CLASSIFIED HABT Boston Grill . - - Ireryon re(U ths CUmI' h H you Iom, sdvertls tor If you find, locate th own., 'fy ? Wbatever you need, advertise for . GET THE CLASSIFIED IIADIT. Vol. XX., No. 50. UOSSLAND. D. C. Mar. 2: fire, which broke out here short- : brfore midnight last night was brought under control at 9 " lock thiH morning with esti-f ontinued on page three) V5. OTTAWA, Mar. 2:In.his budget speech yesterday Hon. James Robb, minister of fin-nance, said: "It Is our desire to trade freely with any and all who are willing to trade with' us. What may or may not be possible In this regard necessarily depends in some measure on the purchasing power and fiscal policies of other countries. "The policy of this administration is not a high tariff policy. Its policy is to en-couragq-vProduction at home and mjjrleurigjof our excess production "abroad. In applying this policy, both do-mestlc asd, international fac-tors must of. necessity be considered." SECRETARY Olf COMMERCE WASHINGTON, Mar. 2: Robert P. Lamont, Chicago engineer, has bee lichosen secretary of Commerce for the Hoover cabinet. POWER CORPORATION'S APPRECIATION , .. ,t. , - I.. On behalf of tho jPowjer Corporation of Canada, Limited, I wish to thank th0 citizens of Prince Rupert for their most gen-erous endorsation of the Power Dylaw yesterday. I should also like to express our appreciation of the invaluable assistance we have received from our supporters ever since the commencement of negotiations for the sale of tho Prince Runert tiower ntant. .. .i. I believe the futuro will by the pcoplo of Prince Rupert Assistant Commercial Manager, wn nrovo-lthat the confluence shot as not been misplaced. Personally, I desire to express my very sincere gratitudo for the innumerable courtesies and wonderful hospitality shown to me during my pleasant sojourn in Prince Rupert. H. E. PAWSON, Tower Corporation of Canada, Limited. LONDON, March 2. David j Lloyd George, sounding the key-jnote of the Libtral party today, pledged that if the party was pat into power it would wipe out the unemployment within a year without adding a penny to the taxes. It would be done, he ql4 by putting fBto operation extensive plans for the systematic development, of tfee- national reeoureM. notably roadbuildjdg,, rerotfahisar tion of tfie n&t&Haf -transport; draining of vast swamp and other Work addlne to the national J wealth and efficiency. ; ' He held that the government 'would borrow the money and an-Iticlpat; an increased revenue ;from the undertakings just as 'easily as it could borrow millions 'to perpetuate the present unemployment. He said that one of the country's outstanding needs was the removal of the nation's present "colaseal drink bill." TOOK POISON; KILLED SELF , VICTORIA, Mar. 2:-Illackmorc, senior clerk I Victoria Post Office, president of the II. C gical society, died -here jpital this morning following the ! taking of poison In a dramatic manner yesterday when ho was questioned concerning shortages in the Post Office funds. ! According to available detail !Mr. niackmore when questioned CONVENTION WILL HE HELD HEUE IN MONTH OF AUGUST The definite acceptance of an invitation sent by the Prince Riiert Board of Trade to the Canadian Fisheries ' Association to hold their convention this next August in Prince Rupert wa read at the meeting1 6f the ! Hoard last night. This will 1 be a large and important ! convention and the Hoard will take necessary steps to entertain the visitors. by officials, admitted the responsibility and then, turning his back he put something in his mouth. A few seconds later he became 111 and it is believed that he took poison in the form of potaMttlm-cyanidc. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B, C, SA TURDAY. MARCH 2, 1929 lOovi! am thv .) -ui: i ;io?i whom the Gov.M-nmcnt and offic ial ' r ti' -: i ..rt.c- in the Ft-dt-al Htjsp w;il rely for a com; represent! tion vhen hi motions of import:'. nee are to be discussed, during the present Session. They arc. left to right: P. F l.asgrair. f !i:ef h . .if th..- (Jovr-nrnrnt. and Onora! McRae, ganizei of the Conrvative Part mi Chief Whip. Airplane Race Into the Mining Areas of North k. i .i art ui me r rovmce . ! ' VICTORIA, March 2.A thrilling race by airplane is being staged by, prospectors into northern British Columbia back of the Alaskan panhandle. Dispatches from Telegraph Creek today announced that W. R. George had reached there by airplane from Skagway and White Horse and thus jumped into the lead over a group of prospectors rushing into the area by way of Edmonton with a'fleet of three planes of the iNorthern Aerial Mineral Exploration Company. Both expeditions will be weeks ahead of thousands of prospectors expected to invade the northern area with the spring opening. The prospectors are facing danger not only from cold, but from Nahanni Indians, who are reported to have threatened death to white men attempting to enter their country. Mineral wealth consists, it is said, of big copper and lead deposits in the Cassiar and Liard district. or Major McLaren Has Contract to Make Air Survey of Route for Highway Pr. Rupert to Terrace That a contract has been let to Major McLaren to ' make a thorough survey of the highway possibilities be-: tween Prince Rupert and Terrace was reported to thi Prince Rupert Board of Trade at its meeting last night. ' Also, it was decided to make further reoresontations tn : I V?ftnln uitVi n vlmv f rv cnnm-IniY fVi Ki,;i1..,.. " it. 1 !J ' - , ... nikii u . .v. I.U DVVUlllli: lliu UUIU II L Ul LI 1U 1)111 1 1 I , IN VK I A 'a.cro3S Galloway Rapids and the continuation of construe- 1 I NS M. Ill A tion on the otner side. The matter was brought up by Sid Thompson, who E. H.Pke of the road to Terrace as'- of the 1""" Rupert's best bet." Last UtA.XmM , ., If former year $60,000,000 was spent by iV J, " . "7; ; prosperity as no one ever dreamed of. He was witling to give a cheek of $100 toward a campaign it: Its fuvor if such should be started. President (. .ales dxp.alned that he understood n contract for survey of the route had been let Considerable discusion follow pnnmnln-llou"" Uritlen KjO UmDla, DUt i . c . . ., . ' He was ready to wager that if the road was opened there would be 6000 cars come through from the outside the first year. It was reported that 1800 visited Smith- era last year. It would bring such made in regard to the matter be George Nickerson thought the rond should go by the canneries, as for three month every year there are 2000 people employed on the river who are idle from Friday VANCOUVER, Mar. 2: Wheat was quoted on the exchange to- LE VA i months of deliberation and negc-Jtiatipn, the citizens had seen fit jto so generally agree with them. I Apart from this, there was no further discussion in connection i with the final act of what may I very well prove to be one of the most momentous decisions that has ever been concluded in the municipal history of this city. After the meeting of the council, two copies of the agreement were duly signed by the mayor and city solicitor on behalf of the city. These will be taken by II. (Continued on page six.) MAKE READY FOR PLANES Service I.lkc y lo He Established Seattle to Juneau, Calling at Rupert Two interesting matters in relation -to air navigation came before the Hoard of Trade last night. A chart was received from the hydro graphic department at Washington and the hoard was asked to mark on ft any suitable landing sites for airplanes. This went to the navigation committee for action. President Gonzales brought up the matter of a mail contract for airplanes calling here on the way to and from Juneau from Seattle. No opposition to the suggestion was expressed, but It Mas left to the trade and commerce committee for report- It was stated that two companies were planning putting on airplane services and one would doubtless establish the line this coming summer. FORTUNE IF.FT BY WILLIAM TIERNEY to Sunday. He strongly urged VANCOUVER. March 2.-Pro-hat the route should of go by way bate w ordered ,n the gupreme The resolution was carried. to Major McLaren, who would use! day at $1-28. court today of the will of William P. Tlerney, pioneer of British Columbia, railway and highway con-ractor, who died here on January 26, leaving a net estate of $303,000. LARGE CAIUKET Speolal Dinners Thursdays sad Saturdays Dancing eTery Saturday nlfht from 0 to 12. Dante Hall lor Hire Accommodations for Prtrate Parties Fhone 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS CITIZENS ALMOST UNANIMOUS IN FAVOR POWER BYLAW Delegation Will Go to Calgary Representing City Council and Board of Trade Regard Elevator . i ii Mayor McM.ordie, F..G. Dawson and, M. P. McCaffcry Committee to Handle Situation by Night Letter First and Later by Personal Visit Between the Prince Rupert Board of Trade and the city council, quick action was obtained last night in the matter of this port's protest against the "dog in the manger" tactics that are apparently being employed by the Alberta Wheat Pool, as far as the local terminal elevator is concerned. The Board of Trade recommended that a delegation consisting of Mayor S. P. McMordie, Aid. F. G. Davv-Fon and M. P. McCaffery be sent to Calgary to interview the heads of the Wheat Pool with a view to ascertaining y so little use was being made cf the elevator this season and, if; r ssible, rectify the situation. 'i his recommendation, presented to , the council by Aid. Collart, vrasj immediately adopted, the city un-. to the of i drtaking . , . pay expenses at t mi f I :le delegation on me trip, mis t mmittee is losing no time In get- rig bu.y and today laid its case tj wire before Wheat Tool'head-cuarters. Failing any satisfac-t.oa being obtained by this means, t':e delegation will be prepared b kd-e early next week for Calgary. In presenting hjs motion. Aid. f Hart referred briefly at the sne-i meeting of the council to what Continued on Pm SU) BIG FIRE AT ROSSLANDIS DESTRUCTIVE Main Business Section of City Destroyed North of Columbia Avenue ' ONLY EMHERS REMAIN Itlaze Started In Vacant Store and Spread Rapidly Carried by Wind QUIET HINT TOILS. ON Fiscal Policy of Canada Will Depend on Policy of ' Other Countries TO WIPE OUT UNEMPLOYMENT Lloyd George Sounds Hattlecry of Ilritish Liberals IiRANI) NEW POLICY Would Borrow Millions lo Carry Out Work Instead of , Paying Dole I THE TWO CHIEF WHIPS IN THE FEDERAL HOUSE Bylaw Providing for Sale of Power Plant GetsiLarge Majo rity Want Will lie Taken Over 'at'Oncc Under J. J.'flulc as Manager for!Northern B. G, and Surveys of Power Sites Made By the decisive vote of 583 to $0, which gave a majority of 185 over the 60 per cent required to carry, the ratepayers of Prince Rupert at the polls yesterday ratified the agreement between the city and the Power Corporation of Canada whereby the latter, in consideration of a cash payment of $375,000 and an undertaking to furnish an addi- , ' tional 5000 horsepower of electric energy within two years, Plele 1, U :i.. 1 I 1 11. . nr t uvci inu uitjr a jiymu-eieciriu pianu wuii a zo-year franchise for the exclusive supply of light and power to the municipality. Immediately after the poll, a special-meeting of the council was held to finally re consider and adopt the agreement, the resolution to this effect being moved oy Aia. uouart,, seconded by Aid. Prudhomme, and carried unanimously. Briefly referring to the result of the vote, Mayor McMordie W&M. liwUr Jelt . smeJhaV th members of the council would be all greatly satisfied that, after STEAMERFOR PRINCE RUPERT Sum Placed In Estimates for Construction of Vessel for - - c.. This Port . At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night a letter was read from B. C. Keeley of Vancouver stating that a sum would be placed in the estimates this year at Ot tawa to provide for the building of a steamer to ply out of Prince Rupert for local business. The letter was ordered suiUbly acknowledged and the president expressed thanks to George Nick-erson for his work in connection with securing this. BUDGETTAX CHANGES ARE IMPORTANT Reduction Made Through Increase of British Preference and Abolition of Several SALES TAX REDUCED OTTAWA, Mar. 2: Important changes outlined in the budget yesterday include an increase in the British preference, a reduc tion in the sales tax, abolition of the tax on telegrams, on railway and steamship ticket and on in surance premiums. There are 34 changes in the tariff, mostly in the matter of adjustments. The sales tax is reduced from three to two per cent Rates of (Continued on page three) f ALMOST AS PANAMA OP NEAR AS PORT VANCOUVER Captain Elfort, harbor master, reported to the Board of Trade last nfght the of ficial distance from Prince Rupert to Panama by Hecate Strait was' 4,000Vi miles. From Vancouver to the same place the distance was 4,- 043 miles, only 47V miles lees. Going by way of Dixon Entrance the distance to Panama from Prince Rupert is 4,195 mile.