, port on my visit to Victoria, where h'now of her father. George Hall,! I went this month, in accordance who has been a oatlent for some time In the Hazelton Hospital. Mrs. Bullard arrived here from Calgary on Sunday, accompanied by her two daughters, and Is the suest or ner sister, Mrs. l. spoon- oius ana as a result oiners wno ao not get tnat money are i ;"; iri',.," " . , 7Z tetvlew i our , t u, i i j ,- r, i t explained fully reasons w. J. Lrkworthv Is leaving this also hard up.j bveryoneisafiected. (for wanting permission to export week for Stratfont. Ont.. where he Weareaf so interdependent that when one person i Jg. ekunrMtrtcted ' spentVhi chrJJ.tmM hollday hls l er. makes a mistake many others suffer. i permission, and asked if the gov-i8011 -- eminent could not give permission i Oscar I.lnd is leaving this week" C Air nv TCr Wn to report a limited quantity, In ad-1 md for Vancouver where he wul m, u'liirj Ui; iaV, . " . , idition to limiting the time during :wnd a coMple of month with hK This IS the time of year When it is a OOU to care-i which such operation should be brother and also receive treatment fully watch that no illegal hunting Ss done on kaien ISrSStt &T8toiSTd eye- land, a perpetual reserve. From time to time reports are ing.a period of four years; if that; l. w. Patmore of Prince Rupert heard of deer being taken on this reserve and sometimes S'SS, lo.oeoS ftf?n?-!ypent a tevr d!JLere last week- Suspicion points to Some of OUT IfWSt respectable citizens. thing to enaWe os to get a start In Last week, thts district exper- When a person hunts on Kaien Island he robs the com-1 ping. ? f16 r!e!!t;u, , !f ? JlL toe neaT,8st raIn minister stated this falls in Its history. There-was was put- over ,nu ,ni,; tt nn,nn, ; iuit u mumty Of something Which IS theirs. He IS a thief. He Ung the matter on an entirely dlf- i 'wo ln-he of rain which did con- might just as well rob a store. The game on this reserve ' re nl ana asked me to sub- sweraoie good. LnwJ U l-r, oi;,r o.,l T-'ll Bait a further brief, which I did, I . belonfs to the people to alive and not to kill keep HELP LIGHTKEEPERS The plea of Capt Paul Armour for the lighthouse keepers at the Board of Trade meeting last night will meet a response in every person of the community. To be alone on an island without means of attracting help is a sad condition when in trouble. We suggest that the department of marine should give this their immediate attention so that radiophones might be installed to have the lightkeep-ers put in close touch with the rest. of. the worjd, ana copy oi wnicn nerewnn. ; inf i-eiix ciuo met on In the meantime, I was advised t Tuesday evenine at the home of that it would be wise for me to ap- ! Mi. S. J. Wmby in Hazelton. pear before the executive council to i Prize-winners were Mrs. Chappell press the matter. If a meeting could j and Mrs. Gov. be arranged, and I accordingly wired the 'secretary, stating that Three Indian boys are In tall at the meeting could not come before ' Haaekon charged with breaking November 12. as the 11th was a hoi-i 'nto Skowell's house on the re- SMITHERS tlent hearing, and a good deal of Many farewell affairs were held interest was manifested, and manv in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. questions asked. Orchard prior to their departure The premier promised earnest tor the State of Washington at consideration, hut, of course, no de-1 the first of thl sweek. At a gath- erlng of clttaens. Mr. Orchard was presented with s handsome watch as a token of. esteem. Following evening services last Sunday ninht, the congregation of St. Joseph's.. Roman Catholic Church gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Beesley, who are leaving for Williams Lake. Mr. Beesley was presented witn a silver cigarette case and Mrs. Beesley with a puver console sei. Z. Shew has arrived from Vancouver to become accountant in the local branch of the Royal Dank of Canada. He takes the piace oi A. w. Howlett, who is being transferred. PRINCEGEORGE Robert Allen Baxter has been committed for trial here on a charge of manslaughter arising out of the death recently of Joseph Smith, who was run down by a truck on George Street. Baxter, who will come up for trial at the stirlng session of the Supreme Court Assizes here, has been released meantime on $3,000 ball. After a week of rather mild conditions, colder weather is now expected in Prince Oeorge. The lowest thermometer reading of the past week has been 21 above zero. Mayor Patterson has sueeested to the city council the advisability oi aaaing a new. unltjto the local oower station In Mew of the steaay growtn; ipcauy. in. power consumption, rue new' unit, it is estimated, might cost about $35.-000. In any case, a new generator costing $5,000 will have to be At the annual civic election here next January, the ratepayers will be asked to approve the ex-Denditure by the city council of 112.000 for provision of new sidewalks In the residential sections. Christian Fredrlch Wllhelm Oraupner, travelling correspondent of the Berliner Tageblatt, has arrived here and will soend the win ter familiarizing himself with the agricultural possibilities of the surrounding districts and passing his Information on to the people of Germany. lit the spring, he will make a careful study of the Peace River district. Mr. Oraupner has Dtircnased a 160 acre farm on the Quesnel highway, about four miles from Prince George. J. A. Graham, formerly of this city, has been installed as game warden at Fort St. John In the Peace River district by District Game Warrtpn T Van nvlr Jack Swift and Tom Rice, whn have been cutting quite a swathe tn pugilistic circles locally, left this week for their homes In the vembcr 9 by the executive council. The government feels that It would not be In the public Interest to allow the unrestricted export of logs, much a it la in- sympathy with Prince Rupert over the conditions which exist in reeurd to that port. . Yours faithfully, TV P. BURDEN. ' 1 1904- nasnnyr 1929 1 jfi BACHESjOR 1 south. Swift to New Westminster and Rice to Seattle. An athletic association has been formed by the local High School and an appeal la being made to the public for assistance In the securing of gyranattk and sails-then Ic equipment. A son was born reeentlv to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Saleska or Prince Qeorge. VANDERIIOOF St. Andrew's Day was celebrated hen last Friday night with an en-frtatnment under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Unltrd Church. The affair took place ir. the Comrarnltyi Hall which was packed for the occasion. There ware selections by the Vandcrhoof Choral Society under th- direction of R. H. Moore and others contributing to the program included Mrs. R. C. McCorkell Miss Myrtle Mitchell. Mra. 8. Holmes. A 8tO. W. BraIn.,D W. Donald. Mi Florence Paterson, W. J. Bowman. Mrs. A. O. Birch. Mlaa Nnnrv Rogers. 8. W. Cooker. R. M. Pat terson, Leslie Brain and Stewart DallV. Mrs. W R .Tnhninn nH Mrs. Stephen Holmes were accom panists. The Ladles AW of the local United Church met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert J. Steen. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ericfcsen of the Mapes district died recently. lid Kniffht nf Plnmnnr. ha. been & patient in the Prince! George Hospital for the past few I weeks. Miss Dorothy H. Baxter of Web- ! ber Lake school was the mi here last week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hammond. Miss Dorothy Urquhart teacher of Stuart Lake school, was the guest over last week-end of Mr and Mrs. Frank Bowman. A number of people from Fln-moore, Hulatt and Vanderhoof were In attendance at a well at- lenaeo. aance new last Friday "gin. in me r-ngerr scnooi nouse. As a . result of a fall from a : horse. Miss Dorothy Smedley went ' to Prince George Hospital last! week to have her shoulder X-rayed. I Samuel W. Cocker Is back from Kamloops where he attended the i convention of the British Colum-: bia Conservative Association, lie was elected vice-president of the vauooo conservative Association. J. M. Johnston has bought all the horses, machinery, grain, hay buildings and land of Thomas Smith. Constable Thorns Harris R c M. P. has been transferred from here to Hazelton. PERHAPS UNTANNED Lady I want to see some kid gloves for my eight-year-old daughter, nloase. Polite Clerkr-Yes madam. White Lady sir! Princeton Tiger. Individually foil wrapped and in pocket packs of five CIOAR omSsmi ncddica st&Tn?' fa I tkT Sweet:,,. otthi. g 7 ipSu Wii-soN'saatsEpw We desire to clean out our stock of AND IN ORDER TO DO SO MAKE THF FOLLOWING VERY ATTRACTIVE PRKT Compare them with prices on the sari' ' ' offered in the Vancouver papers and you t ;: how low our prices realiy are. 1926 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Good tin - r. nainted ; new seat covers. $2 5O00 1923 FORD SEDAN- QQA AA Good motor t?t7U.UV DODGE COUPE Good running 4 A A condition. A bargain at JLfMV DODGE DELIVERY CAR-Good QOAA AH running condition; good tires tpAivlu 1927 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Goer' t tires; good mechanical condition. 26000 pnpn t rmiT ni?T ttrunv n.i ? . v, sure tiros; good general condition. JjJ250OO 1925 FORD DELIVERY Large cover, ,1 ' -good mechanical condition. 25000 FORD TOURING-Startor; good S75.00 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Non- Q7JJ ()0 starter; good tires. As is ?iUt FORD DELIVERY Starter; cov- Q-J()() 00 eredbody. As is . vAVUI TERMS CAN RE' ARRANGED ON ANY OF THESE CARS S? E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Vhane w