Friday. December 8.' 1929 7HB DAILY NEW3 PAGE vm prCOUCHUOlDs r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Pips Take THIS IS TIIE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL , OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Ulits tie. butonlaMt 35 tiktr-jukttU Ptpt. j THE CHURCH IN LIFE OF A COUNTRY Dean Gibson Gives Interesting and Instructive Address To Rotary Club In Its normal action religion is a unifying influence in the state. It ; ivps the sanction of conscience i.nd of precept to the law and sanc-:t to the obligation of an oath, ir hallows the relations of family :w It develops education and . .aracter. It Instils a spirit of self- a. rilice for an Ideal. It places at ;'io disposal of public authorities tiuiny means of reliefer prevention : the crusade against social evils. 2 : creates sympathy and co-opera i n on a large scale and trains men .aid women in the management of ionizations. It develops leaders i.:,'! centres of social Influence." This was a closing paragraph f: ni the address of Dean Olbson of Andrew's Cathedral in an ad-cmss to the Rotary Club yesterday vi n n the principal of the high r- !.' and members of the senior : utnculation class were guests of ;nr duh -at. luncheon. Items a (Hiutafiod from the . affOathoUC ; AmtibUhop AttKellf Toronto Early lutory 3Jt Mr OlbsorT gaVS'verjHrtstruc-ive address on "The Influence of 'ie Church On Canadian Life.." WMla ha Hlil.lmul Id. aXlli'tr n I i aj niHti, i hrXu ,M 7ni7 " Kortn Westerly direction to New u. uith sobjet fthe vhfJe ; JiKaiUMsm whrf; thc none the wharf t uarter of an hour, he touched on bout three hundred feet more or iea i:reat many high llghU. He told lu high water mark: throe along high V "W Jacques Cartlv, whenhe land- water mark, to ttoe point of commtDce- mTvJITItnii'yxi Br. this soth day wur.smp to Ood. CharfTplain had fhr. idea of a new -world and asked t t the aid of Uie efeurch. Four ; r .ssionarles of the Recollet Fathers wmt to Canada, one going up the Ottawa River to work among the Iiurong, Then came the Jesuit Fathers, who taught the natives to t e decent Christian lives. 1 t wntng down to modern times. ! Dran Gibson spoke of the wonder-' fuJ work of such men as Father; Lumcan. Archdeacon Collison and I tiers who had been the means of1 "unging the warlike tribes of the "ust to peaceful citlsens such as iiiry are today. Father Maurice In tu: interior also did great work among the natives. Things of Spirit I Today the schools and colleges! looked after the tralnine of the body and mind, but it was the work "f the church to cultivate the( Mnes of the spirit. Nations, Uke.OT TITfC! QI TITl people, developed certain cbarac-'lll I jjl OvA 1 J iTl.stlcs Canada was developing i'iK'Knty, faith, industry and in otherly love. These did not come educational system or re-"urces so much as from the 'lunches. The average Canadian td a deep sense of honesty and integrity which made business credit possible. It was pot the nmlt in the bank that made the Mitety box secure, but the Integrity of the employees. From whence ii! this Integrity come but from the C hristian church? Without faith It was Impossible to do anything great," declared the shaker. And this faith Is not developed from the resources of the 'Kition but from the people. It is developed by the churches.. "The "mrch is the only vital force which makes and protects our communities." Man in the Moon Blessed are the dumb. They do not have to answer for their sins. I knew a man And he was dumb, He had politicians Under his thumb. He could not talk, But he could say. " Things should be done In the proper way. The unwritten law mav be all ' mitt but there's a man at Pentle-ton today who does not seem to be getting the benefit of It. M you waken, call me early Call me early, mother dear, For rm the bird that gets up early To work for a worm that we all fear. "EllAlno Vine hAAms cmfrfl H insnman." 'Oh, really?" J "No,- O'Reilly.".. ELITE BEAUTV PARLOR Mrs., Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger ' and water waving. Face massaee and scalp treatments. Phone 499 SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldlnes Third Avenue Phone 22 RADIO BICYCLES FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING TOM BALLINGER Sth Street, Phone Blue 625 PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leue Land MafceSt, BX; . intend to apply for a leaee of the fettowlng described lands: Commencing at a poet planted at high water nark, and at the shore corner of Main Street, and the corner of Block 30 Town of Maasett. BC: thence South Westerly about tfcrre hundred feet to low water mark: tbeaoe " JAMES MARTIN. - Mnn Coal? Coal? Take adrantage of low price U put in jour winter supply, LDSON and CASSIDY-WELLINQ. TON' In any quantltlea. Alto Hour, lUy, Grain and reed. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 " " MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All .Guaranteed ' SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of thi City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 A.W. Edge Co. Northern British Columbia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House i. Clearance Sale ; of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFERED AT 25 per cent Discount WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chag. Edwards, at Wallace's. WANTED Experienced woman cook. Phone 137. (tf) WANTED-Work" In store or office by experienced young woman. Phone 427. WANTED To lease from now to September 1, 1930. shallow draft cabin cruiser, with accomodation for four persons, and capable of a speed of ten to twelve miles per hour. Write and give full, particulars including rate to Box 237 'Dally News Office, (tf) $100 REWARD For The First Autobody, Fender and Ducolng graduate we have not already placed in a position. This highly fiaid modern trade offers ununited opportunity: shops and men needed everywhere. Special low rates now on. Earn while you learn. Mall this ad and your name and address for further particulars. HEMPHILL AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 1043 Pender Street West, Vancouver. B.C. AGENTS WANTED USE OUR Millions to get more money; Rawlelgh's giant Industries now expanding; must have more good men for cities and towns: Immense resources, over $17,000,000; established 40 years; 4 big factories and 7 branches; Australia. Canada and America; annual sales over 36.000.000; no similar industry as big; hustlers earning $150 to $400 every month; big pay every day; no experience or capital required; everything supplied; world's biggest market; retail nearly 200 products; need dally every home; steady repeaters; big profits; lowest prices; best values; food, soap, toilet preparations, stock, poultry supplies; 4 big lines; you can't beat Rawlelgh's proposition; Investigate-then decide. Rawleieh Company. Dept. CN-160-I. Winnipeg, Man. . (287) HELP WANTED. WANTED A steady and ambitious young man to learn the plastering trade. Write Box 239, Daily News Office. (tV 2 MEN Wanted to learn auto nM pairing. Must be willing workers ana not over 30 years of age. State age and past employment In first letter. Apply Box 238, Daily News Office. (tf) ENGINE REPAIRS BOAT Owners have your engines overhauled by a thoroughly competent gasoline engineer. Phone Oreen 731. (285) t)UND FOUND Rosary. Apply Dally News of flce. FOUND Silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply uauy news unice. CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations , Tunnels and shafts in dlffteultrt ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL LA PARISIENNE Fourth Street Latest City Styles Hair Treatment and Beauty Culture. Experienced Service by Miss Louise Krlkevsky of Edmonton, Alberta, Hours 9 to 6. Phone-r-301, QUEEN CHARLOTTE. PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets an boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City tqconVfy passengers td Port Clemeflts, and mrpta southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00. and In proportion to Intermediate points, R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C, Dally News "classified advertisements" bring quick results. FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. ' tf. FOR ft EOT Five-room suite, Summit ApU. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone 427. tf) FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat In Clapp Block, Apply Westen-haver Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished apart ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Orocery (tf) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. Newiy aecoratea. Richmond Rooms under new management, (308) FOR RENT Automobiles, piapos' phonographs and sowing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish-ed modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) FOR SALE PIANO For sale. Phone O reen405. FOR SALE Carpenter's tools and box. Phone 86 after 6 o'clock, tf. FOR SALE Extension oak dining table. Phone Green 405. FOR SALE Six roomed house at .323 Fourth Avenue West. Phone Black 698. (287) FOR SALE Orthophonlc Vlctrola in first class condition with re-cords.hone Green 448- (283; FOR SALE Fishing boat "Emblem .No. 1." Engine lust overhauled! wvlth, complete fishing gear?Fo tja41ulars apply Llpseit's Store (tit FOR SALE 1929 Chevrolet Sedan in excellent condition. Can a a ranee terms, mice S750. Walk Motor Co. Ltd. Mtt) t FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, oak dining room suite, china cabinet, piano, bed complete, oak dressing table, oak chest of drawers, sealers. Perfection oil .neater pnone ureen 405. ' TWO CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS I r xON GRADE, 6TM AVE. WEsY' ' ,' ' For $200 Each Cash .11. in. OlUULulJ K klU. Rentals Loans Real Estate FOK SALE Launch, cabin cruiser. 38x9 ft., 7-8 knots. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped gallev, lockers, modern convenience, electric lights. 15 HP. semi-i Diesel engine. First class condition. Suitable for patrol hunting or pleasure. A real home on the water. Sound, seaworthy and reliable In every way. Will sell for $2,100 or trade for Improved city property. Terms If required. Ask us for demonstration. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 9C , 216 Sixth St. llJJJi TIIE ELECTRIC BAKERY Special This Week-End SULTANA SLAB CAKE Regular 30c; Special 25c SPONGE SANDWICHES Regular 25c; Special 20c P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block WATER NOTICE IHvrrttun and Ita TAKE NOTICE that Jamea B. Stapler whose addreaa la Hotel Oaatl&eau, Juneau, Alaaka, will apply for a licence to take aad use aoo cubic, anoond. loot of water out of Eaat Fork Tulaequali River, which flow Southerly and drain loto Taku River about 80 mllti above the rnoutn. The water wiu be diverted tram the itream at a point about 3 fhUea up atreara from the mouth of the Eaat Fork and will be used for Mining Power purpose upon the Tulwquah Chief group. ThU notice waa potted on the f round 39. on the Slat day of October. A oopt of ttoia notice and an spoli ation purruaat thereto and to the Water Aot. 1814." will be filed tn the office of the Water fieeorder at AUtn November 15th. 1039. Objectfcma to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Righto, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, 8X3. within thirty dtye after the flrat appearance of this hotloe in a local newspaper. Toe date oi the iirsi publication ei thla notice la Deoember 2nd. 1820. JAMES B. BTAPLER. Applicant, By It. McN. FRASER, AUln, B.C, Agent, Daily News "Classified" adver-isiujr brings results. BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 Y. Suehiro, Co Bay Boatbuilder, P. O. Box 314 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Oas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or NlgM 5C4 . P. O. Box I5C1 CniROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 DR. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractic Health Service Ultra-Vlolet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases treated successfully Jreen 241 Phones Black 283 SPRINGS Made and repaired for any kind of Auto or Truck. Prompt Service. Satisfaction guar anteed. Star Welding and Repair Works P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. COME TO MacKenzie's Furniture We have a splendid assortment of furniture at our usual Christ-1 mas prices, IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL HERE BEFORE YOU BUY MacKenzie's Furniture PnONE 775 LAND ACT 'QllM of Inttntlon to Apply to lraae Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dletrict of British Columbia, and altu.j at on the South Bank of Bkeena River, v . . t opposite , n . I, Mile 38.79 . on n Canadian , n .. ' pert. B.C. Take not lee that Northern British Columbia Power Company, United of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Power Corporation intends to apply for a lease of the folio tag described Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, opposite mile 28.71 East of Prince Rupert, on the south bank of the Bkeena River, thence Korth B chains more or Ism to Low Water Mark: thence Westerly along L.W.M. 8 chains; thence South t chains, more or Isss to K.W.M.i thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing two (2) aeree. more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D McLean, Agent. Dated September Slit. 1829. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the Investing; public, Miller, Court St Co Ltd.. publish aisejhUl mqnthly market report deal?., lng with mining, oils And industrial stocks, which Is arallable at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service In the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver. Calgary and Toronto Exchanges, S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. B.C. H Q (T11E ORIGINAL) Msnuoual Pure Scotch Whisky BMtkJ m4 lunate bjr WjHuai Gnat Sm United. CWalxfcbcli tU &! -Glnkort Dvtilknai. Pall. This advertisement is not Liquor Control Board ' British - ! COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDETRMSFER PHONE 580 Don't your Model Protect your your Model T Ford as long as possible. Expenditure of a few dollars may enabfe you to get thousands of miles of additional . service. Bring the car to us and let us tell you how much it will cost to put it in A-l shape. We use only genuine Ford parts. AH labor charged at standard flat rate. j '4, k LAND ACT hotter of Intention to Apply to rorrluute' Land In Stlkine Land Recording District and situate on the north bank of the Taku River at point about throe miles aortal of tfce Junction of Tutmquah River wfth the Taku River. Take nouee that the Alaska Juneau Oold Mining Company of Juneau. Alaska. oosupaUon a mining company, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at a post planted near the southwest corner of the Jaek M. C. thence South 40 chains: thence West 30 ffceise; thence North 40 chains; thence East 30 tfaains more or less to point of oommeaowneint and containing eighty acre, more or less. ALASKA JUNEAU OOLD MINING COMPANY i By Paul A. Decker, agent. Dated 26th day of October, 130. MINERAL ACT Sort Ion fcS Notlr to Co-Partners a . Mmeral claims Bias. Band. Belle, Aurora, situated at Loekeport, Oueen Charlotte Islands. Owners Bess Mortisw PM.a K71693 0, R. Duntop and H. H. MoOeil. To all concerned, taks notice tfeat I, Ross Morrison FM. 8716M 0- having done all the work aad paid all dues on the above Mineral Claims for the year ending Oct. 37th. 1B29. without any work done or money paid by co-owners. R. Dunlop and.H. H. McOoU. intend to apply within a"' period of 130 days after first appearance of tbl po-tice. to the Mining Recorder, to iiava the interests or said co-owners vested solely In myself. ROSS MORRISON. 3S1 . roanaoie RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT published or displayed by the or by the Government of Columbia, Sacrifice w- Jg A investment by running S.E.Parker, Ltd. FORD DEALERS Third Avenue Phone 83 LAND ACT No Ire of Intention to Apply to rurrliae Land In the Stlklne Land Keaerdtag Division: Land Becordtng District of Tele-graph Omk and situate pa tip of peninsula on North bank of Ttdeequah and Wert baak of Taku Rivers. appeoKlmately one mile south of Maple Slough Take notlee that E. J. Norman and R. McCombe of Juneau. Alaska, occupation mlncta. Intend to apply for pHwIsalos to' purchase the following described lands: ODauneiMlnc at a post planted one laiSe south of Maple Slough: thence chains: thence South 40 chains: thence Bast 30 chains and containing 80 acres, more or less. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN ROBERT BALE McCOMBE. Doted 1Mb day oi October, 1839. LAND ACT KuCIre of Intention to Apply to Lnifte Land In The Queen Charlotte Land Dls. trlst lsA Recording DUtrlet of Prince Itupert. and situate near Block 20, Maerntt Townalte. Zak notice Uiat Arthur Roberteon ftd Eugene H. BUnpeon of MaanetC BtL cncupatlon Lumbcrmea intend H Seif fat a lease of the following oesrtbe lands: Commenting at a post planted at the 8X Car. Blk. 30 Maawtt Town- site: thence Westerly 10 ehalna to Oa Wharf; thence Southerly 4 cnaina running parallel to Oov. Wharf to Low Water Mark: thenoe Easterly 10 chains: thence Northerly 4 chains. and containing T acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUOENE HUMPHREY BIMPSON rNov. ,SU, Jia. ...