Liuiidtfy. May 14, 1929 THE bAM NEWS PA St JrjKttR Local and Personal News In Brief ii " n Kodak Time is Here ! yte Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST Well Mannered Service to Motorists S. 4 "-'"iminrr I!ED OF CANADIAN KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IS COMING TO CITY An interesting visitor in . .. . .' i. .i .... loinen mis we-uu l" Ilnvace A Porter of St. John, i No I onger Need for Two Pairs of Glasses A pair of our Kryptok Tumble-Vision Lenses contain it lens for reading with a lens for dlstunoe In one-i!nl wMhout the unsightly dii t-patching cemented seams i hat make tho ordinary bl-i'Mul lenses so conspicuous. They give perfect vi$ion both for for and near. Let us demonstrate their advantages. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS We have them In stock from the Uny Hrownie to the Cine Kodak for movies. Come In and ec them. We develop and print pictures. Dally service. Drtifjeists TELEPHONfS 8'f,200 Wo want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service wo can vin this. Let us take care of your gas, oil and creasing neada. Guaranteed work. We make a jicoiaH:y gf pumping tire? for ladles. Let us help you today. HUY DOMINION' TIKES Tlicy Arc Good Tires E. PARKER ; Limited FORI) HEALEKS , ! ,, , .... J BlSzSSiXi "V IS . it. . supremo grand mnster 0I' the sovereign great priory of Canada. Knights Templar, who will pay an official visit to Kin-(. olith prcceptory nere in me course of a tour of western Can- j lada. Mr. Porter will arrive iromj Vancouver aboard the M earner I'rini'i- RuDert on Saturday morn-1 - - , mir nu j.rut-rru Was Tortured Eczema For Yean Mm. Oeorw Hhamblfr, 11? Cjhton tortured with e.'eraa, for yrj, and trying everything posb 9 fro,n dof,? Jrug Stores, friend iwomniended i mo to Uka ,1 I A . .At IMA B 1 iTli ! &KraJ -nderful ituonlrbyTtsT.MB. burn Co, Ltd., Toronto. Oat Advertise in The News. 4 a'faxi Phone' "4; Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dn .1. It-C8C. Oosbc. Phone Meeting of retail clerks In City Hall' tomorrow, Wednesday, night at 8 o'clock, ; 0. A. McMillan, superintendent of th locni dhr dock;' left Sunday flight Tor a trip to Vi Vancouver on official business. May 17 Norwegian Independence Day Ilanquet and Social in Moose Hall at 8 p.m. Music )y Premier Orchestra. Admission $1.00. Accounts for the two weks etiding May 10 totalling 58,-151.72 were passed for payment at last night's meeting of the city council. j Don Matheson, son of , City j. Treasurer and Mrs. D., J. eson, has left for' Stewart where ha will, mud the stafl of the Pre mWi-WMIfh mineldsrtng his va- - . I TT1 .... cuiiuu iioiu me university oi British Columliin. i Robert Gray, native lad of Port Simpson, who attends the Coqualeetta Institute at Sard is, has been selected to represent Northern British Columbia at the I corner of Fifth Avenue and Mc-; J. A. Anderson, road superln-Boys Scouts' Jamboree at Car-j Bride Street where a grass f ire ', tendent for Atlin district, who diff, Wales, this summer. He is i had igniietjl an old building now j has been on a trip into the Naas eighteen years of age. 'occupied by Selvlg Bros. Slight . River district on official duties, j damage was done. arrived in the city on the Catala Owing to the court being en-! "I1 " this morning from Mill Hay, be- gaged today In the hearing of) Union freighter Chilliwack, ing on his way back to his head-the Johanaen vs Johansen main- Pt John Muir, arrived in quarters at Anyox. talnance appeal, the. County Prt t 9 "o'clock this morning, Court action, of McCrae vs Han- t W"th and la discharging j Owing- to jher business bf son, in which argument f coon- l tor Albert & McCaffery be- Ing Bin, the Young People's Li- sel is to be heard, , will nrnhahlv , , , come on tomorrow. A locsil- tranrotement. initiative i bylaw,; providing frtri-thei Jrrading' r kn kiuk Hiiuk'ii EiUn i St Hotel from Sixth to Seventh i Streets was put through its ; ! tial reainirs at last night's meet-! "nsunled in the City IUIJ' heat- ter June 1 as-esiaent niJliWf ing of the city council. ' - I1 system. The. dly, consump- engineer for thi provTnctaT gov? iv. !tftn wax 58 gallons iat a cost ofernment, is at present ir this v ,0n( recOfujin(tA.ilon t t of the tH9: li . .district looking over" mining pro-boa rri of works, the city council; - ' perties for the.Granby Co: In last night designated May 1WO' I)ioD inquired at. lastjwhose serWce he now is. as annual "clean-up" week in the nih couneil if tendera for gar-j --, city. A notice will be inserted collection had ben received ! Daily train, service for the sum-in the papers requesting citizens AW- Urown, chairman of(mer on the local line of the to clean up their premises Ald. the 'rd of-works, replied that Canadian National Railways will Dawson suggested that the city th Nffljfon8 werd now be come lnto effect on Sun(lay fler should see to it that its own premises were in shape. , A report from the board of works recommending that the sidewalk n the south side of Borden Street bt not built in view of a letter from the city solicitor stating that the petition Was insufficiently 'signed was, jndepted by the city council last night. Mr. Jones said that the 'aMnttureH wen- xuven short onrV'it was decided to hold a social were qualified having signed! kFT m MA WW AH uut lirUUUliZ MOVED SOUTH Q y , , . ferret! to Vancouver; htarr Strgennt McNeill Successor ... , , . . , . .1. imi .. . Willie, ft v.. miu . ... DlvMoMl heatlquarters of the, , j from A Rnd Fatber provincial police announce the , u , , i V.. ir n,wn W. S Orr H Corkill, Hammond, transfer of Serge.nt J. P. M. Moose Annual Picnic at D.gby June 30. L. Isaacson. John Stewart and Hannah, who has been an effi- cioM rnd generally esteemed head ?. E- (:- MHde 'm Stewart. of the Hty dtfihment here since Gingham l). to. bq held at Paswngers going through to i he poliriiHr (l ftlnce RujwVwas Port CJeip fmdl time In June. , Vancouver on the vessel Include: turned over. to -the provincial So be preaml buy a bowl Edgar Richards, J. E. Carlson, R. force about three years ngM; ' ) ' O. Cutler, W. D. Callow and D. Vancouver, where he will laKfV , K. Jf C.Iplc'nic, Sunday, July.C. Robertson, from Am-ox, and ch:irge of city detachment pro tern 14, Uigby Island. iT. G. Garrett and W. W Arnold, i' uduUlon to rl other duties. The ch mire of officers become ffective tonight. The transfer is also announced of Sergeant W. A. S. Duncan from Ponce Coupe to Fernio dis Tiit. Serjeant George Green wood of Fernio will succeed Servant Pun-nn. in charge of the "eace River district at Pouce (Joune. , , TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Respectable lady to tuke charge of home for three weeks In June. Apply Mrs. Kby, 435 rourih Avenue uasi. 111: GOULD NOT WORK FOR MONTHS Restored to Health by Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Port ElRin. N. B. "For three months, I wu hervous and weak with -tired (eeUngs and could not do my work. A friend advised fix to take Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound and I have cot eood re mits from it and recommend it to rip others." Lim Taylor, Port Klein. N.B. This denendibU ! medicine U tolj by druikU eerj where. Vnitm. .steamer: Qatala, Capt. A. E. E. Dickson, Dickson, ' 'returned returned to to port port at ii -1 1. . L : i . t . " o cjuviw hub morning irura An-,, vox. yox, Stewart' Stewart' and and other other nnrthirnO northern) jstma'ste?'and ;miriing recorder points of call and will sail 'ut'jat Ayansh in the Naas Valley, is '3:30 this afternoon for the south The fire department had a call at 6 .30 yesterday afternoon to the foce . proceeding JUh.,a, cargo ot Cfpnety supplies jiQ:i,Irrridale wrtenee sne win reiarn souxn. .-I ., .... I D During, the month of April, ac- cvrHiKH jr rviiuri. iTuni ine jam- tor. J4hrmVAlktt- Exlev. read at night-ouncil meeting, a 14G Kallons of oil was ore ln1 commuiee ana me ten- tiers would-be In for the next imcttingwoi"the council. The St. Andrew's Society, at its regular monthly meeting last 1 'ht, decided to give the Thistle ' )rtu" Club use of the Society rooms as dressing headquarters, A committee was appointed to i!'le arrangements for the an- nual meeting at Grassy Bay and cveniog in the near future. How- arid Steen, president of the So- clety, presided over the meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS . . T Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, May 30. T Fast Workers June 17 and 18. t..., Stewart. 4 . - SCALE OF CHARGES t The follbwfhi Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, J2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage, and Engagement announcements S2. 4 4.4e.4e4t Father J. Hammond 0. M. I, who has been spending the week:1 end at Stewart, returned to the city on the Catala this morning. General meeting of Prince Rupert Players' Club on Wednesday evening at 8:30 in Elks' Hall. All members and friends cordially Invited. Novelty program. 112 For drunkenness, William Mc-j Donald was lined ?25, with op-, tlon of thirty dayss' imprison-' ment, by Magistrate McClymont- in city police court this morning. Passengers sailing from here for Vancouver on the Catala this afternoon will indued J. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. J. A. Lindsay, Mrs. Anne Svendsen and It. J. Ken-muir. The Anglican W. A. will hold a tea and sale of home, cooking at the home of Mrs. Bazett-Jones, Waldron Apts. tomorrow after- npon. frpm.3to ,0, o'clock. Every- mM welcome. .1 i A .A.. E. Priestly, storekeeper, a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north on the Cat- ala this morning. on BfYihe balfntlo. Ajwyrjca . !T7 lii ceuea us eguiarhweeKiygr leetlnc '.i nun nicnifcieai gio,nu&if am, the birthcays o Adjuta fit w - Ham Kerr and Capt E. Anderson win ue ceieuraveu. fi' L i Dr. WoseTih T. lattdy. to take over hisJautfes he wnicn aay trains win leave nere for the east daily except Sunday at 11:30 a.m., arriving here from the east daily except Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Ciccone, who went to Anyox to attend the wedding last Wednesday of Mrs. Ciccone's sfsfer, Ml8 Jutl Cal- derone, to -Norman Roberta, ar-, rived in the city on the Catnla this morning from thfc. smelter town and will proceed Mio end of the week to their home at Port Clements. Passengers arriving in -therclty fwim northern noinuf. on the steamer Catala this morrftntr- in- eluded: A. n F. rr Priestly. 41.. At .111 b. Smith, Master Billy Smith and John Anderson, from Mill Bay; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stone, Frank Taaffe, Ivor Swanson. Arthur Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cic- A fl Vnntiir Btid T V Ken. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, 8and and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Music you want when you want it I ONLY THE NEW Orihophonic VICTKOLA AND VICTOR RECORDS cun give you the "music you want, just when you want It." Get both together here, for only $10.00 per month MIf It's Victor We Have It" STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotation were Md and a iked: Bayview, 3Vi, 4. Big Missouri, 1.35, 1.36. Cork Province, 11, 12. Cotton Belt, Nil, 52. ' .unwell. 10, 23. Duthie. 51. 60. iWgef$ppe$ 6i5. 7.00.'' ' h ! Grandview, 41, 42. Independence, fcU .9.' At V I nter. Coal gbke, 44 &, Nil. Jr i ooienavMwreuce, 14, Li.'?- It uckylSmJl2 13. i wm j lorTon Woolsey, 6, G Marmot Hivrr (;ld, 6, 5Vi Murmot AkUi. 4, 5. "Natiofaal Sllf er," 16',, Nil Noble tire, 57,-68. Oiegon Copper, 41, 41Vi. Pettd Oreille, 6.25, 6.50. Pioneer Gold, Nil, 1.60. Premier, 1.70, 1.72. Porter-Idaho. Nil, 50. Reeves Macdonald, 1.80, 1.85 Rufu-Argnta, 24, 25. Ruth-Hope, 35, 36. Silver Crest, 7, 8. Silverado, 80, 90. Silversmith, 16, 20. SloeAn Rambler, 10, 18. nmvl.ikp fin 86 Sunloch. 2.25, Nil. , yf-J Terminus. 4. ovt. , Topley Richfield; 3ft, SOVfc. Wellington, 10, Whitewater, 75. 78. - WooiMne, 6y4. 7. , 8'OIls, Calgary- Dallas, 2.79, Nil. V . Federal. 89, Nil. Great West. 75, Nil Mercury, 1.79. Nil. Mid West, l.TO,v Nil. Mill City, 8.25, Nil. Regent, 87, Nil. Spooner, 3.70, Nil. Richfield. 1.45, Nil. Advance. 14.50, 14.90. A. P. Consolidated, 4.98, 5.00 Calmont, 5.50, 5.55. Dalhousie, 5.10, 5.20. Devenish, 1.41, 1.43. Home, 22.80, 23.00. Illinois-Alberta, Nil, 1.80. Mayland, 14.70, 14.75. McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 6.65. McLeod, 5.30, 5.50. . Nev McDoug.-Segurfii II, 830 ROyalite, Nil, ni.QQlTf : VIcan, Nil, 2.00. -Hargal, Nil, 2.00. Freehold. 2.00, Nil. Sterling, Pacific. 2.35, 2.40 United, 14:25, 14.50. Tuiw-Valley, 155, 1.45. The County Court appeal from II, 10.000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, provincial police court in which 2c nd 6c. Mfs. Hilda Johansen of Oona Tuxedo, 3,000 pounds, Pacific River is suing her husband, Ed- Fisheries, 12.3c and 7c. ward Johansen, for maintalnance, Velma C 11.000 pouniUt'ana-was proceeding all morning be- dian Fish & Cold Storag Co., fore Judge F. McB. Young and .11.7c and 6c. J was adjourned until this after- Salmon , noon. Milton Goniales Is acting Wanderer. 1,800 pounds, J.'ana-for the wife and L. W. Patmore dian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. I for the husband. CONSOLETTE With 20 Selections $122.50 Your old phonograph accepted as part payment. CATHOLIC GIRLS' MOTHER BANQUET Junior League Catholic Girls gave a banquet in the Cntholic Hall last night in honor of their mothers, sbout 47 persons-being present. The hall was beautiful ly decorated in 'Orarvge hud pale yellow and the scene was very tractive. Bishefe E. M. Bunoz ltf)reV' over vent which was iltOgetner most Successful and en-Uiioyable.' MrsrJ. J1 Gillis was ; convener. i The program wjui as follows : Chorus " "m'i the Month of Our Mothers.! Junior League Girls. ?. Tonst "To Ohr Mother.' proposed bv Mt Nelds Hilditch, responded to hy J. C. Brady. R.eeilation "One. Two. Three." ri""' '"Minuet," Miss Ma-rle' Murphy. " Voes Wo--"Tn'lian Love Call," Mrs. J. J. MaldMn. Pinn .olo "Hungarian Rhap-.sodv," Mis MH Bol"no Vocsl oic 'Pa' of Mv Cradle Piano o'o "Nocturne." Mi Nina Hunter. Chorus "Mnher Machree." Junior League Girls. HALIBUT SALES TODAY , TOTAL 93,500 POUNDS American Fish Receives as High as 13.1c and 9c and Canadian up to 12.3c and 7c - Halibut sales at the local fish exchange this morning aggregated 93,500 pounds, seven American vessels selling 61,500 pounds at , 13.1c and 8c to 13.4c and 9c while four Canadian boats were paid 11.7c and 6c to 12.3c and 7c for 32,000 pounds. j Arrivals and sales were as follows : i American Sea Bird, 11,500 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 13.2c and 8c. , Unimftk, itfJdO pounds, Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co., 13.1c and 8c. i RefornvJjfJOO pounds. Pacific fllfWBp.'lcd 8c. i KeuawR 7,QW pounds. Atlln Flsheriss, 13.1c and 8c. . Frisco, 9,000 pounds, Booth "Fisheries, 18.4c and 8c. ! Viola, .7,200 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 13.1c and 9c. S. and S., 9,000 pounds, Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.2c and 8c. L Canadian Drott, 8,000 pounds, and Helen 15c and 7c.