PAGE sir, FASHION FANCIES -i s&T 3&J!k If V, w vvav. ithe - flam iiHD i wmm r, mm 1 m mmm mmm rrtvr . . v A- 1 . '.'V'" 7 . A FROCK A LA-MODE Here Is a model in the new tweed silks, : trimmed witl black satin. Collar and cuffs are piped and drape to left are lined with black satin to match girdle caught up with flower butkl;. Scalloped collar on low cut plain neck, with two color tie, completes an up to date frock. PAJAMAS THAT REST ON FASHION'S PEAK THE DAY OF THE EXTREME i TAILLEUR IS TIIREATENFP -MB . mm If you do not own at least one pair of lounging pajamas this is L Leading couturiers thej time for you to take yourself ting that w) your iavorue snop ana ssk to spring will be more A COAT FOR SPRING WEAR Here is a' snappy model for spring wear. The' fur collar ie wide and deep with shawl effect, fastening at waist with ribbons of same material as the coat. Note the deep cuffs, extending from wrist nearly to elbow, iIm 4). the A newest n.utAiit models. vuv.1 a1 m T nun. I 1 . 1 1 S .Lt. f ! . I ' ' ttee liefore, in the history of the loun ging costume, has the pajama been so important or so smart. Here Is a pair that boasts every feature of chle and is yet very inexpensive. It is fashioned of red checked gingham, with white bindings. The blouse is of the tuck-In variety and the trousers are wide enough to please even the moat radical. This Dashing Jacket Suit Defies Criticism are prediol T, , . .... , 4 Ao wiue Tnneiy oj siyies anu the tailored suits for fahrlc. ntrA foiTllntriA - a . ... ivfuumv. lumen. AT thlA lima AT tho vnmv ! neiiiur mis is bo remuins 10 in: j, n0 seen, lor the simple, mannish little suit has its admirers. However, Judge for yourself, the merits of the new mode. Here iloubt as to the con- tinued popularity of the tailored and semi-tailored suit. Here is a smart version of the latter. It is developed In black is the "feminized" mode. It is in tWeed. with light-weight wool in French blue that has a flecked with white. The silk tuck-In blouse is of lighter blue crepe. Note the three scallops In the lapel. a sleeveless jacket dashing finger-tip length cape. Stitched braid forms a flat round neck and bands for the shoulders and front. The blouse Is of white crepe. THE DAILY HKW3 SMITHERS MAN IS FOUND DEAD 1 Hodvof J. 11 mihmnzton..Vell f Known in Prince Kupert, lie achi ed .'on as foot "rarrr and won the charaihofish.fe dt ' NoKthvrn Urit- '.;h Coiumbia in :leturnir. to Smithers, after tbe, Mr Hetkrinjfton i . .. a hair . an to take a civil examination. Besides his wi!ow, who was ftatrkl. and, three,. aqnsPJaek; pmmf aAd &ordnn. . IHceasetra mother. iie. in Ontario and bis fathef ifjied. spme t(o years av sympatny of, many local"friends f iV.i,a4 lertBenint. The funeral, will take niece In RYIiAW"PltpVII)INfrTOU SALB OF1 'lWHR' PLANT (1BTS I.Mtr.E MAJORITV ' (Continued from rrwe'one) G. Pawaon, commercial manager of the company, to headquarters of tbe Power Corporation of Canada in Montreal, where officers of tbe company will affix their sig natures, one of tbe copies -being rntiipnod tn the VtAninir of the ettv. corporation. Meantime, Mr. I'awson goes to Victoria on busi ness in connection with the validating act which is before the legislature. This act will relieve the corporation of responsibility n rnnnMian with fioaneial ob Was Tortured With Eczema For Years Mrs. Owirge 8h(unller, HOCrriehton Bt., Halifwt. NJS , wnt "AtUrbune tortured with cxenui, fur yenr. sod trjrW everything p'i,!e from doctors snd ar:R gtorrt a frierd reo itnnienuVd me to Uk" I sent my husband to get me a bottle, sod after I bl taken it I notired the cooling of my blood, so he advised me to continue, sod alter Ukiog Mvertl bottles I ran truly say it is a wonderful medicine." t ..f..l...-l nnl tv Tti. T Mil. burn OjJitA. Toronto, Out and take over, the operation of the electric litrht system and all its appurtenances. J. J Little.' who1 is at present superintendent of' utilities for the city, will take over the duties of manager for north-: em British Columbia of the Power j Corporation and will still be in, direct charge of the local system. j FfcW-enfafr--of- the-Powery v .-DNrovererf UKroveren in in waruj,i flaraw ! Corporation will be sent here soon titvlti,1 tbe sUe of hydro-electric' , Wwa t vpH in " the development ahd lay out route, for, this morning that the dead body ,'.n Hum PAXher Khtda; had 'been found in the garage . i.-M. V. " of Joaenh II. Hetherinirton, who- had been missing since Tuesday, of Lake or Kalis River would likely be selected for the development. Mr. I'awson stated. In order that . the V. P. Henry Motor u. at ih( &000 horsepower development Smithura Thn l.'ite . Mr. Heth- i-i l. , .HKI., thn liim' WUU1U u (iiuiuru .wiix . CMItM was a parseer oi V-J4P, . T Mf a. V ,:HenrjLand was also secretary oi ment it ttaff oX required by the agree was likely that actual: Qtilkliy V alley District Hos- instruction work would be start- piUl As-ociation. ed during the coming summer. Soffle 4 J years of age, the latej Mr. Paw-son further explained Mr. jtith. rington was an intense that it was proposed to float a sufferer froi.. ailer effects of separate company to cover the op- tbe tarAu War. ' Fie waa in trutiotw and development of the France r;.cti jily for the whole corporation in northern British ,.f n... tvr ! con- Columbia, including both Prince from wii tated Ih hi lgf A nal came fi' i lays of the war. t ... f, t Infection unpen anu oiewari. h lilturuiteiy ;:mpiiUit!oi! of The detail of Ae follows: 1 A.T. considerable distirK- r 7 (i t Totalfi Prince Rupert pu) rod to carry. Mr. Little one of PW w'th headquarters in Prince! i; nt iur jc-s r.go. i of En"r, decear .?d i lo SnsitUrs in e.-irry hit town ..nJ, beforv was a mmbjr of ,ha . ! .. Lulou uuiik . mere Runcrt. W. D. Smith will b local manager at Stewart under Mr. LHUe. yote Vrfts was, ge " bu ,iw-.4 wi ligation of the city on tho hydro-' and an Ulectrtc nlant. sougn as - Pr Agst .. MO 4S 4;'.: 35 SSL. 80 threo-flMia SB worked Majority , . 18 t first i"r Fred WuUon and later , r bjcame a partner of nr. Henry, uri BLEOATION pfj,TlO' WILL WILL . CO TO lie wat well known in Prince Rupert Slaving often visited here. the laxt t.'iie about a year and service CAI.CAItY HEPKBSBNTINf! CITY COUNCIL AND HOAKI) OF TKADE (continued from page 1) formerly Miss Ethel Gray, da ugh- tn9MfltT9i, ami the resolution ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cray,fIKflt ka,l iMn nmd immediately formerly of tnis city and nuw ( lMft,re at U Board of Trade rawit-roaisktU i Smithers. and a ie(inif jje ur(ed that the council ot Mrs, Eruest,AI!istor9 of'Prinre jeeede to the reumimendation pert, the hue Mr. blethering-1 without delay, so that no 4ime on is'jryived.bx four children, Lnigbt be last in finding out why Uie oW' V at wmri iorteejL rriDet Kopr wssgeiung suuie Te fiiidrspi, are. a, daughUr. grain this year, while Vnncouve The mvuon was eecqueu oy Aid. I'rndmjrAatf. Mayor MoMerdss preeuroed thaif . . . . h. .Mifte.eMwT bor boy and and.gifi. .gW to to t bear the cost oi senamg uie uei- egattofi. Aid-.' CoUart thought thie was tfpfo the cy and woald be wotth tkeraonoy. litSideril Aid. Iawjn presumed that-yjffSY L oyneil knew lhat the elevator wna lumber .'Lri. of , boot to, be closed up and the mow. of tbe staff moved to Vancouver. If tbe.WbeafPtool had found itlra- iiosftlble to use the elevator, he thought the city should find out the reasons and. if possible, take steps townrda having them recti fied Aid. Rudderham thought the move wan a Kood one. but he saw no reason why such a large del csation should be sent. As it was while tbe other is retained by the ' ny information that was sought. he thought a delegation of one would be sufficient. Three would only make it that much more costly. Aid. Macdonald tiki not agree viitb Aid. Rodderham on this point. The issue was a big one immediate alutidn was AH the pressure possible To a retreenUtite of The uia do &rougm to pear oiuun.e Daily News, Mr. lawon, before , situation and he thought the flti-leaving for tbe south' last night,!"" would be well satisfied to In-briefly explained the oext iteps'ur the expense Involved In meet-that would be taken in the trans- jnr with the recommendation of ier of tbe utility. Immediately up- tbe Board of Trade. Aid. Macon the validating act being passed tdonald was particularly satisfied by the legislature, which should w'th the personnel of the delega-be within a week's time, the Power Uon consisting of the mayor, a Corporation will authorise the railway director and a citiien who Roval Bank of Canada to pay the bad taken an active part in the de-$375,000 over to the city and will ' velopment of the grain traffic then come formally into possession bere, having been formerly chair man ot me special grain commit- tee. The recommendation was adopted without dissension. WILL ABOLISH ; INDUSTRY . t f jie r-i tr a . w i then viuuiiiA, jiarcn z. a rec ommendation to the legiilature that thwVlepartment of industries be abolished iind that work in hand be handled by the finance department with lhe department of works giving technical assistance was endorsed by the public areounta sommlttee today. Lib eral members opposed the recom-mendatinn . Try a classlfietl ad in tlrf Newv YiU- wlll get results I WINNIPEG. March 2. The first of the British families to arrive in western Can.ida this sea son under the Canadian Nat oni:! Railways British families scheme have reached Winnipeg and are being etU out to their ntw homes. John EUJtae and his wife and threeehlldrtn have reached their tddreUt from Pontypridd and are aier tdjgetilocated. Lord ueortsa ilory of CheJms- a wife and his Franklin, Man. Walter Norfin with hi wife and two boys anil a girl is settling in Saakatchewah They are all lijalthyiia eljfef. Ten single on.fkraVi today and a other British families nd couples will arrive later In the week. . IMPROVEMENT SEEN IN HALIBUT PRICES American Heats Received Up 13.6c and 6c at Local Exchange ThU Morning to Prti for American halibut Saturday. March ! Representative of r.oluioiy teiuBe to puy Ft 1 phone Company: ' ic. the 272 telephone 3 ou with?" Intrejid Citizen: "Quite." Iteprcspnt;.t'.ve : "But, my d ar sir, what i latiepid Citistn: "I h-wii. a telephone." The BRITISH ARE ARRIVING ON K.0FP. II Seventy-five Couples AKni Very Enjoyable Affair Us Night in Boston HaH AbOUt 75 Coii; . ;, xt anni Skeena Lodge N !' i n Pythias, in th. i; , k night. The . , . ceseful and en t progress frorr. r- i a.m. Excellent diu-. v,.- r"i by Al Smail Ham Burken u i emonies. A: refreshments w.-rc -" ' The commit!' . cioor. M. L S'. V toiif. Mrs T J ' .nd Mrs. tiil )" LU11IER LEAGUE IS ENTERTAINED B were much improved at the local enti of om.- inn iTtTirnn 0.1WV IMU IK The young i Luther League last night by M dahl at her I. The time wa- ' 'laying gmw 11.1 II 1ULAV. A-- 1 f' fish exchange this morning when waa enjoyed K :r high as 13. Jfc and 6c was paid jerved. while Canadian bids showed a alight improjftwnt over yester- Cirpi C WPRING .1 ..K in 7 uml Ko A .. total of 120.500 pounds was sold. HUDSON of which 106,000 pounds was from American vessels. Arrival a, wore as A v . American -,. rupeivn! Eldorado, 80.000 pounds, Booth pD" T' , . . t jsnenes, io.oc anu w. Omaney, 21,000 pounds, and Royal, 2000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.5c and Cc. Havana, 19,000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 13.0c and 6c. Nordic, 94.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 18.4c and 6c. Canadian An Aherdon ,'ng his firt found standinv laughing verv iceman, who ,Nrth. anproif ' Oslo. 10.000 pounds, Canadian remark Fish & Cold Storage Co., 10.7c ytT" .ml Re. i "There's . Margaret l.f -4500 pounds, AHllk Fisheries. 10 5c and k. he C. ffion. m was N. R. "Wee I. iiii the Inughln at 01. i- .ml fir.