PAGE SIX l "Rap" Diesel-Oil Engines Manufactured by "Rap" Motor Co, Oslo, Norway Are Solid, Reliable and Economical Low Upkeep, and Small Fuel Consumption A 35-foot trawler with a 14 h.p. Rap costs $4.75 for one week's run of 110 hours. Motor Boat "Rap 3" with a 24 h.p. motor giving speed of about 7Vt miles has run 1400 miles with a cost of $36.00 in fuel and lubricating oil. ARNT SOLIIEIM IS NOW INSTALLING A JWodern Up-to-Date Machine Shop at the Pacific Salvage Wharf He Will Take Charge of the Business of the Rap Motor Company During the Guarantee Year Equipped to give gb'd service, his1 plant will be available at all timeaito' the customers of tho Rap Motor Company. HeilFmsxmirYy a full stock of spare parts for Rap eriginqstn. iuomuh uu Doing everything in its power to make satisfied customers, this is part of the service given to Rap motor-engine owners in the Prince Rupert district by the Rap Motor Company. MOTORS OF ALL SIZES ARE GENERALLY CARRIED IN STOCK IN nOTII VANCOUVER AND SEATTLE See Me or Write For Information L. LlAMMli: . Address in Seattle: St. Charles Hotel Third and Cherry Streets CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Ail Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LUMBE 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 SS, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3GI . Retail Yard, Cow nay, Telephone 423 by Island, where she is tied up for the winter. The Bobolink has been the snagboat in this district for many years and has given noble service. The vessel was formerly named the Cygnet. On completion of the new boat, it is understood the Bobolink hull will be offered lor sale. Since her arrival in port on morning from Vancouver : where she was built in Menshtons shipyard, the new fifty-five loot power cruiser Naskeena, for use of the Indian Department out of this port, has been inspected by many local citizens. Although of attractive lines, there is nothing very fancy about the Naskeena, but she Is a very substantial and evidently excellently built vessel and should be well suited for the work she will be called upon to carry out. Roomy inside quarters, including a spacious engine room, are features of the boat, the cost of which it is understood was in the neighborhood of $13,000. The Naskeena is moored at the floats of the Pacific Salvage Co. which will probably be her permanent quarters. The vessel was brought up the coast by Capt. D. Barry, who sailed Thursday night by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver after having turned the boat over to Indian Agent W. E. Collison that day. the next fishing season. To Build New Boat Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AND DRY This coal is recognized by all who have used It as being the best Alberta coal coming into Prince Rupert. There Is no rock nor slack and we can deliver it in any size you desire. Egg, 1 inch to 3-inch $12.50 Stove, 3-lrich to 6-inch $12.75 Furnace J-p 111. REMEMBER i i ( t Our coal Is kept under cover and you are not paying for water. We Can Supply Telkwa Lump $13.50 Wellington Lump $14.30 INSIDE MILL WOOD Cut WxW, bhr load . ..$L50 C. C. KETCIIUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 TOE DAILY NEWS gaturdayipccnmh.. r 152 WATERFRONT WHIFFS New Snagboat For Local Waters; Olof Anderson to Build New Halibut Vessel; Discussion u Over Fishermen's Floats the drydock. the old provincial gov ernmcnt floats at Cow Bay will be abandoned and the site turned over to the Prince Rupert Yacht & Row-in Plitk ...V, n,A.Ant elta 1m week on redecklng of the east end of the CNH. wharves near headquarters of the Royal Canadian Na- ra1 IfAlnntnAw DaLmia w. h t which makes' Sfiptirt herfflSfc 0Ut No-1 Shed a C0UPle ot quarters, arrived during the last few ' 6 . days from Seattle, where she had Extensive rerairs including re annual overhaul, as a result of DV the Pacific So'va fin nn a which she looks distinctly fit and S-foot tJow wh hgB olU of F p K P,na Sffl purchased by the company and rlmnln hf;p Htu Vh;11 brought from Stewart. The scow Is remain here until the opening of hoin shh iv, . , company's local fleet. I National ' Airplane Lumber Co.'s power vessel "23" is down from thi Olof Anderson, a member of the Ecstall River for engine overhaul by irew of the R. W. during the past the Pacific Machine Works. The season and who had command of vessel is moored at the Pacific Sal-the Kaien a couple of years ago In a vage Co. floats. .elievlng capacity, is negotiating ' vlth the McLean Yard at Seal Oove Capt. Axel Olsen. owner of the with a view to lettine the contract local halibut boats Rose Suit and for the construction during the Oslo, leaves today for trip which will omlne winter of a new 44-foot hal- start at Lakelse Lake and Is nlan- ibut boat, thus making his debut as ned to end at Vancouver. He will a vessel owner. He plans on lnstal- be away holidaying for the next ling a 29 h.p. Rap motor in the new several weeks. vessel. Anderson, a couple of months ago, won a city lot which Ever increasing business, which was raffled by the Prince Rupert the popular Mil Nlckerson seems to Exhibition and the proceeds from have the happy knack of attracting same have aided him with his boat-1 to him and which faculty he has building venture. , ably disseminated to other mem- i bers of his staff, has made necessary E. A. Lewis has taken over the Cow Ray fruit store and barber shop 1 from Peter Bruno, who left recently with his wife and family for Van-1 couver. Pete is expected to return to Prince Rupert about the middle of February and will then resume business at the old stand. The fine, new cannery of the B. C. Packers at Walker Lake, near the mouth of Dean Channel, was destroyed by fire early on the morning of December 1. Further particulars of the fire which have been received indicate the main cannery building was burned to the water's edge, the machinery and eofllnmpnt therein dunging into the sea as the dock collarwri The hnilpr .store and all other adjacent build-i lno's U'Pl-ft e&t)nri " " 1 " The ;"vyalker Lake cannery was! a five-line plant and was probably the most modern and Up-to-date on the BrUlsh Columbia coast. l was built only three or four years ago. While, of course, there Is nothing 1 definite to be learned as yet about ! future plans, It is presumed that,! with the destruction of the Walker ! Lake cannery, the nearby Bella Col-1 la cannery, which was Idle during the past summer, will be operated next year by the B. C. Packers. , Ai extensive and up-to-date fire I concern. The proposition to aban-! ""' rtrm tha fn Ddo flrot0 Vino maf ! "1. MVS. V . 1 1. " J . . Vk. VJ A.Mtf ...V V with hearty opposition from fishing interests, both the Canadian Hail-but Vessel Owners' Association and the Northern B. C. Salmon Fisher men's Association having passed resolutions urging that they be alarm svstem Is In course of Instal lation throughout the Canadian National docks here. The principle of the system is a fine copper tube, which, went heat is applied to it, expands so a3 to ring a bell system, thus making the alarm. Ray Love is assisting railway electricians In the installation work. Stomach complaint has made it nccessarv for Shef Thomson, dodu- lar Jar Yacht' Yficht'Club ci custodian, to lay off i i rrT. 1 : Duringe coming Winter the federal department of ff6 nnhliV works will call for tenders for the construction of a mien at tew weeKs ana, accord- now resting up as a ti the Commercial Hotel, new vessel to replace the steamer Bobolink as snagboat on jgjje gwjfg the -Skeena and Naas Rivers with headquarters at this before shef is able to resume his port. Like the Bobolink, the new boat will be a sternwneel- aues er but will be larger and more up-to-date than the present craft. The engines, but not the Doners, ot the uouonnK win be installed in the new boat, construction of which will probably start some time next jpring at the shipyard successful in litUe lat considerabIe activity securing the contract The proba- ,on tnb u u antlclpated. bility is that the Bobolink will carry on the work for all or the most of considerable discussion has de-next season and, with that end In vei0Fed at Prince auirt over the view certain repirs are now being re ort that on corapletion of the carried out on the old vessel at Dig-, tlsheims floats Just east of New Boat at Floats Extensive remodelling work by means of which the vessel was converted from a fish packer into a condition suitable for engaging in freighting between here and the Skeena River canneries having been completed at the Suga boat building establishment, the sturdy power boat Laura F. II.. recntly purchased by George Frlzzell from the B. C. Packers, moved this week Into a berth at the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club floats. The Laura F. I. whose engine was nlaced in the new boat, is presently tied up will be leased oft to a cold storage; motor ft? Y,2 will ,0Bk?" be S?ujSk Anotncr probably found for Local hunters have been having pretty good success in taking deer of late, but it has not been so good with geese and ducks, although some birds have been obtained bv naintatned. In addition to the new 'Parties going rather far afield. Of floats. This central location, it is course. wer.tb? r being so bad that it contended, is valuable not only to n'Sth rotten has handlcappped the fishermen, but to the business Kunnine operations. Now that an interests of the city as well. The Improvement seems to .fee In store threatened situation brings to the no doubt there will be renewed en-fore again the idea that the city thusiaam. A number of the real old authorities might undertake the 'ourdoughs will have to do better establishment of public municipal ' tnan they have done bo far if they floats. i aie not to be skunked altogether. Engine Sold I Tho engine it Cant. Sam Hnu- Th 3-.r woMincr rv,av,ir, .,,. 1 win's halibut boat TramD Is under- reports the sale to Karl Ehn of a 15 ?,?aS?ual,?v,c.haul ai Lhe nds h.p. Vivian gasoline engine for in-1 "J?6 tar Welding machine shop trnlflniT knot v,. I 3UII. Is having built Prince Rupert builder. by K. Tsumura. Japanese boat- A crew has been worklnsr this Harry Stiles. E. Hellman and Aid. George Rudderham were among members ot a hunting party which left at noon yesterday aboard the trolling boat Ideal for Welcome Harbor. They arc due back with the game tomorrow. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will leave next week for the south. He will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home in Vancouver, and, while there, will also have some official duties to attend to. H. N. Brocklesby of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta tion staff, who Is comoletlng his doctors degree at McQlll University. Is expected to return here to resume his duUes about next May. ORDERS TROLLING BOAT J. F. Eyolficn. local troller. has given the contract to the dry dock here to build for him a 40-foot trolling boat of ordinary type. Construction is starting at once. A Vivian gas engine will be Delayed by fog down the coast, G.N.R. steamer Prince Charlea Capt. Nell McLean, is reported due at C o'clock this evening from Vancouver and Ocean Falls. Today's train for the east is awaiting the arrival of the boat. Under revised Khedule which eliminates the ves- A number of other Prince Rupert E. Hunt, Ltd.. local shk) chandlerv ' 8 01111 at Any north from halibut men are understood to be and marine mmniv rnnm Ahe. the Prince Charles will sail contemplating the building of new cordlngly, a contract for the carry-iat 8Jj m- for Stewart only, boats this winter, but, as yet, no fur- lng out of the work has been let to J1 h?re tomorrow evening south-ther contracts have ben definitely the Pacific RtPvoHnrinv rn oh .n. bound. 'let, other than such as have been structlon operations will commence previously announced. ! within the next few days. An ex- I tension of 25 feet is to be added to The financial success that In the 1 ful1 'ace of the building on the large majority of cases attended waterfront side and, in order that j halibut fishing operations during ths may be done the dock Itself, th nat unn i. (r,rti.irf h. tul will be extended outwards and even- reports of several Prince Rupert ed. Driving of some 12 or 15 piles waterfront business concerns of rm oe necessary ne cost oi me .generally Increased winter bust-: lmpr?y,"e"t work 18 estimated at ness. Of course, this does not af. i about $2000. I feet all; but some, at least, state! 'that there Is a distinct Improve- Tile Driver Bark ; ment. A number of boats are al-! The Pacific Stevedoring & Con- i ready having hull and engine over- tractlng Co.'s big pile driver was haul carried out in order to avoid brought back to oort by the Salvage I the rush that usually develops a Princess on Wednesday night from few weeks before the new season Alice Arm, where it had been em-1 opens. The fishermen are also in a ployed for ten days or so ln'reoalr 1 better position than they were a work at the government wharf. year ago to duuq new Doats and a It is sometimes wise to buy Term Insurance For a young married man with a good job and bright prospects, but with a limited income, the cheapest Insurance to buy is Term Insurance. ' It will provide his family, for a period of years, with the greatest amount of real protection at the lowest cost. Then, as his financial position improves, he can convert the policy into a limited pay life, straight life, endowmer.t or some other form of permanent insurance. By so doing he doesn't lose what he has paid in, but enjoys the full benefits of the utmost protection at the time when his family needs It most and when his salary is limited. We shall be pleased to Issue Convertible Term Insurance to thoie needing it. If you are interested, write for our pamphlet 'entitled 'The Danger of AbelsyVAddiess: Confederation Life Association Utad Office: TORONTO UriDch Office: 611-617, KoV Building, YANCOUVEK. THURSDAY. FRIDAY I AND SATURI)AY TWO SHOWS ' and 9 p.m. THE SPECTACLE OF THE AGES Dolores Costello and George O'Brien In "Noah's Ark" (PART TALKING), BIBLICAL AND MODERN ALL TALKING COMEDY "CRAZY FEET" ADMISSION, 20c AND 63c; SATURDAY MATINEE, 13P av Our Temptation !S NOW IN FULL SWING We Invito You to Yisit Our Store. Bargains Galore Tfe Acme Importers ' 3 : ' A GIFT OF GIFTS A DIAMOND RING $135.00 CHRISTMAS IS A PERFECT EXCUSE TO GIVE A DIAMOND RING Nothing more expresses your admire i n than a sparkling blue white diamond sc tn a gorgeous, hand-carved mounting. Th wm above is special value and we1 guarantee it.s iiiw quality. We have other diamond rings of just "4 quality but with slightly smaller stones ucc- 'v ing to price at $75.00, $50.00, DOWN TO $15.00 John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLERS LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone 68 1 V Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI It V FOB i SKIISXA I5I?VM iCredM(ifyBuUer& Cottage Cheese FItESlI rASTKimlZF-n y11 AND CKEAM DAIL' Early Delivery Ill m Try a Paily News Want Ad.