jil j (If. 1 4 "-ft 9 JL ll ti. r: V4 n; 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Febru 'ry is 192J News and Views In The World of Sport FORMER IDOL OF THE John "liana" Wagm t, ( arn gie. Pa., I'onn.T bij; league baseball star, recently uppointed ait:int s iprnnt at-nrms in the Pennsylvania hous' of represent at hcs. is . n here being sworn in.-. , 1 k -s : ' CANADIENSARE JINXFOLLOWS INTHE LEAD VICTORIA CUBS Famous Montreal French Hockey Lose Again at Hockey to the Van-Team Tops League .Once I couver Lions More . VICTORIA, Feb, 13. The TORONTO. Feb. 13: The Can' iinx whkh has ben hanging adiens are again in the lead of:aro1ond the ,air of the Victoria the international section, of the C,ub9J?1r the paBt fve Kfmes con-National tinued Pence here last night, Hockey League by one "hen the Lions point at a result of their taking ancouver sailed their first victory of the season hom with a wo tone v,ct7- i Montreal fai m to break: the Me with Toront imAJ..TC(u,' , ! Detroit lost to Boston. f0' SnSLlT' yJ..r The following were the scores: Canadlens 2, Pittsburgh 0. Montreal 1, Ottawa 2. Detroit 0. Boston 1.. t REGINA MAN JOINS LIONS OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, Feb. 13. j Frank Jerwa, brother of Joe, star' defence man, has been drafted by the Lions from the Regina Pats. He is another six footer. CLU-COLDS I Check at fint sneeze. I Rub on inhsle vapors XICKS V VAPORUp Ormt Ct Miflimn Jot Ymmrfy A delight connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic hi n DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND i i James Duchanan & Co- Umlted 16 HolSom, London, E.CJ, This advertisement Is not Liquor Control Board British B.' !. DIAMOND HONORED in front that it needs a cyclone 1. U 1 1 .1 ! - UM resting anne oonom or tne ft po,nte 1,1 the rear of i" the first period and the win- ning counter was scored by So-mera in the last session. Old country football English League, Division 1 i Uxexpool 2, Manchester United Scottish League, Division 2 Clydebank 3, Morton 3. PULSE AND CENTRE LONDON. Feb. IS: Wrl M.i chett who recently explored Wall ' Street states here that the trip served only to convince him that London is stii) "the pulse and centre of the entire world." Peek vs. Peck -divorce trial. February 14. In United Church. ' ' 1 , published or displayed by the or by the Government of Columbia ?Mcy MltiamsAdds to Laurels Already Won Broke Record for 45 Yard Sprint, Doing It at Meadow-brook in 4 9-10 Seconds; Canadian Girls Won Relay Race PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13.Percy Williams of Vancouver added another great set of achievements to his list nst ni.cht at Meadowbrook Athletic Club games here bv uvi ripfpntfnrr a nicked collection of sorinters to win both special 40-yaru mviiauun . the pick of American dash with travelling 45 yards . . . t 11 r 1 nis neat ana tne iinai 01 a Williams again whipped non and in dolne so is credited m fntpi- time than ever has ! or the heat was 4 9-10 seconds, which has no equal on the record books . The time for the final was 5 1-10 seconds . In the final Karl WildermUth of Georgetown was second, Pappas Newark third, and Chet Bowman of Newark fourth. . . , The Canadian girls' relay team defeated the Sport Chat Arrangements have been made for the Smithers hockey team to visit Vanderhoof on Feb. 19 and 20.. to play two return games with the Vanderhoof aggregation. These games should be well worth watching. The teams are evenly matched and put up some clean fast hockey In their Beries at Smlthers. The Smithers people were delighted with the exhibit' iops played there and there is every reason to believe that great matches will be staged in, Vandr-hoof. On Tuesday night there will be a. dance. The expend of bringing the Smlthers team to; Vanderhoof. are heavy and the., public if being appealed to to. ,give lha- Vanderhoof hockey club their heartiest support in (defraying the necessary disburse ments . From,v what, one gleams from the dalb'jpapers, it seema evident that the boys in the boxing racket arpund Seattle grew bery panicky when the Portland old-time ring-ster Eddie Cartwright, thrust hl chin out for that lethal sock,, ad; Jinlnistered by Cecil Geysel. i'At rate UP we-nt their hands ,J . . . . i r rr n gestures of resignation. The Se attle situation probably has rid parallel. By statute, boxing lr Washington siate was made illegal som years back. Yet the boys carried on, conducted week ly shows and Seattle named its I boxing commission every year. Impending developments are being awaited with Interest Jack Sharkey and Young Strlb-. ling are now bpth at Miami Beach. Florida, where their bfg neavyweigni elimination battle will take place toward the end 0 this month, Sharkey is ' no staging an intensive training campaign and is said to be the far orite to win. "If I find I am getting overtrained, I will slow down for a wbile'i he states. Stribling. vhV-W tfeen training hard for the .past week or sb, is now on a fishing trip to the Everglades. Jatk Dempsey says that ticket." iales for the flirht 'have reached fhe $189,000 mark which is some -.$30,000 more than' the estimates, ihlch have been placed on the cost of promoting the fight. Grary A. Steffen, otherwise Willie Ritchie, former lightweight boxing champlbn of the World, has entered a new role In the sport world. He li the g6al keeper of the San Francisco team in the California Hockey League. Just where Ritchie 'earned his hockey is not known No record of his appearance, with any 1 unadian team has ever lilui I till. LI .. iv-vii uiM iunni. uucnie is a pout 38 years old! He Was always a clever b6xt-r and goalkeeplng may be just In his line. The pad ded mitts have given way to the padded shins. Ritchie may have found the answer to the question 6f where do boxers go when they quit the ring? Charley McCarthy, fc'ho entered the professional boxing game with More or less success, was once goalkeeper Of the Montreal Wanderers in the 1 Jrr t : i t .' been done before. His time early days of the N.H.L. Lionel Conacher of the New lork Americans was an amateur boxing star, and might have won suc cess in professional circle hidi he cared to enter that field. Mondou, the player who recently Joined the Canadlens from the Providence team of the Canadian-American League, has won am ateur boxing honors In Montreal. CELTIC WIN'S GLASGOW. Feb. 18: Celtic defeated Cowdenbeath yesterday In the Scottish first division foot- ball 1 to nil. i FISHER BODY. . . . . STYLE AND Additions no omer car can Fisher Body gives General Motor earn additional value no other cars can itivc. No other cars can put this several hundred dollars worth of additional vuluc into their hodics hecousc no one else has Fisher advantages or Fisher resources. ETcryonc can measure this greater dollars nnd cents value in a minute because they can sec It with their own eyes. The advantages Fisher has over others are shown in finer finish than the others can afford -finer hnrdwaro.and (intcrior'fitincntH than they con nflord finer iipholstery than they cun GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED MORE GAMES ARE PLAYED I.O.D.E. City Open Badminton Bert West Still Leading in Com-Tournament j Now In Second I pilntlnn of Aggregates Round I I This Hit contains all players Games in the I.O.D.E. city ,n the prince Kupert Cribbage open badminton tournament are ingy,, having a score of CO or being played off With despatch oVer up to Bnd !ncU(Unir gBtneB and the competition has now-0j Fehruary , 11 reached the second- found in nil is ; ' ' divisions, a few second round JlmUnil, n i -nti . vm to.B. West, P. R. Hotel 80 Same- ..a,.i.B a..cu, Sd All players left in the tourna - nent are being asked to , atwl tnntirKt . In tilnv WimM. i o . . Following were last night's cort,g. Ladies Doubles Fi st round-Mrs. C. J. Nor - ington and Miss Mary Astori beat tfrs. J. R. Tannock and Miss L. A. Ellett. 16-G, 16-10. Mr. Shelford Dnrton and Mr. '. Long beat Mrs. J. Morton and hm J. A. Teng, 15-4, '-5-1 Mixed Doubles Pfrst round-Mr. afld Mrf. John V. 'Clyne beat Mrs. J. Itor - fori and W Tobey. 16-2, 15-10. Mrs. H . 1 8hadwll and C. J. NortrirtKton beat Mrs. A. B. Liz- ney and Carl Brand, 1&-12. 15-10..W. Davies Caodin Legion Second 1 round Mrs. II. L. SHa dwell and C. J., Norriiigtou beat Mr. C. J. Korrington and Robert Stuart, 15-9. 15-9. Men's Doubles First round Alf Slocomb and Carl IJrand beat Alex Rix and Roger Wright, 15-3, 16-14. HOCKEY TRADE PITTSBURGH, Pa., Feb. 13: Harold Cotton, Pittsburgh left winger has been traded to. Tor- oaU for Jerry Lewrei also a left winger. .1 mxre F 1 S E R INDIVIDUAL CRIB SCORERS . , .,, fio - 8 ?' U JI. Mrown New hnipreHs . tti r t. nr : - kt . i: a4 ,,le,",1 i- J. Clark P. R. Hotel 84 A- A- Mi-KWen Cold Storage . 84 S. II. Pearce New Empress . 83 J- Wation P. R. Hotel 82 ;W. Rante Canadian Legion . 82 A Mcintosh C. N. Operating 82 H. Utour.au K. of C. .. 81 W. Roth will Orange Lodge 81 T. M. J. Fortune K. of C. . 80' V. Houston Orange Lodge D. -Smith P.. It. Hotel ... -80 W "78 T7 7G im Moran New Empress . jR- Anderson Cold Storage . K. Smith Orange Lodge ... H. R. Hill C. N. Operating i X Hughes C. M rechanlcs A. Harvey P. R. Hotel , T. Rousay Eagles J. Unkles Canadian Legion . J. Andrews Grotto II. Skattebol C. N. Operating J. Watt P. R. Hotel D. Kennedy Cold Storage H. Astoria K. of C J. Wynne Orange Idge .. Iw. Bailey Orange Lodge .. F. Skjellum New Empress L. Astoria K. of C M. M. Lamb Canadian Legion A. King C. N. Operating .. II. Arney Moose . . 4 v . . VALUE STANDARD CASEYS HOLD FINE SMOKER Jirge Crowd in Attendant, C KnoynWe Affair Usl N In Catholic Hall Ah enjoyable smoker wu nst night in th- ( utholit u wy the Knights i ( ..lumbui . mfrge crowd beiin in nhj.. Alex Mucdonald o.-cupjcj chair and the program iheluded' (idrer '-y Ulshop i. M. Bunor fltrlni- 'I, at by iSuss:,,:n hjV rs: vori,! olo bv Han-v A,i0fi,. iuiiii nuiif uy milllin Ulllies ' t '.nnie . uy Pete !!yi harmoniti I 1 t oio oy L.OU1S Ast.,11 ; u,-i iy F-ither Hammond: unonJiH i!o by J. H. M.-h.r; ,ote : olos by L. F. ( !,.,, ui, mUm ojr ramer .xii !- d,. I'iUS fre8hments were s:rvel me committee rep.insiUe t)v arrangments of the smok9 ipnsisted of Harry Astori. r her; J. J. Muldoon, J. J a ?t. uu;rn aicnacnem, A, D, GiL lies and Joe McDonald. to 7G . r renen new r.mprcs (j 70 F. Barber C. N. Me. hamu H 75 R. T. J. Rose C. N. M chancB 75 W. Reid Eagles 74 t. Vierlck Eagles jj 74 F. Rlffou K. of (' 6 74 F. Aldridge Orange Lodite a 7S A .Astoria K. of r u 721 I. Lawrenson Canadian Legioa (4 GO n. .Murray native mms u B. Barrie Grotto . o 60 F. A. Rogers ('. N. Meihann.6 60 B. Horn C. N. Me.han u 8 68 67 t07 i Try 'Dally News h-ii OIpTHB WORLD afford finer and stauncher structural work than they can afford. Hccuuse they have not Fisher advantages und resources, others have; to skimp on the inside and tho outside of their hodics in order to hold down the price. Whether you are chiefly interested in only ttro or three hotly features, or in body quality as a ie10e, you should by all means compare the Fisher Hotly car in riefl field in ichich you are interested, with any or every other car in that field. Only then can you base your decision upon intimate knowledge of the facts. CAMUAC hi SALLE . MrUVCnLtJf.nVlCK OAKLAND OLOSMOIULE roSTIAC . CHEVROLET