V :V 14, 1923 THE DAILY NEWS ?AGE SEVEn 17 NEV UNIVERSITY HEAD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND 'J THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. I .. ksh .itt, former i r.nr of Ontario, i ' i t"d Chancellor i of Western On-...ii. in HUcceBHion to i: hi' of Ottawa. Hon. , is retiring after 13 ' ire. K Man in the Moon n is not necessarily ii-( he gets lit up. ii hold eight out of . ' portfolios in the Ital-t That gives him a ,ni the time. I wonder . - the salary lor each, . I." here with all its tut we lore so well; 1 i.i .-uy ita cold at rants . liat to say in this last me do tell. ', . r worry about how the :iuw lives. If he has no :i ins of livelihood he li-.es on crttllt. I i!. . r height of arrogance i man terend,:'fVr-'hs, ' nr M he wishes to inter- " laws we have the v. shall have to build 1 tii.. offenders. ti n like taking the wife's 'v dof out for exercise u counting. Ten Years Ago in Prince) Kupert May 11, 1919 ' if i'.. Hull, district ' tla' federal depart-' ' i i i - works, has rein :: trip to Ottawa. He ' I'rin'e Rupert Is to ' "tiii-n's float at Shaw. mi that the bar is to " uh at Metlakatla. '"' f a distilling plant i .iIIohh of liquor was ' Tw ining by Constables l-eek and Adams on ; "ii" in a shatk between Donald Streets. are working at the ' ii ml mine near Ilaiel-tutrutes are being An Interesting Announcement n! M'txiuur intemA to 1 ! ii ( lmnlss ta the ": " uwiit of aacfies of i.uk about D. C, " " 11 ' produeU thX U ,u" this, paiwr fcry '' ta'Ua' throw " ''-.sung light on the fi l'l'ient and progrei "' been going on In ''. Head them 1111 'Her i( a worth- nn .-Huge in each HELP WANTED WANTED -Four or five' wideawake boys between the ages of 12 and 15 for light; pleasant and profitable work. For particular, enquire McRae JSroa. Ltd. - it r- CIVIL Service position. Examinations for Clerks, men and women, Grades 1 and 2, will , be held in Prince Itupert on July 1C and 17. No shorthand or typlnir required. Ann cation forms to reach Ottawa by May 27. Age limit 18 to 35. No pre vious experience or high school necessary for Grade 1 positions. Xou can be ready for examin- "TV WANTED GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations, Nela Rokkjar, Room t), C23 Third. Avenue, Phone Red fi25 or Black 700, tf FOR RENT F. W. HARTS Office, Kmad Block. 124 FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. CLEAN. Well furnished apart ments. Palmer House. Phone Red 444. 112 FOR RENT rurnlthed house keeping rooms by the day, wjek, 0r mC"!th,l??nAReil0I- lf RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur- nished. Apply 215 Fourth Av- atlon by starting to prepare at FOR RENT Furnished apart-one. We are the only Canadian ments and furnished shack. Ap-School preparing for Civil Ser-j ply Mussallem Groeery. tf .vtee examination by mail. You iT, , . ,: . modern RHNT-Purn.hed are 4. n r to u a. your letUr 1 FI(, box. YotfW-:Ar claused fA0Ur. r 'Wpp Bloc; "tenhaver Bros; tf help, no matter wht Mtr -A1 courses you have taken. Fees ;FOR RENT Automobiles, piano."' for full course by mall, includ- phonographs and sewing math- ing all subjects and texts ines. Walker Music Store. CraAa i coo no. n-.t O .1 $24.00. ($6.00 only on enrol-! ment.) We hold no attendance j classes, as we consider you 1 save time and money by study-IFOR Ing at home, and we get BET-1 TER results, because there are ! no oral lectures, etc., to forget I Send for full information at j once. You will he under no obligation and no agent will call , on you. The M. C. C. Civll'Ser-! viee School Dept. A 101 Ken-1 slmrton Itldir.. Winniner. Mnni- ns 1 lngustryj Ball-Bearing Motors The life of a motor is the life of its insulation. Hard brittle insulation, especially if oil soaked, sends motors to the repair shop or to the scrap pile- Fairbanki-Morae motors have insulation that will not harden and crack. Fairbanks - Marie ball bearing motors require greasing only ejwe a year and eliminate oil soaked windings, oil spotted products, oil stop on the floor and (he cost of and oiling. FsirbsnVs-Morse motors have a liberal ovtrlosd capaofay and re now made in "fuBy enJsed" and "ventilated" type. wWth can operate saWy In the foulest acid fumes and in entmatly damp and dirty places. 0?u CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse Advertise your wants In the, Daily News classified columns. I BRINGING UP enue Hast. tf in respect of premises being psrt of Suites, Beds, Springs and Mat-.. building known m Tourist Houi aituat tresaes, Ranges. Linoleum, Blinds, . at Turn i X fl nrvm tha Unla Hat- " Queen Charlotte Islands i Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire.. ears and trucks from YOUNG .MOTHERS Skidegate. n.C. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC RI.ECTUOT1IERAPV You can make no mistake In Htlnntinir adopting thp mese scienuiic aripntlflc methods meuioas, as their use is now world wide in all eases of disease. FOR . SALE Richmond Rooms,! Very cheap.' For information! call at office or phone Rlack I CO. Write P.O. Pox 1G03. Ill ! FOR SALE Snap, ten aere lm- proved ranch, Terrace, close; in. 50 fruit trees, two room dwelling, and water. Apply L. H. Kenny, Terrace. 112 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room, $35 per mJnth. Phone Qreri 216. tf Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. I10X 120 PHONE 22 "GOVERNMENT UQl'OK ACT" Notice of Application for Consent to Transfer or Beer Licence. Notice u hereby given that, on the, . Krtnui Qfti oi June iicxi wie uuuer- dgneu intends to sppiy to the Liquor! cooum aoara ior consent vo wawij scribed a Lots l' and 3, Block 11. Die- trtet lot 399. Map 873, Prince Rupert, Land Registration Distrlew in the Prov- j lnce of BrltUts Columbia,, from Urbaii. CxNbortni and Angelo , Eustaccnlo, ; lice&seec. to John Alien Ucoaugaii. oil i errsce, uriiun unumoii, ine trans-! uttt. Dited et Terrace. B.C., this 36th day1 of April. IBM. , AM3ttc&t aad transreiee. (last JOHN ALLEN McDOUOALL. LAND ACT V .jJSotlce of Intention ta Apply f Prince "JRupett, and situate ,ouV aide of; WB iaiaad. . 4? , Te notice that The Oariadtan Flsh line COmMnr.'LlmKed. at Vajiaouver. B. v., oeeupamn. a torpors tn incorpor- ,e1 unr th 's of the Province of Brltlt)t Columbia intenda to applv for I lease of the follQwloj detfrifced Ian4s: Commenclnc at a post planted on an 1 we snore une to tne point of com- mencement. and containing 10 acres. more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHtWO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Trotter. Agent. Dated April 20th. 1BK. Letter Box Collections A.M, p.u ii.Osoi A All in Are 9.00 7.30 1st A. St 9th St 1.09 7.3) .lb Ave. Al Pulton s:. V.10 1.W tin Ave. ft Thompson St. .'. 8. IS 7.41. nth Ave.. Si SheiurooU .... &.20 71 (lib At- Ai Conrad 92b lit Hth Ave. Ai Hays 0oe Atn 930 BOO 6lh Ave. Si Hays Oovt Clrel 835 B.M etn Ave. As Gotten St . ....,"8 00 7.CK tth Ave. at Oreen HV (lUptlji tf.40 l it tth Ave. Si UeBrlde 81. ... 9 4 41 Prov. Oov.. building . . . . 9.50 8 VI prov. Uart. yvar ... 9M 8 23 O.TJ". Wharf ... 10.00 8JC Q.T.P Station ... 10.05 ... il-13 2nd Ave. i Ind 81. ... 10.10 8.40 3rd Ave. St Fulton St, . . .. 10,18 8 4 3rd Are, Ar flth St . .. 10 20 I JO C.N.R. TOA1NS For the Foist Mondays, Wednesdays anq Saturdays 1 at n;au am. From the Sundays. Tuesdays and Tbundyi st 3:30 pm uur system oi arugiess tnerapy of wales island, opposite Proctor Is- does (iocs not not Iave leave your vour recovery recoery to u"ds; thence northerly 5 chains: thenca, vo(WMtrjy 20 onun,; tnfncf southerly rrffmt1,' owing to' the certaipty lelulps: thence easterly 20 chains along, of the methods adopted. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL l and 7 Hx?nange Rlock Green: 2lt Phoiieo Rlark: Open Kvcnlngs CHIHOPKACTIC Gets rasults whore other meth-ids fail. Consult It. C. KYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR (528 Third Avenue Office Telephone Rlue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1921 Canada's Loading Tire (JOOI)YEAU SUPERTWIST Sold at Vnncouver Prices and Guaranteed KAIKN GARAGE Phone C2 "Service Right Nuw" FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE We have several - choice homes for sale, well situated. Apply G. P. Tinker Ltd. Phnq 57. tf BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair riresainL'. Mflke appointment by phoning Hf2'H2l SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on nr under the water we do If PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrnl- itlnn for Charter. Row Boats and Cannes for hire. Bargains In Gas, Engines. , . AGENTS FOR Van Blerck. Eaathope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge propeRers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P, O. Rox 1561 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Suites, Chesterfield Curtain Rods. MACKENZIE FURNITURE V . Phone 175 fc AU( AUCTIONEP:it STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS V,ir Vanriurer Sundays. Prince Rupert ...lO p.m Tuesdays s. Catala 330 p.m TfctiMrfa m PvlnA rtMtrv in n.m. : Fridays M Princess Royal 19 p.m. ! Fridays ss. Cardcna 11 mldnlrht Ma S as. Prince! Alice .p.m. Mr 15 a. PrlnoeM Louise p.m. ta; 26 s. Prlnceas Louise P-- Fnun Vancomer ' SuoOay Catala 4 p.m. Wtd&eMlST as. Ft. Qeorxe 1010 axn. rrioasas. rnncaas noyai .m. Frltuur Cardena a.m. Mty 11-Princess Lou ae a.m. Mv 29t- Princess LoulM a.m. For N'aos KlTi-r Cuiidayw. Catala 8 p.m From Naaa Itlver Tuesday- CaUUi .... ,.1130 a.m. rnt stwort. Wemier. Anyirt "anil Alice rBunday-raa. Cta3,iA. .'ijv 8 f1- weanesiay-s-. r7i oorE, P-OT. SUirdayw-j FiiflCeiHUpef.t.,. : i nont Stewart. rTraiirfaAnjoJ M 3 as irince unanes a.m. Uav in r Prlnr f?hnr! .a.m. May so as. Prince Charles . .a.m. Kw A'M- . , 5S" Vufc . . .a.m. .a.m. Lr,M . .p.m. a-.X at - at n :.p.i. ..p. a. 'r Pjart RtmiMM and rnle UI41HI-", - mtJk.. Oardetva ..... . f. .a.'Sa Frwii rnr.t1 'NlmHn and Wales Inlaiid- FWdsyaM. Oardena P-4S, .eral repairs,--..crating, jpacXingirroiii QUen thariutte- island- f ' and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J, DAWES, AUCTIONEER ederal Block A. L. HENDERSON. Auctioneer goods and furniture. Ema5ff Block. 124 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4ttt Tuesday, May 14 High 4:54 a.m. 20.1 ft. 18:31 p.m. 17.5 ft. Low , 11:50 a.m. 3.4 ft. Wednesday, May 13 High ...... G:08 a.m. 18.5 ft 19 H8 p.m. J7.5 ft. Low 0:l)&a.m. 0.3 ft, 12:5? p.m. 4.C ft. Thursday, May 1G !Hjrh 7;2 a.m. 17.6 ft 20:47 urn. 17.9 ft Iaw 1 (SO a.m. 9.4 ft. 11:03 p.m, 5.5 ft. Friday, May 17 High 8t51 a.m. 17.2 ft. 21 Mi p.m. 18.5 ft. Low 2:48 a.m. 8.7 ft, 1S07 p.m. 6.0 ft. A Beautiful TEA CADDY riTII an exquisite tweet pea design lithographed in many delicate colors, the new 1928 airtight tea caddy is extremely attractive. It is packed with one pound of the famous fragrant Malkln's Best blend. The supply is limited. OKDER YOURS NOW! puxio Sold at all Grocery Stores tUt V. N. MAIKIM CO, LTD, Containing llb.net MALKIN'S BEST. TEA VANCOUVta. 0. c, MAIL SCHEDULE ur the East UondaTs. Wednesdays. Saturdays, mall close 10:30 am. ttoni the uidfs. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mall due 3:30 p.m. To Vancouver Via train Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sundsjs 9 pjn. Tuesdays .2:30 p.m. Thursdays ,....9 p.m. Fridays 11 p.m. C.P.R. May 3. 19 and 20 ......p.m. i.-mm ixuiMiifr- Sundays 4 p.m. Wednesdays iu:3u a.m. Fridays a.m. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. CP R May 11 and 22 a.m. For Mewart. Ittmler. Anjox and Alice Arm 8uadaya I pa Wednesdays 3 p. m. Saturdays .......3 p.m. From Stewart. Premier. Aayox and Alice ...,7:30 p.m. ;JWt:OAJ8 .MsfcM.A.M),...7 p.m. Ffoni tjfterii Cdurloiif May 2. IS and 30 a.m. To tlaika Point May 11 and 23 a.m. From Alaska Points-May 5. IS and 2d p.m. Ti Port Slmpwn and Wales Island Fridays .-.a.m. Front Port 8mMiun and Wales Island Fridays p.m. A Dally New? want-ad will Ving rrwults. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS HAS OFFERED , MLdj'tiMmi By George M anus ( :iVE THIt UVT TO THE I He S I I EVEN A MEOteNir:e I (" N MITH VOUUO UKEO TO TRd MrtE DARUN I 2orFO ON "TOUR Vv'AV TQ ALWAYS) SO N ME Own home J B 9 rlAkVE- O1? P,E Z u DON'T LiKE TO EB. ILL HAVE TO OFP! , L . r, , r-jM ' P00H0t Qr CANEO OEEf An- TTTTV XOU OVER WORK eo- '