j ILLEDWHEN CARPLUNGED OFF A WHARF MISSION. Feb. 18. Carol A. . . . a m hn Ahrmtftfnrrl nuhllf School- WAS : rn. Mil 11 .tua. u . iicai aim - . 1.4 If.. H IlAKniAn hnth a of Abbotsford, were Injured. jrday when hi car plunged t f 11. i, ...ln.7 1' Lllti UUVCI IllalCaJb naicu SV v. . The i:ar landed bottom up on I.. Jl Ut ir.o ma nrrnnnnii. inciuuinir iiie i t n o ! f a. i a I .nU I i nnniii niiirii. uiiuri iicvi a,ss Mr Stewart was the son of In- . J t - 4 trtj.AA.s.ln I .. - I v. tf a nun i ir Hit viwm ui ilia niic 1 . 1J .. l 4 AIMnN ARM A A4MAIA V 1 I" HAS BIG FIRE lif w.jq HfwAvoroH in fhn Knirpnt 'Mo PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. 18. Wheat fir mint pn.h rn si :i n niiftnoi. umuer l Northern. NO SACRAMENT FOR OTTAWA CATHOLICS PAYING SCHOOL TAX OTTAWA, Feb. 18. Arch- bishop Forbes, In a pastoral, letter read n , lh jRornan.) C atholic churches of OltaVa diocese yesterday, announced the refusal of sacrements to all Roman Catholics who continue to pay Bchool taxes in favor of public schools. The assessment affects 1346 Catholica whn nr nuaompd na .-1 1 ... 1 - A If CALGARYMILL IS DESTROYEl Fire Yesterday Wiped Out Plant a Part of Yards of A. 1J. Cashing" Ltd: ' CALGAR.Y. Feb. 18: Low of between ?(50,000 6 rid $70,000 wa suffered pn Sunday in a fire, which destroyed the mill, machinery and a large part of tht lumber -storage yard., of the A B. Owning Mill Ltd. The loss was fully covered by insurant and it is announced that a new factory will be built CANADA'S TRADE LARGE TOTAL OTTAWA,? Feb. 1C Canada's trad advarfca $2O7,0QQ,0Q0 during the 12 fcrtoTitWs ending Junu-ary 31 . The total was J2.601.898,-765. DomenUc Imports increased from,$1.21G.806,5G0 to S1.342.12&- r66, while the irapo:t moved up SM.MON ARM, Feb. 18. jfrom $1,087,818,715 to $1,2S9,7G9. :ur business places were de-igOO. Duty collected was $195. trr-ypd by fire last night and for ,220,985, an increase of. $26,000,000 Imc the whole business section U.,'j LIll t:ilLL-ICU. UUb LI1C 1IU1I1VO re controlled. The places destroyed were the rirrnt nfa 'o mnp Xt . lillt- laiiapn a narnpr nnnn. 1 ne lului UNITED STATES PLAN TO STOP SHIPMENT OF ARMS TO BELLIGERENTS WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. Secretary Kellogg is in favor of giving the president power to stop the shipment of arms to tiny warring countries. The object of this . . , U TTnlfnrl move is 10 insure ini mc - States be absolutely neutral in case of war between other countries. KING BASKS IN SUNSHINE oney 'Within, Twenty Minutes ofo Sn't. Pnr3!Alvi.rnl HoUTiUt HUf Window in Rognor lesieruay Passed Good Night BOGNOR. Sussex, Eng., Feb. 18: For several hours yesterday the King was able to sit at his window at Craigwell House. He passed a satisfactory night. Yesterday's sunshine was like a harbinger of spring. TROTSKY IS VERY ILL .IN CONSULATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 18. Far from being removed to Angora, Leon Trotsky lies so 111 in the Russmn consulate here that to move him at all would be dangerous, it is believed. His wife and four Soviet guards attend to his wants. A. P. HEAD DIES NEW YORK, Feb: 18. Melville ?. Ston, for 2 years general Mnage of the Associated Preee, ;od 60 yrs an outstanding CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Eferjone read Ih Classified Ad. LAKGE CAIIARET If you lose, kdrertlM (or It. " Special Dinners Thursday! and If jou find, locate th owner, Saturdays Dancing every satVdaj nljht . Whatever you need, advsrttas tor It from 9 to 12. Dance Hall (or Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations (or ITlvats GET THE CLASSIFIED HADIT. Parties Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 437 PECUL Canada Said K .flflfl Worth nf PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1929 Opening otthe IndmtrmliFdm LONDON, Feb. 1$. Within 20 minutes of the opening V oi me jmunn imiubiru? lair iiuie tuuay. an oruer was ti ippii iiir i ,: ri:n i ih ii iiiiriHV sui'ri us in hi. nn cxn m nn huro to the va lie at SbU.UUii. me iair is the preatosl in hr series of fairs here and at Birmingham. The government of Canada has established an exten- . ..1. i ii it. . ii .1 : i c j.t sive exmuiL anu an uiu uluui uuiiiniiuiis anu inanv in Jiiimu wuouooiuijh) aju twit uiibvvi, kju mice jo wi. , i .i n L l i. i : i i. ii. I As usual at such events, the Canadian exhibit is at- r.ictin j? much attention. DOHENY WAS SHOT BY HIS SECRETARY Murderer Killeti Himself After Slaying" the LOS ANdELES, Feb. 18. j Ldward L. Doneny Jr., 36- 1 year-old multl millionaire, 1 w mure'ered by Theodore I';wnlctt, hi confMential sec- rst ry. here early yewter Jay. Plunk&t corcnltled suicide. Loinny, whe vrith his father figured In tbe rcnJStionai tea- pet nrac oil leatte 3ca idal, vh killed by tS,e''nrl shtt from a pistol. Plunkcit later kiliei hirateif with t'.ic same Run. ' r 4 1 VICTIM AUTO ACCIDENT I VANCOUVER. J!b. 18: Injured in an auto ackidont while visiting her sen andidaughter In Los Angeles, Mrs.(,Sir5h Iiuck- nsm widow of Gap tan Bueknam;4 figure In journalism died FrUdayi pioneer residents, of iVIctoria. is ight in his 81 year. dead. She was 71 XJjof 8e. Injunction is Granted Regard to Local Theatre in Dispute Vancouver's Sprinter Beat Record i 1 . ' Over Payment of Repair Bi I . j. i : VANCOUVER, Feb. 18. At the suit of Lieut. -Col. Stewart P. McMordie, Mr. Justice Morrison in supreme court granted an injunction enjoining Cliff Ford of Folkestone, England, from distraining for rent in respect of the Westholme Theatre at Prince Rupert. The injunction continues until the trial at Prince Rupert on June 7 of Mayor McMordie's action, in which he seeks a declaration that Ford, as the owner of the theatre, is liable for repairs amounting to $2500 which the plaintiff was compelled by the fire marshal to make to the premises. Mayor McMordie set off about $2500 rent which had accrued against the repair bill, but, in the meantime, the landlord distrained tor his rent. H. R. Bray is counsel lor the plaintiff and Stanley W, Taylor for Mr. Ford. AFTER MORE TRACK HONORS FOR CANADA Percy Williams (right) of Vancouver world's sprint champion, who Is now maklng'a tour of the United States and Canadian indoor tracks, nnd M. M. (Bobby) Robinson (loft), manager of the 1028 Canadian Olympic Track Team, who is In charge of the present tour of Williams and other Canadian track stars. Mr. Robinson Is now considering Invitations for tours in Europe, New Zealand 'and Australia. Canada's athletic prestige was never so high as at the present time. On Saturday night at New York, Williams clipped a fifth of n second from the record for the indoor sixty metres PRICE FIVE CENTS RAILWAYS S GOVERNMENT WILL ACT SOON Northern British Columbia Is M$ch in Public Eye at the Capital r-mfifIkovinm Regard to Railways STOPS NAVAL RUMORS ;1 . jj I Withdrawal of Application for Charter to Build From Stewart to Peace River Looked Upon as Likely to Mean Government Action VICTORIA, Feb. 18. The question of northern deve!. apment i3 one that is today very much in the public eye. The withdrawal of the bill incorporating a railway from Stewart to the Peace River country has been withdrawn and it is understood that any action in connection with railway development will probably be incorporated in a government measure to be brought down either this ses-uon or possibly at a special session of the legislature or at an earlv session next year. The present prevailing opinion is that the bill will be before the house at this session and that it will include joint action by the two big railways the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific Railway. In regard to the possibilities of Stewart being made the outlet for the railway from the Peace, it is prooable that ; a charter will be granted which will include-Stewart as a i possible outlet and also will connect up with the CN R. - - jin such a way as to make it possible for .either; ' raibjayo ' " Rtrtoh.w. tima Lord of the British Admiralty. The P.G.E. will probably be connected with both big OhojQMke reports that theBrlt-( ijne8 at 0r near Ashcroft and thus give a good grade to fSh TJovernment- was about to VQnmva. anMJnf tVia mrtiinfblnrtria nnrt nf tr.n P fi V. postpone the .1929 cruiser . con-! rr"r;l"i at. nNV''STC.r; Istruction program bytamnclng ine cuMing oi Vne r .u.x . at nurui Vancouver is iuimeu lit., .- - T f 1 . iinnn oo o mAva in fhio Hinirirri that arrSrfo-rrt(nt ngements lor fnr" nrrTarlnir ordering i 1 uiJUil 140 itiu& m mo uui.v.viuu, two cruisers laid down, one im The Granting oi a charter lot a company to buna irom Februaraiidie othehrwMarch, Copper River to Kitimaat is also on the tapis and will "ere proceeding. ADAM MACKIE WILL RELIEVE Local Inspector of Fisheries to Act Temporarily at New Westminster Due to the transfer of A. ,J. Whitmore, .assistant to the chief inspector, to QJtawa and the recent death of A. P. llalliday of New Westminster, inspector for uiKrict No, ii, and pending Pr manent arrangements for the filling p these. . poitina...Adam Mackle, fisheries inspector for District No. 2 with headquarters at Prince Rupert, will leave the city within a week or so to relieve temporarily at Vancouver. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief Inspector of fisheries, in making this announcement today, stated that Mr. Mackie would not be transferred from this district as yet and the arrangements at present was but temporary. During the absence of Mr. Mackie, James Royd, senior over- seer at Prince lieve him. Rupert, will re- TO CLEAN UP AT CHICAGO CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Chicago Is on the verge of a general cleanup, a concerted drive having been ar- ranged to suppress lawlessness and particularly lawlessness con nected with the liquor traffic. It is real lieu nei e mai wis cuy ima became a byword throughout the world and it is planned by a number of local organisations to unite thdr efforts to bring about a change. probably be granted, but it is not thought likely the Kitimaat section will be built for some time, the port of Prince Rupert being the real objective at first. The question of the validity of the backers of the Copper River project is being inquired into, as it is not the policy of the government to pass a bill in favor of chartermongers. BRANCH LINES CJ. RAILWAY OTTAWA. Feb. 18 Under Canadian National branch lines bill introduced in the house today Jby Ilon. C. A. Dunning 691 miles oi new jines are provided in tne provinces of Saskatchewan, Al-be.ta, Ontario, British Columbki and Nova Scotia and Prince Ed ward Island. Saskatchewan gets seven branches, totalling 400 miles. British Columbia gets two, one of them from a point near Swift Creek to a point near Tete Jaune, Mileage 12, at a cost of $720,000. Another from New Westminster to a point near Lulu Island with brunches there with Mileage 29 at a cost of a million and a half dollars. ' EGYPTIAN FIRE iCAIRO. Egypt, Feb. 18: Nine persons were killed and twenty Injured severely in a fire In a large village near Zasaslg on Sunday. One hundred and fifty houses were destroyed. MUCH OPIUM WAS SEIZED' $40"0 WorthVrillcn When Era jfro i of Asia Wu About to Sail From Vancouver VANCUVR. Feb, 18.-Forty-one tins of opium valued at $4000 were seited Saturday by customs officers as the Empress of Asia was 'sailing for the Orient. Thirty-one of the tins had been allegedly wnuggled ashore from the Empress and six were found on the steamer. Three Chinese who are under arrest were remanded for a week In the police court. Scottish Humor A SURE THING An Aberdonian on a visit to London spent several' days at the Greyhound racing and then tried to get a bookie to take a shilling on the electric hare. PRINCE RUPERT LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS Metropolc Hall, Monday, February 18, at 8 p.m. All Liberals Invited To Attend. W. M. IUIOWN. President.