BJ. PAJE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 9 W29 McLARNIN KNOCKS OUT JOE GLICK AND HEENEY BEATEN I Vancouver Man Drops JoeGlkk Three Times and Wins Minute and Half of 2nd Round NEW YORrv, March 2.-Jimm y McLarnin, sensational puncher fronij VanfcbuVer, B.C., Knocked out Joe Glick, outstanding lightweight, in the second round of their battle in Madison Square Garden last night, Glick was knocked down for the count of nine before a straight right floored him again for the count. The end came one minute and 30 seconds after the commencement of the second round. Glick, with blood streaming down his face irom a badly , cut eye, was no match for the two-fisted slugger from British Columbia. After the third knockdown Glick gamely fought to rise, but he fell flat on his back as the fatal count ; of 10 tolled. Is was a sensational victory for the Vancou- j ver boy, despite the fact that he outweighed Glick by nearly four pounds. . Glick, especially during the last two years, has met and beaten almost all his lightweight rivals. Six weeks ago he I dropped a ciose decision 10 lucianwi. iasi iiigni xuc Lamin finished the job he started then. GREAT SCORING OF AUSTRALIAN Woodful Made 275 Runs Fori Sydney, Australia .Against England MELBOURNE, Aust., Mar. 2 -The Victoria cricket team today declared their first innings at an end without allowing all their playera to bat In the match against England after4 scoring. 572 runs for nine wiekets. Woodful. the great Australian test match bowler, scored a brlt- n the Native Sons forfeiting the liant 275 for Victoria, being un- game when a number of theii defeated when the innings ballplayers were removed from th declared. floor with four personal fouls, England's- total score for two, The game up to thafime'-w wickets at the close of play was Very poorly played, with man; fouls called for rough playing. SCORERS IN . w I R1R I H Al iVTri l IK V11L LLtTlUULr R. E. James Still Leads List With Charlie Brewn " 8eafn Jnat " gond High School team has been de feated. High School started out well but the players were no. Prince Rupert Cribbage League able to-keep up the pace which players having a score of 70 or 'they attempted to set While over up to and including Feb-! they were regaining their wind, ruary 25. are asf follows: jBIg Four took advantage of the R. E. James, C N. Operating . 93, opportunity and was able to equal C. H. Brown, New Empress . 97 the score and from then on the A. Mcintosh, C. N. Operating 97 game was always in doubt, with B. West, I. R. Hotel 96 ,h side leading alternatively. J. Delorme, Cold Storage .... 95'The individual scores were: P R U'rmi r V Htuntlrif O I S. II. Pearee, NeW Empress . . 93 J Clark, P. R. Hotel 93 A. A. MeEwen, Cold Storage . fll,?H Sm,th 10 V. Houston, Orange Lodge . 91 Iea fy 8 J. U'nfann T Ur HnfM nfJOeo. Hill 0 wrm f m. v . IL Letourneau, K. of C. 90 W. Ranee, Canadian Legion 39 V. Smith, P. R. Hotel 89 K. R. Iini, C. N. Operating 89 W. Rothwell, Orange Lodge 88 T M. J. Fortune,.K. of C. 87 R. Anderson, Cold Storage 86 ji. SKaiieooi, Operating So! b. Moran, Jsew Empress .... 8a N. Hughes, C N Mechanics . 85 A. Harvey? P.'Ri Hotel ..... 83 T. Rousay, Eagles 85 J. Andrews, Grotto 85 J. Unkles, Canadian Legion . 84 H. Smith, Orange, Lodge . . . 83 W. Davies, Canadian Legion . 82 D. Kennedy, Cold Storage ... fll A. French, New Empress 80 H. Astoria, K. of C 79 ame was" always in doubt from A. King. C. N. Operating .. 7S,tne first to last The Jap R. Vierick, Eagles 77 L, Astoria, K. of C. ... 76 J. Wynne, Orange Lodge ... 75 F. Aldridge, Orange Lodge'.. 75 J. Watt, P .K. Hotel 1VBI J4J 11. Arney, aioose . s.f Jl F. Riff on, K. of C. ....;..'. 74 It. T. J. Rose, C N Mechanics 73 F. A. Rogers, C. N. Mechanics 73 M M. Lamb, Canadian Legion 73 W. Bailey, Orange Lodge .... 72 W. Reid, Eagles 72 F. Barber, C. N. Mechanics . 72 M. Murray, Native Sons .... 72 A. Astoria, K. of C 71 J. Lawrenson, Can. Legion ... 70 B. Horn, C. N. Mechanics ... TO BASKETBALL IS ! RECOMMENCED! Three Games Played Last Night 'I in Exhibition Hall Rut In. termediafe Was Rest Contested The basketball season owned it evening in the Exhibition nan with a small attendance. xbe intermediate game was the bt 0f the evening. The senior game between the Native Sons Sanmd the Platers Club resultec The Intermediate game be 'tween the High School and tht 'Bijr Four was a ding-dong battlt 'rem Inning, to. the end. A faU tfme the Kore was tied and during the extra time, Big Pour was able to take the lead anr in th? am? 32'23- ls thl BIG FOUR- Pts Per Ernie Ratchford 9 Doug -v Stalker 5 Total 32 HIGH SCHOOL Pts Per Allan Cross 4 1 HaroM Macdonald 12 0 Danny Morrisson 5 3 Bob Irvin R 4 Bob Stalker 2 4 Joe Seett 0 0 Walter Johnston 0 0 Total 28 12 The High School junior team defeated the Canadian Japanese Students 19-18 in a real hard played gamev The junior boys did very fwell in their combination plays and shooting. The anese boys did very well for their first. appearance as an all- 'Japanese basketball team. The inaiviuuaiscorc were - HIGH Iflliop Pts Per W. Johnstonef 12 Roy Wicks 6 Ted Smith 1 B. Bacon 0 J. Comadina 0 Total 19 C. J. STUDENTS Pts Per K. Nakamoto 5 2 T. Katsuyama 5 2 T. Shlkatanl 8 0 M. Sakamoto 0 1 Mil Bout in HEENEY GOES DOWNBEFORE JIM MALONEY Championship Aspirant Bad-ly Punished by Boston Man BOSTON, March 2. Jim . Maloney, Ronton heavyweight, , gave Tom Heeney of New Zealand a had beating here last night in a bruising 10-round contest. Maloney punished the New Zealander with hard left hooks and jabs in every round and emerged from the contest unmarked. Maloney won eight rounds, Heeney one, and the other even. On a previous meeting Heeney knocked out Maloney in the first round. TAILTEANN GAMES The Tailteann Games in Ireland are the oldest in the world, ante dating even th. famous Olympii Games of Greece. They were started in 632 B. C. CAMEL FIGHTS INSTAMBOUL :evivar of Curious Old Tfme Sport to Finance Aviation J ;' in' Turkey STAMBOUL, Turkey, FeD. 26: -Eight camejs, lords of the-raee hat is fast dying out of Turkey jeneath the pressure of modem :iviliration, are to meet in the tadiu'm of Stamboul, there to ay down their lives or at best mash their humps so that more tirplanes may sweep through Turkish skies over ancient ab, andoned caravan trails. The Turkish National Aviation League s to stage the camel combat, the roceeds of which will go to swell the mill Ion 4 of Hras already alsed in various ways for the mrchase of the republic's plane?. Camel fighting is a sport as lear to Anatolians as bull fights .0 the Spaniard, but this will be the first camel combat held in the metropolis within the memory of the oldest 'inhabitant. To stage a fight between these Jtately ships of the desert, the cue is merely to provide a "wo. man in the case.' Two gentlemen camels are led into the ring from which there is a narrow alley f exit. One of these camels is tied and the other left free In ;he ring. Then a female camel is led In and the untied male is allowed to flirt with her while the tied male looks on with growing jealousy and fury. When the lat-er has reached a fighting pitch f anger, the lady is led off, the lealous male's rope is untied and he straightway makes for his rival. J 7 The camel's method of fighting fs to try to get his humps beneath his opponent and thus to toss the latter over on his back. They do not always fight to the death, The camel who feels he Is getting the worst of it often bolts from the ring down the exit which is left opened for the pur pose-the pose,, the one one who who remains remains oif ori. lhe thofi, f'V"" to. T . .k t 1 . , S. Kanaya 0 0 R. Ohat 0 0 Total 18 5 R. B. Skinner was referee; Ernie Anderson, doorkeeper; H. Jackson, timekeeper, and Sonny Styles, scorekeeper. Victoria Golf . 1 His honor ib- Lieut. -Governor Randolph Bruce off British "olumbia who officially opened the first annual EmbreVs Hotel mid-winter gJ! tournament last week at Victoria. 1 k 1 '""J i The beantifu! E. W. Beatty trophy, donated by him for the championship of the first annual mid-winter golf tournament re cently held at Vietoria under the auspices of the Canadian, Pacific Railway. The cup was won bjr T. L. Swan who defeated J. II. Lee. both residents of Victoria. LIONS LORD IT OYER RIVALS Beat Eskimo at Seattle, Result Sensational Work of Goalie , . . SEATTLE. March 2. The Van-1 eouVer Lions continue to lord it' over their rivals In the Coast Hockey League. They added an other victory to their long list of victories by defeating the" rJswmos here last night four goals to nil. scorea one in ine nrsi prrioa, iwo in the second and one in the third. Percy Jackson, Vancouver goalie, gave ii sensational exhibition. NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM First Chorus Girl Why did 'success go to Roberta head? Second Ditto So much parking space there. Life. Tournament J. II. Lee of Victoria, who was defeated during the final game of the Empress Hotel , mid-winter golf tournament, by T. L. Swan, ft 10 of that city. , 1 I "-T- NEWSY LALONDE TO COACH SENATORS OTTAWA, Mar. 2 : Newsy Lalonde has been signed to coach the Ottawa Senators' for the next two seasons. BITTER COLD - IN EUROPE- ; KtiftDjfk. 'Mar. ' &Europs course odC bitter wintry weather continued unabated today.. Heavy snowfalls in Austria, Hungary and the Balkans further disrupted the railway service. In Greece 'severe weather with floods ,hnve caused ,grea great hard-) shfjisrl '! Violent 1 gales swept France while bitter cold continued In Poland and Gulicia. The entire northern Baltic continued covered with thick frost. BILLIARD STANDINGS First Division TEAM STANDINGS PI. Ttl Av lGra,nd Terminal . 3 337C 1126 Grotto 4 4417 1104 Canadian Legion .. 418 1189 ' IMliviIHIAI. AVKHACMS lftV WIIHswroft t.G) 2 500 260 in. J. A. West (CD . 1 217 247 W. II. Long (GT) .. 9 2221 217 I. Hamilton GT) .. a 71& 29 :. P. iialajfnrt (C.T) . 9 2127 286' '. P Tinker . 8 1891 2SC . Donald (t) ..... 10 2341 234 ! M. Andrews (CL) 8 1860 2J4 IW. J. Nelson (GT) . 9 2085 232! M. MeUchlan (G) . 2 464 222 F. G. Pyle (.CL) .. 5 1148 2S0 Alex Murray (CL) . 8 1798 25, J. Andrews (CL) .. 9 1992 221 Col. MeMordle (CL) . & 1311 219 Ben Self (GT) 2 45 218 Bert Morgan (G) . . 4 862 213 F. Williams (GT) .. 2 426 218 F. Stephens (G) ... 10 2122 212 A. A. Basson C) .. 10 21 OCT 211 D. Brown (G) ;0 2102 210( W, Mitchell (GT) .. 6 12S4 20 j: ueesiey ..... t iiw E. Fenelon (GT) .... 1 190 19G r'ltbLr fcvr i ir. isrt C L. Todngmah (CT 1 108 108' Poritinoulh-Lekester f (Second Division) G. T. Av. Grotto . . X M M rSTtaTiii'Jr-U ."miTWjry Scottkh Scottkn league, league, Difini-sl mviniai .yi,. 4 3lb2 ?-J3 5A?t5rfejri. IlamiJt.n 0. ter- 72 Srt Arr Onfted X Hvde I Cold Storage Grand Terminals1' ! . ; Individual Averages WliW' CGX) .it 4 800 200 J Mi (C$i . . .f . . r 400 200 A. Sladdormld (CSr". C 1170 195 W. E. 'Wlllfaeroft (GT 9 1702 189 ;J. Campbell (CS) . 8 1S15 189 J. Beesley (G) 7 1312 187 J. Hillman (CS) . 10 1817 182 M. McLachlan (G) 10 18S9 184 Ben Self (GT) 5 919 184 jW. Mitchell (GT) 5 910 182 !W. Bailey (CS) .. 10 1811 181 IS. D. Macdonald (G) 9 1553 17S iC. Baptie (CS) .... 10 1802 180 John uulger 1GI7 . 10 1714 171 :u. nowe Hi) nuj nil ib. reneion (oi; ... a asu iui Mt 60 Nlf W. II. Jarman (GT) 10 1573 157f fie w 53. i. ioungman (t J iu iraz ioat J. Dougherty (G) ... 3 459 IBM Bert Morgan (G) .... 2 301 151 G. Krause (CS) .... 4 582 14C J. Walker GT) .... I 88 88 ST. ANDREW'S CARPET BOWLS Mar. 4 G. Abbott vs. J. Wat son. Mar. 7 B. Dalgarno vs. J. Mc Lean. Mar. 11 C Taylor vs. G. Ab bott Mar. 14 G. Scott vs. R. Dal gamo. 5Iar. 18 R. Cameron vs. J. McLean. Mar. 21,rJ. ,Frew vaf J. Watson. Mar. 25 R, Cameron vs.. B. Dalgarno. Mar. 28 J. Frew vs. G. Ab bott. Apr. 1 C. Scott vs. J. McLean. Apr. 4 a Taylor vs. J. Watson. Apr. 8 G. Scott vs G. Abbott! V ' ! i Apr. Hir-C Taylor jvs. B. Dal gamo. Apr. 15 R. Cameron vs. J. Watson. Apr. 18 J. Frew vs. J. M Lean. Apr. 22-.G. Scott vs. J. Wat son. Apr. 25 R. Cameron vs. B. Dalgarno. Apr, 29 C. Taylor vs. J. Mc Lean ENGLISHCUP SIXTHROUND L.6NDON, Mar. 2 The ,i,tk rpund or the EnKll,h 5pJ p Td w,ay rr u. foil Blackburn 1, Bolton 1 Aston Villa 1. Arwnal 0 Portsmouth 3. VY,tham 2 BrmWi,h 2 Hufc WehUi' SCOTTISH CUP FuURTHROUi GLASGOW. 2 lb fourth round f th; s, games were pi n ed v ' ., ttyiion of Olii. i m ,r ami si. Mirren v- al ,,c. which were postp,,n. J a Y ! old weather Tie r.:, P,ayd fol,ow: " i :c i i Kilmarnock 3, Rami lU ,;: The otner two wcro t ., s OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English league, Division : Barnsley 4, Routhamptni I Blackpool 3, MidUl. --b'-u u Bradford 1, Reading o. urimoi tuy .i, aiverti jjrfiton : Chelsea 2, Oldham 3. Clapton 1, Portvalo 0. Notts Forest 1. Notts Countvi ' Ste City 1. Hull i t . i. English League, Division I Birmingham 1, Man. ui-ter U- ted 1. Dwrby 2. Sheffield t n.iei I Mnhter City 3, LwJ I jiSusffield Wednes.Ly Ejjjr: Sunderland 1, Cardu 0. I Mrwtlenueatn I. H-;ar3 z Hibernians 1, QoccnV, Park I Partkk 5, Falkirk 2, St Johnstone 2, Tl .f J Una I j STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Jhu ' j ' lowing qnotatiow bid and asked Rarview 4V4 4' j Wg Missouri, I.U5. Nil. Ceorge Copper. 8.2,, S V , ; - nr.... in Gladstone, 14' ... I Golconda, 1.12, 1 V, Grandvicw. 62, 63. Ind(endence, 10' i, 11-Indian Mine. 7, Nil Kootenay Florent o, 21. Kootenay King, 47, 48. K tc L Nil, 5. Lucky Jim. 16' , 17 Mohawk, 5, 6. .Morton Woolsey. 4, 4' Marmot River Gold, 8 i, J-Marmot Metals, 5', 5 Nat SII. G. S.. Nil. 20. Noble Fire, 65, 66. Oregon Copper, 72, 7-1 Pend Oreille. 12.90, 13.00. Premier, 1.95, 200 Porter-Idaho, Nil. 00. Reeves Macdonald, 0. 3- 'Rtfftfs-Argenta, 119. Ruth-Hope. 47. 50. Silver Crest. 9. 10. Silverado Cons.. 1.00, 1.05. Slopan King. Nil, 3. Snowflake. 32. 34. Topley Richfield, 40, 42. Toric, 1.20, 1.25. Whitewater, MB, I-20-Woodbine, 4, 5. Bluebird, Nil. 20. Oils A. P. Consolidated, 2.. 2-4J Dalhousie Oil, 2.55, Nil-Devenish Pet. Ltd.. 1-10. w Fabyon Pete. 12, J5-Home Oil, 17.00. 17.50. Mayland, G.80, 7.00. McLeod, 5.72, 6- Try a Dally Kews wsnt It will bring results.