V :dnrsdy. Ftftruafy 13, 1029 THE DALLY NEWS PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FORS ALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Yes, Mr, city men are far superior. I mean those from a THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. small city. Name one? Sure, I could name him but I'm too bash ful for that.,.--, ! .,, .(fi, , ...l !- Many a man .would tret the j superiority cpmplex if his wife did' not know hira no well. It's a l'jik.itown where the c itiz'-ns are afraid for people What I like is to see th? snow in mil' it ml the streets slnnnv ni i led und ut because I knew this thinfn for the next six weeks 1 should give up lkIUN('E RUPKlfT TIDKS High IiOW Wednesday, February 13 High 3:61 a.tn. 1S:66 p.m. Low ...,, H):00 ,ra. 2t':U n.rri. ' 1 ui.L. Thur(!.iypFbruary I I mi 4.4 rt . .. 4:'28 a.m. 30,1 dUi 10:12 p.m. 18.6 ft. i totrlfleel Tile WANTED WANTED Woman wants work of any kind by day or hour. Phone Red C9. tf outside to know thut it sn.owc COOKS Written up daily, weekly .,)! , o ocuuMonally. Or monthly by 'experienced ac- " ' countant. Phone Green COG. diri and the mud tratkinK into WANTED Will give furnished the house and the weather war- flat ren- free in exchange for tuor. It's February, folks and pretty oon we'll be out on the water enjoying the sunshine. Yesterday wuh .Shrove Tuesday tnd I hud a plate of pancakes i 1.SM lbs 39 , board, llox 170 Daily News ' 32 Try a Daily News WANT-AD. It will bring results. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Up high and I ate and ate application will be made to the LeRls- wave Assemoiy 01 uie rrovinoe 01 om- lan coiumbis at it present session oy from all encumbrances upon aucb term ' it mar deem fit. to the Power cor- .-.inwc wiDi nu ,u of ... .i-coH- n,hf and oawer de- l-.il-ter alti'rwards. Dartment aa a going concern, and to . grant to the Company Ue sole and es- ' elusive rliht, power, licence and prlvl- I've been worrying about what - carry on in the City of Prince iiuriiiK Lmi no power company, and for such purpose after worrying around.fpr a k 'l'.tStiLiJSS 8" Traps, double thick Jute for double thick Vitrified TIM. Instructions to bidders and the speel-MtMi mur he aasB at the Office of 20.0 ft. tks City Engineer CIW Hsll. Prlnej Rup-ltl 1 tt K B e. Ths lowest or any under not II- nNrssarUy aooapted. . 8.7 ft. 1 IPrle fTojb Prttce Rupert and ; . ! !'urchasn Atent. . , Prince Bupecu, B.C. IS l-UOIIATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished house-keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Ited C07, tf Ml! I'tfMf ' AlltfttrtnlilTou nlannj FOR RENT Furnished flat and furnished shack. Apply Mus- sallum Grocery. vould be Ash Wednesday and I'd th Corporation of the City ol Prlnoe . , .r. .t,. -n. aupertl hereinafter called the City) lor fOI! RENT Five roomed Bun. Iiuve iu uo wunoui an mien an Act HfipSwertfif le On? "W-SHE tree ' .rnlow AfTnivt T Sixth nBMdMflejejsrmaoarayrr ..win a Ave greatest greatest Self-denial self-denial I I can for the transmission, distribution andUot MS5. Ranee S. 'h' think of. The worst Is It her about as bad as me. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert February lf,lMT 1 Re. W.! (. X. Wux. 1 C. Brady,'! A y.' IjirieAWfeV Mis. I. N. L3n-1 enter Into the sfme al The Trades & Labor Council, at 2Jflg .1 a me' ting last night, decided to rights thereby end two delegates to the cfhrtij PTeD tj tion of the western whi h is to be held at CalRary ,n tiv, ijefirfuf. ....,..,. nt with the Com- ty to' enter into i City validate the said agree- nt and confirm to the Rupert. B.C.. thU f A.D., 1939. E. . JONE6. Solicitor tor the Corporation of the City of Prince Bupert. 'TLS'llEKA WANTED rlfWd Tile i marked EecUbn No. nelly. iairss,Chix-d 'Jbhn fci ft Jft&5gHjS& m tmtiMW wP hi4 M vil-nfeeTpiri; Wii rni.l.t in tl,n llnil. d, Chnrnh. I)r rset 10 1 double thick Vitrified Tils . l r n -tm "TI . ""T-.H ' ;i lwtVtt; 4l.08 Llne.1 Pwt 8" double n i. rvrrgin wu in en yi tck .Vltrtfle( ,i rianiWV j 'JlXLL'e ..L l..u. aTri.'nui i h. the pWMMigtfli' ii M.if-iua .'I' '''' jBTbrmT'' MhIII. la Uti.t VI li .HUitilfw i vnimua o viiivt tntls eotll Tile Sewer Pipe, S8.000 double uiics. vitnimi native loiindllor at Massett this lOrt' Junctions double ' ii' and W. II. Russ is hkidegate. Ws" Junctions double H only, law June- l& Alck Vitrified Tile; 6 only. thick vitniiea Johns: 018 LA Ml AC1 Notice of Intrntion t Apply or two 1 JUSpdJiCHIea tlt I d tm oUjw pllc tne poles. ammt. In Prince Bupert Land Kedordlnt Du mra rlnce Rup nupen. urlace ana caoies uioi. m and fttuate si vu nllit rivhfin' wHW mv'vMf Th' unjwmrouna wires, quit Ilgniin Wlin my Wlie. mats oth equipment and appliances I south end of Kafin Island, adlicent v hits sale oi electric power tor iiKnt. neat ana T.j . sT7 duiuhjt osrucv hiiis mr nuroossi ana e.noow.rlne the I-imited. of VsnoDUTer. British OoJumbU 6lty to enter Into an agreement with the occupation, manufacturers. Intends to ! Company for supplying to the City and PP, Io' !" 01 Mle following de- lSoS 'JSS rZ VTcroL tTth. I , OoHioTn, at the nortteast corner of HEP" VPnJ !?..Md-gSd.'.ty. Lot oao. nange S, C D., tkence aoutn-'Pi'LT11 .i T?lt, ul J22 M weirrees 10 minutes east 600 feet, erlnc the City to hereafter ourehase lmor or lsss. to low wsur mark: thence take over the whole or any Dart of t toe southwesterly following low waUr mark Company's electric ltaht heat and power to a point due east on the most easterly system upon such teems as may be agreed oolnt of an unnamed island: thence upon, and to validate a bylaw (if as-; northerly following the sinuosities of the tented to by the lectors, to whom it Is Island to ths most northwesterly point of to be submitted I empowerlnc the City to same: thence in a northwesterly dtrec- tlon to the northeasterly Dotat orBiw Vll ' notice is January 8th. n nue EaiL . ,i: 9 of an un- high water mark; thence lrrs northeast' erly direction along high water mark to the O T P Railway rtght-obwar: thence easterly alone the southernKDoundary of the said right-of-way to te northwest corner of Lot 8535; thence Jollowtng the sinuosiues oi the said lot to the puial oi commencement. BIIXMOR SPRUCE M1LX3J LlillTED. ' B. E. MorcaB. Aleut , n' twmhT aand 1938. Water notk! Dlrenlon and , after the fun appear- ance of this notice In s local news; "NAVKI.VIllJ: WATERS PROTECTION ; ICT" i R. S. C. I'haiitrr HU 4 I HOME OIL DianBUTORS, LIMITED, Odrumbls hereby Rlres notice that It baa Aindsr Section T of theSjSaald Act de-' posited with the Minister orpubllc Work. t Ottawa, snd in tne oiiices oi vnc District Rrelatrsr of the tind Resinry n'it,l..l rr Prinra Runrt. IMtlsh Col1 l.'it .', '. ilM43in.Rk ' 97i It- In the upreme wun w .v" wa. wt Prince Rupert. aiwaio ,'. . . . lumbia in the matter or f,ie Adfllnlstra- acrlntlon of the site and iltte plan, of n', i2a:oi p.ITM iv. tloti Act "and In the niatter sT the' Eaiare oulhllrigs snd wharves prtfposed td be ..'rrr- -r l rday,i l eDruary Hifh . .'. ' 5:12 a.m. 17.41 p.m. l ow 11 :87 a.m. 38:40 p.m. 20.1 ft. 17.4 ft. 5.8 ft. 0.8 ft. Saturday,' February 16 High 3:QJ a.m. 1D.9 ft, 18iaG p.m. 1C.4 ft. Low 12:41 p.m. CO ft. Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting Pneumonia Mrs. Chvlei Edwards, It. U. "No. 2, VTheatley, Ont., writes; - "Last winter I was bothered with A very bad rold, and my husband Wat alntid I U getlitiK pneumonia, "One day one of my neighbors came in and she suggreted that 1 try Dr. Wnrtrl' Pino Syrup I took a few doael and I was greatly relieved, "It also relieved my son, aged !ie, t the croup. V'l will never, be-without a bottle df Dr. Wood's' In thohbuse, and I cannot recommend it too highly." Pries jjfle. a bottle; large family aits 60c. at all druggi.U and dealers. . Put tip only by The T. Milium Co., Ltd., Toronto, )ut. o( Aaron wutisnas hi vj-t-- , tu mull m the nsroour oi raw itupert in TAKE NOTICE thst by ord f 1 t or Lot 3 of Wsterfroat Block "O". IioncflirJuesi r ilcB YoonaWd prince RuMTt. J 18th ly ot January AMD TAKE NOTICE thafcfter the MorUinei .sad Leonard M. P. i2' pi ration of one month froril the date of Wtaw appointed1 admhUtratoriof the nm pubup.uo,, of thlsnotlce Home ot Asron W. Edse. deceased, and all PJ-- on Dl,tributors. Umlted. will under Bee tles navina ciw ." tion 7 of the said Act SBDl to the Min- M VSLJZlto beforeihe ' ' P"llc Work, at his btflce In tha niAMilv verified to me on on or oeiore xne . . . .v- . . ot , March. ..w r l 1QSO uul and au 11 l IT ' m uniwi . ivr Binvrm w nil Ap 7th day i-V,e to construct the InrfAhtaH Died to to the me z .-. -rj miirM td nav the amount ot their In wild wharf as aforesaid. DATED at Vancouver. British the 18th day of January. 1B29. WMmiter HUMS OIL DIS nUBU I UH3. DAd.y W y oTM I By ... sSTf" SS ROBERTSON DOUQLAS As SM YES . BRINGING UP FATHER UwTsVM'. 05k4 T VOO DARS. eoMt OdWM TO THS TAftL-G. VWTH THAT Wrt ROOa OM- v i i jurats OY Gou MAGCtE-pKlM TUKtMi FOR SALE WRAPPING PAPER for sale cheap. Roll of Newsprint. I Rood, clean Pper for only a cent a pound. Daily New. tf phonographs, and, sewing maqb- FOR : SALE-Brick lined heater, rw l?o FOR RENT Modern house, ne,-ir Presbyterian church. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf 1 FOR RENT Furnished four! roomed flat with bath. Phone! 647. tt HOUSES For rent. F. W. Hart. 54 goodias,ine.w.; Apply:Linzjey fit M-ivis. at 11:30 am. MNEIt,tL ACT (riinn F) (Sertkm 57 (d) 3G FOR SALE Violin (Complete), Dow, Case, Instructor. $10.00 or exchange for Glasses or Camera. Apply Hox 178 Daily News. . 35 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Din ing Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, tf j Furniture of all. kinds. We will now take your oia furniture in trade for new-'-as we are now opening a used furniture department: ' 4 I i A MACKENZIE Phonr 775 nu Boaru. Apply Summit, , , Apartments or write It Rj : -., -"' - ABhby. f .'SG1 SALVAGE . AND TOWING l.lf U!;on or under the water we 'OO lli 'ully Equipped for Diving and eneral Salvage Work. Uiats and Scows of all descrpi- Uons for Charter. Row Boats andjipanoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks & Rallantyrie Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors ' Coolldge Propellers Phone, Dayf or NiRht, 5C1 P. OJ Box 1 56 1 . 1. .i! t : TaiejWittee thai BUlmorlfconice Mills. ' , NOTICE OP. , .tPPUCATION FOR Uml(oT, wlicee address 17 311 Roeeri r'ttnTiPinATEloi fVPRnvEMKNTS. BuUdJnc. 470 Oranrllle B Vancourer. BOH ' hIaCT fdfJvU UHD WANN B.C Ufll apply for a llceaae W Uke and rRACfTIONAiv AIIMERAL CLAIMS, slt- ItolO" Reducers, cVouble sr.te, 7lRut B C iCf"1""1' 2S.ft2?Mw2-" Tii: is only. lOaS" H- duosrs double thick VltrlfMd nie; u only 8s" Reducers double thick Vitrified Tils. , 4. W0 only. 6" tons Bends double M thick Vitrified Tile: M0 only. " snort Bands, double thick Vltrtlked Tile UO niy Oblections to with the OomptRil Parliament RulTdl ulldlnaa. within thirty days oiler of Water RUhts. etona. - aw. tllnliia . . m niii us a.ll miuun Recorder for a inea wun uie said water Meooraer or an-iii i tm,.lnil tnr lt nur. j ' nose of obtalnlnc Crown Orants of the - - loauer. F"- ' . ' . :r o. 85 of the "Mineral Act aninn mnmnr-w util I tifTWT i lunmr under .Kcuuu section m u AiUlleant ' mU be commenced before the Issuance BY B. B. MOROAN. Arent. " ucn cm"'" " The date of the first publication of ; Dated this 1st dsy of January. 1939. urn s' ae I I irnniNirirti ENOINEEU nni OOLD n MINES. MINES, LTD.. LTD.. INC. H MCN. Praser. CN.R. miNS For the East- Agent SSTkvSuXUMlS' Man-T.. Wednesday, and Saturday. from the lA-i Sunday., Tuesdays anj Thursdays ttj 3 JO pm. I Dn Alexander rnoNE sis BESNKR BLOCK DENTIST MJte303 WILV.QG RIGHT OOWfsJ-Ha 1 5UC.H A, BOy MAM- KE DOCA l&t tor Hit ornca WOHK A.T HOMC- IT HoT WITH Hl! 2OCI AU DUTiC"b HOULO THtSJK' BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MAUY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty-' iculture and hair dressing. ' 1 I- Make appointment by phoning CHIROPRACTIC IIKL1EVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady is very prevalent at this time of the year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble, such as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. It may be also due to the after ef fects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Relief guaranteed. Consult' DRl W. C. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block" Green: 211 Phone Blark: 21 Open Evenings RESULTS COUNT , i " lli. CIUMNEl SAVEEf H. J. Zumkehr i ,; f PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE &! Paln in lhe aide, Indigestion. TOWING COMPANY LIMITED !Gm on trnaeh. Headaches, Ner vousness, insomnia, iatarrn and Rheumatism are completely relieved by our new form of dietet ic and spinal treatment. Read our National "Ad's," in the Liberty Matfaiine every week, then consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Blue 85, or Red 589 Open Evenings General Handy Mah. i furnaces and Stdtes Cleaned and PJepalfed Phone 3 Prbce Rupert, B. C. SHELL FISH i 1 r Crabs, Shrimps, Ciams 'oFahy use lOpSft . of water out oOnm upiRtid , ! nate 4U aKSTuiin Mining Diriaion of kind of shell fish supplied In streatK. wakm flows southerly and drains Caular DlstrlM.' Where located: Toe Bob , .mii ,itj. Uttp the bead of Porpoise Harbour half fractional Mineral Claim o. Taku Arm. large or small quantities..- 1J ' of Lot 8635 . Sjnge 6 C U. between the Boeculatlon arid Chawana I)U(rict Orders u" a " Soecialty ' The.wafej will bet dlyerlW f rom . Uc illner.l Claims, and the Wsnn Fractlonsl ' , ' V ' stream- point sbout rSlf mlia dls- junersl Claim on Wtnn Riyr. adlolnlng HANSON & WALLACE Uqt from lu mouth and wit) be used for Jhd tbrthe north Of lhe Jsk Pine Mln- j Prlnr Ifiinprt muuiHiii punjQK uwn wir wng ur- rrid CJlalru. 1 I acrMw as Wt oosa. RSjige 0. coast U.- Lawful holder: ENOINEEB trlct. uirrra limited. INC. This notice was posted oil the ground! Number of the heMer's fre miner I . . . . Tiusoni lihtS" Junctions double thick "'.."HP"- eertiiicsie "VVltnftXi tlto: .SJ0 only,ta" t,"SSV.J tlon oursusnt thereta and te the ' I?T1CE : that 5NINraR ooy rfnuhla thick vitrified Tile. in.. ;.. .-.v3 XT- .. .v:: HIHI3 UMHtU. rTCB wuin gold phone: Blk. 330 For the Eat I.O..Ik)X 832 MAIL SCHEDULE 55 Mondays, A'tjinesdays, Saturdays, mail doses 10:30 am 1 Irom tie r.ast 1 Sundays Tuedsys and Thursdays, mail due .S;S0 pjn j In Vsmouirr I Via train Wednesdays and Satur- I day. ,10:30 ajn. i TUesdi ys P. , Fridays 8:15 am. - rrldajs At. 11 pm., C.P.R. Peb. 11 and 27 .....p m. t rent t ant-iiim 7- i Sunday. 4 pm WedtMBdiy l80 ajn Frldtys, , pJ 9.P.B. Tab. 9 and 23 ......a.m. , Ironilfimrt, I'rr invrr, .tnjot and AII- j Arhw , 1 I miaasii i pm Wedbesdtys i9:li pa. i I'rom Mrwart and Ireinler ' ! Tubuses UJO am, FridSiyV ...e ajn. ; To Nass Rlvf llilnls- ! Sundays 1 patl rrom 'sas River Points I Tuesdsy. 1U0 im ' To Queen Charlotir : Peb. D and as ...9 p.m, I'rom. tjueen Cliarlotte I Peb. 7 and Jl a.m. I Tn Alaska I'olnt I Peb. 9 and 81 a.m. ! From Alak Ic4nt I Feb. IS and 27 .p.m. rz . 1 1 ass - w- r s I TOv . . . A. I I 1 I A. 1 Dora' T . TKIKJK- IT5 TRAIM ON HEART- Bride: "Do you think I'm a toi cook, dear?" Groom? "Th finest In the w rid, dearest." Bridett ''Which' ol my dishes o you like the best?" Groom: "TJh'ieff lobster I" ' The Passing Show, London. THE LAG: " 'Struth! The monotpny's awful," THE WARDER: "Ever thought of keeping a diaryf Sure they're different I v Kellpgg's Corn Flakes have a delicious flavor no one has ever duplicated. They're never tough-thick but always extra crisp! CORN FLAKES 1 . 'llli ir ' I ; tt it- i The Humorlst London. Try thm with fruit 1 1 corn PUKES -JL 1 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By George McManus , : . k 1 c n j j WHERE DO i prfq O'O! f l T C f v TOFAK4 k . B Crl Brlutn rlsau k.i.W v9M8y i I