Y0 Daily news Wednesday, PAGE SIX "the y.... ,( i Roattrd and (round from choice bean nd parked by vacuum r tor em in air-tight .tlna the arnnta and flavour of Blue Ribbon Coffee appeal to etery tanlc. Order a tin from your grocer today and try It. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET Crd Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. ,. .-. . Superior Quality. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO, Phone 5S0 Mail Orders Despatched the Same Day It DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load ....... V $3.50 TJouble load ,. $6.50 Large sack 50c Box Wood Cuttings. Large Load .. $3.50 4 " COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg . . . , ......., $12.00 X'cnibina-Washed.Nuts...-. ... $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Pno and Furniture Moving. Express an Bagxajre Paymid Night Service 139 Second Avenue VALENTINE DAY FEBRUARY 14 IS A GREAT DAY FOR A PARTY Dan Cupid has given us so many attractive symbols hearts, flowers, arrows, valentines cutout paper, etc., etc. which make decorating easy . P4Dennison party ,favQrs; pla'cejcdnls, crepe paper, 'gummed seals, hearts, hats. Whatever you1 require for Valentine Day We have it. Special table faVors and placards madeoer.-i Canadian National Steamships . '!- .iii Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD I',' Operating Ij.T.P. 20.000 Too floating Dry D.K-fc ' RMnrers. JriachlnUt Boilermakers, lilacfcmlthM. Pattern makers. Founders. Woodworkers. I'c BLECTRfC AND ACETYLENE WEI.DIN'J. Our plant Is equfpped to handt all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES and SSS -Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Granby Co. Gives General Increase in Wages; Georgia River Property LoolringGoodrRlaclr-.. . . Hill .Resumes WorlcatStcwari his return from a trip to Caiifor- ida. As only last October an all premier Border property at Stew-around Increase of about 10 per nrt recCntIv and. but for strenumw cent was made in the wages of the cff0rtB on the part of the mine company employees, the present crew tne damage would have radranec represents a total in- Wen mucn more extensive. Wil- crease within five months of about iam Runtintf. manager of the 16 per cent, all due to advanced property, had just gone south and prices of topper which hare pre- f jre fighting operations were di-valled for sometime. jrected by F. J. Crossland, M.E., 'eoosulting engineer. The loss was The purpose of preswnt operations at the property of the, Un Portland Canal, is to drift un- re Placing the rMOf fArmor wnrkiiuni with alrP ue"'u) view to Urmtnz at greater depth high grade o.e near the surface aad at the first level . The work, isfuctorily and now available. uruious that oo tjme be lost in getting supplies and equipment on the ground. Engineers' reports on this property showed assays running from 29 ounces to 378 ounces In silver frm three veins besides lead and zinc values. There are. at least six veins that raay lx' expected to be productive and the engineers describe their mineralization as distinctly high-K ade. There are nine claims in the property, including those of the Nellie W. and May groups, from which an independent engineer took asays last summer running up to 836 ounces in silver per ton. Fire of unknown origin totally destroyed the engine, compieasor house and blacksmith shop at. the "Two lumps and cream, as usual, Madam ?" A Cunard Deck Steward takes a respectful, personal Interest In all his passengers ... you wish you could keep him at your butler ... so self-effacing, to competent It he. He makes you feel at home. Sail Cunard t Ihrouth Skip Co., Limited, 6nl Hatiintt St, W.,,y$neeuver (Ttl. Ssymeur Jtfy-p) or any tttamM patent. 1- WMkly SiHMet l tun? from Montfttl (and QiwbM CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE N ' BV-20i Cabin, Tour lt Third C5ir) and Thlr Cltn tirnated at $10,000, against which the e Is $8000 insurance. A 16g Is being continued with hand drill, the program ludng to follow up jtjttults of diamond drilling ti.i ... i r.r.t. so far ha been very encouraging !vnicn wer moei aiiusuaiuij . theor'e encountwed being of jlrt fTSMwrtJ!8l'!nc5,ei! T n.lno.oltM.II t . -KUr.'SU WJIiltT UHU Will V CUI1UI1UCU. similar to thatmlned nearef the TfiV e l'bu1Id'nk" ' bei"K. min" wiH atij;U8l,ea " mach,ne .surface. The objective aimed I. is being being rapidly rapidly approached approached and;? and;06 J as I " J? if the ore values come up to ex-' completed. pectatlons potenttel value of the ' ?Jf ml,on ,f he nrnnortv property will will h be greatly aroatlv inproaapfl increased. I Rfclfg Carried The property comprises 31 claims and the directorate consists of well known Vancouver business men. A report is current at' Stewart that the Georgia River I property may be taken over by! the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. B. S. ParktV. Premier Border Is O out by a group of Winnipeg financiers headed bj NO CONSOLIDATION MINING INTERESTS TORONTO, Feb. 12.--Denial of, any proposed merger of cop- - ... l. i .. ..... r The Black Hill Mining Co. in- ; tends to resume operations by the J $"T, r""" 4M month its rm.pertyV"81,'8"8"'11' on J' at sto,art -Ihto p;.,nin J thl the !.Ua.,.id J .. i . Murdock, presi- company has been concluded sat- dent of the Noranda mine, jloth . u .. . . i : u A ......'..il... ample funds are1 . ,. . . . , Th tit-ontniM not even considering such a projec a. had been reported. NATIONAL CHURCH RECEIVES SUPPORT Kev. J. E. Ward of Toronto Thinks All Churches Will Yet Unlle TORONTO, Feb. 13 i That the main body of clergy and a great mass of the people of the Church if England are looking forward to the day when Canada will have a national church a union of many Christian denominations-arid that there are many Protestant churches looking to the Mime thing, is the opinion expressed by Rev. J. E. Ward, rector of St. Stephen's Choreh. Rev. Mr. Ward is the author of a booklet entitled "A Canadian National j Church," whlch is: commended "without prejudice'. , basis- of study and for conference." Rev. William MacMullen, re-lo-. riiig to' ' tlie booKfet, in the I "Kev Outlooky1hrrf fleial organ ; f the United Church pf Canada, j while ju agreement 'in. part with j Mr. Want 'asks vhy t)ie idea of i a nntionai church to consist only of Protestants when the Roman ! Catholics are 38 per cent of the ! populution, the Greek Orthodox, a considerable number and he Jews at least 160,000. "We can go," Dr. MacMullen says, "with our brother when he says unity dtmunds a type of organization. It Is strange that men and women who love the Lord fervently and follow Christ, generally Insist they must travel to heaven by j-aistinctly different paths." Mr. Ward suggests that one stumbling block to unity is episcopal ordination, and to overcome this would have the national church accept as valid the ordination of whatever kind of clergymen en-iterinjr at the tlfjre of the con-isumr.a$on of tj)e onion, but to : satisfy the Eplscolpallan Idea would have pplscopal ordination of those enturimr Its ministry. thereitfter. Wrff "We can only point the way, I and hope by quiet, prayerful and ', Christian efforts to bring about the National phurch," Mr. Ward said, when spoken to about Dr. MacMullen' editorial comment. "The church will come, how soon, I cannot say, but It will come." j A Daly News bring results. want-ad will MEN'S BANQUET First .Event of Its Kind i . Iteetorshfp of Kev. J. - - --(Jibson Under It. Ladles' Orchesjra, under the. dap-able leadership of'lifr. .George I Bryant playing throughout, there was a mixed program of addresses and musical numbers, all of which proved interesting or enjoyable. The guests were welcomed by the chairman, who cal led upon II. h. rawson for the Mrs. Parkin opening uudresd. lie spoke of Jones. the pride members felt In their rruv ThH Anniuil i. . i a men a b.inflliet OI . .-. ,. -. r Pursuant to the company's long standing policy of 1st. Andrew's Anglican cathedra. ;Lu7ounU irrrwhat0- sharing with its employees proceeds resultaht upon an in- was well up to standard last crease in copper prices, the Granby Consolidated Mining, qycnini? the first event of its Smelting & Power Co this weekjnereases the wages of HtsT TSSiiE all its employees by about five percent. This announce- 'u not 4ufte so larjte owinjf tJ ment has just been made by Charles Bocking, vice-presi-'the less intensive sale of tieketa 'tent and general manager Of the Granbv Go.. followlhciW there was no falling off in ' a . - ' J r the imjwrtance of the event or the quality of the entertainment. The Women's Auxiliary, headed by Mrs. Andrew provided for all needs of the men. The tables Avere very artistically decorated with flowers and candles and laden with good things to eat. tAt the head table sat A. E. Baz-ett-Jones, who presided and who kept things interesting all the being done. Songs were given by J. S. Wilson and Morris Hlott and llev. Canon Ilushbrook gave an Interesting inspirational taltc Mrs. Anderson and Miss Hallfwell sang duets and A. Cracknell gave a cotiple of stump speeches which wer$ funny. After two songs by W. C. Orchard, the address of the evening by the Hector followed. U o)ned In humorous vein but eloeed with un earnest appeal to church people to support the church and attend its services. i, mi. l . f .. . a. led by W. C. Orclirdu Closed. Following Z ladle, who were reapo; all the arrangement,. General convener, Mn nj Andrew. Table converenr . !Mrs. G. A. Rix. f "V rt..nn Hfr-. ..... . k 1'lntf IV,t C..1.4 I l ussell Smith. Holtbfjul Jlorle, Farquhar. r.uin !l jrc, wieer una I oi Kllett. ArrnmnflnwT At time. thanked the ladles for work in right, replied liar , Following a sumptuous meal connection with the banquet and;madr me uj atari has already been made onrVed by the ladies and with the uftar some community singing .Reporter. buildings wnicn Meantime, rnlrj- DAILY NEWS' ,yr ini ,ui e Mrs. ( ullin and Mn A THIEI) IT AGAIN ine small oov wai kil even years old and rtj well that he ws enorej "Well, Harry, and howi.; ine cnairman proposeu me ;ei on; umkcu rus ptasi it toast to the ladles and George when he returned hosr.e Itorie replied. The chairman also "Why, I thought I i , MOPPING SERVICE for Out-of Town Subscribers To servo its women readers, and particularly those who live at a distance from a retail centre. The Daily News has instituted a Shopping Service. The Daily News is read by hundreds of women living far from any urban facilities for shopping and it is for these that this shopping service is primarily intended. Of course, The Daily News Shopper will attend to the man also, although he can buy a pair of braces anywhere. But not everywhere can a woman get a bit of lace matched or a piece of cm-broidery thread or the thousand and one things that make up the difference between d woman's wants and a man's. The Prince Rupert Merchants Carry between them Stocks running up to $2,000,000 and while it is not possible to purchase everything in this world in Prince Rupert, most things art available by return mail. None of the Prince Rupert merchants can possibly advertise everything they carry in stock, but if the thing wanted is to be got in this city, our out-of-town readers may be urc that The Daily News Shopper; will get it when asked for. If any of our women readers canndt get what they want in their nearest store, all there is to do is to write to The Daily New Shopper, stating what is required with whatever details there may be, enclosing the cost, and if it is in Prince Kupert, The Daily News Shopper makes your purchase. This Service Free 4 to our women reader and is the outcome'of many individual requests made to our staff on their travels through the district in seasons past. This service has been appreciated in these individual cases and is now extended to all with the hope of the same So Do Not Hesitate Do not think you arc imposing upon The Daily News, shopper is awaiting your requests. THE DAILY NEWS ' PRINCE RUPERT fi.C Our If your News does not arrive Phonq 98 before 6 o