fAGE FOUR' City delivery, by DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue F. PU , u . - - Managing-Editor " SWiSCKIPTlON RATES - vV' For lesser oeriod. naid in advance. Der month By mail to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia; paid in advance or yeany penoq FISHING BOAT SEIZURE Times says: The court found that a libel on a newspaper is a libel on the responsible editor, and gave judgment for the editor, with 100 pounds damages and costs. The dwWon an important orecnlent. since never before in South Africa or, it is believed, elsewhere has it Hoy, docidpd that a libel on a newspaper is a libel on the responsible editor. It will check the tendency of j politicians to allege that reports of speeches are 1 J,fakd" in newspaper offices, which has been very j prevalent here. I T: p Car Tiroes has mvr. the $500 it received to the in-pvripnt fund of the South African Society of Journalists. 1 . Any reputable nevW)aner nriVq itself on the nec'Jracyj of its reports. When$bese are challenged, it is a eflec-i tion on its chnracter.tvAnil eometimes. instead of it,.- ' o ' r iiBt, jl rrrr v iMt''1' Kill lit UK' CUUTbn. 1 nlS course is taken so rarely, that, when it is, it is worth special mention. , COMPETITION ENDS NEXT WEEK v T'e ' iitri'est on- fo Improving conditions in northern and 'film' BrM-'th Columbia- have mostly been along one line". The bui'f'ii'g 'if a highway and the formation of a new province. While Home viiluaWe suggestions have been marie, the la.t word ha not bwn said . and there is still plenty of room lor others. The competition will end definitely on Saturday of next vM, after whichthe article will be jutbjed. PARKING BYLAW IS UNDER FIRE Amendments Will Mm .or to Council by Car Owners, Delegation Heard 3.00 Mavor II. B. Rochester and G. II. rnuiicil felt, however, that it Monday, May 14, 1929 ,d d nothine in the matter of staying a number of prosecutions which are now pending in police court. Nor did it feel that it Several American fishincr boats were seized at Goose wou,d to interfere in any Island last week because they'were using a Canadian port, of the existing ENJOYABLE niniv '' "trie w imuiui TTI l'CtSI LLt!iii-Ul of changes that could be made! The city council has decided that clean-up week com- and h ruud raences tomorrow and all citizens Wrequired to make .mf Kf" l S ?i ha., ATf v,UU.iBJu i.., i did not think that such stringen-i uicii inavo yv.o.h, iu l,ul OIlttPc all "lBtSHV cy was necessary over the well as those on which there are ImQjifhgs. The move is city. a good one and the city snoukt learlafe ay in seeing that Joe Brown said there was a every proi)erty owned by them ii!'fni$ from rubbish or lot of talk about putting tastis il j nuisance of any kind. The tourfjfifoson will be here Third Avue sithgrther. He felt, directly and it is highly desirableitliat the city shouialv'Pou,, v? NEWSIUPEU.IIITl BAGK-,CJ JiiAti felt that aji R1mnnn .Tnu4lY ? ' l,kTi tree ih fylaw had been It is accepted as quite the prpM'tMnEfpr paper to be sued for libel occasionally: Durinthe heat ver. (tat wheq the regulations of an election battle, it is a comnjoJ occurrence for a had bera grafted 14 year by the speaker to deny that he said so anckstf or to affirm Jthat a chiifK'pajke chjef.,ity en-I nwsnner misconstrued his remarKft. Fa'pti whpn rhrfrf glneer end .city soJiriior thei isi't any battle on, it sometimes happens that a public owner cars h mfiii urill t-omirlifita an Jntomiiou' Vnv fVio mmtsnntuiv in times to " " , r-" r Vsi. 11' - 1 '""Pi lu tions. The council had done all! au me repuuwuir ior jiueumg its oou name Dy insinu- in it Bpower to meet tne 8itua. ating it woula publish a falsehood, is almost unheard of. tion. ilia Worship suggested that! But It has happened. car owners be taken into con- Not so long ago in Cape Town, the editor of the Cape forence with a view to bringing nines ufu inv oerjfier, uraii ui ine uape INationailSIS, """" w" for allerine that the Cane Times had "falsified" a sneech Cannot Suspend Bylaw. V-vfipPml Hprtzojrin rpnnrtjnirit Tho rlpfonoo 0 tnnt The council had no power to 1 the editor was not named in the article criticizing the citTiiictr. Snel dtcZi!' report in the tape 1 imes. '1 he editor held that the article , Aid. Coiiart1 lttougt ifce exis-! s r ubei on nimseit as tne person solely responsible for , ting bylaw was an right, a appeared in his newspaper, and this contention waft'" . sustained by the court, which awarded him damages of n -mm a w h a sweater, itut uooks Like a Shirt 4 1 JL TViln 1st a naiu 11 n ! n 1 1 et an m1 .1 standbythe I We , sweater that looks Ifke a maB's shirt It is, now made with raglan sleeves and two little darts beside the opening band in front, and there Is a set-on portion for the hips. In white and light shades it iI designed to be worn with suitaV but is just as attractive with, IKrt skirt. , I THE DAILY NEWS Monday, May 14, 1923 ber of little thlngg had been, however, pushed too far by the police, he felt There should be elasticity in the operation of the bylaw and a certain amount of discretion -should be exercised 1 by the police, he .thought. He be Suggested , .--...-j th entin!! instruct '"Che city council last night ac- .50,cepled a suggestion made by a ihe police not to be too drastic. Aid. Dibb did not think , it va$ good policy to interfere with the Malice. The council had framed he bylaw and he,:tftfBght it was up to . the polfef to,-crry it out mm a i is it siooa. mere were cerunn Transient disDlav idvertisinsr. ner inch, per insertion WP Munro. representing the Prince ! amendments that miirht be made Transient advertising on font page, Rer 2.80 Rupert Automobile Club, and Joe Aid. Prudhomme agreed with the Local readers, per inprtlon, per linet Classified advertifjfcfaiiir nertiB,Ter word 02 i Legal notices. wfpgfttJonper'Agate lJhe'-. 15 ers of automobiles in the city be Or four months LW taken into conference in the mat- B) mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- tor of bringing about amendments pire and United States, paid In advance, per year 6.00 to tbe 8treet traffic bylaw so that By mail jo all other countries, per year .... '. ?,&0.the measure may be made more e ,, . ... . ... . I practicably workable locally. The being contributed by the pupils of the local high school. The program included vocal tolos by Miss Beulah McKinley, liano selections by Miss Catherine Mussallem, banjo numbers by Hawthorne Dunn, a paper by Miss Louise Lindsetb on "Pauline Johnson and Her Ppt'flw" and an account by Miss "The ?Cjp-eer of Robert .Louis SttfocfnWn." ... Miss Agnes Dawson, the presi: dent, occupied the chair. Refreshments were served by Miss Catherine Watson and Robert Parker. V' A.r dST further suggested.; OVER-EXPENDITURE ON that automobiles should be re-j CCUCD, f flMCTRIIfTlftN quired to stop dead before roun- OE-IYLII LUllJinULlIUn ding the intersections of Third! Avenue and Fulton Street This' And Water Main on Eighth might also be done at Third Avenue and Sixth Street. After further discussion, it was decided on motion of Aid. Prudhomme and Aid. Brown, to receive suggestions for revisions from car owners up to May 27. wnemer wonginiry or now ww nave 10 ue miuwji ueiuic bylaw was concerBd. . .... nDP?ir,r riim an admiraJiypurt, - - - j Speaking of recent- activities! mill. NIU.31UE. UAID Complaints have been made from time to time that of the Rolice, Mr. Rochester de-American salmoltttpl oilerdtirig onithe highfeeas tise3;ciared Uhatfa numbjr-.bfins Pupils .of, JUjh School Con-Canadian portsrlarl?. the "treaty lives f'fbdB deal been Sated untfpAA fcmrt tritaftd T .ftiffkn i Lt Night of latitudejnth ttIid Sber stepp ng the mark will have to be shown. At any rate the 2ltM I arrest Will tend to make the fishernlan more Careful in uble Iocallv and asked that the' The Fireside Club of First observing the letter of the law. ' Prince Rupert Automobile- Club Baptist Church had a very enjoy- COUBCn. Canadian halibut fishermen fish tiff the COast of be allowed to confer with the able and prof itable program at its Alnclro nnrl in ti'tno nf utraaa hco Amorinan nni-tc Tliov rnunril with thin nd in view. In regular weekly meeting last night, 4 iiuuiiit uiiu ats wimv va. gvi uv a aikvi ivuti j j a. woe a. 1 1 Jr -------- - --- til a t also secure emergency supplies at Alaskan points. We meantime, he sweated thatWerary and musical elections concede similar rights to the trollers on this more south- r,,uJ".of tfMS ytaw msm- base while plying their trade in opposition to Canadians. the intention to criticise Doubtless t the whole matter will be threshed out when thp those who had passe the bylM case IS heard here. , Often revisions became necessary ' j after such a measure was put Avenue as Well as Finishing Mcltride Street In McCIymont Park Provided For Local improvement bylaws pro-, viding for the securing of an over-pxpenditure of $19,000 on the construction of the 'Section Five runk sewer system, for the installation of a six-inch water main for fire protection purposes from McBride to Lotbiniere Streets along Eighth-AWrtUe ft estimated eost of $200, and foi urJkifli;aM)flrt 'iridge ' alonr McBrrae Try a hrough McCIymont Park at an estimated eost of $12,000 were given initial reading at last night's meeting of the city Daily News WANT-AD. THE MAN WHO COT TIRED .WAITING FOR HIS WIFE'S GUESTS TO LKAVE The Passinv Show. London. If you want anything, try a classified ad. ' -Jk' -nv -Infcrindtion ... " i2oj Pint Pmct KfU in Cwuda 1917 Bii.noette; Valued it 5S million oalttr wnt ro duud. , 1937 m-.osb teo ne pre ' ducedftlucd t mere una 17 114 trJlU. 1V17 SAticS tod igf lVi mil' ftt7 ij.oooemflor"' 9n )Vooacnipkxec. Canada's e Pulp and Paper Industry most important. minuftC' CANADA'S turing indu$try, since 180J always a growing one and always a subdiser of our trade and our dollar. The value of tnis huge business to Canada caaaot be measured in term of its own great- n nor can it be weighed on bcthniry scales. Iu influence permeates all other business, ahd to an appreciable extent the trenendous purchasing power of the Iini6n h due to the exporution of iu manufactured paper. The pfcenomenal growth of this mdustry) in Canada is explained by the stupendous wsjer i powers at hand for the development of dec tricity. The same waters that carry the logs from the forests in turn serve to pass them through the nulls, yielding the basic power for every manufacturing operation. And improve- noils perfected m electrical devices have ltpt$p afpace with and made possublej(this un interrupted progress. V Thus, again, we see how intimate a part electricity plays in the development of our pestnterprises, and the Northern .Electric Company is plcased'te 1 be" producing some of JOwneqpssary equipment for the proper p Northern Ekctric : A Rational Electrical Service 313 WATS!! STBEI3T VANCOUVER H.C.