I 1 I 1 I 11 11 11 .1 11 I PA3E "HfO "Football Season Opened Last Evening with a Victory for the Thistles Over Regiment The senior football season got away " to lonening game Dyja;score or sis.goais Thistles' game. Their defence eW the Regiment easily and while l n i . r .1 . .. i .1 a : .1 rA-thing the Thistles' forwards rrrmbined ut was beaten four times when his backs and hiilves were overrun by the Scots. Goals were ;; padded by A. Mitchell. W. Mitchel' and Jack, two. In a break-away . i 'i.i. r.itti il . I. tlii-i. well and shot often. $fend played a rare game in goal. 'trz sea lod Ik 5, . ' . : i. J i QUALIFIES IN GOLF OPENING MOOKETOWN, England. May; BASEBALL WORK OUTSUNDAY Work Done on Grounds as Well as Practice ihere was a sood understanding nwnt, which gave a vpr- ragged display. W. Williscroft rcfereed and A. Clapperton and y. Ranee were linesmen. There was a big turnout of spectators. Regiment started wjth the hill in their favor nd play was evenly divided till, following a miskk-k by Lajnbii;. Jna the team was individually and iunt added collectively superior to the Kegi- Regiment. l1 a second for Ilodgkinson; Wilson; Ross, uoss, Russell, Hunt, Hadden, Fraser. Thistles Lambie; Haig. Ers-kine; G. Mitchell, Baptie, Woods: A. Mitchell. MacDonald. W. Mjtihell. Campbell. Jack. Russell put the Regiment a ViMf ' up with a good shot;. Thistle, t i y mrp TjsnpT ihtnn usicuueu wen, wjrai4i , wat in splendid form. fnHly W. '.Mitchell put the teams etjtfa). and Vlfew minutes lafi 2fk'ep4ulli l4ok adntK.' of P 5 trniu e - ; standing in the soldiers' defence. The xecond half -wm all . The Jeam8 were : Tlia rromAd nf 4 ha ft Afl rfftTI DID you ever see pure delight shine from a boy's face ? It's a picture you'll long remember. Try it on your boy this coming birthday. Get him a C.CM: Bicycle. Of all bicycles, the C.CM. is the one boys talk about most. They know C.C.M.'s special features the Triplex Crank Hanger, the Hercules Coaster Brake, the 20-year nickel-plating, the three coats of enamel baked on over a coat of rustproof, and Dunlop Tires. They know it's the king of the bicycle world. Get your C. C. M. catalogue at the dealer's or write our nearest office. Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited, Weston (Ont.), Montreal, Winnipeg or Vancouver. ' ir ,M, El CUJsi BSSj oil.. Hi. I Bicycles Red Bird Massey Perfect Cleveland Columbia . Also CC.Mi Joycyclcs ori Childftf AUHIJ CANADIAN SPOUTS' WEEK-MAY 18TII, 25TII . t 111. mm mm mtmm ! fw CXlBicydes Mc MBMiBlMSSBBBBSBBBMBBWSBBBBBBBlllBlBBM -.t eaeues. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, May 14, 1929 LEAGUE BALL TODAY'SGAMES IN THE STATES WOMEN'S GOLF . Joyce Wethered Beats Mrs. Mn- Philadelphia Still Tied For First di. fiIenna Colle(t Wins Place After Losing Game t but 0ff Stroke A. f! 1 ------ AH the .- senior r leigue - baseball ; new YORK, - ' May 14: t Under -mm 1 1 rwi . , . 1 T- fciaSt evening wnen ,tne lniSS.peat tlie KegjmeJH in me team8 for thig season were repre-; BU,ky Jlarrti' southing influence, i4.r-Joyce Wethered, British star, 10 tWO. 1 senteI at an enthusiastic worn- fjeooie UhljH Vfha was The Athletics held to a tie for "P- the ...in -f.9i .v,an Hrmhlp .u. .....u .k. v,Voo Observers were not Inclined to I III UC T Hie illBl IUIC Willi UIC header will be played. In the first who loit thelr thIrd straight, this fovor MUs Collett s chances In irr.o ih VnHvp Knn of Canada .i rio..ij n. n.,tt. hif later rounds unless she can show decided improvement In her short Regiment urana; Nor-',;n xor- .wi i Uv .t, thp pit. R11t. th tk. uHnnura winners tn to .i.. .. ... t, ui. ic'x..u i...v. wn..n .. meet the Gyro Club in the second game of the dy. Following will be the regular batteries for the season: Elks Spiro Gurvich, catcher, and Herman Loblick. pitcher. , Gvro Club E:irl Minnehan or Elmer Smith and Nick Chenoski. BELANGERWINS BY KNOCKOUT 14 Walter Hagen. United States, I took the lead in the first qualify-; TORONTO. Mav 14. Frenchv! ing round of the Yorkshire Eve-1 Belanger of Toronto recaptured) jning News thousand guineas tour-: the Canadian flyweight title here ' nameni loaay wnen ne mrnea jn a ; last night from Harry Hill of sensational G9. Al Watrous of Montreal, who only a few weeks Detroit came second with 70. ;ag0 toppled the crown from I Belanger's head. Belanger won I Dally News "Classified" adver- j in the sixth round by a technical ! Hing brings results. . 'knockout. j rme,Dad? Qh,Bqy! tivS game. , In the NaUonal League, Chicago bounced Xbaek into first place, defeatihgBoston while the lowly Phillies were beating the Cardinals. . The Giants were blanked by Adolpb Luaue of Cincinnati. Native Sons of Canada CJll Liiqufe madeia homer in the sixth. Downle and WilLLambie i msuurgn muveu hhu muu j place by beaming Brooklyn. BASEBALL.SCORES . National League Cincinnati 7, New York 0. Pittsburgh 12, Brooklyn 4. St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 10. Chicago G, Boston 4. - American League New York 3, Cleveland 4. Philadelphia 3; Detroit 5. Boston 2, Chicago 1.' NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS ! W. L. Chicago ........... 14 7 St: Lodls V. 15 8 rPiltsborgh 10 0 FBoston1 10 10 Philadelphia . . 9 10 CiricfinnUti "r'.'J'iil . . 10 12 fNeW TorlC..1 7 10 Brooklyn 6 15 AMERICAN LEAGUE 1 STANDINGS ... K.l : i : W. NewH.York 13 Philadelphia- 13 i St. Louis. viU. 13 I Detroit 15 Cleveland- 11 i Washington 7 Chicago 8 Boston 7 L. . 7-.7 i 9 11 12 12 15 14 Pet .667 .652 .526 .500 .474 .455 .412 .286 SCHEDULE FOR C.N, SOFTBALL The C.N.R. softball league schedule for the first half of the i season Is as follows: May14 Station vs. Superin tendent's Office. . May 17 Round House vs. Dry-doek. May 21 Station, vs., Round 4Hqu?e. . May 24 Superintendent's Office va, Drydock. May 28 Drydoek vs.. Station. May 3SuperJntendenfs Of-five vs. Round House. June 4-Superintendent's OM fice vs. Station. r M June 7 Drydock vs. Round Hoifse. June House. 11 Station vs. Round June 14 Drydock vs. Sunerln tendent's Office. June 17 Station vs. Drydock. June 21 Round House vs, Superintendent's Office WOMEN WIN GOLF GAMES Mfss Joyce Wethered and v Glenna Collett Each , Hegln ,ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, May lnpTfhe two outstanding stars on whom the hopes of Britain and the United States rest for victory In the British Women's Golf Championship. Miss Joyce tlfAl.nM.l T- I 1 1 1 f 1 - I iiciiieicu, r.ngiano, anu .niaa uienna uoiiett, unltea btates, won their matches yesterday. Miss Wethered defeated." Miss Loddctt 6 and 5 and Miss Collett achieved n 6 and 3 vlcfory over Marjorle Whlto. Jloehampton. ST. ANDREW'S, Scotland, May traded by defeated Mrs. D. G. Madill 8 and 9 UV... fliA Dnntninnf Riind ii-oc fli- rtiirotonntn (T nlavpt. : matt nn ths Aionnnlls Hill o-rmmils , iln.-nlor.r) in Mafmlt I not wlntpr 1 In tho llritlah women H ffOlt JNorrington put uM'fine game, but tired tpwards the end. Sunday 90,me jjf "P1" f , pme ttek with a bang. Beat- championship today Glenna Cbl- Iffherestof theRWmeiltfe ng out. In addition .to the work:.- the Athletics yesterday, he lett, United States defeated Mm tine 16SI 01 ine neimenLiiearjridlfeu to Lei, a t th piayWi jurned to a work- Maude Bryant of Ashford Manor ,halked un hIg sixth victory rderstanding, but .ijl put up a better showing with team Jg a resutt o which con- , ,a the best Club 3 and 2. Mrs. F. J. Mul- .jpriictice. - .jjaj, ' ' 1 .... ,. , isiderable improvements werer ' rg j either of the major queen of Toronto defeated Miss A. ta ma M'LARNIN GETS OFFER OF MATCH WITH JOE DUNDEE VANCOUVER, May 14. Jimmy McLarnin's manager last night re ceived a telegram from Jess Mc-Mahon of New York offering Mc-Larnin a match with Joe Dundee, LI.. t X' T 1. HOTEL ARRIVALS ! N. C. Royal Reade, Prince Ruperti Prince Rupert A. Smith, Sunnyside; II. W, Chambers, Inverness; D. Joseph T. Mandy, Anyox. TORONTO STOCKS rvMirtesv R. D. Johnston Co.) Associated Oil, 4.90. Home Oil, 23.00. Hudson Bay, 18.00. Nickel 50.15. Mayland, 14.50. :. ! Mandy, 1.01. Newbec, 68. Noranda, 55.25. Souwestern Pete, 7.10. Sudbury Basin, 8.00. Sherritt-Gordon, 8.05. Teck Hughes, 9.00. - PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily N ews by the Sports Editov BLHKIDCB THOMAS GEKUY Famous American Yachtsman THe'-gfnUfii'V' snr of -Club, position which he heM the Declaration of Independence, "even yeaes. Ilia i iajrship TloWs fo.'1 wm ycht Klectra, Elbridge Gerry w4 bec rt?uof hi?LngPHfc lo?! SS "- the At. mum. uccgu, public service and has also be- i4, , ,, . . . i IIi8 affection for this yacht come widely known as a lawyer, iWUII .uc. that, wh.n 1 banker and yachtsman. jywr8 mm ,t neee88arv for g Born In New York City on to uult thVsea, he would imt .n CJiriatmas Day. 1837. he has been tlie Electra or allow her to te known to his friends ever since used by anyone else but orders jooo as tommauore uerry. inwr-"her uwmantleu. ested in yachting for several In the latter years of his lift years, he was then elected com- he has made his homo at N. modore of the New York Yacht port. SENTENCES IN TWO BANDITS MOTOR CASES HELD UP CAFE IJorrs and Others Get Six Months Each for Manslaughter News Item Th sun 1k said to be consuming itself at the ntte of AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, May 14. -With ! VANCOUVER, May 14 Two J ljuriM of showing UandiU unmasked and brandish-fwtffi !fl n' yteter genera-' httvy revoVer8 entered Le ion, Mr Justice Gregory in as- Cafe 0 (;ranvil,e Kt t .r f.talill.. u. .! month. ...h. . H?".' . t III i.u1".''"1 I tL on. L- .- - - 1 PRIEidiF WHEAT 250,000,000 tons a war. ; VANCOUVER, Going almost as fast as our prise of wheat winter n ppUjJudgp. .-. $1.12. , May 14 here toduy Pct !: - A g In the "Spirit' ifMke'! MlMl T one U1 M,e ""u 18 "u 8irca-20, They were: Theodore ,B4ggs. aged dating from AprrllG; Alxl , u,fua trutf8,e ,nL whlth the fcan' ander Williamson, aged 21, dating : dit f,red hot8 the holduP from November 14. This sentence mB eMaId- Two minutes after expires today. Basil Moreus. agd the robbery an allegedly stolen 18, dating from April 30; John cr. crashed Jnto a street tar on Mercer, aged 20, convicted of Granville Street. Fred Fritilcr causing bodily harm by wanton alina Frinle aged 19, was re- or furious driving, also received moved to hospital under a pel ice six months dating from April 30. guard suffering from serious in-Reeornmettdations were made that ternal injuries. Fred A. Lcafe Boggs' driving license be cancelled alleged friend of Fritalcr ? ,j for three and the others for years " ,eid yy tj,fl fr nv, ngi- two years each. tlon connection with tJio r4 RELATIVELY .SPEAKING 'hwse,In whteh FriUler roomed. The wis j as art mW En(rgencj ' Vli kv" Invincible Always Thrust and parry and the ring of steel on steel. Such scenes as this were common when the Musketeers of the King roamed the streets of Paris. Days when every man. placed his faith in his glittering sword and his lady's favour. Athos, Porthos and Aramis , , , one for all and all for one . , . invinciblo dien as always, THREE STAR HENNESSY BRANDY Bottled at Cognac, France HSR This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the GovernmiP , of British Columbia, . .Ji