V',vdy. March 2, 192 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE. SEVElw EMMELINE PANKHURST MEMORIAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - F OR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF IIUiMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Pirhups Iivs one m p-iis.il ions that !n fti.uii the ni'ii- it i s.- its vacuity. N.iw Jiut 1 i r of the amalkr want to. ex- wt have pa-ssed le bylaw Imuld ste the old town meve: tiig lie (ut and .make her; jump i iron! hor Well-woro groovw. -T i k is not a beHever In rwHo. II' ays he refers a gramo-i .M with an old lorn cat on ti - it-nee for static. N'uh was the firat naturaifat , liis ni. tb-.d of studying -the innial life of Um country cannot t II bo copied by the awmgc ' E litist. ... ejiufi NOah waa aim a aallor but he i Imh old tub roq surround. If a rnnf!jivoa in whan he ia i. 'lie he is wise, but if he gives ht n he ir right, he is rmr- d. V -e v PRINCE RUPERT TISBS Saturday. March 2 High r.:81 a.m. 18.5 ft. 18:S p.m. 144 ft Low 12.1S p.m. 7.7 ft 23:47 p.n- 10-1 . Shorl of Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Sensation Mm. II. Day, Dartmouth, KJR.. writes: - 'Tor over a j-er I was troubled ith Rmothorirjg fxllg and shortness of breath, and it waa impossible for tne to walk, even a short distahre, be-.:iute ti tha choking seosatioa wuicb fuUowed. After trying many treatment,- la vain, I at W dc ided to try , h'l in a mrprisingly short time they did me much guiKl I'fina tdc noe Iumt .f .11 .Inim'.lj nr di-ulcrt, or mailed direct on receipt of tr"'e y TI T.' MiSuni Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. u r ' ! ".VmOAlHJ: WATERS' PROTECTION. ACT" It. 8. C. tliapter 140 HOME OIL DISTIbuTOHH, LIMITED, whose prineipaj place ol business is at bo uurrard Blrcet. Vancouver Rritbh Utldcr S.'CtlOn 7 ol the sabl Art M. posited with the Minister of Public Wot ui cniuwa. ana in the offices of Ck ' Notlreef InlenfNMi to Apply Pi-niio.-, t ytt .c,. .w- i, ltopoMO statue of the late1 ti Lei Land a- i . , ... i jii - i '.'iirK.nur.4i, noted feminist "'" In Prince Rupert Land Recording DM I I... A ir..r. .... trict ol Minos u,Tt. aiMi situate at tfij "i naiM-r, scttlplor south end of Kalen IMaM. adlacect in ... Hi.- i-l.-rer:, .'igt.tii.,raie sta- JSohii BUtmo, spruce Mil tut. .- niemt-ila liii.ii ih hfinr "nwiea. ot Vancouver, umis.l uoiumou nuV-tl in Gri.it liiitain and rn t . inula, when- lies L'ankhurat's I V ik in rnuj i ion wilfethe Can tloa. manufacturer. Intends to for leaaa of lb following 0e (scribed leads: IkwMiclat ( ikt northeast corner of LLot, tm R4to 5 C 1. . thence souto- . dir. n Soi bU HyiriVnT Conacif hi more a Uhk to low witter murk: thenr' y n. I ,. ..,1 -...,.;. w taouUswestettf loUowmg low water marie t i km i. nil;"ied. I b- oiiiniitWs ai to , j,, at eaet ,n the moat easteily uu l .in:'J In )Httn.rA. 'fwrnntfi. iPo4nt int ef t an m unaaaiefli unaaoieel island: laiand: thencn thencw c-t: s - II M .nnil KHmonton. an m the Mo on n r SS u Mum is under a sevtre handicap. Althnuk'h more couraKeoua than trie phiintive sex he has lsa op-jM.i-tuinty to eshihit hfa baeHwn. When I won't jfive way I'm limply "firm." When any of Um) n -t of yfrtj refum- to jrira vmy i, a are "ntul)born." t)o to the aorthf aaterhr notat if an unnamed Island: thence northwesterly bd kfati watet mark: then or m a northeast-em- dtreetkm atone baa water mark U 'tfcetVT.P. Ba:lwa riahs-of-way: thence sstenT aaanr tae arouwro noundarv or th aM rtsta-ef-wav tu the northwnr corner of ux B&so. tnence toi.owina w sinuosities K the nth lot to the point of "mmmreirtent. BILLMOR BPRUCE MILLS. UUITTD. B E. Morian. Agent. Dated December 22nd 1938. ( Cm the I . i service ; I ID Fairbanks-Morse Steam Pumps The high dVgree of serviceability anil dependability of Fairbankt-Morte Duplet Piston Pattern Steam Pumps I a result of numerous refinement! in design and construction. These pumps are adapted to many ctsties of fenersl pumping and have a wide range of application. Manufacturing and setting a complete line of pumps, we are. able to supply the right pump for any service. Carrying In stock a large supply of ports, we are able to gire exceptional service. Oa CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse CO M VAHYJOmUt s.at7-''",1',l,,'r-lto" FOIL RENT HOUSES- For rent. F. W. scrlptlon or ihe site and the Tlni! 'of ,.,' r . iiulidlngs and wharvea proposed to te FOB REN 1 Modern Ii uuiil m me narDour or trine mi pert ui J) nit of Lot 3 ut Waterfront Block Q". Prince Rupert. AND TAKE NOTICE that alter the -plrution of one month from the date ol the Urn: publication of thla notice Hoan-Oil Distributors, Limited. wHl under Section 7 of the ld Act apply to the 14 Hitter i.f Public Works at hia office In the ri'y of Ottawa for approval of the salts sua ana piana lor leave to csastruer tfi: anld wharf as aforesaid. DATKD at Vancouver. British Columbia, the 18th day of Januarv. 1939. HOME OIL DtSjFRIBUTORS. LIMITED. By its Bot'cltofs. ROBERTSON DOOQLA At SMYBS. I -tr act , Sth dsy ot February, A.D.. 1S29 Hart 54 ' Columbia, hereby gives notice' that it 'HOUSEKEEPING Iuwmw for rent. Aptrfy Jtrnwallem Grocery. tf uinn tr et Reyktrsr of the Land Registry f OP. RENT--Houflekeeping rooms Dlstrl ilstrlct of Prince Huprt, British Oolunt- . , i. r. It,- bis, is, at at Prince Prince RuwrL. Rupert. aforesaid aoresaul, da- i sm or WOld Phone 427. oust', near Pmbyterfan chuitli. Apply 'Stfi I ourtta rtveautr E. tf FOR RENT Three room fur-ni8hed shact, Fourth and Mc-Rrlde. Phone Red 254. 53 FOR RENT Automobile, piano' phonoKraphs and sewing macli-inea. Walker Music Store. FOP. RRNT furnished houiw kwpinK roenw fty the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607, If FOR RENT Purniahwl flat, four rooms and bath. Phone 547. tf SIIEU, FISH Crabs. Snrimns. Clams or anv HANSON & SVALLACE Prince Ruoert aortbem followasr the staitoaltlM of the ! , . .... n, n c, Islajid te the mosrUiwestrlv point ot; Phone: Itlk. 330 P.O. Ilox 832 tbenca In a northwesterly dlree- NOTICK 55 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES that an application will be made to tne Legki-Uttve AmMy of the Province of Britain Columbia at its present session by the Corporation of the CUy of Print a Rupert iherelaaftes called the CHft for an Act empowerlait the Cfty to sen. bee E. P. JONES. Solicitor for the Corporation of the City ot Prince RUDert. 87-Ow. MIMnfi.ta. ACT (Form F) fSretkin 37 fdl NOTICE Kit AttJCATIOJf fOH uniiriuMi! ur iKrHOVEMENTS. FRACTIONAL MINERAL. CLAIMS, sit uate in the Atlin Mlnlaa Division of k r dial.ili.a fnr ! Ortlileste of Improvements for the pur. n itr,.ii. .-. ot ODUlljm, crown aranta ot the 4 Yin Prnvlnrii f IIHtish Columbia 1 "bove efalme; shows that throughout the proT-; ince there were 228 Chinese children born, 1S54 Japanese, 447 Indians. take notice that action under under secitou emtiST 8i ot the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance at sveh certlfhte of lmnrovementk. Dated th 1st day of January. 1929. ENGINEER GOLD MINKS. LTD.. INC. H. Me.N. Praser. Aient. BRINGING UP FATHER This FOR SALE FOR SALE Underwood typewriter in perfect condition, News. FOR fet long and 1 inehes thicfe One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 11 inch hanger Two 1 rge Iron ! PtHya, Hfxi i5 to i2 Hrrh, i 8 feet long, I's ineh tht.". Three Iron Pul1eysr three Bpoetl 12 inh to 8 inch. Two Wooden Pulleys. Atiulv D.iilv WANTED WANTOlV Girl for Pghl himae-worR. Fh RTue 823. Mrs. Bagl'fah, Westview. 51 WANTED Good general servant, family of two. Apply Mra. Carson, liank, of Montreal. , MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE lied. Springs, Mattresses, iTirM kind of shell fish suppled In lnK Room Suites. Iledroom Suite, large or small quantities. i Linoleum and Linoleum Ruga, District Orders- a SiKinaltr I Furniture of all kinds. We will now tafie your old furniture in trade for new as we are now opening a used furniture department. A. MACKENZIE Phone 75 CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY distressing malady rrern su encuntBranees upon sueft terns vrv nrpralpTit DR. EYOLFSON Phone Ulue 83, or Red Open Evenings WATER NOTICE Irfvendott a nil ITiu. 589 is 4 11.1. ,r t sa lt mar deem nt. to the Power Ca- ut nu nine ui pcraticn f Canada, umited. here la- the year, and us a rule is & alter caUeu the Company), the entire. as- ..., tAL-- . n sew of iu eieetrtc light nd power de-Jmptom of a deeper . trouble, SjnUtS.1.? AJT" fS"!?- nJ toiuch as. affections of the eyes, to the the sole and ... grant Company ei- .. . . . . elusive Meht. power, licence and prlvi- liver, kidneys, StomScTl, etc. It lece to carry on' In the City ot Prince mav raay oe ai.n a,so vf.,- aue 10 n f lne Via aflr '"Iler eI f. RUpert the business of a light, beat and power company, and for such purposes ' I ects of influenza. mi uuwt, .vAiciM. upcraic. repair ftuq . r, . . . .,i, ... , .. maintain in the said cays streets, lanes' Consult the Chiropractor in all and all ether etiulpiBent and aaptlances Consult for the tranamlaslon, distribution and rtR M n icnivill ssleef electrle poer fir light, heat uhd ! '' aal power purposes, ana empowering the ' j 6 nnj 7 ' Exchanee Mock i oca City to enter Into sn sgreement with the . :-nn"BC company for supplying to the City and 'recn: 241 Phones iilark 281 in cHwejja eieeuic ngnt, nest and power r. p,,..i. upon such terms and conditions as the wpen atenings City may deem lit. and further empow- -- - --. t'.rA 1 i - ' erine the City to hereafter purchase ori RESULTS COUNT takeover the whole or anv part ot thei p,- , , , .. .. Comoanv e electrle Itaht heat and power 1 ain 1D the Sale, Indigestion, system upon such terms a may be agreed Gas orr stomach atomacn. rteaaacnee, Headne h lier- tier. upon, and to validate a bylaw (if as- ssnted to by the electors, to whom it is i vonsness, Insomnia, Catarrh and to be submitted) empowering the City to Rheumatism romnMelv ",eu""!,n ar are completely re-pany r. enter Into an aareement wlttt the Com- authorising the City to enter into lieved by ' our new form ' of dietet-the same and to validate the said agree- . ,, . , raent and to grant and confirm to the le ana P"WI treatment. K'tYereVcSXT. '' ""j rNatlonal "AdV in dated at pnnee Rupen. B.C.. this -"eny magazine every week. then consult uwuce iasi wumor aorttee Mills. ' Limited, whose address is 311 Rotters BuUdlng. 470 Oranvllle 8t.. Vancouver. Bl-.vWul spply for a licence to la He and Oasslar District. Where located. The Bob Sriam it!!?. T.XSJ.,? S'l" 1 Fractional Mineral Claim to. Taku Arm. 'fKl' "cH. 'lows southerle snd drains betweso theSDeculatlon and Chawana iSti.t Sf iV?2?? 1"f?lu,r 1,BtJ' Mmertf Clarnw. and -he Wann Frsenonsl ; m,i Li"'1 J,',. (i' J?""1 CD. . The wat.t will h H I srt f i. Mineral cisim on wtnu Krter. adloinlng and U the north ot tbs Jack Pine Mineral Ctslm. lawful holder; ENOtNEEIt OOLD MINES LIMITED. INC. Number of the holder tree miner s certificate. 97020. TAKE NCTTICl? nil TenOTNMR not.ll MINES LIMITED. INC, Pre Mluer'a Certificate No. 97920. Intend at the end of sixty dsva. from the date hereof to aonlv to the Mining Recorder for a stream at a point about half mile distant irom Its mouth and will be used for laduatflal oiwtjkw! unon tha laud described as Lot 05$b, Harm J. Coast District. This notice wss posted on the ground BEAUTY OPERATOR 3IISS MARY MAL'FIfa Experienced or.crctor. nio.i .-fW -ox rsi, Uarty . methott in all lijMfe ttf bu 53 culture and hr.ir 're!ir:i, HALVV-One HA I .VI (In. line nhaft 1H 1Ml Jiul l"l"iii in hi. i oiiii.w I i i' v ., MAIL SCHEDULE fr 1 lie i:a. ' Mondays, Wtjotedays. clows loin Lie Mxr r r SALVAGE AND TOWING If it's on or under the water we do it." ACIFIC SALVAGE LIMITED Ng , f : Fully Equipped aTor Diving-and . iGeneral Salvage Work. ;Do:tts anil Scows of all descriptions for ("barter. Row Roata and Canoea for hire, liarg.-ii us fn Gas Kngincs. AGENTS FOR ;Van RfeicTi. Easthope, Ricks Rallantyne Engines. Korthern li. C. tratriWut8fs .' r f:6oHilgB)'PropJIers y Phone, Day or .Mght.'.r.Of ' i ... --. .in . r Saturdays, ain, . . . . H:30 a 10 Bundaya. Tueedsys and Thursdsys. mall due 3:30 nnt To Vsnruut.r Via train Wednesdays and Sitar- days ...10:30 axn luesdiys i.15 pju Fridays 8:15 am. Fridays, 11 pa 0- trmii '.R. Feb. H.aad 27 iVaneou .--r . . . Wed'ldsy . . .. Frktayasw....'.....;-'.. i.KTTF.R no-v poi.i.rcrTio! KM. Oraham Jt AUln Ave. 9 00 1st Ae. ti 8tt St 9415 9th Ave. ft Futton St. 9.10 tb Ave ft Tnempeen St. .. Ilsh Ave., ft ienroeke Utb Ac- Conrad lath Ave. ft Hays Jove Ave.., Sth Ave. ft Bays Cote Circle Rtb Ave. ft Gotten St Sth Ave. ft Oreen 8t. (Hiptl). Sth Ave. ft McBrldw It. pror. n-w nmtemi Prov. U;r warf O.T Wharf O.T.P 8tston 1nt Ave. ft . 2nd St. . Srd Are. ft" Fultrn St. 3rd Ave. ft 6th SC . . uu uie taa uav 01 uecanMr. 1I2H. S A codv ot thla nouca and an apolloa- . Hon pursuant thereto and to the "Watet Act" will be tiled In the office of tlte ! Tor the East irvaw necoraer bi rnnce ttupert. B.C. i Ob lections to the aolleatlon mav be tiled wltn. the said Water Reaorder ori with the Comptroller of Water Hlahte Parliament BuUdlnxs. Victoria, B.C.. I within thirty dsvs after the first anoeer- . ance of thla notlee in a local newauaner BILLMOR SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED. ' Aonllcant. I BY B. E. MOROAN. Anient. I The date of the first publioatton of this notice la Januarv Ath. 1923. VV - a . .1 . .. CNR. 1TWNS Mondays. Wednesdsys and Sairdays a ti:l ajn. toin the East-Sundays. Tuesday aud Tbursdays at i30 pm. Try a classified ad. in the News and get RESULTS! EMRAlpWsSTNO MOMENTS -4Mb UHRE: lAJER Vol; Sfp?-I imr-BURbiAK- WAS CO. tsHiraWjV T i ll 'aanmi V, M 171 ..P.m. C. P R. Feb. ST and 23 a.m. From Mewart, ITeinvrr, Anjot and Alice .' 7 pm Wednesdays . ; 4. pjn from Mewart and rrern ler Tuesdays . . . . , Friday In Klr l"olnts Sundays . From Naas Klrer Polnls Tuesdays To (uren Charlotirft . Feb. B and 33 From (jueen Charlotte Feb. 7 and 21 Ti Alanka Polnt - Fet). and 33 ...y From Alaka ri)lnt Fet. U sU 27 .-,- '. ssc.i-- i. al'-icl.'ii S ...a.m. i ... I as rui '-KjtPi 9.20 7.50 m 7.5 i flRTnsirSsiS" .-,, .oo y ifi 8.00 7410 jl'tiw.pT ;,7 !pi4 BJl 9.1 jrVwj' .MbV-lJi lo.oo s!w. . , . t WF riwiiBiti mi is 1 Tn W it iKd M He . 'h'?' 1 " - - - 1 A sa m I '17 ff' .TP W , i Peacetime ? Patriotism A Fabk or Mcrehaiat And Sairsmen was an insistent purchaser of SHE local products. She knew the curity of her home depended t lagew on herself, and all mothers like Iher edtfcnded en their insistence of , securing local products. For it was directly through the prosperity and ircreisiiag activity of load industry that the nsen folk of her country enjoyed secure positions and steady employment. That is why, when skipping for an outer prment for her son, she demanded a local product. The store clerk hesitated and told her the article she required was out of stock at present, but that a certain forei en-made article waa "just as- good." She refused the foreign garment and left the store. Back of this mother's insistence was "pfSe Hi' the products of her rioineUnii j. be true peacetime patriotism. This story has a moral for "Merchants The of British Columbia depends on increased production, and., increased purchasing of British Col' umbia products by tie, public. Be fair to yourself! Be loyal to British Cel-umbia! Sell, more British Columbia products. BE PR0UDT0 BUYPRODUaS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By, George McManus OO-r-DApcyf l MOBACKTAL- POT OiO YOOl DOIT OUMD LIKE. Ni6wi'TdbKlG UAOvf. , Uv V . f LlTBrJ' THEM HA.T6 RICVlT V OM-U- A I WOZ WM)PtFttr4 ? KvHeVd SrOU WAMT I . Ic-JU' . , K .J I X Slf-'i r. . . ) I I IV W M All-TAIVS TUt,C I UT..ACU I I st I 1 neil-MLll'. 4 . HCY-JAftVl' COM5. 6i,CK WITH T