PAGE EIGHT Dr. Alexander niose sis DENTIST Tr.rM.t. IS pn. THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p,m. Saturday Matinee, 2.30 It's Here Now! Pictures with o i . Home tot lAMIH HK, ILTOftlA. KDKdHlf. Alrrt Itttt. Hk. lor 41.11 i. m.m. ANTUX. rfTLVABT. IVALtf" IIUVH, fllU SUll's.O A.lA HI ILK. KDnilA II BIB. ItS Hud Atruur. R. M. SMITH. Atriiu IV. ('. UKCIIlllll. ii:K.lll. ACIIiST (ritf 4th Ntrrrl and Snl Atrnur. ITIn lluix-rt, II. C. liu HatLrl. Ill Tfcreujh tkkrti (old .o VlcUrU and pratllr. an batcate tbrtk'tt Inrooih Ui dettlnattor- iCAMDlAHJ B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krlrhlkan. Mrnnjfrll. Juneau and Hkiw 1th. l. tS; Mrrh 9. SO. Tn tancautr. VkturU and Stullie 1 Hrur 13, ; Manli II, Jl. IMCIM T.HH HOVAL l oi IVatrdalr. lt llrlU llrlla. (Kmti I alto. Nami. Altrt lla. Camnbrll Krr. Vaiioxiirr and Vh torla. tnrjr Irlday. Hi p.m. AffiiU lor all SImiivIiIp Linn. full liiluriiiatlon from rixiiie 31. Canadian National QTie Largeft Tailway, fyfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Kalllnc from rKINCV ItUrEKT for-VANCOUVER, VICTOUIA, SKATTI.K, oud Intrrmrdlate polnti, tuh I KIUAY. 0:00 a.m. (or HTKtVAKT auJ ANYOX, rath WtONUSItAY. IO:On p.m. lor NOUTII AND SOUTH QIF.EN CM AIU.OT I f. I.sL.M), lorf nljhlly. lUSSF.NOni TItAlNS I.E.WK I'KINTC IIITCRT r-ch MONUAY, UKIlNESIlAY and HATURDAY at UtSO a.m. for rillNCE immCE, tllMOSTUN, VINMlt:a, all point Caatrrn Canada, I'nltrd Stair. AOF.NCY All. OCEAN STEAMSHIP I.INF.8 City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., l'rlnce Hupert IMione 2C0 izea music and Sound Effects RICHARD BENNETT AND DORIS KENYON IN. . V ' "The Townerev Another Big One Recently Shown at the Capitol Vancouver- AESOP'S FILM FABLES 50c and 15c MATINEE, 35c AND 10c. 'The Masked Menace Episode No. 4 ((a TTAir TiiTVP nrrmjj . v-v- ww - : ORCHESTRAL SELECTION "THE THREEMUJaKJETEERS.'V Child? Lucky Ticket Wil Be Sold at the Saturday Matineci"kW - COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WEL- L1XKTON TELKWA Also Hulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED DlllrK irora l"r(9rr Kuprrt. lor MM'OlYfcK VICTORIA, iflMfl fti. lwtrUlt. Alert IM). ttt jA osl for -- sauces onuses I WEEK-END M EAT SPECIALS I'OT ROAST DEEP Per lb. 18e STEWING BEEF 2 lbs 35c HAMBURG STEAK 2 lbs. ..36c BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2 lbs 35c PICKLED PORK Per lb. ...20c CORNED BEEF Per Mi. 124c BRISKET BOILING BBKF Per lb 12'ztc BOILING FOWL Per lb. ...30c CHATEAU CHEESE 2Va-lb. boxes $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited C17-423 5th Ave. E. Phonos 18484 1 P. O. Box 575. SniBaiHlBiBaiBtBBBaascBBVTmni ' j J MILK, MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone B57. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Mar A, WESTHOLME REGISTERS A BIG HIT District News The Women's Auxiliary to th IHazelton hospital had a sewing 'meeting at the hospital on Tues day afternoon. . Miss Measles of Kispiox is leaving on a holiday trip to Winnipeg, f. ! C. J. Robinson, well known ! uioneer Edmonton coal deuler. S3 E5HE2ogaHiggrtto a recent visitor at Haz- wTwwtsiii sai seal ..: r T Ti. JlllMI OTIIIJ j , if . UCk vrovu . H. L. Batten, M.E., of Vancouver paid a visit of inspection recently to the Mohawk mine with Thomas B. Lewis, -M.E. Charles Benson, ha returned from Vancouver, where he spent the winter. Mrs. Wrinch accompanied Dr. H. C. Wrinch. M.L.A., to Victoria it the end of last week, when he returned to his duties tn the legislature after a brief visit home . Th work nf DohvIaji Iji'. rata!. dent mining engineer for the pro-' vincial government, was spoken of highly by all political sides in a recent deba in . tjie IeglsU iurv. Fred Peterson has been confin- i-d to his home with Illness for, several days. A movement Is On foot whereby eastern financial men may take over electric light plants at various points along the railway line, including thi local one. Relief from Eczema D.D.O. U the Perfect AntUeptlc rr qalrt rllt tnm irM, rhafH akla. Tmfn, lotcbn. ud other ! troaile atilr tie par. iim llrfBld D.D.D. rinr. talalM, II uraviratM lk kl iimI hmIm IMt Mh la. Hum. ITCHING HTfMH lk MOMUVrTTIR FIRST OOOI. PROPS TOtlCJl TUB SKIN. A aottlr arm lt atcrll or 7ar eraaaiat mr am bk. ti.U.D. gHukuMk. (UooJjrI.lJj.lo4p). M". 1. Mitl TCIIEON'. Illtt OUIST. OltMES LTD. MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wc Deliver to Any Part of the CHy. Ling, the Tailor, Phone CI9 SCOTTISH DANCE VERY ENJOYABLE One Hundred Persona in Attend-nnce at Affnir Held by St. Andrew's-Society About 100 persons attended a very anjoym)lei Scottish dance A crowded bouse at the West- which waVhekl last night in the' holme last night enjoyed to the I.O.D.E. hall by the St. An-i full the initial performance of drew's Society. The affair was in the synchronised music installs- progress from 0 o'clock in the eve- j tidn which Mm just been added ninB untH'2 a.m. and fine music i to the tbeatrCiThat this wonder- w" furnished by an orchestra j ful instrument is a decided sue- consisting of Mrs. J. S. Black. cesa waa plainly evident at the J B- MacKay. Jamtw Watt and, tfart Bremner. At midnight de-marks Many complimentary re-"tfhn were to le heard on all -ic'OUH refreshments were served. sides. Howard Sieen, president of the j The featora i. tare "The Homo ?' : T Towners" is a delightful comedy-drama and Its showing was rreatJy enhanced by the carefully selected program of continuoua, tuneful music which accompanied it -M through. "The Maad Menace" recommences where, owing to an unfortunate accident, it broke off, and was welcomed by many. A fine Fable completes the bill. The show will be repeated to- i night and should certainly be 'seen. The musical portion of it lis a feast of melody with just a j touch of novelty and mystery ! which gives it an added charm. ; nd other members of the commit tee in charge included Marcus Andrews, who resided at the door, ' nil tlbi:ics Huddo.n. . ST. DAVID'S DAY-OBSERVED HERE Wofeh Colony Held . Enjoyable Celebration Last Night at Home ef Mr. and Mrs. Dert Morgan Welsh people of the town gath-:red last ni;?ht to the number of about twenty-five at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, 420 Fifth Avenue West, to honor the anniversary of St David, the patron saint of Wales. The time passed very pleasantly in singing, dancing and refresh-NFW HAZEI.TOX ments. Vocalists and speakers Next Tuesday, it is expected, the Pved that the national third carload of ore will be ship- traditions for harmony and eloped from the Kocher de Boule 'lnee are being well main-mine which is being worked by tained. !V. S. (Duke) Harris. William J. Crawford of Stewart spent a couple of days here this week with W. S. Harris. I KOM SUNT JOIIV TO (iLAM.Utt-l.Ur.imWI. liarch 15 Mo:i ruil "Maspb iJ iinnirt! jaazaai w Ducna ol Ki nraonu : ASfl' ' Dttcluai ol Tcrt '4utt Liverpool only TO lH iMH ) V-Kf: 1 A T HA V UlPtHH, Ajrll ttti. . Burluae otinMIM t1" v Vf Vro IMaVrt-UUtDw UacAJ v.. ......... , ..... .Mem TO ClllJtitOt iii-ftOt TMAMriON-llJlVHO March 14 llftatani'i April 10 ..- Monuroral I KOM NKW YOIIK To ( hrrbmira-Mtmiool Mareb U Ouchcaa of Bdford, ApdIt to Aetata everywhere or 3. i. POR8TCR. S. Oeaeral Pas. Aaent C.P.R. Station Vancouvt TV' Seymour 26S0 f CANADIAN J StRVICt and UNU FROM HALIFAX TO rl.VMIIt 111-11 A Vltt:-L()IKN Aaoanla. Aoril l. TO (Jl tE.NHIOtVS AMI I.I VEHCOOL Antonla March IS Adt.1 16. TO I.OM)OMli:itKY AMI ULAMJOW Caledonia, March 14 FROM NEW YORK TO I LVMOt TII-IIAVKE-LOMIMIN Awsonla. March 16. Aaranla. Mar-h SO. TO Jl EBNNTOtVM AMI I.1YBHPOOL Antonla. March 10. Lancaatrla. Mar. 33. TO I.OXPOMlKliKY AMI OUtKHIH CaledonU. Mar. 33: California Mar. 80. TO (IIUtBOl KO AMI MIlTIIHPTON Anultania. Mir. 33. AnM 17. Mav 8. Ueranitarla. Marcr. 39. April ii. Sir 15. Mauritania, Aurll 10. Mar 1. 21. June 13. FROM BOSTON TO l r.ENNTOWN I.IVKBI'IrOI. Lancaatrla. March 34; Athenla, Aurll 7. Money Order, Dram and Traveller' C3hmu at loweat rata. Puu laionna-tiua ironi local BnU or Oompanv'a Offloaa. S33 Haatlnsa St W.. Vanooaver, suits! suits! Fishermen MASTER MECHANIC Shirts and Panls ; The best made, and we can supply you at 30 Ter cont loss I Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH' CAPITOL Tonight, 7-9 p nj. 35c and 5c Corinne Griffith in IE GARDEN OF EDEN " AND TAttZAN NO. 7, COMEDY, FABLE, TOPICS. MONDAY, TUESDAY .sm, John Gilbert and Renee Adorec in "The Coss:ck- A ! i r One of the New "Capitol Monthly Calen You sec our used cars on the road everywhere. And they arc always running, and running strong. Our used car bargains, arp,xeal bargains, for the reason that they arc thoroughly checked and inspected before they arc sold. THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leather upholstery1 1926 Essex Coach ...... . . 1" 1928 Model' A Tudor Demonstrator .- c 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment ...I . 1" 1 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery . . J. . . . . . 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery ' 1 ' S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone DEMAND upert Brand" ipper; "Till DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom Prince Knpert B.C. He paya the hlRhest prices. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartigc, Warehousing TJlstributinir. Team nr Motor Service Coal, Sand and tr,vcl We Specialise in Plan0 tna Furniture Moving'