LONDON, Dec. 7. Another terrific storm sweeping in from the Atlantic raged over the British Isles last night and today, spreading destruction in its wake. The Scilly Isles reported a wind velocity of 180 miles an hour, while 80 to 90 miles an hour in other . parts io f England was common. . Twenty-six deaths have been reported, nineteen of them being victims of sea mishaps, with at least a score of ships struggling desperately off the coast of Britain and the continent. Throughout the night the gale swept London and the theatre crowds were drenched in a torrential dswnpour, accompanied by a spectacular electrical Various Interests Meet Premier Tolmie and Hon. S. L. Howe Regard Possible Changes Regulations VICTORIA. Dec. 7. The nrovincial trovernment is anxious to'conscrVe fishcryvresourclis;4iiit-d6e?notedesire tn nlnrn nnv nhnsf unrior.rnn terday'sioufcrenxifi Manners' and fishermen was told by PrmtepJfltaieymd Hon. S. L. Howe. They said the gov-icrmMwe(iM)t8isfits fishery regulation on basis sat isfactflrjrfo flpernhn-Vimd fishermen. ACanners,.jn Jtrieir representations through the canned salmon section .of r.the . Canadian 1 Manufacturers' Association, urged the passage of the Fraser H sockeve treaty. opposed undue terference with their business and advocated protection of the salmon . Jr ri novei develoDment rth'lMScv PE . . : , . , - in cannery licenses, demanding1 that they be granted to all British subjects desiring mem. i ney for elimination of Orientals ifronj processing plants ana urged regu- ilai lations to Drevent Dolutlon nf JL lull- fi.t,. ing waters Dy waste irom reaucuon PFUhMlterles made a plea for fair consideration for Japanese. Oeorge Bushby of Prince Rupert said he had been forced to close down his reducUon plant which had ued dogfish because it was impos slble to operate under existing con ditions. CENTRAL HOTEL SOLD Mr. and Mrs. John Fry have ar- rived from Vancouver to take over the management of the Central Hotel which they have purchased from oiler Besner and Alfred Swanson. Mr. Fry was formerly proprietor of the Hotel winters in Vancouver . - Salvation Army , Already Promised f Aid For Hampers The Salvation Army reports that there are already several families they wish to help at the Christmas season and that a number of others are expected. The number of people out oi wors is " thl vear and more funds will oei needed If they are to be provided I for. Donations of meat nave aireaay ! been promised by Swift Canadian 1 m Aun nlM iles by hv i the hp Electric RlectrlC inakerv and the ie meat will be roasted and carving done by them. Toe H. will also give its aid. How- evert money as wen as Buppuco will be needed If the proper Christmas cheer Is to be provided. Well Known Gen. Died In England tninnn Dec. 7. General Sir ou-..l. Mnnrn ffimOUS for the SUC- rftstrirtivp rpmilntifinst? VPS- Northern Planes Meet Troilbl NOME. Dec. 7. Pilot Dorbandt's plane cracked up and ft plane pilot- y "X.r'r ..,r. .v-r.-j UKcu wiicii me UTmiuis uwtcinuicu to take off from Teller for North Cape. Siberia. General Manager of I nmnonv IIT vUUIiulV b Suggests Prince Rupert Outlet TOMORROW'S TIDES Boston Grill ... . it LA ROB CAMARET iunuayf uccemocr -pa -Illgr pectal Dlnnen Thuridij and 8aturdvi j,. 6: ajn. u.. W Ptnolnj T.vrtj futurity Sight, 9 to It Dnce H!J for Hire '. ':2 ; pjn. 16.1 n., iLecommcxlaUoht (or "PrlvsU Parties LOW UJJI. 11.4 II, ')( J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLIBIBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Si) Vol. XX., NO. '285. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Q., SATURDAY DEC, 7, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Terrific Storm Sweeps Britain With Wind at the Stilly Islands f Reported at 180 Miles an Hour FIGHT ON VANC. ICE Lions Walloped Cubs and Then Officer Stopped Trouble VANCOUVER, Dec. 7. Local Lions walloped Victoria Cubs here list night in a game which was fast , fur two periods and which nearly i ended In a free-for-all fight when , In the closing minutes Kenny of the ' Cubs landed on the Lions' skipper, i Phillips, and sent him to the ice. I An officer prevented further) trouble. At Seattle the Eskimos maintained their string of victories by nosing out Portland Buckaroos after a hard battle. Wm. Holowatz Died In Local Hospital Today William Holowatz, aged 35 and a resident of this city for two years dlf-d at 1 o'clock this morning in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital where he had been a pat-, lent for two years. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of. Hayner Bros., undertaken, and mtcrment will be made Monday! afternoon,'.' The late Mr. Holowatz, who was a native of Poland, was single and,' before his Illness, worked as a laborer. He Is survived by two brothers here John and Nicholas Holowatz. U.S. Is Making I Every Effort To j I Keep Prosperous i WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. The de- n.LSLT1! lng its forces to keep the country prosperous and. the people. employ- ed during the winter was announced from the White House yesterday. W 17 MnJnon I II t ITiauiuail I TV 1 ii T i UieQ At 1 OrOntO 1 TORONTO Dec. 7. William F. Maclean, former proprietor of the Toronto World and dean of the House of Commons, died today. aged 75. DEAL WITH CIVIL LIST . I Toorly Paid Employees of Govern ment to uet uevuton I ! VICTORIA, Dec. 7. -Immedlate Immediate adjustment of about a third Sriush 8! f!VU service workers in lurabla will follow In Interim report puomitted by Colonel Ross Napier. The lowest paid classes have been with first. These Include generally all clerl-fal positions up to a maximum of thre A grade ($135). Female employees other than stenographers and sundry employees who, although graded In two B class, have wen receiving less than three A grade maximum. ONE DROWNED NEW YORK, Dec. 7:-Steamer Baltic, which rescued five of the ww of the Newfoundland schoon- Northern Light, reports one of 1 InC ho CriW .... Buy n Pnrmn i on drowned. ' Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory FINEST CITY IN THE WORLD . "I am proud to say I was' born the finest city In the world," saw a Cockney to an Aberdonlan. Man" iw. i.. iit .a Twenty-six Deaths Already Reported and Many Ships Having Hard Time at Sea; Destruction In Wake Runae thocht it. Ye must hae cessful withdrawal of the British Jett Aberdeen when ye were a loon and Anzac forces from aailippi dur-rr ye've clean lost yer accent." lng the war, died today, aged CO. Harold Brown, general manager of the Union Steamship Company, took up the cudgels on behalf of Prince Rupert and objected to the Provincial Government pro- ceeding with extension of the P. G. E. when speaking in Vancouver at the annual meeting of the Vancouver Pub- licity Bureau. He warned his audience that regard should be had for the funded debt of the province wnen urging further railway extensions. Projection of the P. G. E. to the Peace, he said, bears with it a germ of trouble. He de clared tnere must be neavy tranic to justify such an expenditure, and asked If the road was physically ca- pable of handling neavy traffic. If the two standard railway systems hesitate to take hold ot the pro posal, now mucn more necessary, i u mat unusn ujmmoia snouip g s'owly, he added, pointing out that tnese railways nave tne iuuest ra cllltles for technical and economic analysis n,icU ot ,ha the -nii entire situation. tnnfinn The soeaker dealt with the possibility of the Canadian National Railway feeling obligated to Prince Rupert in the event of extension of the P.O.E. to the Peace, and .Prince, Rupert outflanking the , remainder, of the province In ihut,t;$Dei. ", ,lt "We must hold Kjmihand.'V.he! conUnued, "and at all costs, prevent exploitation on a purely party political basis without the collateral security of responsible thought and proper calculation." Mr. Brown added that If the extension Is to be carried on as a political measure, he would feel like "getting out on the soapbox and opposing it," adding: "If the private enterprise proposes to extend the P.Q.E. to the Peace, well and good. Development must be co-ordinated so that no phase of It Is strangled." TRYING TO SECURE A FLOUR MILL Letter From Industrial Department of Power Corporation Received Bv the Board of Trade At the meeting 3f the Board of Trade last night, (President Oon-zales In the chalr.ia letter was received from th? assistant Industrial manager pf JPower Corporation of Canada In reply to a letter ssnt them bytthe board. The letter read: , Dear Sir: "a Referring further to Mr. Schwartz's le.tertn vou of the 12th. tnst. In rsijlv to yo'ir re quest that we cooperate with you m trying to locate a flour mill in Prince Rupert. fl We are taking) his matter up with different Intprests In the east, but in the meantime I would like to have some additional Information from yqu. Mr. Pawson ' i;elty me that von have n very fne.e48vator out there. but that unfortunately, last year. at any rae. jr. aa not nandle it-share ot the grain. I would appreciate, having front you full Information on the elevator, also Information as to the terms under which Jt is held bv ...... M4 --...1 j reJl'-":.J"", -.;..Tw"'. .rir'.yi "1C u;aoc "! You have had sufficient experience of the difficulties involved In getlng new industries, to appreciate the fact thatpnatter rf thU kind are not settled over nlvht. We are, however, verv jiiad to have you communicate wlht us and want to do everything we can to assist you in building up Prince Rupert. , j Yours very; truly, I W. I BURNIE, , Asst. Industrial Manager. -c a ,x . " i AnnmnfmonTc nppUlllllIieillD O. Sundahl Is Created Justice of the Peace at Terrace; Engi neers Moved VICTORIA, Dec. 7. The department of public works announces the transfer of engineers as follows: James Brady from. Cranbrook to Prince Oeorge to become, district engineer. Arthur Dixon from Prince Oeorge to Cranbrook. Olaf Sundahl of Terrace is named as a Justice of the peace. SIR HENRY HONORED Sir Henry Thornton has been admitted as a life member of St. Olot's order of America for the service he has rendered the Norse in Canada. The order was given to him by Ocneral: Norwegian Consul Bryn ot Montreal. Union S. S. U1UH vai a vs MJ Two More Big -Steamers Coming To Tie Up Here At the Board of Trade meeting 'ast night, it wa3 reported by the president that he had interviewed B. C. Keeley In regard to overhauling the steamers at this port It , was explained by Mr. Keeley mat two. big steamers had already "e"n sent nere to tie1 up ana tnese Would be overhauledi Two more similar ships were coming but the other boats were to a large extent overhauled by members o the crew, whose homes are In Vancou ver. Because of that he could make no promises. Howcver he assured Mr. Oonzales that eve; rv thing possible would be done ti o encourage business at this port. All Fur Garments at one third HARDSHIPS OF KEEPERS LIGHTHOUSE Meani of Communicating With Shore Asked By Board of Trade For Men In Charge The Board of Trade at Its meet lng last night decided to ask the SfftSlh. ot cfehich led to the proclamation of martial law at Port au municating with the shore so that1 Prince and Cape Haitien, was described by Secretary Stim-Ki.eSK,?f.Ae?t! son yesterday as being "regarded as exceedingly serious" due suffering. The matter was! MdUoPfa currect to Mrs Moran who. whenj helnlnz her husband. eOt her' hand cauirht In a winch hnrfiv Injuring It and breaking her le?. ."dSraiss flnred great suffering as a result, tne naa at tne time a nine months old haby to look Another case cited was one?that took . place five years aeo when ; Tom Watkins at Triple Island was ! Ill for nine days and then died and It was ten davs after he died rArnr nm arrival Capt. Armour strongly urged that radiophones be Installed at - h,,n cnier Engineer Stamford has raa riv Iran Vi a mna .m Muu i r No Pooling of Power Interests On Puget Sound I . Bat IT. S. Navy Will Crisij Unless. This uone SEATTLE, Dec. 7. Because the power wer interests interests of of Puge Puget Sound ci ties win not pool their pi ower supply. luiey.Snavfwlllnot iMid tho aia of the airplane carrier Lexington to VSSS'f a auxiliary. Technical difficulties have arisen wnicn make tne pooling plan ob-1 Jectlonable to Seattle. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courttty S. D. Johnston Co, I Bayvlcw, 2, 3. Big Missouri, 68. 70. Cort Province. 5. 5Vi. Cotton Blt. 15. 30. Dunwell 5. Nil. Duthie Mines. 40. 43 Oeorge Copper. 2.80. 2.00 Oeorgla River. 15. 16. Oolconda. 80. 83. Orandvlew. 16Vi. 17. Inter. Coal & Coke, 25 NIK K'-nav Fi'v-i;ce 8 14, Nil, Mohawk. 2, Nil. Morton Woolsey, Nil. 12. ' Marmot River Oold. 20. 25. Marmot Metals. JA. 2Vj. ationa' Silver. 7, 7&. Noble Five. 43Vt. 44. Oregon Cooper. 14. 15. ... Pend Oreille. 2.75. 3.00. : iff Premier. 1.68. 1.72. Porter-Idaho. 27. 30. . rr Macdonald. Rufus-Argenta, Id. ' Ruth-Hope. 23, 24. Silver Crest. 6, 6Vfc. Silverado, 35. 40. S'ocan Rambler. 6, 7. Snowflake 15. 17. fiunloch. Nil, 1.10. Terminus, 2, Nil. Topley Richfield. 5, 5. Torlc Mines, NU, 1.00. Woodbine. 2, 3. Oils A. P. Con., 2.12, 2.15. Calmont, 1.10. 1.11. Dalhousle, 1.75.. 1.78. Devenlsh. 15, Nil. Fabyan Pete. 6, 6. Home, 11.05. 1125. Maviand. 1.97. 2.00. McLeod. 2.35, 2.45. Freehold, 65, Nil. Hargal, 1.00. 1.03. United, 75, 79. Two Mines of This District Pay Dividends During the present month and the first week In January next. Jfh! Granby Consolidated Mining. J Smelting ti Power' Co. will pay a 53, oiviaena. aisiriDuung a gros3 amount of $900,000 to shareholders. The Premier Oold Mining Co. will pay a dividend of six per cent or a gross amount ot $300,000. H. C. Hiwhes, Consolidated Mln- ln5 & Smelting Co. field engineer. wno was mauica ay a grizziy Dear on Slbola Mountain during the past summer and had to be rushed by airplane to Vancouver tor hospital treatment, Is now fully rprnvprprf frnm hi Inttirlp.t unrt oil. Wm. Goldblooin, The Fur ftl.lsome weeks ago resumed his duties: (tf) In tho Interior. , Martial Law Follows Serious Situation in Haiti; U.S. Patrolling WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. The situation nt Haiti. because of popular excitement 'Jit; sirme in me customs omce at rorv au rrince TVim-ci-lntr fViof tVtfartanaA eavimta nvc .o.,.tt.nrl 'VJi "" - pi FR f, YM A N VJLiljl VJ 1 lYl-Tll l r IN COURT P. Ber. Samuel c.i I-nndle iji n.m,A.A Remanded on v. i..., lowing Hunting Tragedy d,W,SfoiioSX ivembsr rp 18, while -?nvttZr. hunting ' .i at VClUt rno Rev. Samuel Lundle. pastor of of the the Presbyterian Presbyterian Church Church at Foowe. has been remanded In the rovlncla oollce court on ball of 2000. Preliminary hearing will aVr" p'ace Wednesday, The case Is the first known In Victoria where prosecution ot - hunter ha followed the verdict 'accidental death" by coroner's pury AttomeyuiOeheraUoPooley itoW.'i S . ' v. Y u? 'Early thls'lallt decided that all' proscutlonf-foTmanslaughter. lr-, JHll"!)?rtTSSiera o'trd that people can be so careiess wun nrearms wnen num - ' lng In the bush." INC0METAX . UNDER i 1 1 Effort Betne Made In United States U Have it Consider- ,i ably Reduced i WASHINGTON. Dec. 7: House has endorsed the proposal. to reduce tne taxes on earned in comes by $160,000,000. While it is, Many Officials Arrived From In-understood a majority of thei trrior in aha vrHav1. Senate favor the measure, there block it by talking It ou NEW YORK. Dec. 7: Scores ot men and women from au walks o nip leu in a special uam iorjnJd In tV citv yesterday with tj".-sinjton . to urge upon the W' TT. ToVv Ht,tsi0nal Rupcrln-Senate the desirability ot reauclng tendent presiding. Outsld of- iaxe on cjiuca mcunicw Ani5!rials arrivina in the city on measure, if It goes through, wlU Thursday atrnoon's train from affect many wage earners as wen -he Interior for meeting included: ft others in all parts ot the coun try. Three Killed In Traffic Accidents At Vancouvei vanpoitvkr. aec. 7 Three persons were killed In traffic accidents at Greater Vancouver last night. William Warner, aged man. and Lloyd Morrison, aged 17. were killed when a motorcycle ridden by the latter collided with Warner. Doris O'Connor, aged 14, riding on the machine with Morrison, was seriously Injured. Mrs. John King of Barnet was killed when the car In which she and her husband were driving home was overturned In a ditch after swerving In passing another car. The husband received minor injuries. TORONTO STOCKS rio- For the Day Amulet, 1.75, 1.76. Dome, 7.25. 7.50. Falconbrldge. 6.35. 6.50. Hudson Bay. 10.10, 10.15. International Nickel. 33.25, 33.40. Imoerlal Oil. 29.25. 29.40. Mandy, 30, 50. ij Mining Corporation. 3.10. 3,15.' Mclntyre, 14.65, 15.00. Noradna. 36.25, 36.40. Niplssing, 1.90. 1.94. Stadacona. 4. 4Vi. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.43, 3.45. suaoury Basin, 4.01, 4.03. Teck Hughes. 5.10. 5.15. Treadwell Yukon. 7.00, 8.00. Ventures. 3.35, 3.40. Wright Hargraves. 1.28, UP. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 7-The price or wneat today nere was $1.42 a bushel. and the danger of outbreaks . OCwuuo w mpwuu is, '"uiicu .In a proclamation of martial law. inlted States marine corps guards were patrolling the city and all was quiet. U. S. S. Wright received secret orders yesterday to sail today from Norfolk, Virginia, with marines for "duty overseas," and It was presumed the destination was Haiti. Power Situation Vancouver Still Serious Problem Britannia Putting Men on Half Time; Private Power Aiding B.C. Electric VANCOUVER. Dec. 7: Fine cool weather hai returned to Vanoou-ver; The lluht rains and mists of 3taatu Th Tbc, 116 Com- thrmtcrh mnMiiaHnn f Tower lusy hope to be able to plants hortly durlne nlchts n,ln tn mrt.n.K nower. Tne ar'tannia riming and smelt-n- rn hSt laid off 250 men for two weeks. At the end of that time they will be taken back and another 250 laid off. By mean of JttX rotation of layoffs the-'jiiffect j.oa.the emolorwent situation will not bescrio'js, th men merely taking the time off as a holiday? I. i C; N. R Conference 'Beint? Held Here i Th seni' . nual conference of Canadian Nu tonal Ral'wnvr oner-atlng officials of this division wps P. O. Rue" assistant sunerln- n1ent Smlthers: Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic Prince Oeorge: R. A. Harlow and Elmer Ocnderson, roadmasten, Prince Oorge; R. C. Davidson and D. Dlneen. roadmasters. Smlthers. and Oeorge Keep. Investigation denart-mcnt Prince Oeorge. Moat of these men returned to he inter'or on today's, train. Mr. Harlow and Mr. Dlneen are accompanied to the city by their wives. Also here to attend the meeting were J. H. Nichols, superintendent of perishable traffic Winnipeg, and Frank Moore, fuel inspector, Vancouver, who was formerly located here. PROWLER ARRESTED Man U Believed to Have Intended Entering Store Last Night City no'lre 01 boldln" tor in-vestlafaUon a orowW who . i ii-'eged have bwn attempting 't n'hf o hrak Into th ntor nt Wllfr'H Oratton on second Avrnue. The arrek was mad at ll'SO om. after officera had hen al'cd to the scene over the tel"- hone bv a woman who stated that a man was attcmnMnx trj break ihtr hjtieini'ri nrC, had not aetifai.y made entry when the oollce arrived but was found In the enclosed back porch. Police officers declined this morning to announce the name ot the man pending further investigations of his movements. Later the mar w taken before Magistrate McClvmont and charged with attempting to break and enter, the case being adjourned for eight davs. The police still declined this afternoon to divulge the man's name despite the fact that he had been formally charged. !J