,turday Dscember 7, 1929 TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE TimKE Christmas Gifts yardlrv's Lavender Sets Manicure Rolls, , t; Cha olatcs Turdi1, Qr jfo ' ir.Ji "v" . Kodaks Fro,n the.Brownles to (he Cine Kodak. recall's Novelties in Choc olatc fountain Tens and Pencils. CAM1IAN, FACirt: Dalcrose Toilet Soap and Toilet cls from England. ?lyn'i Filled Toilef Bags, Christmas Cards, Paper Tags, Seals, Dressings for parcels and Christmas trees. Baby WToilct Sets, Fancy Stationery, ' Military Brush Sets. ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE DEMAND Ltd. Tfw Pioneer ZJrutoists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TE.LEPMONF.S 8?,20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED satllnu flora Frlnre Itupm for VANCOirVEK. VICTOai.1, Swanson Has. rsuttdale. Alrrt la. etc, Tumu a;,, I .:m p.m. i t VAMOHKH, VKTOItM. Ilutrdale. Alrrt lUi. rle . Friday midnight I r ALICE ARM. AMO.V. STLWAKT, Na KJer, I'urt HluipMu, Sun-da;, S:bO pro. 13 'inil Airon U M SMITH Arrnt Print Kuprrt. II. C. Tlrouih C'rkfU kold to Victoria aiirl Prattl .aod batcne thktd Ittreiigh tu destination. m it r B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Dec. 14. 28. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Q7j Largcft Kailway Sylcm in Amarica-l STEAMSHIP AND Tia&EBviQi W Sailings from TRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 pjn. Tor ANYOX. each Wednesda-at 1 p.m. - " -- For STEWART each Wednesday. 4 p.m.. and Saturdav. 8 p.ni. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE .ISLANDS, fortnightly. r" t'M.rn tuains leave i-kince uu t m KONlltV WIlisr.KIMV and HATl KlHiDsVnVn lOn. tr;iM i: I ':OKiE. IDMONTOS. WINMI'fO. nlCVJWWv ttMrrBlaualTOiilh'tl fUi-rv '"to., AOr.vcY aij. orr.A sTr.AMMmr i.isr City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, PJnRupcrlhone 2Cd "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PItlNCR HUTERT, B.C. The Season s Big Smash in Radio RADI0LA 60 11)29 MODEL tJJLtV We consider these sets to be the most marvelous rv r offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube ?;,icr-Hetero(Jyne CivcuihpjTipling seven U 227 tobes, one 171 and one.280.- These sets have no equal ja to distance, volume or tone. Only a limited num-be" at this price. TOM BALLINGER 318 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4. THr 4 Taxi. If Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone Oddfellows whist drive and dance., Metfopole IUll-Oecfiuibcr 10. Admission 50c. M j$$F Come to Ideal Olft "Shop "for Xmas shopping. Ooen tnow. next Ireland, the Optician, Third. Avenue. 1285' Scandinavian Dance Saturday night in Moose Hall. Hanson & Far-lad. Piano, accordion and violin. The same peppy muslr-the same gay crowd. 285) A letter was received from the B.C. Salmon Fishermen's Association at the meeting of the Board of Trade last night thanking the board for backing the Rose Spit lightship proposal. This was filed. Frank Moore, C.N.R. fuel in-Fpector Vancouver, who has been attending the divisional operating; meeting of the railway here, will sail by the Prince Charles tomorrow night on his return south. The Board of Trade at its meet ing last night heard read a letter from Harry Baldwin, secretary to Premier King, thanking the board for its welcome to the Premier. It also expressed the hope that another time he would be in a position to accept an invitation to dinner which he had to refuse on this occasion. t ANNOUNCEMENTS r . Oddfellows mist Drive and Dance December 10. Elks' Christmas Cheer Fund; dance Wednesday December 11. 1 Smaile's Orchestra. Pythian Sister's tea at Mrs. ShpnLnn'i. &30 Riffhth Avmiim J West, Thursday, December 12. Moose whist drive and Friday, December 13. dance See the Christmas Pagnt "Bringers of Olfts" Anglican Cathedral Hall, December 16 at 8 p.m. Baotlst Christmas Tree, December 30. Canadian Legion B.E S.L. Tree December 21. Moose Christmas Tree, 22. Ladles' Auxiliary St Andrew's Society Hosmaci'iy dance December Zl. Moose I.'a'l Mooir Charity Bui January 10, ANCHOR - DONALD-SON LINE Christmas Sailings FROM ST. JOILN. N.B. TO IttXI AST-MI I KI'OOI.-OLASdOW Athenia, Dec. 13. FROM HALIFAX, N.S. TO ItELIMST-LIVEItrOOL-aLAFdmr Allunia, Dec. I I. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM HALIFAX. N.S. TO M-VMOrTII-HAVKK-LONItON Aiiranla Jnn. S. Pro. 13. Alaui 1... Jan 27. Mar S tm Jiimitiiwn A LltcriMNil Lancuitr.a. Jan. 30. Atlxnla. F. b. 17. An'.unla. Mar. 3. Mone) Order. Dr;u tt Travellers' Chn;ur at Uwt rt'jt. Pull lnXor-mntlon from lcal Agfr.t or Com-pony'i Ofl'ro. 623 HlBtlllin St. W . Vanromrr. B C. ' !f ' ' ; FKOM SAINT JOHN To Chrrbuurg-Loiuloii Deo. 37. Jan. 31 Mrtagama To tUk-IU"lfiwit-LIrrpl Tan. S Mont rone Jan. 10 ... ....Duehaaa of Richmond Jan. 17 Jan 34 Not o&Ulng Ht Belfast . ,Dui.liaa M York FK03I VANCOUVER To lfawll-JaiHit-'lln-t'lilllluliiM. Via Honolulu i Dec. 11, Mar. 8 ..Empress of Rurala I Jan. 11 Empraaa of Alia I Fab. 16 Kmpraaa of Canada AdoIy to Aaanta evervwhera or J. J. roitSTEIt BU-amthtp Oenl. Paai. Annt C.P.R. BtaUon. Vanoouw. T-lephnue: Trinity 1181 TERRIBLE SUFFERING Day And Night 1 With Eczema Mrs. Martin n. Oiegbreelt, Winklw, Man, write; "J have uapd with good reaulta for eczema. My faea and ahonlilera were aimply covered with blotchea ol tnia terncie ouease. "Nothing did me any good nntn I j took your medicine and it nas relieved me of the terrible Buffering I had to go through day and night" Pnt up only by The T. Mllbora Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont i Local noise is minimised In the 'Brunswick Radio. Hear It before 'you buy. J. Lome MacLaren Limited, (tf) At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night a lter was received from Mrs. F. Q. Dawson acknowledging the condolences of the board. Mrs. M. Keith of Prince Rupert : has returned from Belfast. Ireland, and is the guest of Mrs. N. Mar shall, 2322 Cambridge Street. .Vancouver Province. Clarence Doane. who came up yesterday afternoon In olty police 'court on a charge of contributing to the delinquency or a juvenile, was remanded for eignt pays. After a brief visit here on com pany business. H. V. Taylor, gen eral manager of the W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd.. saPsd by the Princess Mary last night on his return to Vancouver. Union steamer Venture. Capt. E l Georgeson arrived in port at 7 30 this morning from the-south, sailing at 10 o'clock on hef return to Vancouver and waypoints. The tessel had a light passenger list. Sa'e of Home Cooking and Afternoon Tea wlU be held at the home of Mrs. R. Blance. Seal Cove, on Monday. December Q from 3 to 6. Proceeds for Christmas Tree of St. Pet"'s Sunday School. Every-Ibody welcome. J H Nichos superintendent of 'uertsheble traffic for the r?ana-cMah' NatirmarRilJwaya 'tfith head-c iarters in Winnipeg leaves by thi" r-ntng train on his return ' east brief visit here on official business. Th" T.onrd of TraHe. at its mnetlnir 'nt nhtht. decided to a r i pae in the Einolre soer-lnl "hristtnp; edition at a Cotf, of $125. ' alf of whi"h was to be borne by lie s 'e of Peace River buttons by "ipmners or tne board. The I.O.D.E. Hall Is open thlsj iftcrnoon for the purpose of re-; e ving donations of clothing, bedding, etc. wtth which t aid certain interior families which are reported to be in need. Mrs. John Mnnson and Brownie girls are In attendance. At the Eoart of Trad meeting lact nigh. Alderman Oollart reported on behalf of the delegation tba vt Premier Mackenzie King and took up with him the matter of the Pence River outlet, the Hecate 8talt lighting and the ap-nomtoxtnt of the new director for the railway. At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night it was decided to change the constitution In such a manner as to make it possible for Important questions to be referred by the president to the council of the board and also to make it easier to get new questions before the board. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED--Work In store by ex-Derinced woman. Phone Green 690. (286) rzzEaoasn A.W.EdgeCo. Northern British Columbia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House Clearance Sale . of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFEKED AT 25 per cent Discount Don't forget the Elks' Xmas Cheer Fund dance, at the Elks" Home, next Wednesday, Dec. 11. ' K. McCanell of the Forest Branch staff here sailed last night on the Princess Mary lor a trip to Victoria. Why not-giye pho.tos. this Xmas? There Is still time,, to i have them taken for the eastern mall. Benson. Studio. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens of Skidegate leave tonight for their home at Skidegate after a brief visit In the city. I. Moose Whist Drive and dance, in aid of Christmas Tree fund, Friday, December 13 at 8:30. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harlow will leave by this evening's train on their return to Prince George after a brief visit in the city. T. H. Johnson will show moving pictures of his recent tour of Europe In First Presbyterian Church, Thursday, December 12, at n om. Admission: Adults 50c; Children, 25c. Baptist Ladies Elect Officers The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held yesterday evening at the home or Mrs. P. H. Llnzey. Fifth Ave. West. The prin-. clpal item or business was tne election of officers for 1930 as fol 'ows: President. Mrs. J. A. Lindsay. Vice-president, Mrs. George Hlb-hard. Secretary,. Mrs. Sid Hamblin. Treasurer. Mrs. Frank Morris. Advertising, Mrs. P. H. Llnzey and Mrs. A. ivarson. Pianist, Mrs. Lemon. The report showed a very sue cessful year and a spirit of op timism prevailed which augurs well ior the ensuing year. The hostess served refreshments after a short musical program. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist, Dance Affair The bridge and whist party held last night In the Elks' Home by the Ladies of the Royal Purple was a very successful affair. There were twenty tables of cards In play "'hile same 150 persons were In attendance at the dance which fol-'owed. Prize winners at cards were: Bridge Ladles' first. Mrs. W. D. Vance: sccord, Mrs. Oeorge; men's first. W. D. Vance; second, O. E. Gullck. Whist ladles' first. Mrs. W. P. Armour; second, Mrs. J. Field; vn's first Mrs. Ra ten ford as gentleman; second. 3. Shore. After cards, delicious refresh-men? ! were served and dancing illowed with music by Al SmaU's Orchestra. W. D. Vance was master of ceremonies in charge of the bridge tables ; Harvey Fraser, for ihe whist, and Will Lamble, for the dance. In the drawing for a $5 gold piece, George Arseneau was the winner. The committee In charge of the affair consisted of Mrs. O. E. Philllpson, Mrs. O. E. Oultck, W. 'aro'id, Oeorge Rodger and O. E. ?hiirpson. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNEK ;j Proprietors ,l' ' ' Central T. Sanderson. Anyox; J. Smith, nl... , a ttr r i. I city, n. w. aiuuic, luasacw. . Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMMF, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dudoward, Port bimpson. i (IhurcK zxvok$ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D, Minister Services: 11 a.m., subject, "THE SECOND MILE"; Sunday School at 12:15; Evening Service at 7:30, subject, "WHERE ARE OUR DEAD?" A cordial Invitation. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue East Pastor, Rev. John II. Hanson, Res. 416 Eighth Avenue West Phone Blue 451 Sunday Services: Morning Worship at 11 a.m, (English). Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Seal Cove Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Evening Service at 7:30 pjn (Scandinavian)' Holy Communion both morning and evening, and special songs both morning and evening. Special piano solo In the evening. A cordial welcome to all. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConnelL BA Morning Service it 11 o'clock. Subject. "LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service, at 7:30. Subject, "JERRYBUILDINO." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "GOD, THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, SEAL COVE Canon W. F. Rushbrook, Bj, L.Th Incumbent Children's Services and Sunday School at 11 ajn. Prayer arid Sermon at 7:30 pin. STIAWPREW'S CATHEDRAL 1 vim iVery Rv. J B. Gibson, Dean ( Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 am. Sunday School at 2:30 pjn. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. MomuclWorshipatll o'clock. Jubilee of Home Missions In B. C. SundaySchbol at 12:15. Erenlng Senrlce at 7:30. Subject, TTHE WORK OF THE PIONEERS IN LAYINO MORAL AND SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS IN B. C." Quartette, "Fierce Raged the Tempest." DevoUonal Service Wednesday at 7:30. Twelve Below Zero In Yukon Cool Weather Reported at Points Tills Morning in Interior and Coast AH At two points in the Yukon Territory early this momlnir the thermometer registered twelve degrees below zero and lt was cool at Interior and Northern B.C. points. The report of the Oovernment Telegraphs says: Prince Rupert Part cloudy, "aim: temperature. 36. F.iysport Part cloudy, calm, 34. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 34. Rosswood Cloudy, calm. 28. Alvansh Part cloudy, calm, 28. AUce Arm Part cloudy, north wind. 32. Anyox Clear, calm, 29. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 27. Hazelton Cloudy, north wind 24. Smlthers Snowing, calm. 26. Burns Lake Snowing, calm. Vandcrhoof Cloudy, calm, 14. Ouesnel Snowing, calm. Eighth Cabin Cloudy, calm. Whltehorse Part cloudy, 7. Atlin Cloudy, calm, 10. Carmacks Cloudy, north wind, 12. Selkirk Cloudy, strong north wind. Ogllvle Cloudy, calm, 12 below. Dawson Part cloudy, calm, 12 below. Social For Lief Erikson Society Newlyweds Held The Lief Erikson Society held an enjoyable social last night in the Metropole Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson, popular members of the organization, who were recently married. The feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson of a handsome silver cake plate bv I. Fenness, vice-president, in the absence of Karl Dybhavn, president of the Society. Delicious refreshments were served during the course of the proceedings which wpre of an informal naturaa. 7 Vegetables TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE VERY LOW PRICES Because Vegetables Are Going To Be High This Winter POTATOES Grown from certified seed. QQ CA Per sack J)OaOV CARROTS 05 8 lbs AOS rURNIPS OE 8 lbs ONIONS OCn 5 lbs. 01 BEETS 9 6 lbs PURE STRAWBERRY JAM C(n 4s. Per tin UUt QUAKER ROLLED OATS Premium In each package. HIZn 3 pkgs. i vl ?EARS-2. QCn 4 tins tJUl BUTTER Attn Per lb fiwC BUTTER C-f OP 3-lb. bricks tJLaOD SWEET BISCUITS QCo 3-lb. box ODi SILVER SPOON TEA Each oack-age contains a silver " Rte spoon. Per lb v BONELESS HAMS OIn Per..-b. T,.,4.;, , OUC McINTOSH APPLES CO Off C grade. Per box 9&&D Economy Cash & Carry PHONfc 360 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C.